Yandere Yoongi - Tumblr Posts
Some Extra Help (M)
First smut of the series! Certainly not the last lmao! I hope you guys like it! Their soft yandere rlly shows here and I’m excited to expand on that dynamic with such an isolated MC who is so oblivious. As always, please do not aspire for unhealthy relationships that I write irl. These relationships only function (and even barely sometimes) in a fictional world. Stay safe and enjoy!

Pairing: Soft Yandere!Yoongi and Jin x Chubby!Reader
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: 18+, vibrator gets stuck, cunnilingus, fingering, soft dom! jin and yoongi, sub, kinda brat! reader, crying, some name-calling, daddy kink, sir kink, hickeys, dumbification if you squint, yandere themes, beginnings of an unhealthy relationship, toxic mindset, possessive tendencies
Part of The Household’s Bunny Series
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Strangers (Chapter One)

Strangers from Hell AU
Series Masterlist
pairing: ot7 x reader
genre: yandere, horror/thriller
warnings: murder, mature themes, obsessive/possessive behavior, emotional manipulation, stalking, violence (will update as needed)
word count: 5k words
summary: You are finally moving out of your hometown and following your dreams of living in the big city. With an internship at a successful company and your friends living close by, you feel like things are finally working out.
Sure, your apartment might not be the most glamorous and your new neighbors are a bit strange but that’s normal for a first time living away from home, right? Everyone had warned you about how evil the world could be but it wasn’t until you moved there that you started to understand how strangers could be a real hell.

You were finally doing it. Getting out of your hometown. It had been a long time coming as you were ready to move out as soon as you graduated but when your father fell ill shortly after, you couldn’t just abandon your mother to take care of him and your little brother all by herself, not to mention the family business that needed a new manager. So you stayed. You stayed until eventually death came for your father and then you stayed for when the depression hit your mother so hard she couldn’t get out of bed for days at a time. When you weren’t working, you were the one to make sure your kid brother finished his homework and ate all his meals. It was you that took care of your zombie-like mother until she came back to herself.
And now everyone was back on their feet and you felt like it was the right time to leave, especially because you had been accepted for an internship program in at a successful company that matched well with your college degree. Throughout your college years, you decided to stay living at home to help your family as well as save money. Your longtime boyfriend, Jihoon, had moved to the city a year ago after he graduated and you had been dating long distance ever since. But, you couldn’t waste any more time in your small hometown. This was your big chance and you weren’t going to miss it.
The sound of your mother’s voice calling your name could barely be heard over your suitcase rumbling down your driveway. You curse inwardly, scrunching your face up in annoyance at yet another obstacle stopping you from leaving. You were so close to freedom you could taste it.
Looking over your shoulder, you saw your mom carrying a bag of prepared meals that you surely couldn’t finish by yourself. You knew this was coming which was why you had tried to book it out of there. So much for that plan.
“Mom, I can’t carry all that,” you eye the large bag warily. You appreciate the sentiment but you were trying to be independent now and this wasn’t helping.
She ignored you and began making quick work to tie the bag to the handlebars of your suitcase so that you wouldn’t even need to hold it. Once finished, she stood back up and made a satisfied huff, “There!”
“What? I have to make sure my baby eats! You expect me to let you go hungry?” She exclaims in response to your deadpanned look.
“You have to let me find my own way now.”
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Strangers (Chapter Two)

Strangers from Hell AU
Series Masterlist
pairing: ot7 x reader
genre: yandere, horror/thriller
warnings: murder, mature themes, obsessive/possessive behavior, emotional manipulation, stalking, violence (will update as needed)
word count: 5.5k words
quick note!! I had to make some edits in the last chapter bc I realized two plot points were missing so to summarize: yn has a boyfriend named Jihoon that also lives in the city and Nayeon is the friend that got her a job at the company! not major plot points (and they’re only briefly mentioned in the last chapter) but just wanted to put this out there in case you were confused reading this one :)

