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Mighty goddesses, you who have protected us from all harm through the centuries, please hear my prayers. Aid me in my hardest times, and look over me when i need you. I humbly ask you, great Al-Uzza , Al-Lat and Manāt , to protect me when i need it, and be there for me. May my life be as clean as a desert with yellow sand. May my future be as bright as the Sun protected by the goddess Shams. May my life be as abundant as Allat's grain fields. May my love be as gentle as Al-Uzza. And may the time of my death be as far away as time. Thank you, for everything.
Glory to you, great goddesses.
Hi guys! Here are some freshly baked userboxes for pride month!!!
Free to use!

Hello Faðir. 🔥
I find this outfit very ridiculous and cute

Not me lighting a candle and incense and turning on a punk record for sutekh's day and immediately snapping out of my depressive episode
I am Seth, the Red.
I am Seth, great of magic.
I am Seth, lord of the wind.
I am Seth, lord of the storm.
I am Seth, lord of the desert.
I am Seth, the destructive one.
I am Seth, he with the great roar.
I am Seth, before whom the sky shakes.
I am Seth, he who is in the middle of fire.
I am Seth, the lord of power and strength.
I am Seth, he with great power at the tip of the Barque.
I am Seth, and I answered your call.
Were you aware, when you came to me?
Were you aware of what I would bring?
Were you aware that I would stick around?
Were you aware that I would tear your heart out of your broken ribs?
Were you aware that I would stand among the flaming sand as you cried out for help?
Were you aware that I would be there to help you?
Of course you were not.
That’s why I came.
You needed me.
You needed my lessons, the harder the better.
You needed to understand your rage more.
You needed to dance through the storm - no: with the storm.
You needed to find your may among the swirling dust devils and their dervish songs.
You needed to know how much you belong to the red sands, deadly and unforgiving, yet constellated with oases of peace.
And now that we’ve been through all that, tell me: would you really want me to go away?
Yeah. I thought so.
Uhm, yeah, sometimes I write my own devotional bits too. Sometimes someone inspires me and I listen and write. This time, it was Seth. The Red himself. So, a litte bit of devotion for him.
Image by Nathalie Braconnot, as credited.

Paganism is not Burger King. You cannot have everything YOUR WAY.
Paganism is not a buffet at a Chinese restaurant. You cannot mix and match, selecting 'one item from column A, one from column B, and with six you get egg roll'. Everything was organized a certain way for a reason. Change the system at your own risk.
I'm gonna be blunt here, anon - this is an incredibly ignorant take that reveals just how much you don't actually know about history and the development of religion.
First of all, what do you mean when you say paganism? Which cultures' traditions, and from what time period? Because all the various traditions out there that have been lumped under the "pagan" umbrella are not a monolith and never were. And furthermore, they evolved over time. A lot.
As for everything being "organized a certain way for a reason," there were in fact many reasons why things were the way they were. Very often, it was just politics. The gods of the ruling class were elevated to the highest status, the gods of political enemies marginalized or worse. When we're dealing with animistic worldviews, sometimes that reason is just that the gods are embodiments of local nature.
Also claiming that you can't "mix and match" is just hilarious in light of the fact that many ancient cultures just did that. (Seriously, go take a peek into the Greek Magical Papyri sometime.) Syncretism has always been happening, and it's always going to happen. Get used to it.
I heartily recommend that instead of regurgitating shit opinions from modern pagan authoritarians, go actually study some history and get the stick out of your ass.
I feel this 🔥
Me, first approaching the gods: “Hi, I have a fountain of issues that will constantly make things difficult, I’ve got this 50 cent candle and my undying love for you. 👉🏻👈🏻🥺”
The gods: “Hell yeah.”
I feel this is never said enough, so let's say it again. 💜
To the witches with chronic illnesses:
Please remember to be kind to yourself today. If you can't get up to do that spell you planned, that's okay. If you can't gather enough mental focus to meditate today, that's okay. If you can't even gather enough strength to get out of bed, that's okay. If you can't get up to light deity candles, that's okay. They won't hate you for it. They will understand.
Allow yourself to rest. Even if you didn't do anything yesterday, allow yourself to rest. Your body will let you know when it's ready to do things. Even if that's only to do small, simple things. Your body will tell you.
Please, allow yourself to rest. You've got this! ❤️
In a world full of fake "perfect" practitioners, this is so important.
huge shout out to magic users who are recovering from burn out. I know you want to practice more and I know you're constantly dreaming of having a fulfilling daily practice and I know how hard it is to not have the energy to do everything you want to do.
I see you. I am you. We deserve to rest
I don’t know who needs to hear this but having doubts about your practice is totally normal and actually beneficial.
Questioning everything is intelligence.