Yandere Drabbles - Tumblr Posts
I just read Jerry and Hedwig reacting to us bleeding on the sheets what about the guys👀 specifically silas (cause my daddy issues run wild for him)😩
Silas, Dr Kry & King Edmund drabbles: bleeding through at a "sleepover" (or in their house)
The girls reaction male!yanderes (mob boss, doctor & king) x fem!reader Warnings?: sexual indication, disgusted by blood, yandere
You're on a mission with him, staying in a house belonging to the second in command. Being the boss’s little darling has its benefits — especially in these situations. If you hadn't been his, chances are that you would get killed for ruining someone's sheets.
"Silas", you whisper while shaking him carefully. "Please, wake up. Oh, God, please wake up ..."
He grunts and opens his dark eyes, looking around confusedly before fixating his eyes on you. He freezes.
"What's wrong, baby?" he asks raspily and grabs your arm.
"I bled through ...", you whisper weakly, body full pf panic. "I didn't know, I wasn't supposed to start now!"
Silas removes the cover to look at the stain. He doesn't say anything as he removes them all before picking up his phone to call one of his most trustworthy men.
"Don't worry about it, baby", he says tiredly. "I'll fix this."
"Will your second in command get mad?" you ask hesitantly.
"He won't. He knows better." Silas holds the phone to his ear. "I need you to bring me new sheets and to send someone to buy whatever Y/N tells you to get. Here Y/N."
He gives you the phone. You tell the man on the other side what you need. He replies politely, knowing better than to talk informally to you. Silas stands by, watching carefully and rubbing your back.
As soon as you get what you need, you get out of your bottom clothes and change. Silas sits down in bed with you in his lap. He brings his legs up to trap you in his embrace. His rough hands sneak under your shirt to massage your aching stomach.
"You know ...", he whispers in your ear, hand traveling lower. "Exercise helps with cramps ... I know something that is a great form of exercise. Want me to show you?"
You grab his hand, moving it back to your stomach.
"Come on", he smirks against your jaw. "You'd like it."
"I'll kick your nuts if you continue talking", you warn him.
Silas chuckles and pulls the blankets higher, kissing your forehead.
"Women and their temperament", he grins and softens his face. "Guess I have to wait then. Why don't you try going to sleep, little thing? It's late."
"Are you sure your second in command won't be mad?" you ask carefully.
"If he even dares to snarl at you, I'll stain his sheets with his blood instead." Silas kisses your lips with a reassuring smile. "You have nothing to be worried about, little thing, I've always got your back."
Dr Kry:
He has installed a baby monitor, just a week prior, to being able to supervise you 24/7. He wakes up by hearing shuffling from the machine and takes a look to see you grabbing all of your sheets in your arms. Dr Kry frowns. Are you going to sleep on the floor again? You have such weird ideas to entertain yourself. But the look of sheer guilt and horror paints your face, knocking those thoughts out of his head. Dr Kry hurries to grab his silk robe and hurry up to your room.
You're currently washing them in the bathtub. You freeze when you hear him unlock the door and enter the room.
"Where are you?" he asks.
"Here", you reply quietly, watching how he enters the bathroom.
Dr Kry crouches down beside you on the floor, putting his hand on your shoulder. He glances between the sheets and your face.
"What happened?" he asks.
"I-I bled through", you say. "I'm so sorry, doctor, I will fix it-"
"No, you're not." Dr Kry grabs your arm and pulls you up in your feet. "I'll fix it. You're not well, you shouldn't do this."
You feel bad. Dr Kry works long shifts and during his only rest, you've forced him up to clean up the mess you've caused.
"Y/N, it's fine", the doctor reassures you and walks over to give you a short hug. "Things like this happens. You should look at it from another angle — you can be pregnant. You're fertile. Alright? That's a good thing. A very good thing."
He's secretly glad that his poisoning hasn't affected your reproduction organs. You need them. He wants you to have them. Dr Kry wants nothing more than to have children with you.
"Let's stop crying and realize that this isn't a big thing, okay?" he says and wipes your tears. "You don't have to be ashamed. I've watched much, much worse things."
