Wasn't Expecting That - Tumblr Posts

I've liked five thousand things wasn't expecting this to happen
Was staring at my computer screen for five minutes trying to figure out what I should be seeing.
Now I feel conflicted.

Drabble 12/28/2021
My four words from https://randomwordgenerator.com/:
He blinked, trying to gain his senses. What was going on? How long had he been out? All he honestly knew was that he hadn’t been conscious long and that he found it utterly annoying that he was in such a state.
This was NOT a good start.
Yoongi slowly started to get up, blinking, squinting, then eventually just groaned as he used his hand to block that blasted bright light - oh, the sun was out. Well wasn’t that just the cherry on top - as he tried once more to regain his some sense of what the HELL was going on.
His other hand reached back and he winced as he touched something on his head where he habitually ruffled through while he was thinking. Bringing his hand to his face, he could see there wasn’t any blood on it. It meant that either:
1. At least it wasn’t bleeding or 2. It had already healed and stopped.
Either way, he was to just pray that the wound wasn’t huge or not even much of a wound. If he was lucky, it was just a sore spot for now that was hit decently hard without doing too much.
Usually his luck isn’t that good but he could just hope. For once. Please something work SOMEWHAT in his favor.
Okay, back to the issue at hand. He was standing, and it wasn’t excruciating, so he could stand on his own, so hopefully no broken bones. Okay. He took a step forward. He was a little sore but he could walk on his own.
This was starting to look better. Okay, he could handle this.
He looked at his surroundings once more and noticed the fork in the road. Two dirt paths laid before him and -
Is that a sign? Oh thank god. He slowly walked up to it so he could see what the hell it said so maybe he could figure out why he was here or what he was trying to do before the whole blacking out thing happened.
And he saw two options: Tower of Bangtan or City of Hybe.
That rung a bell in his mind. He... he had been on a mission. He was heading somewhere for some reason - though now he couldn’t remember why. He looked at his options again.
Tower. Tower. He -
The name Namjoon came into mind. That he could help. Help with what, Yoongi had no idea, but if he could pull that from somewhere in his mind, then that was a good place to start.
Decision made: Tower of Bangtan to seek out someone named Namjoon. Progress. Maybe he could get some answers now. It was better than just staying here frustrated with no hints. This might trigger some memories or do like how information randomly came to mind.
He took one step towards the path that lead him where he guessed he wanted to go.
Okay, maybe his luck was not as bad as he thought.
Rambling about Natlan (Spoiler Warning?)
Goodnight everyone, I just finished the Natlan Archon quest and I AM NOT OKAY (/pos). Sharing some screenshots/pics I took. LONG ASS POST (I think?) I'm still on an adrenaline rush so excuse me for not having deep smart thoughts, I feel like I drank 340 liters of caffeine

Goodbye Fontaine, beautiful Archon quest smh

Little cutie <3 I named him Fizzle (is it a male? i think? i forgot already). LET ME KEEP HIM IN MY TEAPOT PLEASEEE

Shitty photos (sadly didn't take electro) but I LOVE when Traveler uses their powers.

Facial expressions being amazing tbh, I wish I took more cause they're so fun SDFGH

MUALANI YOU'RE SO FUCKING PRETTY, awesome character I love her personality and everything so much. I'll most likely pull on rerun

Traveler outfit?!??!?! Who died for this- I wish this was a skin (maybe more detailed like Barbara and Jean's, yk)

I also LOVEEE Kachina, she was so adorable and I deff was cheering for her 24/7. Will I ever play her? prob not but I'm still happy they gave her for free!

Them bringing this plot point back was not on my list at all. I legit even forgot about it- It was an amazing surprise

Raiden and Mavuika pics. Because why not (I could have also done Nahida or Furina, but eh- too late for that)

Talk about Mavuika, she quickly became top favorite.

I have no guaranteed but since Natlan is SPOLING US so much I already have 48 pulls for this man.
Twewy but it's a farm sim now

Earn enough money and you can buy back your entry fee - and your life.
(Neku was killed by a lightning strike during a freak typhoon, by the way)
Bonus: Another Day
Once you beat the game you unlock the endless mode AU in which Neku's lifelong dream was to be a farmboy. The plotline is a wacky isekai parody that involves a nonsense timeskip and then you can marry him to your favorite partner or whatever

(This is a joke post btw)