Weather Witch - Tumblr Posts
Herbs, Trees and Plants Used in Weather Magic
Below is a list of herbs, trees and plants used in weather witching. I’m sure there are plants and herbs that are missing from this list. However the herbs on this list were corroborated by multiple sources which confirmed their use in weather magic. If you know of any other plants, trees or herbs used in weather magic please feel free to add them to this list.
Alder – Raises winds: Turned into whistles to ‘whistle up a wind’
Broom – Thrown into fire to calm winds or thrown into air to raise winds
Cotton – Thrown into fire to bring rain
Ferns – Thrown into fire to bring rain
Garlic – Worn on person to ward off bad weather
Heather – Thrown into fire to bring rain
Henbane – Thrown into water to bring rain
Oak/Acorn – Protects against lightning strikes and bad weather
Pansy – Brings rain and storms: If picked on a sunny day it will bring storms but if picked in early morning while covered in dew it will bring rain.
Rice/Grains/Wheat – Thrown into the air to bring rain
Saffron – Raises winds, Assists with control of the weather
Thistle – Thrown into fire to redirect lightning
I've referenced this post before in my own practices, way back before I had a Tumblr account. Now that I'm here, let me reblog it so I don't lose track of it!
🗻🌊Skye’s Landlocked Sea Witch Tips🌊🗻
I’ve seen a lot of aspiring sea witches being discouraged due to not living anywhere near the ocean. And I’m here to tell you that you can still be a sea witch and be landlocked! Being landlocked will only hinder you if you let it.
So, let’s get going!
🌊Making Your Own Sea Water🌊

You will need:
🌊A jar/air tight bottle. I find a swing cap bottle works best
🌊Sea salt, eyeball amount depending on jar size
🌊Warm spring water
Ground and centre. Listen to ocean sounds and visualise and feel the power of the sea. Connect with the ocean by doing a Sinking/sea centering.
Pour the water into the jar. Add the sea salt. Mix until the salt has dissolved.
Hold the jar in both hands in front of your heart, saying:
“🐚 Mother ocean, from whom life flows, Bless this water with your love and nurturing power, your endless beauty and strength, For this I am grateful. So mote it be 🐚”
(Feel free to replace mother ocean with the name of your sea deity, if you have one)
Close your eyes. Continue to hold the jar at your heart and visualise the ocean. With your hands, feel the sea’s energy emanating from the jar. When the feeling is strong, open your eyes. Your sea water is ready to use.
🌊🔊Sea Sound Scapes🔊🌊

Your sea water can be placed in a bowl and you have the ocean right there. Combine that with the sound scape, listening to the waves coming in and going out. Synch that with any spell work you want to do regarding waves, tides, giving things to mother ocean etc. With me, I place things in the bowl and then pour the water and item (if it’s eco friendly) in the stream near my house.
I also use this technique to place myself at the beach through the senses. Hold a seashell or touch some sand, taste some salt, listen to ocean sounds, have an image or video of the sea, and if you can (I struggle with this) have a scent that’s ocean themed. I’ve struggled to find one as most scented candles labelled sea breeze smell like soap… And with this, you can perform rituals and workings centered around that water you made. Through your visualisation skills you can be by the sea, even when you physically aren’t. Cool, huh?!
💙You Are Ocean💙
The ocean is within you. It’s your blood, the sweat, your tears, your breath, your pulse. The ocean has a rhythm, so does the human body. We’re 65% water. And what’s even cooler is we also have a tide. The moon affects the body’s fluids, just like it affects the ocean. These ideas have really helped me with my craft because being landlocked, I’m sometimes like “how can I connect with the sea?” So knowing I have a tide and the rhythm of the sea, which is like the rhythm of pulse, just totally blows my mind and amazes me!
💧💦Inland Water💦💧

Now this is something that kinda quenches my sea thirst. If you can, travel to a nearby lake, river, stream etc. Sit near it. Connect with it. Follow your intuition and connect with its energy. Ask Mother Ocean/Your water deity to help you.
Honestly, I’ve been in meditation near freshwater and the smell, if I focus enough, reminds me of the sea air and it literally transports me in my mind and senses to the beach. And that’s one of my vital tools in my craft. (talk about water being adaptable and water witches doing the same, eh?!)
🛀🚿Bath & Shower Magic🚿🛀