"Like what?" you ask quietly.
Dr Kry smiles teasingly. "I've seen people spill urine samples on themselves, have had people using the rear temperature stick for a patients mouth, and whatnot. This is nothing. It's natural, nothing to be ashamed of."
You try not to smile. "Did someone really use the wrong temperature stick?"
Dr Kry grins and nods, happy to see you a bit calmer.
"Let's get you some painkillers now so you can go rest", he says and puts his hand on your back to guide you. "I'll change the sheets, and you can just sit by, okay? Everything you need is in the bathroom."
He sits with you until the cramps stop, and decide to stay in the room with you while you sleep, just in case you would wake up again. He smiles slightly for himself. The poisioned air hasn't ruined your chances of ferility, he couldn't be more greateful.
King Edmund
You're terrified of telling him. Edmund is the type to believe that you can hold it in. With absolutely zero knowledge about females, risk is that he will get mad at you for ruining his expensive sheets instead of understanding. You know that he buys them from special places. One of a kind.
Edmund has never been taught how women work, it has been taboo and unnecessary for him, as a king, to learn. The only thing he knows is that a woman bleeds once a month, and that is it. Nothing more. He doesn't know how it works or why it happens.
But you can't stop the maid from telling him. He comes walking from his office with a deep frown on his face. You're dead. Before sending the maids out, he walks over to the bed and inspects the damage. When the girls are gone and the door is closed, he turns to you.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks.
"I thought that you would get mad", you admit quietly. "It's your expensive sheets ..."
"And you think that it'll help the situation by sending one of the maids to tell me, instead of telling me yourself?"
"I didn't send her. I didn't want you to know ... at all."
"I told you ... I was scared that you'd get mad. You'd have told me to keep it in."
He groans, hiding his face in his hands. "For fucks sake, Y/N!" He removes his hands. "Why in the living Hell would I care more about about a pair of sheets rather than my own wife?"
You don't answer. Edmund walks over and grabs your shoulders before pulling you into a hug.
"You underestimate me, my jewel", he mutters and kisses your temple. "Now, go take a bath."
He tells a maid to fill the tub with scalding hot water to soothe your cramps and tells another maid to change the sheets.
"Burn the sheets and the night gown", he tells the maid. "I don't want anyone unworthy to see my queen's blood, got it?"
And the maid nods quickly before running off.
While you sit in the steaming tub, Edmund sits on the floor beside it, keeping you company. He should be doing work, but instead he's here, with you.
"I'm sorry about your sheets", you sigh and lean against the tub. "I know that they're expensive."
"Shut up about those fucking sheets now", Edmund groans and caresses your cheek. "I have enough to buy a hundred more sheets. I could buy the entire world, if I wanted to. A few sheets are nothing for me."
He leans over to kiss your wet forehead.
"Are you disgusted?" you ask carefully.
"A bit ... but not as much as I thought I'd be", Edmund replies with a grimace. "I'm more concerned about you, to be honest. Seeing you bleed, in any way, makes my heart sink in a disgusting way. I'm just angry I don't have anyone to blame for your pain."
You try to joke. "Blame my parents for making me a girl."
But he looks deadly serious. "No, never. They made you ... my wife and queen. I could never blame them for giving you this pain." He sighs and taking your hand. "If there is anything i can do to take the pain away, tell me. Teach me."
"Well, you actually had this right, the warm water. It helps."
"Anything else?"
"Sugar. Just for the hormones."
Edmund nods, thinking. He shouts for a maid to tell the kitchen staff to make cakes. He then turns back to you and smiles proudly. Maybe he isn't as bad as you thought?
YALLL imagine death god yan x unlucky-lucky darling x life god yan
Darling is naturally blessed, having the eyes of an obsessed life god yan on them since birth. They've been blessed with god health, amazing abilities etc.
But all of a sudden, they suddenly fall ill. The work of the death god. Death god wants darling for himself. He wants to see what so charming about darling to make a life god do such actions for a mere mortal.
So he makes darling really ill and interacts with them through dreams bordering life and death. He then realizes what so appealing about darling and tries to worsen darling's symptoms.
