Wheel Of Time On Prime - Tumblr Posts

The Wheel of Time 2x05 | Demane
So I was a little conflicted about posting this because I want so badly for more people to engage with wheel of time, but here goes.
For people like myself who deal with depression and suicidal ideation, please be careful when watching the later seasons of the show (because it will continue after episode 5) and/or reading the books. I know I have ignored warnings like this in the past and ended up regretting it. I’m not saying don’t engage, but one of the main characters deals heavily with suicidal ideation and self-loathing to the point where it’s a huge part of their overall character and arc. Not gonna say who or how or why, but I’m going to recommend this now because we’ve already had it and for if/when you choose to read the books, you check on websites meant to go over that such as doesthedogdie.com. I was just doing my book reread and got to the first few chapters of book three (don’t worry I’m doing another reread as I go for the book club; I just got them on audiobook and got a little ahead of myself), and could only think, “wow, I forgot it started this early.”
Just… be safe. Think about your headspace.
Torashi ask :
WoT abouts are Non-reader to Bookcloaks/ Book Reader takes and answers to questions I might get or answers whether I got them on Tumblr, Twitter, or Reddit. So, essentially, they might be in the form of a discussion
WoT about : "Sure, but “pillow friends” didn’t really ever imply exclusive long-term relationships."
WoT about: "The writers keep giving time to plots that aren't *bad*, but do nothing to actually serve the story."
Update :
"Siuaraine: Is Moiraine's the top ?" will be posted today. Not too long ( edit : got distracted so let's say tomorrow) after this post actually. It's sitting in the draft.
Next up :
WoT about: "Rand gets no hero moments"
WoT about: "The writers keep giving time to plots that aren't *bad*, but do nothing to actually serve the story."
WoT about : "Sure, but “pillow friends” didn’t really ever imply exclusive long-
Torashi ask :
WoT abouts are Non-reader to Bookcloaks/ Book Reader takes and answers to questions I might get or answers whether I got them on Tumblr, Twitter, or Reddit. So, essentially, they might be in the form of a discussion
WoT about : "Sure, but “pillow friends” didn’t really ever imply exclusive long-term relationships."
WoT about: "The writers keep giving time to plots that aren't *bad*, but do nothing to actually serve the story."
WoT about: "Rand gets no hero moments"
WoT abouts are Nreader to BCloaks/BReader takes and answers to questions I might get or find on Twitter, Reddit or here. So essentially, I'm sharing what I believe to be an interesting discussion topic to have in the fandom while sharing my thoughts on the matter.
book reader: I have finished the S2 of The Wheel of Time! It is a great improvement, loved each episode. However in the last episode, I just went back to season 1 finale: Rafe's least favorite character must be Rand, there is no other explanation. We just needed one Rand hero moment, just one!
torashi: I hear you but Rand effortlessly taking the shield off Egwene and Perrin, protecting everyone by himself, killing Ishy after having killed Turak and therefore having freed Falme of the Seanchan by himself is not him having a hero moment ?
The whole episode was about Rand and about him being heroic. Light! Actually, the whole season was about heroism for him. From S1E08, that's what it has been about:
Secretly leave alone with Moiraine after learning that he's the dragon to save his friends.
After "killing" Ishamael he leaves and makes Moiraine fake his death so that he can get away from them and never have to risk killing them because of the madness that he realised he already feels.
Learns that Egwene is kept captive by the Seanchean and leave everything behind even if it means willingly getting himself in a trap which he believes will get him killed by the Forsaken. ( this one i'll give it to you, Egwene stole his heroic moment by freeing herself)
Kill the equivalent of king and general of the Seanchean and his guard with no innocent victims.
Freed Falme of the Seanchean by doing so without causing collateral damages.
Fight alone against the strongest Forsaken, get hurt but get helped by his friends, Moiraine and Elayne.
