Will Byers X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts
This is beautiful. đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź
Can you do a Will Byers x trans male reader. Maybe something like his significant other (who is masc passing) gets outed as Trans publicly and how Will would comfort him?
Will Byers with a trans! male reader who gets outed
a little speechless at first tbh, he isn't sure how to handle this kind of situation
after like 5 seconds he would absolutely try to defend you
his comebacks might not be the best and he might stutter a lil bit hey he's trying his best
tries comforting you by giving physical affection, but if you're not a huge fan of it, he's kinda put off but'll try and get you ice cream or something like that to try and cheer you up
Like just imagine your sniffling a little bit and then he's just like "Don't listen to them, they're just a bunch of dicks yknow, plus your's is probably 10x bigger than theirs so don't listen to em" or somethin along those lines of them being dickheads
if youre not up for messin around, that's cool and he'll try to validate your feelings and compliment you a bit
"Y'know I love you right? Just because you don't exactly have the same parts as I do doesn't mean I see you as any less of a guy. I love you regardless, because that shouldn't, and doesn't, change anything about the way I feel about you. "
will try his best to help you feel comfortable with yourself
lends practically gives you his clothes to wear if you'd like
prolly asks Joyce to buy more sweaters specifically for you
overall tries his best to support you <3
btw if theres any typos pls lmk‼️‼️ bc its rlly early for me and i didnt proofread jt and ik typos can ruin the fanfic readin experience tbh
HIIII can I get like a part two to my other request where after the fact Jonathan and Y/n are the only ones awake in the van and Y/n thinks he might’ve gone too overboard but Jonathan is like “oh no trust me I would’ve strangled him if I was you.”
You got it!!!
Johnathan was harder to nail down than the other characters so far but I had fun writing for him!
If you haven’t read part one you can read it here

Hours after the confrontation you, Mike, and Will still hadn’t spoken a word. The sun had set, filling the sky with a peaceful darkness, as the stars twinkled in the distance.
Mike was sleeping with his head in his hand, leaning against the window. Will’s head was resting gently on your shoulder, though you had to stay slightly hunched over to make it work. It was the first time in the whole car ride that the tension in the air was settled. The only other person in the car who was awake besides you was Will’s older brother, Johnathan.
When you had first met Johnathan, he was a bit odd in your opinion. He didn’t speak much to anyone other than Will and he was always just taking pictures at random moments.
However as you had gotten to know him more through Will, the two of you became as close of friends as one could be with their boyfriends older brother.
Tonight you had occasionally caught him glancing at you many times. The most recent time you finally decided to speak up.
“So Johnathan are you going to keep staring at me or are you gonna tell me what’s up?”
He turned to you looking shocked before responding with, “I’m really happy Will has you y’know?” His fingers shifted on the wheel as he glanced between your face and the road ahead of him.
“What brought this on?” You inquired, a small smirk rising on your face.
“Well I heard your conversation with Mike before we left.” Your face flushed red. You couldn’t believe that despite your best efforts to conceal the conversation, someone had still heard the words you spoke.
“Look I’m sorry, I know it was an overreaction I-“
Johnathan was quick to cut off your explanation with a soft laugh. “No, it’s okay.” He said between chuckles. “I would’ve done the same thing. Except I wouldn’t have been nearly as nice about it. Mike would’ve probably been strangled at this point if I had my way.”
The two of you shared a few laughs. Keeping it quiet so you wouldn’t wake up any of the passengers around you. The next time it quieted down between you Johnathan broke the silence once again.
“As much as I want to I can’t be there for Will forever.” He ran his hand over his face as he spoke. “And he won’t need me as much the older he gets.”
You nod. Gesturing for him to continue.
“I need you to promise me you’ll watch over my brother. Be his rock.” Johnathan asked, voice quiet and hitching in the final sentence.
As if on cue Will shifted against you, opening his eyes and staring into your own.
“Are we in Hawkins yet?” He asked.
You chuckled softly. “No baby, not yet. Go back to sleep. It’s okay.” You kissed his forehead before he tucked his head into your shoulder.
“I promise you Jonathan. I’ll be there for him. Forever and always.”
Johnathan smiled behind the wheel not moving his eyes from the road. He clearly was acceptant or your statement and you allowed yourself to rest.
Because you were sitting next to the window, you shifted your position so that your back was against the door and Will was against your chest, the sound of his steady breathing and the car tires against the road lulled you into a deep and calm sleep.
God knows what would happen tomorrow or the next day, but you knew you would do anything for your boyfriend and his brother.
I don’t like the ending that much but I did my best <3
If anyone wants any other characters feel free to request :)))

Omg I’m so happy that this brings you stims and I’m really happy you enjoy my writing it means the world to me also I hope you you enjoy my future fics l :D