Witchy Woman - Tumblr Posts

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Swamp Witch By Lazy Soap On Art Station

‘Swamp Witch’ by Lazy Soap on Art Station

“Galdramaður festi meg, festi meg –”

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Dua Sekhmet! ❤️‍🔥

Dua Sekhmet, Mistress Of Fear And Lady Of Life

Dua Sekhmet, mistress of fear and lady of life 🦁

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In a world full of fake "perfect" practitioners, this is so important.

huge shout out to magic users who are recovering from burn out. I know you want to practice more and I know you're constantly dreaming of having a fulfilling daily practice and I know how hard it is to not have the energy to do everything you want to do.

I see you. I am you. We deserve to rest

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And hey, lemme be clear: no judging.

We all learnt by starting from somewhere, we weren't born with this kind of knowledge. Do your research, do your experiences according to your own possibilities (physical, economical, etc), but please remember that fancy locations and fancy stuff to show online is all very well, but true connection requires time, work and commitment. And it may not come easy, too. That's perfectly fine. Just don't give up - and don't let glamorous witchy pics make you feel like your practice isn't enough.

For the witches and pagans who need to hear it, connecting with nature is supposed to be about like, actually observing nature over long periods of time, not doing stuff like hoarding endangered bird feathers and beach sand, or just meditating out in aesthetically-pleasing locations. Can you tell me exactly when your wildflowers and weeds start blooming? When do your bugs come out of hibernation? When do migratory birds come and go? How does the air feel during different times of year? If you can't do stuff like that, you aren't connecting with nature.

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Pagan syncretism is the best. I love being able to worship whomever, whenever. I love being able to study occultism from around the world and put together a practice that is so unique and special to me. I love being able to worship gods from ancient societies like Greece. I love the even more ancient gods from Egypt. And we can go back further and revive the gods from Sumer! I love honoring spirits of the sun, and moon, of death, and love. I love being playful with the faeries, soaring with dragons, and meditating with bodhisattvas. If it is open to me, I am willing to learn and boy has it enriched my life tenfold! I don’t ever want to stop!

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The Witch And The Moon

The Witch and the Moon

— by majara__

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