Today’s the big day. You thought you would be nervous but right now, all you feel is excitement. You finally get to wear the professional clothes you bought recently and you feel like a real adult in them. You opted to wear a gray pencil skirt today as it’s still pretty hot outside, paired with a blue button-up blouse. You slip on the heels and inwardly thank your mom for forcing you to wear them around the house the past few weeks in order to break them in. A quick once over in the mirror gives you all the confirmation you need to start your day.
You try to ignore your clicking heels echoing in the hallway as you fish through your bag for the granola bar you stuffed in there earlier. You don’t see Jimin standing there by his office door, which he takes advantage of as his eyes rake up and down your figure.
“Good morning, YN!” You jump as you look up and see him smiling at you, his abrupt greeting causing you to almost drop the breakfast you had finally dug out.
“Good morning, Jimin.” You bow politely, fully ready to move past him when he stops you again.
“Sorry if I scared you.” He laughs warmly, stepping closer to you. “I just wanted to say I heard that things got a little rowdy last night and I hope you weren’t too freaked out.”
“Oh, yes well-”
“It’s normally not like that at all. We’re usually very quiet and respectful here.”
“I understand. It can get like that sometimes with a lot of people living in the same place.” You try to inch towards where the stairs are when he subtly moves closer, blocking your path again.
“You’re so considerate!” Jimin coos, tapping your arm in a friendly manner. “Unlike that other girl, she’s a real trainwreck.”
Your eyes widen at his blatant gossipping, not expecting him to speak so negatively about one of his tenants. “You mean Soomi?”
“Yes, she runs with a pretty rough crowd so it explains how violent she is.” His words give you pause as you take in this new information, not sure whether to believe him or not. “But don’t worry, you won’t be seeing her around anymore. She packed up and left this morning.”
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When you found out they cheated on you
Pairing: Hyung line x Reader
Warnings: Soft Yandere, Cheating, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: because if there’s maknae story, there should be the hyung line story! Work and school have been exhausting me lately sksks I’m glad I made time to finish this! I hope you enjoy!

“It was a stupid mistake!” Namjoon, who rarely raised his voice, implored you to believe him. But you were done believing him. It didn’t matter if it only happened once, or that it was a mistake- none of that mattered because what mattered was that for that short span of moments, his lust overpowered his supposedly love for you.
“Stupid mistake? Namjoon, you’re one of the smartest man on earth for fuck’s sake! What you did wasn’t stupid! It cannot even be considered a mistake!” You screamed at him, your emotions getting the best of you because he kept on blocking your path. You gentle giant would never put his hand on you in anger, but he sure did use his form to stop you from leaving the studio. Jungkook looked traumatized as he inadvertently watched his hyung that he looked up to, and his noona in this terrible scenario.
“Flower, it’s the truth. It was nothing but a mistake! You’re the only one who has my heart! You’re the only one I love-“
“Do you? Really? Do you really love me?”
“I do!”
You shook your head before he could even finished his sentence. “No, Namjoon. I love you. I would never cheat on you. I would never betray your trust. But you did. And now I can’t even love you,” you argued softly, feeling all the energy draining out from you. Suddenly, you were just too tired of it all, and your words made Namjoon faltered.
He felt himself panic, felt himself at lost for the first time. He was a man who always knew what to do, always soldiered on through the toughest of times. But you saying you could no longer love him made him lose his composure. And with his stoic form, you walked past him.
You thought you could leave, really thought you could escape this messed up situation when the golden maknae suddenly stepped in front of you, blocking you from opening the door.
“Jungkook,” you whispered, closing your eyes as tears fell. “Please. Move.”
Jungkook’s lips quivered as he looked at your broken, desolate form, and to his leader who looked so lost, his head bent down as he looked so forlone. He knew he had to help just like how Namjoon was always ready to lend him a helping hand. He was always there to make the difficult decisions, always there to make sure that the members were doing fine.
And now, his leader was anything but fine. And you were the only one who held the great leader together. If you left, Jungkook was terrified to think of what would happen to his hyung.
You attempted to walk around him when he only moved with you, softly stopping you from leaving.
“Please noona, just listen to hyung first, okay?”
“No. I have nothing to say to him anymore.”
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t let you leave-“
You forcedly pushed him to the side, but the muscular golden maknae barely even moved. You were full on crying as you felt so emotionally drained and physically helpless that you didn’t notice Namjoon was standing behind you. His huge hand, the one that you always admired, snaked around you, pulling you closer to his chest.
“Let me go! Let me leave-“ He cut you off, his head bent to nuzzle your neck, his voice deep as the words he said made you paused.
“You and I know that I can’t ever let you go, flower. We’ll talk. We’ll resolve this. We’ll be happy again. You’re mine, flower. You’re never going to leave me.”
You whipped your head to look at him. Was he so disillusioned that he thought you would stay with him after cheating on you? Did he really think you’d still accept him?
Namjoon met your eyes with his determined ones, his other arm wrapping around your waist, effectively preventing you from leaving his side.
Never would you leave him.
Never would he let you.
Without breaking eye contact, his deep voice resounded on the quietness of the studio. “Thanks, Jungkook. And lock the door when you leave.”