But of course, your yandere life god isn't just going to stand by and watch this happen. He's had his eyes on you for a far longer time. You were his from the beginning.
In the end, you end up getting like 13290390 diseases but end up surviving all of them because these damn gods can't seem to make up their minds about whether to kill you or not.
Such is the life of someone who can be dubbed an 'unlucky-lucky' person. And you don't know whether to be thankful or not for having the hearts of gods dedicated towards you.

(yandere! manager x gn! reader)
"bring out your manager!"
"dude we can't-"
"i said, bring out your manager!"
you state firmly, glaring at the front desk employee who was giving you attitude.
you had come with your friend to this luxury store, wanting to do some shopping... only for you to be screamed at by the front desk employee.
apparently you guys looked too 'low class' to be shopping in the store. like what? what the actual hell? that is so stupid!
you couldn't stand for it. not at all. which is why you were standing up for the both of you. like, how could you just allow this to happen?
but this damn employee didn't seem to want to reason with you. just call the manager, damn it!
you continue glaring at the employee until he rolled his eyes at you, picking up the phone as he speaks in a condescending tone.
"sir, there's some low class people that want to see you... yeah, I'll call security- huh? does either of them have a black card? uh... I haven't asked-"
"yes i do!"
you exclaim loudly, hoping your voice would be able to reach the other end of the phone. and you think it did, with how the employee seemed confused that no one was replying to his words anymore.
"ugh, seems like sir is coming down to meet you two... consider yourselves lucky-"
"baby?! you're here?!"
the manager skips over to you, a lovesick expression on his face as he engulfs you in a hug. you merely smirk at the employee, flipping him off as the manager, aka your rich boyfriend, coddles you. hm... maybe you should get back at the employee?
"yeah, anyways, that guy over there tried to kick me out y'know? called me and my friend low class and all..."
you feel your boyfriend's grip tighten on you as he looks up to make eye contact with the employee. haha, you couldn't even feel bad for him after what he called you and your friend who just wanted to shop peacefully.
"you, get out. you no longer work here."
"b-but sir!"
"you're a low class scum too. never enter my sight again."
your boyfriend threatens, glaring at the front desk employee who gets dragged out by security.
man, you love having a rich boyfriend.
yandere! malewife who is indecisive and can't decide on whether he wants to love or hate (also love, just with insults added instead) you today.
imagine ur cute lil guy that you love going "you're such a horrible spouse i hate you, go die" out of nowhere then you bring up the divorce card and he goes all ballistic
"ugh i hate this. this is the third sandwich I've made for you today and-"
"let's get a divorce."
"if you divorce me i will fuck up your life so bad, manipulate you into thinking that I was the only good thing you had that you have no choice but to get back with me."
like this guy is actually insane. he will not leave you alone and he will actually commit all the atrocities he threatens to do.
"wow this guy looks hot af"
"who? this random on the internet? you like them?"
"yeah this guy is kinda cute ngl"
"why are you looking at him? i will steal his skin and wear it if you keep complimenting him. you only need me. actually, do you want me to look like him? huh? should i start working out? buy a whole new wardrobe? just say yes and I'll do it all for you."
you actually don't know why you married him if he was going to threaten you for every little thing you did. you can't even talk to someone else without him getting all mad and upset. maybe it's cause you secretly like the way he's obsessed over you.
or maybe he's just cute. you'll never know.
what you do know is that you like providing him with what he needs and being the person he relies on. well, tbh, you're pretty sure he's like some secret underground black market trader or something because he gets money from nowhere. money you didn't give him. but you trust what he says. if he says he didn't do it, he probably didn't, right?
"hey honey how come you have 300k more in your bank account? i haven't sent you your monthly allowance."
"i actually harvest people's organs and sell them in the black market."
