Dang It - Tumblr Posts
*sigh* i guess it’s that time of year to become obsessed with abandoned theme park exploration and theme park history for a month or so

DANG IT, MOON!!! Stuff is getting real!
type prevs url with your eyes closed in the tags
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
Hmmm, three random facts, huh?
1) I'm currently studying undergrad Microbiology. I have a preference to its application and genetics.
2) I LOVE sci-fi and fantasy with interesting lore, compelling characters, and nuanced themes. Bonus points if they blend into each other in some way.
3) A bit of a foodie too, particularly to sweet, savory, and salty foods. Chicken is something I can't get enough of.
Well, that's a little about me! Thank you for the ask, Cal!
Anon Used Health Bagel. It's Super Effective!
...I only now just got the fact that a) Roman and Neo are both named after Italian cities, and b) the Neopolitan survived past the Fall of the Roman.
......damn it.

Dems’ da bois!!
Hajime: Frankenstein’s Monster
Nagito: Ooze
Fuck, I got introduced to a series that isn't fished and now I have to wait who knows how long
Curse you Perry the platypus Jo
Just The Fashion Tip #39: Use minimum fabric for maximum vibes.

New animation! Featuring everyone's favorite garbage salesman, Spammy G. Spamton!
Was staring at my computer screen for five minutes trying to figure out what I should be seeing.
Now I feel conflicted.

new tag game: the thing you most often pretended to be as a kid—whether it was a horse, a bride, a queen, a specific character, a knight, a lawyer, a baby, anything—is symbolically representative of you currently. what is it for you?
"Oh God fucking damn it...I kind of expected to be the day I fought against my alternate self for the very first time." Vanny spoke as her ears dropped in disappointment but a part of her is glad that vanessa is gone, at least it give some hope that not all Vanessa's are hard to beat then she thought. "Guess I can't try out my water nor electricity attack on her...."
Sure she was looking forward to beat up this vanessa but that probably for the best since it might concern her snatcher and the others. "Wait....when you say she's gone....do you mean she is permanently gone...not coming back ever again?" Vanny ask as she turn her glance at snatcher, this might be the first time she heard in any alternate timeline that someone got rid of vanessa and this wasn't even snatcher who got rid of her by the way he said it.
Vanny squint at the sight of the sky, seeing the moon and such but there something that brought to her attention. Internally wondering if that is a star or not.
“….I’m both impressed and scared that she manage to cause the sun to be frozen….and also….what do you mean she goes a little more overboard on keeping the prince?? Did she actually harmed the villagers on purpose with her ice magic….even the kids from the kids….if that the case then; where is she right now? I just wanna talk to her is all.” Vanny spoke with a smile as she is cracking her knuckles casually while tail twitch a bit in anger.
“ Right? Even I have to admit that’s impressive! “
Though there is venom in his words. Despite it being a impressive amount of Magic to cause that to happen it still effected Subcon. Wither that be the inhabitants or the planet itself. Queen of Ice ended up turning the whole world in a eternal night!
Tails stopped moving as small sparks of fire leave Snatcher in a huff. Claws tapping against the ground.
“ Wouldn’t put it pass her. She froze the Villagers and my Minions every time they get near the Manor. I mean, she went so far as- “
Snatcher paused, shutting himself up as he realized what he was about to say. A ‘ tch ‘ leaves him, waving it off as he focuses instead on her response. “ Last I heard she’s gone. Though, I would love to see what happens if you see her “
Okay, I was seriously saving her for the day when I finally get my butt up and make that recs list I have to make because I read so much on here and there are so many wonderful people and they need to get the recognition they DESERVE...
But I seriously - guys this - if you have EVER had an online friendship. Or an online relationship. Or that online connection. Or just long distant friendship. or SOMETHING. This. This will tug your heartstrings. This makes me wallow in joy. (Yes, it is possible dang it.)
Not just the real interactions that happens, but notice their feelings. Their deep conversation. Their actions. It just..
I feel like I was literally just thrown into a story and this amazing -
I love her stories. I love this amazing person and she deserves more notes for her stories because they connect on such a personal level and it is just so real. The fears. Concerns. Actions. They are Legit.
something real
Min Yoongi / Suga / Agust D | BTS EMAIL/LONG DISTANCE AU 15.7k+ words | ROMANCE/HUMOR + a little bit of feels Warnings for some political talk, language, anxiety/mental illness, and other adult themes.
Be careful reading; it’s not entirely back and forth. Sometimes there are double emails.
Writing is cathartic, but tell your fave fic writers what you liked about their work.
Special thanks to @goldenscript for being a boo a pre-reading a hefty chunk of this and cheering me on.

Subject: ASIAN NOODLE From: Sutton Saunders (s.saunders@gmail.com) To: MYG (19930309@gmail.com)
First of all, your number-laden email address makes me weep, you know I can’t do a bunch of numbers like that.
Secondly, I wanted you to know I made it to Austin, and we’re all sad you couldn’t make it down for the wedding. You’re too important for us now, I guess (I’m JOKING we are all so proud of you for real).
As you know, everyone here eats vegan granola parfaits and wears Chacos and those shorts you know they bought at an outdoors sporting goods store for too much money. I saw people doing ACROBAT YOGA on their STAND UP PADDLE BOARDS on the river. Please why. I’m too big city for this.
Dee’s house is really cute, north side of town in a neighborhood that is–and I quote directly– “full of asians” so she is “at home with her fellow asian people.” She took me to a strip center where one Chinese family owns three of the shops in a row–a little grocery store, a Chinese restaurant, and a noodle house they’ve just named ASIAN NOODLE, which, by the way, was fucking delicious last night. I feel more in my element up here than more south, simply because there are less paleo-keto-vegan-gluten free-lettuce people as there are closer to UT. Like, no shame on anyone who has a specific dietary need or anything, people that do those diets are stronger than me. I cannot resist the delicacies served at ASIAN NOODLE (all caps, every time).
Keep reading
Oh, right. How did I forget the iconic
dang it
friendly reminder that it’s canon that percy cusses like a sailor.
friendly reminder that, when she’s stressed, annabeth does too. (often in ancient greek lol)
Me, a fanfic reader/writer, learning about fingering yarn for the first time like:

Me entering any museum: man I’m so excited to learn all the things