“I just can’t stand and see you live a lie. Y/N, we saw Seokjin and a girl kissing…I’m sorry you had to hear this from me.”
You heard what she said, could understand what she said. But why then were you frozen in tracks? Why then were your hands suspended as you poured her coffee? Why then did you desperately not want to believe her?
Why then did you want to run away from this situation?
She was your close friend, practically grew up with you. And you knew she would never lie about something like this. The picture she was showing on her phone was all the proof you needed.
You wouldn’t live with the disrespect, would never allow yourself to stay on a relationship that didn’t value honesty. And so, immediately you resigned from their company after spending so many years working in finance. The HR refrained from asking as though they had an inkling of idea why you were leaving. You set the effectivity as soon as possible, sacrificing your career just as he sacrificed your relationship for a fleeting lust. You were as though on an autopilot, your face stoic as you went out of the house and faced the world, only breaking down once you were safe in the four walls of your house.
Your house.
You were so glad that you didn’t jump right at the prospect of living with him when he begged you to move in with him. You were smart not to uproot your whole life and independence and space. But God were you tempted to wake up everyday in his arms, to see his sleepy face first thing in the morning, to cook and experiment with him.
But all of those were now gone with the wind.
You were avoiding him successfully from the day you were informed, leaving his messages and calls unanswered, leaving the door locked whenever he knocked which made him think you weren’t home.
So where were you?
If only you saw Jin right now, you’d feel a little bit pity for the man you still loved. That was the thing with love, it didn’t just fade away because someone did a mistake. It stayed, it lingered…until it festered from the inside.
He hadn’t seen you in weeks, his messages getting increasingly agitated, angry, sad, and frantic- all of which were left unanswered.
You owed him nothing but your silence, yet his last message sent shivers down your spine.
‘You know I hate being ignored, sweetheart. I don’t know what I’m capable to do if I ever lose you.’
Everyone knew Jin was a good man, someone who was always soft and always looking out for the members. Everyone knew he was selfless. But only you saw the swirling darkness in his eyes whenever he looked at you, only you felt how tight he was holding you whenever someone was near you, or how hard he made love to you on nights when he had no choice but to leave you for work.
But this was different. You felt like his message was a form of promise…or a threat.
Finally, his company contacted you for the documents you needed in order to secure another job, as well as your final pay. You were glad to get this done. You were planning on accepting another job far, far, far away from Jin, his lies, and the relationship you thought would survived. You went to the company after asking your friend that worked there if the group was in the building. Apparently, they were doing a guesting on a radio show which made you feel some kind of thing.
The last time you saw Jin was when he left your apartment before going abroad. You remembered how tight he hugged you, how warm his chest was, and how you were almost crying just thinking about him being gone for a week- which apparently was enough time for him to cheat on you.
“Sweetheart, don’t cry,” he said with a small laugh, wiping your tears with his thumb. “I’ll be back before you know it. I’m going to call everyday! Every hour!”
You laughed at his ridiculousness, and once you did, he gifted you with his beautiful smile. “That’s impossible. You’ll be busy-“
“Nothing is impossible for your boyfriend. I’ll even call you every thirty minutes!”
You scoffed at his cuteness. “It’s true! I’ll even be more clingy or else some asshole might snatch you up while you’re all alone.”
And when you stopped crying, he kissed you so tenderly, so slowly, savoring every moment with you that when you opened your eyes, you were smiling from how much he loved you.
You were an idiot.
You stepped out of the office after bidding your coworkers that turned close friends goodbye, and after securing the documents, the radio station where the group was guesting was playing on the huge screen on the hallway. You frowned when you noticed there were only six of them…with no Jin in sight.