"no haha just kidding! i just saved up physical cash that you gave me and forgot to put it in until today❤️"
"oh ok"
yeah, you love your malewife 😁👍

(yandere! sleepy boyfriend x gn! reader)
YOU: abt to go sleep baby<3 wish u were here with me :(
sleepynfreakybae: oh ok
read at 23:55
you stare at his message, eye twitching as you grip your phone tightly. what the hell? you knew he was always sleepy and sort of dry but... he couldn't play into your fantasies? even just a little? he didn't even spell the full 'okay'!
letting out a groan, you turn to your other side, facing the wall as you quietly sulk, your phone turned off. that's right, you'll punish him by ignoring his messages!
that... is until you felt shifting in your bed. particularly right behind you.
your breath hitches, mouth running dry before you turn around and meet the familiar sight of your boyfriend cuddling into your shoulder, his eyes shut as he spoons you.
oh, you thought you were going to get murdered.
"w-what the... where did you come from?"
"you said you missed me... right?"
he mutters into your neck, voice raspy before he sniffles and nuzzles his cheek against you. you stare at him, still frozen in shock before you feel your shock melt into something more... disturbed.
"i was hiding under your bed. glad you said you missed me. it was uncomfortable laying on the ground."
man. sometimes you wonder where he gets the energy for this. he doesn't even want to wake up to go out! just sleeping in bed like a damn pig until you drag him out!
oh right, you forgot that he only gets energy for you. how silly of him.
struck with the need for a rich white man again... this isnt helping the asian gf and white bf stereotypes bruh

(yandere! old money bf x gn! reader)
"ugh... I don't wanna work..."
"you don't have to. just let me take care of you."
you look at your boyfriend, pouting at his words before sighing dramatically as you roll over to his part of the bed. you and him were both chilling in his family's villa over in Italy, having wanted a short overnight getaway from everyone else.
and right now you were complaining about your shitty 9 to 5 job after having an online shopping spree, sponsored by his family's money.
"but like, you know, if i don't work i can't complain about my shitty boss or my free loader teammates! my life will be boring as hell and-"
"boring? why would it be boring?"
he pauses mid-sentence, giving you a side glare before continuing his words as he flips to the next page of some random book he picked up.
"you have me. your life will never be boring with me around."
your life will never be boring with me around.
well, that was true, but you couldn't help but pout at his words. you just wanted to complain for a bit! after all, it helps relieve some of your stress. if you had nothing to complain about, what would your life be like? boring as hell, damn! you knew that if you agreed to let him take care of you you wouldn't need to lift a damn finger anymore and you'd just live a slack life.
fun at first but you'd be so bored out of your mind that you'd actually go crazy because you just know he's never letting you work again if you agree.
"yeah but like, work-"
"you don't want me to take care of you?"
he pouts, placing his book down as he wraps his arms around your torso and snuggles against you.
"i want to take care of you. now and forever."
he mutters into your nody, voice coming out muffled as you awkwardly pat his head. you watch in confusion as he mutters something incoherent before making eye contact with you.
"i love caring for you. but it would be better if you were fully dependent on me..."
"what was that?"
"what? nothing. you heard nothing my love."
guys imagine being an attraction in a zoo and having a yandere! alien zookeeper??
basically you're a human right, and these aliens captured you one day because humans are a dying species and they're endangered and stuff 🤑 so then they put you in a zoo enclosure that's reminiscent to human apartments based on what they read in books because it's cute.
all day long you just sit around in your enclosure and do random ass things while getting gawked at by aliens who try touching you through the bars of your enclosure. you felt like a lesser being. i mean, that's what humans were to these aliens anyway.
the only one who treats you like a decent and equal being is the zookeeper who has a rather odd attraction to you. he doesn't touch you without your consent, calls you by your name instead of just 'human', and even gives you food that you like! plus, he's just so sweet! turning red whenever you two are close to each other, trying to learn more about human culture...
it's just that he's a little weird.
lingering gazes, the constant monitor checking, asking about how humans show love and stuff... if you didn't know better you'd have thought he was in love with you! haha... not like he is one, right? he's just doing his job. learning more about humans and stuff... haha...
but you trusted him. he took such good care of you after all. he'd never try and hurt you. and he's an alien anyway, albeit a handsome and attractive one. he wouldn't be interested in you, a human, of all things.
that is, until, another human gets captured and put into the same exhibit as you. they wanted you two to copulate-to continue the bloodline you know.
that's when you started noticing your zookeeper acting up. you noticed how his lingering gazes and questions about love quickly turned into threats against the other human who didn't even want to be there.
surely your weird but sweet alien zookeeper wouldn't do anything, right? your poor roommate doesn't even like you that way! your caretaker would definitely see that right?
one day, you were sleeping until you get rudely awoken by the scream of your new roommate.
