Void Rambles - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
My Photo Album Came In And I Absolutely Love It

My photo album came in and I absolutely love it 🥺💖🥺💖

My mom was the one who ordered it and picked out the design, so I’m happy with the one she chose. She also said that this gives us a valid reason to buy more albums lol. It’s great having a mom who’s supportive of my Kpop hobby, and also enjoys the music with me 😊.

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2 years ago

I know I usually do reactions once something new is released, be it Ghost, Stray Kids, etc.

But right now I’m going to hold off on reactions because other than college stuff, I have some art commissions that I have to get done for my bestie. (I’m revamping a batch of his Twitch emotes 💜)

I’ll try to post more content soon, though!

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2 years ago

Just know that I have watched the unveil trailer for “Freeze” (땡) and my reaction was: 😦😳😳😳🤭🤭😳😳😳😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

Like, Felix was saying on Bubble this morning that he used a lot of props and such and said something about wearing a suit. So I didn’t really know what I was getting into, but DAYUM. The guys are going hard and I’m so hyped to one day get my own copy of the album.

I know I usually do reactions once something new is released, be it Ghost, Stray Kids, etc.

But right now I’m going to hold off on reactions because other than college stuff, I have some art commissions that I have to get done for my bestie. (I’m revamping a batch of his Twitch emotes 💜)

I’ll try to post more content soon, though!

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2 years ago

Update: It’s 1:30 am, waiting for later in the day to inevitably lose my McNuggets while listening to ODDINARY in full, but for the life of me, I cannot get MANIAC out of my head now. Funniest part is: it’s only Felix’s deep ass voice repeating “Maniac” that’s stuck and bouncing around in there 😅🤣

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2 years ago

My friend just shared the Chapter 3 Season 2 Resistance story trailer, and I’m just gonna go prematurely curl up in my corner, in the fetal position, and cry a good bunch.

The Deville Twins are going to have their work cut out for them, and poor Vaude is definitely not going to get his happy little island life.

As I say with each passing season’s catastrophe: 🎶Fuck this shit I’m out. No thanks!🎶

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2 years ago

So, I’m on a Discord call with my bestie, who works in retail, and he just said, “We have your ODD album. Do you want green, blue, or red?”

AHHHHH ABSJSKAHDJA I’M SCREAMING 😭😭😭. I chose the Mask Off version, but I swear, my bestie is the most caring, thoughtful person because he doesn’t care for K-pop aside from a few of BTS’ English songs yet he still remembered Stray Kids and ODDINARY. He bought it at the end of his shift and said that he’s shipping my package next week 🥺💙.

Tl;Dr My bestie broke me with Stray Kids 😭💕💕💕

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2 years ago

Before I attempt sleep (it’s 12:22 am), I just wanted to say that despite the crock of 💩 that happened tonight, my younger brother made it all better. I was frying some fries for dinner to go with the burgers my mother made and I was listening to Stray Kids, specifically ODDINARY. Venom was playing as my brother walked in and he immediately started vibing. He already knows about them and already shows favoritism towards Felix, no thanks to my constant gushing about him and naming the Fortnite chickens after him 😂

Tl;Dr Bubba and I listened to Stray Kids and I think he really likes them, more than the few BTS songs he knows 😄

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2 years ago

I have a couple of ideas for some Fortnite fics, including Vaude of course, but this final double class is getting in my way 🥹🥲

((One of the ideas is Vaude x Midas with mentions of past Vaude x Guggimon, and it’s a soulmate! AU))

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2 years ago

Just finished prepping my Portfolio files for after graduation, and I’m happy with how much my writing has improved. There’s a couple of pieces that I still cringe at, though.

(🎶We don’t talk about The Art of Lying🎶)

Overall, I think there’s some sturdy examples among some pieces that I plan to revise and submit for another chance at publication. I’ve already been published once, unpaid, in the Scarlet Leaf Review.

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2 years ago

I have a question for my fellow STAYs:

Is it considered OT8 when you have the guys split into 4 bias / 4 wreckers? I found that here lately I gravitate towards each member individually, in their own unique ways, though Felix and Han hold most of my attention still.

Here’s the list:





Lee Know






((Just because they’re numbered in one order doesn’t mean I stan them any less))

Thank for the help 💜🖤💜🖤

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2 years ago

What in the name of necromancy?? Papa Nihil is kicking and playing the saxophone again 😳. And in the clip they used a defibrillator to resurrect him? What sort of fuckery is this 😅😂?