“I see there’s only six of you. Is the world wide handsome doing okay?” The radio host asked the group members in concern, in which Namjoon took the lead.
“He has an emergency right now that sadly cannot wait. But I assure you, our hyung is okay, and he will be resolving the issue as soon as possible.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You couldn’t believe your ears. And you certainly cannot believe your eyes when you suddenly felt a hand gripped your wrist, and dragged you down the hall. Your eyes were wide as you stared at Jin’s broad back, his breaths hard as he pulled you with him. You were too shocked to even resist, not until he pulled you inside his office and locked the door behind him.
His jaw was clenched as he took you in, his face missing the usual playfulness in it.
“I thought something bad happened to you,” he began in the deepest voice you heard him used. His form was rigid as he took you in, searching for any harm that may have come your way since you started ghosting him. And only when he were assured that you were unharmed did he meet your eyes. You were unharmed and that should calmed him down, but it didn’t. It didn’t get passed his observation that you appeared thinner than the last time he saw you. And he loathed that. Jin took pride in the fact taking care of you, of making sure that your well-being was his main priority that your weight dropped was like a knife to his heart. “I thought someone took you away from me,” he continued, walking closer to you as though he was a predator, and you a prey that had been successfully evading him for quite some time. And it enraged him, that when he got closed enough to you, he trapped you in his arms never to let you go. “Sweetheart, I thought I lost you,” he whispered in a dark tone, yet an underlying terrified emotion passed through his eyes.
You looked at him with hard eyes, “Don’t touch me.”
“First you ran away from me and now you don’t want me touching you?” He scoffed in disbelief.
“First you claimed to love me and then you threw our relationship to the ground and cheated on me,” you snapped back, pushing the tall man away from you with all your strength and the asshole only moved few inches.
“W-what? Sweetheart, what are you talking about?” He visibly paled, his hand was shaking with sudden stressed and anxiety.
“You’re not an idiot, Seokjin. So stop acting like one.”
“I don’t understand. Is that why you’re avoiding me? Because you think I cheated-“
“Don’t you dare make me feel like an idiot, Kim Seokjin.”
“I’m not, sweetheart. But that is not true! I’ll never cheat on-“
You showed him your phone, the one that your friend showed you and broke your heart. His eyes were on the screen of your phone, his eyes went round that you had proof of his infidelity. After a moment of silence, you deleted the picture.
“Don’t worry. Your image is safe,” you smiled at him sadly, assuring him that you would never use this against him despite how much he devastated you. At this point, you were just damn tired and his presence would never put you whole again.
You wanted to be away from him.
You managed to render him speechless, managed to put much distance between the two of you, before going straight to the door.
“She meant nothing,” his voice was pleading, watching you with pitiful eyes.
“Apparently, I mean nothing, too.”
You were about to open the door when his words stopped you.
“Do you want me to destroy her? You know I can…Just tell me what you need so we can move past this, sweetheart…”
You knew your Jin’s family was powerful, something that he never bragged about. He was so humble that he even chose to start from the very bottom, growing with the members through hardship despite the fact that he had a rich family. And now that he was saying these words, offering you to destroy someone just because he could proved to you how much you never knew him.
Your eyes were terrified as you looked up at the tall man, his jaw clenched, seriousness and madness crossing his face. “What I want is for you to go back in time and be faithful to me, but we cannot have that, do we?”
His handsome face visibly flinched from your verbal attack, but you had to get this out of your chest. “What I want is for you to leave me alone. I’m done with you, Kim Seokjin.”
And finally, when you opened the door, he didn’t stop you. Yet, his parting words to you assured you that this wouldn’t be the last you saw of him.
“I’ll give you time. I’ll give you space. But please don’t make me be the villain in our story, sweetheart. Because I can be the villain if it means keeping you with me.”