"oi quiet down will you? I'm-"
"sorry my dear, go back to sleep."
standing in front of you was your alien caretaker, drenched in the blood of your mangled roommate. a sickeningly sweet smile was on his face as he held your roommate's now limp body by his... crushed head? you couldn't even recognize your roomie's body anymore.
"it's okay, I'm sorry you had to see that. humans get startled easily don't they?"
startled was an understatement to what you were feeling right now. you felt like you were about to vomit out your guts.
you watched as the red liquid dripped from your alien zookeeper's arms, the smell of iron overpowering your senses as you black out. this is all just a dream. it's just a dream. it has to be. when you wake up, you and your roomie will be perfectly fine in your cute little enclosure.
however when you awoke, you found yourself in a completely new room with pictures of you plastered all over the walls. realization seeps in as you hear the familiar voice of someone you should've never trusted.
"you're awake, my dear. how are you feeling?"
man you were so fucked.

Night drive with silas. Maybe reader had a stockholm syndrome?
The best for you

Mafia!yandere OC x stockholmsyndrome!reader
Summary: after a while in the basement you've finally broken. You're finally obedient.
Warnings: Stockholm syndrome, manipulation, kissing, great fear, hints of violence
You messed up badly. You should not have tried to escape. Look where you ended up — in the darkest corner of his basement with your ankles chained to the stone floor. Reduced to nothing more than a dog.
You're not sure how long you've been down here, but you've been given the opportunity to use the degrading potty four times by now by rough, evil men. Or was it more?
A string of light lights up a small portion of the basement and heavy steps coming down the stairs makes you tense.
"Y/N, baby, it's me", Silas says softly and moves closer to you in the dim light.
He's wearing his dark clothes with his shirt unbuttoned two buttons down and rolled up by his sleeves. In his right hand he holds a see through plastic bag. There's something inside …
"Hi, little thing", Silas says and sits down in front of you.
You press yourself closer to the wall, wishing nothing else than to melt into it and disappear.
"No, no, no, shh, it's okay", he says quickly. "I'm not going to hurt you anymore. Everything is over. I'm here to help."
You doubt that.
He picks up something from the plastic bag and holds the hand open in front of him. A green ball is lying in his palm.
"I got you grapes", he smiles. "I've washed them twice, so you have nothing to be skeptical of."
You look at the grape, hunger roaring through your stomach. Your hand twitches.
"That's right, baby", Silas smiles, "it's yours, take it."
With his reassurance, your hand snatches the grape from his open palm and places it in your mouth. The sudden taste makes you grimace and he smiles, picking up one more. You hesitate. There has to be something waiting for you. He can't be this nice. You're sure that if you try to take the grape, he'll grab your hand in that tight grip he usually has.
"Don't be scared, baby", Silas says softly. "They're all for you."
You shake your head quickly, pressing closer to the wall. You won't fall into his trap.
"They are, I promise", Silas says, moving his hand closer. "Take it."
Your hand snatches the grape just as quickly.
"I'm going to remove the cuffs, okay?" Silas says and moves closer.
Your hands attempt to grab the plastic bag, quickly regretting it. You stare at him with wide eyes, waiting for any sign of anger or disappointment. Nothing.
"You can have the bag if you let me unchain you. Deal?"
You nod hesitantly and hold out your hand. Silas places the plastic bag in your palm. You start to pick up grapes, chewing quicker than the speed of light while he unlocks the chains. He leans back on his hands, looking at you fondly.
"Tasty?" he asks.
You nod carefully. He can tell that your hands are shaking.
"Can you give me one?" he asks and holds out his hand.
