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The Signs as MARINA Songs
*Check your sun, venus, ascendant/rising, and moon sign*
Aries: Starring Role

We all crave the spotlight, but sometimes it's like you'll die if you don't have it. It's okay to be second or third best, you know. You refuse to settle for "less" when something or someone you desire is unattainable. You tend to refuse to take no for an answer, and usually percieve it as a challenge instead. This upsets a great deal of people in your life. You need to learn to walk away. This will spare not only others, but also yourself.
Taurus: Hollywood

You're a creature of comfort and normally that isn't a bad thing. However, at times, you're too materialistic for your own good. You overindulge and forget to enjoy the simple things. Everyone deserves better, but don't overlook the great things you already possess. Otherwise, you'll find that someone else will scoop them up for themselves. Material possessions hold no sustenance. They are fleetingly fulfilling. You should focus on appreciating what you possess now and who and whatever fulfills you.
Gemini: Can't Pin Me Down

Your contradicting nature makes it impossible for anyone to pin you down. You're elusive and sometimes difficult for people to understand. Many people assume the worst of you, mostly because you don't want them to understand you and so they don't even try. You want to be undefinable and hence you undergo consistent metamorphasis and are forever changing. It must be exhausting and frustrating. You need to take a look inside yourself and see that you're complex and interesting as you are. You don't need to change all the time for people to see that. Try to be yourself, whoever that may be, and let people see the real you before they see through your masks.
Cancer: The State of Dreaming

Sometimes we don't have as much control over our lives as we'd like. It's almost as if we're all living in a play and can't deviate from the script. Your whole life feels like it's predestined and you feel as if can't make your destiny your own. This is by no means true. Your fate lies in your own two, capable hands. We are all that we make of ourselves, so don't let your choices be defined by anyone other than you. Your fate is your own and so, it's solely up to you to wake up and sculpt it.
Leo: Oh No!

You're very goal-orientated. When you want something, you'll work tirelessly to attain it. This doggedness of yours is both admirable and destructive. You have the tendency to live and set goals for the future, rather than the present. The future can wait. It's better for you to live in the here and now. Sometimes, no matter what we do, we fail. The acceptance of failure is a tough pill to swallow and swallow it you must. When you want to achieve something, you can be single-minded. So when you fail, it's disastrous. Try being more open-minded and interacting with the present.
Virgo: Are You Satisfied?

Nothing seems to be good enough for you. Your perfectionism is insatiable and hurts not only yourself but also those around you. You would rather take the more challenging path if it yielded better results. Your aptitude for success is admirable, but there is more to life than making it. You could have all the wealth in the world, and still, feel all alone. Often, this is the case. Yes, you should focus on developing your career and succeeding in life. However, it's important to place an emphasis on living your life and not working it away. Go out and kick it with friends. Live it up and have fun whenever you can, otherwise, you'll find that your work has consumed your life and that you hadn't really lived at all.
Libra: Savages

You're all about harmony and keeping the peace. You wield the powers of a diplomat and you utilize them well. However, you put up a false front as all diplomats must. You suppress your innermost thoughts and feelings. You smile and bear with everything. It's excruciating balancing those scales all the time, isn't it? You need to recognize that the scales tipping are human nature. Conflict and discord are primitive and present throughout the history of the world. The truth is, people are horrible sometimes. You can't prevent it, you can't escape it, but you can most certainly recognize it. You would also benefit from embracing it, on occasion.
Scorpio: Power and Control
You give so little and yet expect and demand so much. You want people to trust and confide in you, but in order for that to happen, you must do the same. You believe that opening up to others will leave you vulnerable and turn the tide in their favor. Relationships aren't supposed to be a rollercoaster of power and control with shifting tides. Their about being someone's equal in every matter. Equally shared trust. A balance of power. You are so afraid to relinquish your power that you'd prefer to sacrifice relationships instead. Practice giving and taking in equal measure, even though it may be scary. You'll benefit from it in the end.
Sagittarius: Primadonna

All you've ever wanted was the world, right? You're vivacious and cheerful in the eyes of others. You crave adoration and want to be liked by everyone. Your life is one of towering highs and drastic lows. You rise and then you fall. Deep down inside, you're lonesome. You need to fill your life with things that make you happy and live for yourself, not for others. Be a healthy kind of selfish, and it'll go a long way.
Capricorn: Teen Idle

You're more than capable of achieving whatever your heart desires. So why are you letting your fear of failure hold you back? You don't want to grow up and look back on your life, just to realize that you've lived one full of regret. Failure is terrifying, but so is living an unfulfilled life. Experience life to the fullest and don't let your fears stop you, otherwise, you'll find yourself wishing that you'd been a teen idle.
Aquarius: I Am Not a Robot
Believe it or not, it's not a crime to embrace your humanity. You're human after all! You have feelings and you should allow yourself to feel them. To protect yourself from the threat of others, you present this stone-cold exterior to ward people off. You need warmth, affection, and attention just like anyone else. It won't kill you to seek it out either, although it may feel that way at first. You have to learn that not everyone is out to get you. You're doing yourself more harm than good by shutting people out. Let others in, let them know you, and let them see you. It'll be worth it in the end.
Pisces: Lies
We all have those attachments and relationships that we know that we shouldn't have. Yet, we still yearn for and maintain them. Sometimes we prefer to hear and conjure lies rather than tell ourselves the truth as the truth is usually too painful to bear. You need to leave your dream world of lies and start making your own reality. Why dream of a world full of fake love when you deserve to find and experience it in real life?
Bro kisses his crush and IMMEDIATELY goes and punches trees down over it