Your Yoongi was staying up late in his studio for almost a month now, pouring in so many hours just to perfect his craft that more often than not, you slept and woke up alone. And you would admit that you were feeling quite lonely, the fancy apartment he got for you and him was screaming in elegance, but you had never felt so alone than you did right now.
You missed your Yoongi.
With your mind made up, you cooked him his favorite food. You’d surprised him in his studio.
But when you got there, it was you who was surprised.
You wished you didn’t come, wished that you never locked eyes with him. You wished you never met him.
Yet most of all, you wish you never knew. It was true what they said, ignorance was a fucking bliss because having seen him thrusting behind a bent girl, one that you recognized, sent sharp stabs of pain and betrayal in your heart.
Did you ever really know him?
Because the man who opened his eyes in time to see your tears fell was not the one you fell in love with, he wasn’t the man who promised never to cheat on you because he knew how it felt, knew how damaging it was,
He experienced it, he lived it- so why then was he making you live the nightmare he escaped?
Yoongi’s movement faltered when he saw you. He wanted so bad to wake up from this, wanted so bad to consider this a mere nightmare. But it wasn’t. You were really looking at him with hurt and betrayal in your eyes.
But didn’t he mean for this to happen? Wasn‘t he the one to always self-destruct when things were becoming too good to be true? And weren’t you too good to be true?
You were too good for him.
And now he was regretting giving in to temptation, he regretted destroying the one good and pure thing in his life.
“K-Kitten,” he called out to you as he removed himself from the woman. And you winced when you heard the sickening sound of the proof of his infidelity. Before he could even tucked himself, you left.
You couldn’t even stay one second with him.
You couldn’t even breathe in that room because it reeked of them.
You couldn’t breath. God, you couldn’t breathe.
You heard him screaming for you as you ran, his deep voice resounding on the hallway as the remaining staff looked at you with bewilderment in their eyes. They never heard the Min Yoongi that desperate and fearful until that day.
You didn’t know how, but you managed to pack your stuff and left him and his lies. Or maybe he just didn’t care enough to go after you. It did hurt, but you were glad he didn’t. You couldn’t believe he made a fool of you when you did nothing but love and understand his hectic schedule. And now you didn’t want to see him.
You thought you’d never hear from him again. You were sure he was ashamed of himself that he’d never show up in front of you again. But you couldn’t be anymore wrong.
It was almost a week when you came home from work. Your apartment was small, and not something you’d rent for a long time. But it was exactly what you needed- somewhere far away from him. So imagine your surprise when you walked to your apartment only to find him waiting for you.
Yoongi looked thinner, he looked paler and his eyes looked like they had not rested since forever. He stepped near you but you acted like he wasn’t there, fishing your keys from your bag.
You evaded his touch, not looking at his way and instead, attempted to open your door.
“Kitten, let’s talk. Please. I haven’t slept since you left. I’ve been going crazy because I couldn’t find you,” he said desperately, his voice showing agitation despite him trying to say his piece calmly. You pretended to not hear him. You promised yourself that the next time you’d see him, you would act as if he didn’t exist, because why shouldn’t you? In the first place, he acted as if you didn’t exist and proceeded on fucking someone else.
You cursed when you dropped your keys in your haste. You bent down and tried again, praying to heavens that your hand stopped trembling.
“I didn’t know where you were. I went around, I looked for you. I went to your family, I went to your friends but none of them knew where you are. I thought something bad happened to you. I thought I’d never see you again,” he sputtered out, his eyes desperately searching yours as he stood beside you. His form looked defeated, yet you knew he was a stubborn man.
He wouldn’t let this go.
“As you can see, I am alive and well. So leave,” you said in a cold voice, not once removing your eyes from your door that was as equally stubborn as Yoongi.
“Why would I? My girlfriend is here. Shouldn’t lovers stay together?” He asked, his head tilted to the side in confusion.
You sighed in frustration before finally, finally looking at the lunatic beside you.
“Oh, I don’t know. I thought our relationship was done from the time you cheated on me.”
If he was affected by your verbal attack, he didn’t show. Instead, his eyes lost their desperation, and in their place was determination. He stepped near you that it left you no choice but to back away from him until you felt the door behind you.
“Oh, kitten, you thought we were done? That’s why you’ve been avoiding me?” He whispered as he bent down to look into your eyes. He smiled at you, his smile so sweet yet so cold, as though some switch was turned. “That’s okay. I understand. But we’re not done because you promised me before that you were never going to leave me, isn’t that right, kitten?”
He tucked your hair behind your ear. Having touched you calmed him down enough to know that you needed space from him. But it was alright. He’d give you space. He’d let you breathe.
But there was no way he was going to let you go.
But you were smart, because the very next day, you moved.