You look at his rough hand and down in the bag, contemplating. Slowly, you pick up one of the grapes and drop it in his hand. He smiles and pops it into his mouth. You turn your face down into the bag again. In the corner of your eye you can see him sit up straight again and move closer. You have no time to escape before his arms are wrapped around you in a gentle hold. You forget how to breathe or move. Entire body, all muscles, tense up. You want to push him away or yell at him to let you be, but your brain is having a multipurpose shutdown. The only thing coming out of your mouth being measly whimpers. Silas rubs his hand over your back softly.
"It's okay, little thing", he whispers. "You don't have to be afraid of me anymore. I love you so, so much."
His hand comes up to massage your roots. All of these actions are so soft and after being chained up in this cold, hard and unforgiving basement, you can't do anything else but slowly relax. He notices that and brings you closer until your body is pressed into his. Tears are building up in your chest. You've wanted to cry since you got locked down here, but you haven't dared to. Your tears would have reminded you of how badly you hate your life. But now that you're in Silas’s warm embrace, the walls keeping the tears in are slowly but surely collapsing.
"It's okay, little thing", Silas whispers. "Let it out. I will protect you."
His words sound so genuine that it aches in your broken heart. All you want is for him to treat you normally, why cant he? You suddenly think to yourself that … maybe he does treat you normally, it's just you who are so difficult that he sees no way out than to chain you in here. Tears start to escape your eyes and you're quick to hide them down into his shoulder. He locks your head in place with his hand. You cry out all the frustrations you've felt over both Silas and yourself, over everything and everyone around you. Silas sits in silence, listening. When you finally stop, he pulls your head back and cups your wet cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs. Maybe he isn't too bad after all …?
"Do you want to go upstairs?" he asks with sweet eyes. "Sleep in our bed for a while?"
You nod. Suddenly his touch doesn't feel that poisonous anymore. He stands up and helps you up on your feet. With his arm wrapped around your waist, he brings you upstairs. Now that your stone wall has been removed from you, Silas is the best substitute for you to hide in. He melts everytime you move closer, but he silently hopes that he hasn't broken you. You usually get scared after being locked in the basement, your mind resets like a video game.
His men follow you with their eyes, always interested to see how you've been tamed this time. You press yourself closer to Silas. Not a word needs to be spoken, he already knows.
"If you look at them again it'll be the last thing you ever see" Silas warns his men, bringing you to the stairs to the second floor.
You glance at him, heart softening at how he stood up for you.
He helps you up to your shared bedroom and into the bathroom. You're allowed to take a quick shower before he tucks you into the bed. The soft material around you feels like heavenly clouds compared to the ice cold Hell you've been kept in. It doesn't take more than two minutes before you're knocked out cold with his hand caressing your cheek.

When you wake up, the room is empty. You shoot up, first thought being: "where is Silas?" You look around in desperation. You can't understand this new thinking, this sudden urge to be perfect for him. Be so perfect that you'll never have to end up in the basement again. You've never been so dependent on Silas like this before. Your heart is hammering, all nerves in your body screaming to be close to Silas. Without him, you'll only do something wrong and end up there again …
He must be down in his office, you think and hurry up from the bed. You run over to the door, grabbing the handle.
"Where do you think you're going?" Silas asks firmly, coming out from the bathroom. "I can't even take a piss without you trying to run off."
You breathe out in relief and run over, hugging him tightly. The man freezes in shock and confusion.
"What's going on?" he asks.
"I thought you left!" you mumble. "I got so scared."
He relaxes, understanding. Carefully, his arms wrap around you with a soft smile playing on his lips.
"Of course I won't leave you", he says comfortingly. "I love you, my little angel. Love you so much."
He notices how you glance down at his lips. You need to be close to him.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" he asks smugly.
You nod quickly. He smiles gently and leans down to connect his lips with yours. You respond quickly. He almost flinches in shock, but is quick to match your pace. He almost loses control to you, but is quick to regain it. There's no way you'll get to lead the action. Silas melts into a puddle in your embrace. Your mouth is heavenly soft … and you taste like his wildest fantasies.
"I'm sorry, Silas", you mumble. "I-I shouldn't have tried to run away from you. I don't know what I was thinking, please forgive me."
"You are forgiven, baby", he reassures you.
