Witchy Life - Tumblr Posts
Not only do you not need to buy a bunch of crap to get into witchcraft, I've found that things just start coming to you at a certain point.
Of course you get better at finding what you need as you learn to see the potential in what's around you, but I've also had several people just give me useful things for no apparent reason. I don't really advertise that I'm into this, but it's like people just know.
I'm not talking about manifestation or law of attraction. It's more like people start to recognize that you're the person they should give a small bottle or bit of honeycomb to, and they're not entirely sure of why. They just get the sense that you'd know what to do with it.
All of this. All. Of. This.
Maybe it's just my own experience, but I feel like children take naturally to an animist world view.
I remember an incident in which I was dragged out of a restaurant crying over a green crayon which I'd bonded with, and was subsequently forced to abandon.
Then there was the first time I built a campfire. My family was camping next to an English backpacker, who they invited over for smores (he was appropriately horrified by them). I remember asking my father, A Scientist, if fire was alive, and he told me that it was just a chemical reaction. Nevertheless, I was deeply saddened by the idea of letting my fire die.
After I went to bed, the backpacker stayed by my fire and kept it alive all night so that it would be there when I woke up. I still remember this as the most insanely kind thing a stranger has ever done for me.
Okay, I've gotten a bit off topic and am now just rambling about a nice thing someone did for me, but to return to my point, I think I was already an animist as a child. That or I was just a lonely weirdo who tended to get attached to random things...
No wonder in Jutland they're called Låkkilæjer - Loki's Flower. 🔥

Love this! ✨

‘Swamp Witch’ by Lazy Soap on Art Station
“Galdramaður festi meg, festi meg –”
This is gonna happen to me someday.

I Hate an Accidental Summoning When I’m Just Trying to Crochet/Knit
An Mórrígan is the first Goddess I approached many years ago, and my journey with her is far from over.
Someday I'll write more about my UPG, but for today let's just say that this really resonates with me. 🖤
My UPG with the Morrígan
This is, of course, purely anecdotal and should not be taken as fact, just my experiences with and perceptions of the Morrígan.
I often hear the Morrígan described as a frightening goddess, and I don’t think that’s completely untrue. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think she’s “dangerous” or “not for beginners” or whatever other nonsense the witchtok-ers are spewing these days, but I and a friend of mine both had a first encounter with her that made us uncomfortable and even afraid.
For me, it was more frustration than anything. I was the one who reached out to her first. Specifically, I asked if she wanted to form a working relationship with me, and if I would be allowed to add her to my hearth cult. I got an obscure response, but what I got was basically: “Not yet.”
There was something I had to do, some challenge I had to face, before I could work towards earning her favor. I could worship and offer her all I liked, but to create that reciprocal relationship I wanted meant I had to earn her trust. Honestly, I was frustrated. It drove me crazy. I attempted numerous things. I started working out regularly, changing my diet, so many things that I had been told were issues of mine that I needed to work out to create that perseverance the Morrígan would want from me, but… nothing. Silence.
The thought of her kind of slipped from my mind when my depression and anxiety worsened and I ceased to really have any kind of consistent religious practice at all. I didn’t encounter her again until after I managed to get myself out of that slump.
Taking responsibility for myself, taking advantage of my opportunities, and accepting the help that was offered to me took strength. It took courage. That was the Morrígan’s test, I realized: not just to get myself treatment, to help myself, but also to recognize that getting that treatment was an accomplishment grown from a power I didn’t know I had.
With this revelation came to me, I had already begun encountering the Dagda. I decided to welcome them both into my hearth cult at the same time, after the Dagda implied to me that they came as a package deal.
These days, the Morrígan isn’t as frightening to me, but she does bring with her a certain aura of darkness and power, that incites excitement and reminds me of my own autonomy and my accomplishments.
Other things I’ve noticed about her:
Ever since I started working with her, I have gotten sooo many compliments on absolutely everything. I once asked her to let other people see the gifts she’s given to me (AKA my new-found and hard-earned confidence), and I would like to think those gifts are the source.
She absolutely loves cows. This is substantiated by the texts, because of course cattle were so important for the ancient Irish, but I get the impression that, ignoring their practical uses, she also likes cows because they’re adorable and beautiful creatures. I see her in the eyes of every calf I pet at my local dairy farm!
She’s sometimes called “the jealous wife of the Dagda”, but I believe this is a misnomer. What I get from their relationship is that they love each other deeply, but she doesn’t really care about his extra-marital activities. Actually, as an asexual (non-repulsed) individual, I see that reflected a lot in her. Just a very “sex is good but turning into corvids is better” attitude.
I feel this 🔥
Me, first approaching the gods: “Hi, I have a fountain of issues that will constantly make things difficult, I’ve got this 50 cent candle and my undying love for you. 👉🏻👈🏻🥺”
The gods: “Hell yeah.”
If you're feeling disconnected from your practice remember that the gods are still present they're with you through good and bad times. It's okay to take a break and it's okay to need some time to heal yourself and help yourself. Taking a break or feeling disconnected doesn't mean that the gods aren't there. Take the time you need and remember to prioritise yourself that's what the gods most likely want
I feel this is never said enough, so let's say it again. 💜
To the witches with chronic illnesses:
Please remember to be kind to yourself today. If you can't get up to do that spell you planned, that's okay. If you can't gather enough mental focus to meditate today, that's okay. If you can't even gather enough strength to get out of bed, that's okay. If you can't get up to light deity candles, that's okay. They won't hate you for it. They will understand.
Allow yourself to rest. Even if you didn't do anything yesterday, allow yourself to rest. Your body will let you know when it's ready to do things. Even if that's only to do small, simple things. Your body will tell you.
Please, allow yourself to rest. You've got this! ❤️
In a world full of fake "perfect" practitioners, this is so important.
huge shout out to magic users who are recovering from burn out. I know you want to practice more and I know you're constantly dreaming of having a fulfilling daily practice and I know how hard it is to not have the energy to do everything you want to do.
I see you. I am you. We deserve to rest