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The types of teas and their general benefits they offer to our bodies!
I prefer herbal teas and green/white teas. Growing up as a child, I was always exposed to black tea with milk. It was my favorite, and was soothing. Even though caffeinated, I never felt it and I'd drop asleep with the milk and honey mixed in.
Hi, remember me? The one that posts pretty pictures and such? Right? Nice.
So, I don't know where to talk about this so I gonna post it on here.
So, I am a witch, which means that I get called out by everything when the universe wants to get a message to me. Recently it has been crows. In case you don't know the meaning behind a crow is change, which you know is big. And every time I go outside one of those fuckers stares at me like: "hey: remember to solve that damn problem", so you can see me every time I go outside screaming at crows like a crazy lady (which is another way to call a witch). Recently, I've been going outside less so I thought that the crows would stop bothering me. I FUCKING THOUGHT. One morning I got woken up, at 4 a.m., by a GODDAM CROW SCREAMING AT MY WINDOW (guess he wanted revenge).
To prevent the going crazy too much I've tried talking about the crow problem to my coven. Before you raging Christians come at me: no we don't make blood sacrifices to make ourselves immortal, for that you only need a costly skincare routine. So I talked to them and one of them, a forty year old man, just looked at me dead serious and said "listen to the crows".
Well, shit.
My mentor instead to help me did a rune reading. I don't know if you've have ever been called out by freaking rocks but they are HARSH, to say the least (It would have been nice if she just decided to trow them at me). When my mentor saw the runes that she took out for my reading the look on her face said everything, her expression was very much like that of a deer before being hit by car.
So I went, "well, shit" for the second time.
So do y'all a nice hiding place to recommend before the crows try to another way to get the message to me? (I think I need to lock the door before I go to sleep)
Blowing kisses to the moon because she's pretty and shit
All About Shadow Work
What is shadow work?
Shadow work is an introspective psychological concept coined by Carl Jung. His belief was that in order to acknowledge our full self, we must fully integrate our shadows as well. The shadow personifies everything that the individual refuses to acknowledge about themselves: the negative habits we have, the things we don't like about ourselves, the things that we don't like to expose to others. Things of that nature.
Shadow work is not a requirement to be spiritual or practice magic.
Shadow work is not inherently a spiritual or magical concept, so it isn't required to be spiritual or to practice magic. I want to give that disclaimer now, because shadow work isn't for everybody. If you are a person with severe trauma or struggle with mental health, please avoid doing shadow work by yourself. Shadow work should always be done in a safe environment, and for some it should only be done in the presence of a therapist. Don't put your mental health at risk because somebody on the internet says you need to do shadow work to be spiritual or practice magic. You can reflect on recent events and make a conscious decision to do better without doing shadow work.
What should you consider before starting shadow work?
Now, when it comes to shadow work there are two questions you should ask yourself before starting. Why do you want to do shadow work? What results do you aim to achieve from doing shadow work? I want you to think about these questions before trying to do shadow work. I see people jump into doing shadow work without thinking about it first, and many people end up struggling as a result.
Determining how your shadow expresses itself.
The shadow is a complex thing for everybody and can express itself in many ways. There will always be multiple aspects to an individual's shadow, so try to address each aspect one at a time.
For example, my own shadow expresses itself in a few ways. Rage and insecurity are two ways. They have different origins and are triggered by different things, so I address them differently.
Find a cheap journal or open a document on your device. Think about the things you hide from people, the negative habits you have, things you struggle with... Write them down. See which ones are related and which aren't. If you aren't totally sure about any of these things, ask your friends and loved ones what negative habits they notice about you. Doing these things will help you get a better idea on what needs to be addressed.
If you use divination, or know somebody who does, you can use divination to help you pinpoint which aspect of your shadow needs to be addressed the most. Asking the simple question "How does my shadow express itself?" can help you, if you are unsure.
Journal prompts, therapy and actively changing.
Journal prompts are the most common ways to do shadow work. By doing journal prompts regularly, you are taking the time to sit with yourself and reflect based on the prompts. Some prompts may have you dig into your past and traumas more than others, so be aware of this before trying any journal prompts. Personally, I suggest doing one journal prompt a week. Dedicate one day of the week to doing shadow work, if possible. It's okay if it has to be every two weeks or longer to start. Just don't overdo it and pressure yourself into doing daily shadow work. That's just unnecessary.
Therapy is where shadow work can be done in a safe environment with a professional to help you. If you can afford it, please consider looking for a therapist you can trust. Coming from a person who has attended therapy, you may not vibe with the first therapist you go to and that's okay. Keep trying and find one you do vibe with. You'll find one out there. By going to therapy you can talk about difficult topics with a professional that can reassure you and talk to you about what's going on.
You shouldn't sit down to do a bunch of journal prompts or go to therapy only to make zero changes. Actively seek to change your habits and behavior. Try to be more self-aware. Avoid repeating the things that you know have been toxic to yourself and others. Allow yourself to feel and process emotions such as anger, sadness, hurt and guilt; but don't let them control your words and actions. Once you actively start making changes, others will notice it too. It will take time, yes, so don't expect results immediately. Baby steps.
Allow yourself to process your emotions.
Shadow work tends to bring heavy emotions to the surface. Don't try to bury them. Let yourself feel the anger, sadness, hurt and guilt. Process those emotions. Cry them out, write about them, talk about them to your therapist... Just don't bury them. Allowing yourself to feel and process these emotions is important.