((All jokes aside, Miasma is my favorite instrumental/live bit and I’m glad it wasn’t disposed of when Pops initially croaked))

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2 years ago

Me: Man, I wish I had more people to play Fortnite with 😞.

Also me:

Plays only bot matches ((I’m decent at the game, but bots allow me to have fun and goof off with friends more. It’s relaxing compared to sweat-filled pub matches.))

💩 talks the bots ((Famous for saying sit down, go back to lobby, get outta my game, aww you thought you were gonna clap me, get shit on, hit your shots, etc.))

I cuss A LOT and it’s not even because I’m mad. It’s how I speak day to day 🤷🏻‍♂️

Sometimes I randomly forget we’re in the middle of battle. I run around while chatting, so it appears that my teammate is doing all the work. ((We call those Squirrel Moments))

Overall, it’s a fun time, but I fear coming off as too much/irritating, or as a extremely toxic player.

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2 years ago


((I’ll post photos tomorrow, we’re both tired from traveling today, him especially))

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2 years ago

So I’m listening to “Cirice” by Ghost while I’m so fucking 🍃😶‍🌫️ and I just noticed the harmonic vocals backing Tobias during the end choruses. Has that always been there and I was too distracted with the main vocals until now, or have I achieved a whole new level of blitzed???

Literally when I heard it I was like: …… WuT ThA FuKk?! 😳🤯

Ghost sober is good, but Ghost while 🍃😶‍🌫️ is a whole other level

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2 years ago

Take Back Condo Canyon and Reunion

As IO were fighting back against The Seven and Ego/ghost members. They have entered the small town to take back there home as Midas joins in to fight back for the loopers and for his bird hubby (@fn-devilles). “This is for our home!” Midas shouts at the troopers.

As Tina, Journey, and Brutus fought on the other side of Condo to assist The Sentries. As Tina using her explosive to take out some of the troopers while Ombra and Arancia snips from on top of a building to take the troopers from above. Nero and Argento helps Midas to by the others time to get in the airship.

While 8-ball, Scarletto, Hime, and their daughter Giada as they broaden the aircraft to drive it out of Condo to the sea and once they took out the guards and set up bombs to blow it up when Saber found them and notice Hime. “What? Hime?” Saber notice Hime with someone.

“Key? Your alive?!” Hime was shock to see him alive as the two notice that it was her ex. Saber was then about to go to her but, felt anger within himself as he couldn’t escape from IO but, he was shock as he then attacks them when Scarletto defends Hime. The two fought.

“You three go! I’ll hold him off.” Scarletto says as he was push back when he throws Shuriken at Saber/Key. It did some scratches and charges at him. The three then make a break for it when 8-ball press the button as the aircraft blows up when Scarletto got out in time. He then swims back to them as Hime hugs him.

“Scar I’m sorry for this. I didn’t know he was still alive.” Hime said as she still hugs him. Scarletto hugs her back.

“It’s ok. We both didn’t know and if he’s alive? When I tried to fight him. He was about to teleport out. He’s alive must be at a different location.” Scarletto says.

“Mom. How do you feel? I mean are going to be with him?” Giada ask as she was afraid to lose her when Hime heard her ask that and holds her hand.

“I know that I miss him but, I’m not leaving you and your father. You both are my family and I love you both so much.” Hime said as she smiled at Giada and hugs her. 8-ball smiled under his mask. As the others saw the airship is now down and the troopers then started to retreat back to base when Argento starts to charge at them when one of IO shots at Argento but, draws his sword to deflect it.

Take Back Condo Canyon And Reunion

As Argento then slash at the trooper in half while Nero then gets in Noms to shoot them with a sniper when he hears that there is someone they captured at Command Cavern.

Take Back Condo Canyon And Reunion

“Argento cover me!” Nero shouts at Argento as he starts running to someone that looks like Saber but, different. When Argento starts firing at the guards for distraction as Nero tackles the Saber doppelgänger when he used teleport when the two vanished. Argento stops firing as Midas reports to Foundation that they have reclaimed Condo Canyon. Argento hopes Nero is ok. “Cousin I hope you know what your doing.” He adds.

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