🌊Bath bombs. Look up their ingredients to know the correspondences, or, just make up your own. Lush are honestly amazing and their products have been used a lot in my bath rituals
🌊Sallllttssss! You can make a saltwater bath, meditate and relax and really tap into that ocean energy
🌊Bath tub altar. Have a little altar going on when you take a bath. Shells, candles, incense, trinkets you’ve collected or purchased, statues. Anything you have that makes you feel connected with the sea
🌊 You can use crystals that correspond to water if you like. Aquamarine, moonstone, fluorite, amethyst, labradorite, selenite and rose quartz are just a few examples. If you’re putting crystals in your tub please research which ones are water safe!
🌊Herbs and oils. You can add these to your bathtub. Please research again. Some herbs are toxic and some you may be allergic to. The same with oils, as some people have allergic reactions to them! I don’t often use herbs and oils for this reason. I get irritated skin very easily. I use coconut oil in my bath for purification and I just looooove coconut oil and the scent. Also its amazing for your skin! I use lavender oil and that’s literally it. I use oils outside of the tub, though. For candle dressing and other spell work.
🌊And if you don’t have a bathtub, all of those above ingredients and can be made into shower scrubs! They’re super easy to make and there’s a tonne of amazing tutorials around online!
🌊Meditate or work in the shower. Feel that water flowing down and through you, allow it to cleanse and charge you. Go with your intuition and explore the possibilities

Weather. It all begins at sea. Snow, rain, thunder storms, winds, hail. Its all from the sea. The water is ocean water that’s traveled to the land. Weather magic is just a more expanded form of sea magic. Go out and let the rain cleanse you, collect weather water of any kind and make your sea water with it! Feel the power of a storm and focus on how much energy the sea has during that time. Feel her with you when you are on land! Remember to stay safe when practising weather magic, too.
🐚✨Seashell Magic✨🐚

And if you have seashells, they have amazing uses and correspondences. Offering bowls, amulets, charms, talismans, runes, charging items and so on. I highly recommend the book Sea Magic by Sandra Kynes as a lot of the tips I’ve given you were inspired or taken from that book :)
A quick PSA regarding seashells:
If your shells are store bought, they may not be ethically sourced. Some craft stores sell them by the many so try to be wary of this. It’s down to your moral compass whether or not you decide to use them in your craft. And if you do choose to use them, I advise cleansing them before any magical use. Furthermore, do not purchase nautilus shells, starfish or seahorses. Nautilus shells are endangered. Star fish and sea horses are taken alive, then killed to be sold in stores.
I really hope this helped! Have a swishy day! 🌊💙And if you have any questions, feel free to ask :)

design for my other weather witch oc.
not to sure on her name but i’m thinking Alex,Sky or Eli (let me know which you think works for her) age:18 height:5ft 5 bisexual (might change her eyeliner a bit)
I’ll make a full character bio for her soon.

Eli is not a morning person she needs at least 2 cups of coffee before she can be nice.
Sam wakes up 5 minutes before jet and always makes a cup of coffee for her so its waiting for eli when she wakes up. Sometimes Sam will leave cute little post it notes on the cup for eli.

Sam is about perform her songs in front of an audience for the first time so Elis come go support her
(First attempt at a little comic, bit messy and I need to work on drawing Sam in a more consistent way)

Need to practise drawing same more.

Cute little Eli sketch

Eli using her magic shes making clouds.

Eli and Sam had a nice day out and Eli took her camera with her and took some photos.

Eli wearing her glasses.

character profile for Eli.

Eli in some cute underwear. featuring her 2 tattoos , appendix scar and belly button piercing.

character profile for Sam.

A cute little piece for my oc Elis birthday 🎁 🎂

Inktober day 10 pattern
Sam in one of her loud button ups.