Practice some self-care.
Sometimes shadow work is hard, so please don't neglect yourself. Take a nice bubble bath or a warm shower. Drink your favorite tea or coffee. Eat a tasty snack. Watch a movie that makes you feel soft and fuzzy. Do your skincare routine. Find something to do that makes you feel good.
Here are some journal prompts for you to start with.
How does your shadow express itself?
When did your childhood really end? When did you lose that childlike innocence?
What event from the past still have an effect on you today?
Have you ever done something bad to another person? Do you regret it? Why did you do it?
What emotions do you avoid? Why?
When was the last time you felt happy? Describe what happened.
Do you compare yourself to others? In what way? Why?
What do you wish you could change about yourself? Why?
Things I do for work as a witch in the service/restaurant industry ✨💵
Hi, so I am a hostess/waitress but I am also a pagan witch so here are some things I do for work. Both before, during, and after
Before work
I typically will light the abundance candle that is in my money bowl and sit with it as I get ready, this helps me focus on manifesting abundance through my routine
I love glamour magic, and have charged some of my makeup that I wear for work to help manifest money and abundance in my life. I did this specifically with my highlighter, but you can do this with any part of your routine whether that be makeup, or skin or hair products
Some of my jewelry is charmed for abundance, the silver hoops I wear in my first lobes at work are charmed for abundance and money.
I carry citrine and Smokey quartz in my wallet to draw money in but also keep it safe and encourage smart spending
I carry a pouch in my bra(you can carry it in your pocket as well, I just wear tight jeans at work and it’s more comfortable for me to carry it there) in this I have bay leaf, marjoram, Rosemary, pyrite, amazonite, and moss agate. These all have their specific uses. But the general over arching property is abundance.
I use my abundance oil and draw sigils on my throat and on the inside of my arms. I also use my protection oil on my chest
My perfume is charmed as well and I spray that before work
I sometimes will do a tarot reading to get a feel for the energy of my upcoming shift
After work
First thing I do when I get home from work is cleanse myself, both physically and energetically. I typically with take a shower, I use products that contain herbs like rosemary and lavender to benefit both from their medicinal uses and their magical properties
While I shower I typically with think about how the night went, practicing mindfulness is a important part of manifesting
After I’m out of the shower I apply my skincare, which I find is a useful tool in building up a good foundation for the night. It makes me feel completely reset
I will then recount my tips from the night and right down my hours. I do this while sitting at my altar and burning my abundance and protection candles.
Then I put any money I want to save into my money bowl. This allows me to sort of recharge its energy at the end of each night
If you have any questions or have a topic you want me to cover feel free to leave a comment or send me a dm 🖤✨
Things I do for work as a witch in the service/restaurant industry ✨💵
Hi, so I am a hostess/waitress but I am also a pagan witch so here are some things I do for work. Both before, during, and after
Before work
I typically will light the abundance candle that is in my money bowl and sit with it as I get ready, this helps me focus on manifesting abundance through my routine
I love glamour magic, and have charged some of my makeup that I wear for work to help manifest money and abundance in my life. I did this specifically with my highlighter, but you can do this with any part of your routine whether that be makeup, or skin or hair products
Some of my jewelry is charmed for abundance, the silver hoops I wear in my first lobes at work are charmed for abundance and money.
I carry citrine and Smokey quartz in my wallet to draw money in but also keep it safe and encourage smart spending
I carry a pouch in my bra(you can carry it in your pocket as well, I just wear tight jeans at work and it’s more comfortable for me to carry it there) in this I have bay leaf, marjoram, Rosemary, pyrite, amazonite, and moss agate. These all have their specific uses. But the general over arching property is abundance.
I use my abundance oil and draw sigils on my throat and on the inside of my arms. I also use my protection oil on my chest
My perfume is charmed as well and I spray that before work
I sometimes will do a tarot reading to get a feel for the energy of my upcoming shift
After work
First thing I do when I get home from work is cleanse myself, both physically and energetically. I typically with take a shower, I use products that contain herbs like rosemary and lavender to benefit both from their medicinal uses and their magical properties
While I shower I typically with think about how the night went, practicing mindfulness is a important part of manifesting
After I’m out of the shower I apply my skincare, which I find is a useful tool in building up a good foundation for the night. It makes me feel completely reset
I will then recount my tips from the night and right down my hours. I do this while sitting at my altar and burning my abundance and protection candles.
Then I put any money I want to save into my money bowl. This allows me to sort of recharge its energy at the end of each night
If you have any questions or have a topic you want me to cover feel free to leave a comment or send me a dm 🖤✨
Hola, hoy es mi cumpleaños y estoy feliz, es 12 de Mayo de 2021, son las 0:38, mañana tengo clases temprano. Y ya. Bendiciones célticas a todos.
Adjunto una joya que encontré en una tienda de segunda mano.

My fairy / witch bedside table. I keep all these crystals next to me to charge my mind for the next day! A lot of these are good for sleep, happiness, protection and strength
I’ll hopefully be uploading some witchy content soon, but there may be a bit of a pause; I have exams next week so I’ll be studying non stop! :)
If you decorate your house for Halloween before October you’re either gay, a witch, or a gay witch. I don’t make the rules.

Strawberry wives💕
These are my OCs Ursula and Adrestia, two little gay witches that love to eat strawberries and cherries at their antique shop!

"I don't know what to do without you"
(Francis Forever)
Yup. My wife's alter ego and my favourite witchling in this world❤️
Day 10 of shareyourpride
A cliché I most identify with would be that I do like cooking and witchcraft things