Wht The Fuck - Tumblr Posts
I remember being a highschooler when Dope came out and being absolutely obsessed with it and then 25 years old me rewatched the MV, stared at Jungkook, and think: what the fuck he is 18 years old in this video. 💀💀💀💀💀💀
; update so apparently Myles is " obsessive " over xis identity but xe did js witness a transphobe counter xis arguement by sending xim countless ( like 50+ ) images of 'interestedly' dressed trans people as a " GOTCHA !! TRANS PEOPLE ARE WEIRDDD SEEE " and honestly xe did an irl slowly backs away. Xe is so very uh. Emotions.
im not screaming im not scremaing im not ssceraming im notrscearmingimnotrsceraminginotw

BTS meets LDF
Being good at roleplaying is a double edged sword: people keep coming back to me years and years later to ask me to role with them, but they don't stick around enough to catch up or ti actually stay.
I feel like a drug dealer honestly-