Eli and willow are best friends and willlows super protective of Eli even though she knows Eli can protege the herself.
I realise I rarely draw my cos interacting with each other so I’m gonna try to do more interactions between them.
How do I whistle up a wind when I can't, well, whistle? I tried, but my whistling is quite lack luster ever since I had braces, since they were used to close the gap between my teeth which was how I whistled. Is there another way?
Hi abbadons-little-witch, if youcan’t whistle there are lots of other ways to summon wind. You can:
Use a glass bottle(blow over the rim of the bottle);
Use a whistle madeout of alder or willow wood (or any whistle really);
Throw a handful ofBroom (the herb) into the air;
Bullroarers (a longflat wooden blade on a string) can also be whirled around in the air to call upthe wind, especially when made of lightning struck oak (though in Cornishcraft, such tools are used to call spirits)
Put a handful ofdried Lungwort (Lungwort is associated with the element air and is used forprotection when traveling by air) into a small bag attach it to a string andswing it above your head;
Specially madeweather working brooms can be swung about your head in the same manner. (Scotchbroom is an appropriate material for a broom made of to stir the winds in thesky. Its pungent yellow blossoms are allied with the creatures of the air andits seeds are dispersed over great distances by the wind).
Regardlessof the method you choose to call the wind, make sure your hair is unbound andloose; binding and knotting are ways to capture the wind, not call it. Hope this helps!
- Marci
Resources for Storm and Weather Magic
Updated: March 30th 2016
[Collecting Storm Water] (an ask)
[Combining Storm Craft and Knot Craft] (an ask)
[Creating or Moving Weather] (an ask)
[Drawing Energy From Storms] (an ask)
[An Intro to Weather Magic]
[A Little Weather Witchery]
[Magic for a Snow Storm]
[Resources: Rain Water]
[Resources: Storm Water]
[Snow Magic]
[Storm Catching - Cyclone Stopper]
[Storm Craft Basics]
[Storm Crystals : Banded Amethyst | Chrysocolla in Quartz | Snowflake Obsidian]
[Storm Scrying]
[Storm Water]
[Storm Water vs Rain Water] (an ask)
[Summoning Wind Without Whistling] (an ask)
[Tentative Steps: Beginning Storm Witchery]
[Tips for Starting Storm Craft]
[Tools of a Storm/Weather Witch] (an ask)
[Traditional Storm Raising Methods]
[Weather Magic] (tw: gif)
[Weather Magic for the Sailor]
[Weather Magic - Storm Casting]
[Weather Station Symbols for Sigils]
[Weather Symbols for Sigils]
[Whistling Up a Wind]
(Note: spells that involve storm water are included)
[Air Lock Spell] (to help drive away bad weather)
[To Bring a Storm]
[Calm After the Storm Elixir]
[Charm to Seal Up a Storm]
[A Chant to Bring in a Storm and Strengthen Witches’ Power]
[Chant to Make It Windy] (tw: gif)
[“Clouds produce rain”] (tw: sigil)
[Cold Weather Box]
[A Colorful Sunny Day Spell]
[Cottage Crafts: Elemental Magic Storm Ward] (a home protection charm that draws its power from the energy of passing storm systems)
[Drought Spell] (to work with the element of air to bring a storm / fix a drought) (tw: sigil)
[Electric Charge Spell] (to increase one’s energy, motivation, and focus) (tw: gif)
[Forget Me Spell]
[Glamour Jar for Intimidating Looks]
[“Grey Cloud” Curse]
[Heavy Rain Spell]
[Holiday Ornament Snow Spell]
[Hurricane Curse]
[“I direct rain towards the places that need it”] (tw: sigil)
[“I influence the weather around me with ease”] (tw: sigil)
[To Lessen a Storm]
[Let It Snow]
[A let it snow sigil] (tw: sigil)
[Let’s Try a Spell: When It Rains] (for a better perspective)
[A Light in the Storm] (to aid in the healing of seasonal depression)
[Protection From Storm]
[“Protection from storms”] (tw: sigil)
[Protective Storm Ward]
[Rain-Banishing Spell]
[Rain-Calling Chant]
[Rain Spell / Storm Spell / Sigils for Rain / Sigils for Thunder / Sigils for Lightning] (tw: sigil)
[Rain Summoning Spell]
[Rainy Day Anxiety Spell]
[Rainy Day Spell to Clear Negative Energy]
[To Raise a Storm] (tw: gif)
[Sea Witch Rain Spell]
[Sigil for Bringing Clouds / Rain] (tw: sigil)
[Snow Spell] (tw: gif)
[Snow-Summoning Sigils] (tw: sigil)
[A Song of Storms]
[“Song of Storms” Enchantment] (for whistling up rain/storms) (tw: gif)
[Spell for Sunshine]
[Spell to Attract Rain]
[A Spell to Ward Off Rain] (tw: sigil)
[Spells for Weather]
[Spells to End a Storm]
[“Stop Rain” Sigil] (tw: sigil)
[Storm-Calling Spell]
[A Storm Chant]
[Storm of Tears and Nightmares Curse]
[Storm Spell] (to summon a storm)
[Storm Witch’s Transformation Spell]
[Summon a Storm]
[Summon a Storm Spell]
[Summoning rain and storms sigil] (tw: sigil)
[“Sun to cloud, cloud to rain, rain freezes and turns to snow”] (tw: sigil)
[Sunshine Spell]
[Teru Teru Bouzu] (a sunny day spell)
[Thunder Cake] (to help connect with the storm’s energy; to honor the storm; to ask for protection)
[Thunderstorm in a Jar]
[Untie the Wind] (to increase and decrease wind)
[Ward Water]
[Warm Weather Chant]
[The weather is cool and pleasant] (tw: sigil)
[“The weather is in favor of snow”] (tw: sigil)
[Wind Spell for Inspiration & Creativity]
[Winter (Snow) Spell for Anxiety]
[View Post on Blog] | [Spell and Resource Lists // rebloggable]