“Don’t! Don’t touch me. You disgust me!” You screamed at him as you pushed his desperate hands away from you.
You couldn’t believe how idiotic you were. You thought surprising him in the hotel he was staying in Japan was a smart move. You thought he’d be happy to see you because why wouldn’t he want to see you when it was your fucking anniversary today.
And yet here you were, shocked to see him in bed with another woman.
The staff were hesitant to tell you his room number this time. But it would rather be more suspicious if they didn’t give Jung Hoseok’s longtime girlfriend his room number when they were used to you surprising him.
As soon as Hoseok opened the door wearing only a robe, you jumped and planted kisses on his handsome face. But when you finally opened your eyes, you saw a woman hastily wearing her clothes with her hair all over her face, and her lipstick smudged. Slowly, you turned to look at his lips only to find the same shade there.
You never laid hands on him, not even in playful fights.
But this time, you slapped him so hard his head turned to the side.
“Angel, I-I’m sorry!” He sobbed as you pushed him further away from you, your eyes never leaving the crumpled bedsheets, his scattered clothes on the floor, the glasses of wine on the table. You couldn’t believe he could do this to you. You couldn’t believe he would ever do this to you.
He was full on sobbing as he held you to him. And you were still too shocked of everything- yet you knew you didn’t want him touching you.
You struggled against him, pushing him away. He still smelled like her. The girl had long ran out of the room, yet her presence still lingered.
“Don’t touch me. We’re done, Hoseok,” you declared in a strong voice before turning away from him. You didn’t even make it halfway to the hallway when you heard his scream that were so loud that the members all went out of their rooms thinking it was an emergency.
You heard him before you could even turn to look at him.
“Please please please, don’t leave me please,” he croaked as you looked at his tear-stained eyes. He was inconsolable, his breathing rapid as he implored you to believe him, to not leave him.
You shook your head at him, aware of the members who were all watching the two of you with anguish and surprised in their eyes. They weren’t used to see Hoseok this vulnerable, and they had known you for so long and yet this was the first time they saw the two of you like this.
What happened?
He was so in love with you..
Hoseok attempted to touch you when you slapped him once again, your anger getting the best of you. “I told you not to touch me. Never touch me again,” you fumed at him, never minding his distressed state. “Not when you fucked someone else minutes ago!”
“I’m sorry. Don’t leave me. Don’t. Please.”
At that point, Hoseok was even more incoherent, his cries making his words come out short that Jimin couldn’t take it any longer and went closer to his hyung in an attempt to calm him down.
“No. You deserved to be alone,” you spat at him before walking away only to be once again stopped by him. He tugged your hand, and to your surprised, he knelt down. He bowed down his head as though he was praying for you not to leave, your hand trapped in his larger ones.
“I’ll do anything. I’ll do anything for you to forgive me. Just please!” His voice was loud as he wailed, his shoulders shaking. He looked up to you. “Please don’t leave me.”
But his tears wouldn’t move you. Not when you gave him all of you. Not when you loved him with all your heart only for him to cheat on you.
At your cold stare and silence, Jimin squatted down beside him. “Hyung, maybe you two should talk again when both of you are calmer.”
Namjoon’s mind started shifting gears. He knew no one should see Hoseok like this, knew that the dancer could not control his emotions. He stepped near you, touching your elbow gently as he leaned down to look at you.
“Right. Hyung, the two of you will talk tomorrow. I’m sure Y/N is still exhausted from her flight,” he started before looking at the still crying man. He nodded his head at him in assurance. And only when Hoseok nodded did Jimin helped his hyung to stand up. “Jimin, bring him to his room first. I’ll take care of Y/N.”
He didn’t leave, not before telling you he loved you and that he’d talk to you tomorrow. Not before you and Namjoon left first.
“I don’t want to talk to him,” you whispered to the tall man beside you.
“I know. It’s just to calm him down for tonight, Y/N,” he assured you, knowing that what his hyung did was wrong. He heard enough to know that his hyung was in the wrong. “But I hope you know he’s never going to let you go that easily.”

