YA Contemporary - Tumblr Posts

— Nice try, Jane Sinner, Lianne Oelke.
Character aesthetic of Jane Sinner, budding psychologist with unclear motivations. Existential angst in it's purest form 🧡

🧡 Nice Try, Jane Sinner 🧡
Character aesthetics | Jane Sinner |
Back to the main worldbuilding stuff 🤓
A Fourth Dimension Reality (or A4 for short) is a story about two teenagers with out of this world powers (aka Superman). They're on a mission to find out more about themselves so there's a lot of exploration I have in here.
Dimension tears in reality called Rifts
Out of the world creatures called, Blood Borns, Selestials, 4th Dimensional beings, Ahgels, Demohns, Ghosts, Spirits, and Dream Eaters.
Rifts - Dimensional tears in the universe that are invisible to the average human. 4th dimensional beings however, have the ability to feel these rifts because if the overwhelming amount of pressure in a certain area. Some humans even have the ability to see the energy that comes off a rift and locate them that way. Also rifts have a time conversion and fair warning: I'm bad at math and it took me a long time to figure out this conversion. But, I believe what works is this:

It took me way to long to figure this out, so if it's wrong o well
Blood Borns - Someone is considered one when they are born in their proper dimension. So, if a 4th dimensional being is born in the 4th dimension, then they would be considered a Blood Born, if not they are simply a Being.
Beings are a classification for anything that's not human.
Selestials - Are a species of rock beings that get their energy from the crimson earth they live on. Almost an "AU" of earth, where they reside is a wasteland where minerals and other elements are very abundant. They feed off of these minerals and make their very souls out of materials of the earth.
Ahgels - (I just came up with the name btw) These are "angels" who do everything angels aren't supposed to. They participate in every sinful act known to man and put under the guise that they are giving "heavenly experiences." There's also very little females who are Ahgels.
Demohns - Are "demons" that exists to assist anyone who's strong enough to resist Ahgels. Made up of mostly women, they help break the trance most fall into when being enticed by Ahgels, however this has made them a threat and they were sealed away.
Ghosts - Like the real world equallivent, ghosts are individuals who are deceased, but they are called a "ghost" when they're aimless on the physical plain. Ghosts have lost their purpose or don't know where their body is so they can pass on.
Spirits - Are souls that chose not to leave the physical plain for some reason. To haunt someone, because they don't want to leave or simply because they don't want to pass on.
Dream Eaters - These are creatures that consume dreams and turn them into a physical handicap. They are virtually extinct, but there's still information on them. Since dreams are just distorted memories, if a Dream Eater consumes a dream, they can trace it back to the memory it's attached to and then impose the importance of that memory onto the individual she took it from. Effectively "weighing them down."
There's also smaller things such as how dimensional beings are born outside their dimension. What are the exact abilities of a human who can see rifts. The different variations of rifts. How to locate a rift and so on, but that's small stuff, so I'll leave it at that!
Thank you for reading and I hope you write well today or tonight.