"I never want to end up there again."
"You won't. Just be as good as you're being now and you won't ever have to see that awful place again."
You breathe out in relief.
"I have to run a quick errand", Silas says.
"Don't leave!" you yelp.
Silas chuckles and caresses your cheeks. "Let me finish, will you? I was going to ask you if you want to come with me. It's just a nice little drive."
You nod. Silas takes your hand in his and leads you out the door, down the stairs.
"Boss, you can't go now!" one of his men says, stressed out of his mind. "We have so much to do!"
"Don't talk to him like that!" you cut him off, a warning to him what will happen if you anger Silas,but also feeling offended that they disrespect him.
"It's okay, baby", Silas smiles and wraps his arm around your shoulders. "You don't have to get involved." He turns to the man. "I do what I want. If you'd paid more attention, you'd know that I'm going on a business errand, not a fun trip. So step aside before you embarrass yourself any further."
The man clears his throat and gives the two of you space. You pity the foolish man. Surely you can't be the only one knowing about the harsh — brutal — consequences?
Silas leads you out to his black, shiny car and opens the front door for you. You jump in and buckle yourself while he gets in behind the steering wheel and turn on the engine.
"If you want, you can just drift off to sleep", Silas says and backs out of the driveway.
You shake your head. Silas chuckles, knowing that you'll be blacked out in twenty minutes anyway.
Twenty minutes pass and you're still awake, much to his surprise. Your eyelids are hanging, deepy wishing that you could let yourself sleep. Although he's given you permission, you're scared that he'll be mad at you for leaving his company. He is unpredictable after all. You soend the time to watxh the twinkling stars up in the night sky, look at the streetlights you pass. It all is so pretty. There are barely any people out by now, but that's almost nicer.
Silas turns to look at you.
"Why are you still awake, baby?" he smiles. "You're obviously tired."
"I shouldn't leave you alone", you whisper regretfully. "I won't be good then …"
"You will be good. You will be the best even, I told you it's okay. Go to sleep, sweet thing."
"Are you sure?"
He chuckles and takes your hand, squeezing it softly. You feel a shameful thump in your heart. Deep down, you know you shouldn't trust him, but oh, how much you really want to.
"Of course I am", he responds. "I took you with me because I know you fall asleep in cars. I'll even put on some calm music for you."
And he does. A sweet, hypnotizing tune enters your ears, making you smile slightly. This time, sleep is inevitable. Only a few minutes later, you're gone. Silas smiles and caresses your cheek with his free hand. He finally succeeded this time. You're finally obedient — finally his.

Can I request about Yandere Ace with prompt 4?
absolutely! i love that funky little dude he’s so fun to write. especially as a yandere <3
character: ace trappola, twst
contains: yandere themes, blood, implied violence, reader referred to in second person pov, gender neutral reader
for a random event - see link here for request rules and here for the masterlist
“Is it really so obvious how infatuated I am?” Ace’s eyes are dark as he studies you, madness and love mixing all together into one.
“I mean, I know you’re not oblivious, but still… you weren’t supposed to find out so soon.” He sighs, humming a little tune under his breath as he steps closer to you, blood still coating his hands as he grabs your waist and forces you closer with a smile entirely too gentle for the scene. “Oh well. It was going to have to happen eventually, wasn’t it?”
Your lips are almost touching by the time you come to your senses, eyes wide as you stagger backwards, trying to look anywhere besides the scene behind the ginger.
“Aw, what? Are you squeamish, darlin’?”
Ace chuckles, his grin twisting with something akin to malice - sadistic pleasure, maybe, and he cages you against the wall.
“You don’t have to worry about them, you know. They were just… getting in the way." He hums, leaning into your space and letting out a blissful little breath.
"So I fixed it. For you. For us.”
His words are only emphasized by the crazed laugh that rips its way from his throat, and before you know it he's tilting your chin upward with a bruising grip. Your eyes meet, and it's like he doesn't even recognize the pain in your expression as that soft smile appears back on his face.
Ace leans down, pressing a kiss to the edge of your lips, letting out a lovestruck sigh when he backs off, seemingly satisfied by that bit of contact. It's really as if the scene of gore behind him never happened.