Just healed from a life threatening wound and freed from his shield, he goes straight back into fighting to protect them and effortlessly take the shield off Egwene AND Perrin to protect them all.
Kills Ishamael alone with his sword while still holding the shield up and protecting them and effortlessly too, because Ishy had given up on getting him to turn to the Dark in this turn of the wheel but still kill or (seemingly) kills the strongest Forsaken when he barely knows how to channel yet.
book reader: He has his moments, no doubt. Yet I find them a tad anticlimactic. It's like he's playing a side character. Egwene shines with her incredible move, and then another one. #BookSpoiler Meanwhile, Rand, was stripped off the epic sky battle and his sacrifice with.
torashi: They are. I won't deny that, as I've always felt like this complaint was more "he doesn't get epic, flashy moments like the rest of them does" and to that, I completely agree but also understand why his moments feels like that in comparison. They all got sucked into this and would have been whether they liked it or not. They all surrendered to the wheel's wills but, Rand's case is different from theirs as he's the strongest channeller alive since his birth, he just needed to discover his power, and be discovered. Ishamael himself does not equals him, only the dark one does (if I got this right). The only reason he'd struggle in one of his fights and put on a show compared to the rest of EF5 is if he :
Fights the Dark One
Fights against a serious forsaken who actually intends on killing him (which are all still weaker than him but would all most likely win a fight in his current state because One Power fights seems to be much more about who shields first, who is more experienced and knowledgeable than fights that can just be won by force alone.)
Is fighting against himself because of the madness.
Won't , couldn't, or can't channel and had to use a weapon.
torashi: Compared to the rest of EF5, if he was shown struggling against Ishy who's the same enemy Eggy and Perrin were previously struggling with just to hold a shield up in a 2vs1 even when he did not really try because he was stronger than the both of them it wouldn't make any sense that Rand did too even when Ishy is purposefully not using is knowledge against them while also not being stronger than the Dragon Reborn. His moments feels anticlimactic because is character is set up to live these moments has something annoying, even boring but not really difficult or fulfilling. This isn't an achievement but an inconvenience he has to get rid off to be able to do what he really wants which is live as a farmer and have kids, for him, the achievement would have been saving Egwene not doing something he does reluctantly and because he's given no other choice.
All of EF5, but Egwene felt (or still feels) like this about all of the things they're asked/have to do. Egwene is the only one who actually seeks greatness and more than a simple life, first by becoming a Wisdom, then Aes Sedai. She's the only one actually trying hard and giving her best any chance she gets and not thinking about going home any time the opportunity presents itself since season 1, and she ends up being the one taken by the Seanchean too, made into a Damane which in turns makes her both the most experienced channeller and knowledgeable one of the 3. She's at her full strenght right now, whereas Ny can't channel because of her block, and Rand and Ny are the only other channelers of the group, someone had to stand up between Rand and Ishy and it couldn't have been Mat and even if Nynaeve was there they wouldn't have done it together because they were setting up how inconvenient the block had become even for herself and not just for the tower, since until S2E08 she could channel correctly when she needed to just not when the tower or others wanted her too.
In short, Rand does have his heroic moments, only at this point in the show it wouldn't make any sense to make them that big of a deal because they aren't compared to what's coming for him later and because so far he only had to deal with either weaker enemies or the kind of enemy that could easily kill him in his current state regardless of the power scale but who just did not want to. They have to show everything and can't rely on explanations, extensive descriptions etc… so the only way they can show the overwhelming gap that's is separating Rand from everyone else even his friends who are already established as one of the strongest out there is by making those moments feel insignificant in his story because ultimately they are compared to what they know is coming.
Here :

WoT about: "The writers keep giving time to plots that aren't *bad*, but do nothing to actually serve the story."
PS: As always, if you like my thoughts (or just the way I think about things) and would like to get my opinion on something as a non-reader, feel free to ask, the feature's here just for that.
Siuaraine : Je te laisserai des mots
What do you think is the story that I'm trying to tell ?