And when you looked behind you, there he still was, standing with tears in his eyes- yet his face was clouded with darkness and a promise that he would make this right, whether you wanted to or not.


SUMMARY: Now everytime you see chopsticks, you'll think of him.
RATING: 18+ (i am not a babysitter, you are in control of what you consume.)
PAIRING: Yoongi x reader
BOOK MENTIONS: | Violence | Cursing | Gangster Yoongi | Thick Reader | Smut | BackShoots | Choking | Blood mention | Ass Slapping | Cigarettes | Chopstick To The Eye | Reader Body Type Is Heavily Mentioned | Readers Skin Is Brown | Small Shooting Threats | I suck at tags help
A/N: All this yoongi content is driving me insane and I'm a greedy whore so I wrote this little thing, please enjoy.

Chopping it up with your friends at a restaurant you found while roaming the streets, it felt like a normal Saturday evening. You dropped your chopsticks in the leftover broth from your ramen, going to wipe your face with a random napkin when the ding of a new customer coming in caught your attention.
The four men of great beauty and intimidating aura as they followed the lead of the long dark-haired man with pretty pale skin dressed in a blue jacket, hands deep in his pockets as his tongue worked the inside of his mouth. He walked down the aisles until his presence loomed over you and your friends.
Up close, you could see the long scar going up his cheek ,as his eyes ogled you, then his gaze set on your lone pair of chopsticks.His pink tongue appeared as it ran along his lips. “Using this doll?”
Blinking at him dumbly, you look down at the utensils. “What do you need them for?” his fingers lift your head up tilted in the direction of the stubby older man seated in the corner furthest from you.
Brows furrowing, you look up at him, but you are met with nothing but a gummy smirk as he slides the red sticks from your bowel, wiping the excess broth from it with the bottom of his white t-shirt.
“Thanks doll, I’ll take you out somewhere nicer soon”
His attention turns to your friend group as he sends a wink, their way standing to his full height lazily walking over to said man. Watching his eyes widen in recognition, the conversion was short and looked heated, ending in the black-haired man shoving chopsticks deep into the older one's eye socket.
Screams rang out through the establishment while everyone rushed outside as fighting between his men and others began.His laughter was loud as his intense gaze set back onto you. Blood splattered in his cheeks as he pointed at you.
“Soon.” was all he said as he walked calmly through the chaos up the stairs.

And find you he did, after weeks of looking over your shoulder in hopes that the man popped up randomly. You thought you were going crazy but the attraction to a cold-blooded murder? Was there? Remembering the way he worked with so much confidence and his face?
The face of an angel and the actions of a devil. Walking out of your job for a smoke break, you had the bud on your lips as you cursed at your lighter for being dead. “Need a light, dolly?”
You gasp, looking to your left and seeing him, hair flowy and wet jeans ripped, his flower-designed shirt unbuttoned showing his white wife-beater. “It’s you” sounding breathless as he smirked at you with his own cigarette hanging from his lips.
Realizing you dropped yours, you cursed, “They aren't good for you anyways..” awkwardly laughing as he walked up to you, looming over you with a tilted head as he lit the stick, taking a puff, blowing it at you, causing you to cough.
“Cute.” eyes going over your body, you felt self-concussion, wiping your sweaty palms on your apron.
“Let's get out of here” he says, this time blowing the smoke to the side. “Like now? I can’t just leave, I have a client coming in an hour.” you frantically ramble off causing him to hum.
“You've been waiting for me, haven't you? So let's go now.”
Your face fills with heat, palms turning red and clasping behind your back. “I just can't now, they're looking for a reason to fire me.”
“Hmm well, I'll just shoot up the place for you when that happens.” Your eyes go wide.
A hand gripping onto the front of his shirt. “Noo, that's not necessary.”
“I'm joking, doll, live a little”his shoulder-shaking in humor.
“Hell I'll open a new salon and you'll be in charge or somethin” Giggling, you shake your head, “You’d do that? I don’t even know your name.
“I go by Suga on the streets but you call me Yoongi, you'll be saying it often” a gummy smirk flashed as his eyes fell low and dark. “Oh really now?”