“You’re just… so lovely, don’t you know?”
YALLL imagine death god yan x unlucky-lucky darling x life god yan
Darling is naturally blessed, having the eyes of an obsessed life god yan on them since birth. They've been blessed with god health, amazing abilities etc.
But all of a sudden, they suddenly fall ill. The work of the death god. Death god wants darling for himself. He wants to see what so charming about darling to make a life god do such actions for a mere mortal.
So he makes darling really ill and interacts with them through dreams bordering life and death. He then realizes what so appealing about darling and tries to worsen darling's symptoms.
But of course, your yandere life god isn't just going to stand by and watch this happen. He's had his eyes on you for a far longer time. You were his from the beginning.
In the end, you end up getting like 13290390 diseases but end up surviving all of them because these damn gods can't seem to make up their minds about whether to kill you or not.
Such is the life of someone who can be dubbed an 'unlucky-lucky' person. And you don't know whether to be thankful or not for having the hearts of gods dedicated towards you.

(yandere! manager x gn! reader)
"bring out your manager!"
"dude we can't-"
"i said, bring out your manager!"
you state firmly, glaring at the front desk employee who was giving you attitude.
you had come with your friend to this luxury store, wanting to do some shopping... only for you to be screamed at by the front desk employee.
apparently you guys looked too 'low class' to be shopping in the store. like what? what the actual hell? that is so stupid!
you couldn't stand for it. not at all. which is why you were standing up for the both of you. like, how could you just allow this to happen?
but this damn employee didn't seem to want to reason with you. just call the manager, damn it!
you continue glaring at the employee until he rolled his eyes at you, picking up the phone as he speaks in a condescending tone.
"sir, there's some low class people that want to see you... yeah, I'll call security- huh? does either of them have a black card? uh... I haven't asked-"
"yes i do!"
you exclaim loudly, hoping your voice would be able to reach the other end of the phone. and you think it did, with how the employee seemed confused that no one was replying to his words anymore.
"ugh, seems like sir is coming down to meet you two... consider yourselves lucky-"
"baby?! you're here?!"
the manager skips over to you, a lovesick expression on his face as he engulfs you in a hug. you merely smirk at the employee, flipping him off as the manager, aka your rich boyfriend, coddles you. hm... maybe you should get back at the employee?
"yeah, anyways, that guy over there tried to kick me out y'know? called me and my friend low class and all..."
you feel your boyfriend's grip tighten on you as he looks up to make eye contact with the employee. haha, you couldn't even feel bad for him after what he called you and your friend who just wanted to shop peacefully.
"you, get out. you no longer work here."
"b-but sir!"
"you're a low class scum too. never enter my sight again."
your boyfriend threatens, glaring at the front desk employee who gets dragged out by security.
man, you love having a rich boyfriend.
beo idk where i saw or read this but can you imagine a yandere! husband who would actually go insane if you left/escaped him?
like, actually insane. I'm not talking "ohhh my spouse left me :((( im gonna find them grrr" type of insane.
im talking like mental breakdowns, crying, screaming, actually getting ill, throwing fits and acting like a sick and deranged man because you're not with him anymore.
he's a rich guy, comes from an old money family. so obviously his parents and family all see the state that he's reduced to after his beloved darling left his grasp. and they absolutely hate the way that their son is so miserable right now. that's their son! and how could they let their son suffer? just how can they help?
so they find you on his behalf and bring you back to him.
like, they're sorry you're back here against your will but their son's condition is more important! don't you see? he loves you and you're just... just neglecting him! a good spouse wouldn't do that. you have to be with him. no questions asked.
upon spotting you, their son (who was literally clawing at his arms, nails all bloody) immediately switches moods and perks up. he's no longer the insane man he was just 5 seconds ago. now he's your loving and sweet husband.
his family all sees that, especially his parents, and they make a vow to make sure you never leave him again. i mean, they like you too! you're perfect for their son! why would you ever want to leave? you don't need to leave.
just stay here with them. stay with your husband. after all, he clearly needs you. and what type of spouse would you be if you left him again?