We Love You Bts - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago


Can someone tell me why we screw it up almost every time a K-Pop group tours in the USA? I'm so upset about this whole situation. I would be crying if I wasn't in public. I personally want to go and hug all of them and apologize a million times for what's happened. The last thing I want is for them to never come back again. And Jimin's even posted about trusting Korean fans more, which is understandable when THIS happens... But I just want them all to know that they are loved so much by most fans here, save for the fake ARMYs who ruin it for the real ones. We're sorry for everything BTS. I hope you can forgive us and come back to the USA without fearing for your lives. Love, Real ARMY -Admin Jinnie

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9 years ago

Was feeling super emotional so I made this

-Admin Jinnie

If you want to hurt him, you’ll have to go through me and all the other real ARMYs. Just look at this fluff, he didn’t mean any harm

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9 years ago

OT7 - We Love You, Namjoon

It doesn’t take a genius to know how emotional I’ve been about this whole Namjoon situation from making Vines to posting rants... I decided to let out my feels in my writing as well

This is an OT7 fic of Bangtan cheering Namjoon up and trying to get him to quit reading hate comments. I both love and hate the way it turned out, but it’s cute so I decided to post it~ Genre: Bangtan Brotherly Fluff and Cheesy Cheese Words: 600+

⇨ Masterlist ⇦


It had been days since the incident and everything just kept getting worse. The longer it had been, the quieter Namjoon had become when with the boys. All the boys were getting extremely worried for their leader who sat and either read hate Tweets or slept in his shared room with Taehyung who had been especially worried for his Hyung’s wellbeing.

Namjoon sat at his computer while sighing back in his chair. In front of him was a screen filled with hate and death threats, news reports of his mistakes, and such, up until Taehyung came in the room. He switched the screen to something else and Taehyung sat down on his own bed.

He knew how harmful it could be to see all the hate you get from everyone for doing something you didn’t realize was wrong, and the last thing he wanted was for his Hyung to know that pain, too.

He had told all the boys to put their heads together to try and cheer him up when Jimin and Jin remembered about the supportive English hashtag posts when Taehyung was being harassed by netizens. They all quickly took to Tumblr and Twitter, putting all their English skills together to find what would make their leader cheer up again.

He looked to Namjoon with sad eyes as he pulled out a piece of paper, “Hyung… I want you to look up this.”

Namjoon didn’t move, so Taehyung leaned over and slid the piece of paper to him. It had a list of hashtags such as ‘StayStrongNamjoon,’ ‘NamjoonProtectionSquad,’ and ‘Namjoonweloveyou.’

Taehyung watched him take the paper and open Twitter again, typing in one of the hashtags.

Most of them were in English so Taehyung couldn’t read them, but he saw a smile appear on his Hyung’s face in a matter of seconds. In excitement, he rushed out of the room to meet with the other guys.

“I got Hyung to finally smile,” he smiled his signature box smile while Jimin and J-Hope jumped up from their seats. “Jinja?!”

They all rushed to Taehyung and Namjoon’s room, peeking in to see their leader smiling and laughing at his screen.

The six boys all smiled to each other and entered the room to join their leader. Namjoon looked up at them while still smiling, causing the boys to smile back.

“Namjoon-ah…” J-Hope said as Namjoon turned his head back to the screen, “No matter what you said, there will be fans to support you until the very end. You get that now, right?”

“And we’re here to support you whenever the media blows up like this,” Jin added. “We’re a team remember?”

“A team and a family,” Jungkook added as he sat on Taehyung’s bed, “We’ll all probably go through this at some point, so we’ve got to let each other and our supportive fans help us up when we’re down.”

“AAiisshhhh,” Yoongi cringed, “It’s all so cheesy… but also true.”

Jimin laughed and put a hand on his Hyung’s shoulder, “So what do the tweets say, Monnie Hyung?”

Namjoon looked back to the screen, but before reading the Tweets out loud to the group, he gave them all a smile.

“Thanks guys…” he nodded, “I’m sorry for shutting you out. I was just so mad at myself…”

“We know, Hyung~” Jungkook practically sang, “Just remember that we’re here. There’s no need to shut your support out.”

“Yeah, okay that’s enough cheese for right now. I’m curious on what those Tweets say,” Yoongi mumbled, causing Jin to scold him for being impatient.

“Okay okay,” Namjoon laughed, “There are apologies towards you guys, too. I’ll read you those.”

“To us?” Taehyung blinked. Jimin smiled, “International fans are worried about all of us, huh~?”

All the boys laughed but then shut up so that Namjoon could start reading the tweets to the boys.

I wrote this in maybe ten minutes so it’s not wonderful, but it had cute brotherly Bangtan in it and I love how much they care for each other ^^ and also I’m wishing luck to Bangtan for their other concerts! I heard that the one in Dallas went well tonight cx

⇨ Masterlist ⇦

-Admin Jinnie


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1 year ago

literally me with my bangtan boys

do you ever see a person and you are overcome with incredible fondness? and you just think "oh." but not in a romantic or sexual way you are just filled with warmth and it makes you happy, it just does. and you think "i'm so happy you exist. i'm happy you are somewhere out there in the world, doing your thing". it's love but also not entirely

like people are lovely and i feel it in my entire chest like a burning candle that smells like roses and a sunny day

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