You come to find out that Yoongi wasn't a man that didn't keep his word as he had you bent over his bed, one of his hands digging deep into your thick and meaty hips while the other pressed into your back, forcing you to keep your back into a deep arch.
His hips snapping into your ass while all you could do is whine and cry his name as his perfectly curved cock slides through your wet gummy walls. “Fuckk baby, gripping me like you love me.”
Yoongi eyes so deeply fixated on the sight of your creamy brown pussy gripping his pale cock, sucking him in with the lewdest noises. The feeling of him fucking your guts becomes too much as you wiggle your way off some dick so you can breathe properly, but Mr.Min wasn't having none of it.
“Dont fucking run, momma”. He smacked your ass, then his arm snaked under you to pull you up to his chest, spreading your thick brown thighs wider, feeling him deep in your stomach.
“Take it all like a good girl” ringed fingers gripping your neck, lips capturing yours. You squeal his name when you come, liquid coating both of your lower bodies. He groaned into your mouth, his other hand coming to your full breast squeezing tightly as his hips slowed and stuttered from your vise grip on his dick.
“Shit” he hissed, using all his willpower not to cum inside you as he pulled out comin on your pussy instead, he held you there for a second, breathing heavily together the pressed a kiss on your hickey-covered neck.
When he loosened his grip on you, you fell forward and a tired whine left you as yoongi stood behind you and smacked your sore ass with a chuckle. Wiping you and himself down, he laid beside you with one arm wrapped around you while he held a cigarette in his other hand as you pressed your naked body on his side.
“Yoon” he smiled a bit at the nickname,humming,
“How come you got away with the chopstick thing?”
“My brothers a cop” makes sense.
I might have messed around and made a multi-talented club (another club) heheh but this is before they fall for that certain someone.

This is my first time doing this so bear with me here I will try my best to follow up with profiles, and their aesthetic.

Credits: Goes to these amazing talent authors @moonlitapollo @aajks @lilallama and @cupsofsuga keep up the good work! I love y’all and I’m praying for you all! 🥺💐😘😘
Author’s note/Warning: This is just a fictional bit of writing I'm doing just for fun and will never be real and does not appeal to the members in real life. If you do not want to read or it feels triggering and makes you look in abhorrence then skip this because this is a slow burn yandere AU and that contains ghastly that can turn a blood-thirsty battle.
Welcome to the multi-talented club where you can take stress away and be yourself. This is a club where you have to go all the way and express yourself towards other people, even in small groups. In order to become a member you have to talk with the leader, and co-leader of the group to organize a plan for you to achieve your dreams. Even the Honor Society is included in this so you have to be exceeding in all of your classes to join.
Kim Namjoon: Co-leader
Kim Seokjin: Security
Min Yoongi: Financial Manager
Jung Hoseok: Manager
Park Jimin: Mission Planner
Kim Taehyung: Secretary
Jeon Jungkook: Even Planner
Y/L/N Y/N: Leader
Kim Seokjin:

The eldest classy guy besides Kim Taehyung. He is the first lover of the group, and he loves his boys to death. Not even death can part them because they will “respawn with more love” as he thought. He usually cooks for his babies and makes his dad jokes, but don’t let that fool you, he is the most scariest when angry.
He just met Y/N after Jungkook made the decision of making them leader without their consent. They seem too bimboish and preppy; bopping around with hope to change the world, SeokJin pitied the young grasshopper. He
“Y/N, don’t you think that’s too excessive? What, you think I care? Go ahead and go overboard so Namjoon can be leader.”
Kim Namjoon:

He is known to be very smart yet clumsy but only for a few close people. Namjoon has always carried himself as the well put together leader. He can and will call people to cover him when he explodes; ripping into people he is displeased with. He has to go to the gym when his other side has awoken with wroth, and it helps him keep his emotions at ease. Being the leader of his group can get exhausting but it has rewards, like six young men willing to help him and guide him.
He met Y/N as the same time as the rest did. He noticed that Jungkook seemed smitten over the young dove. He does admit that their vibe attracted him like a light to a moth. He doesn’t really trust them yet but finds himself trying to fight his desire to protect this dove.
“No! What are you doing?! *sighs* Y/N- You should have told me that you needed help.”
Min Yoongi:

Min Yoongi was never the type to engage in social activities. He would stutter and try to be polite but he came off as weak and unconfident. Yoongi was not much at first glance but once you know of how intense he can be; he will never let you go. The only reasons he is alive are music and his boys, yet he still feels something is wrong.
When he first met Y/N his heart felt at peace but he still wanted to observe where they go what they do and what motivates them to the point where he confronted the boys about his mind. Namjoon suggested that Yoongi might also be attached to Y/N and it’s tearing the group apart like it never has before.
“What are you doing to me, Y/N? Why do I feel like you need me- wait us.. YOU NEED US!”
Jung Hoseok:

The first thing you think about when you look at Hoseok is “Sunshine, Sunflowers, everything happiness and rainbows right? Yeah scratch that he is domineering when he needs to be, and that alone scares everyone away from the group that call themselves “BTS.” He could’ve been a leader but that Y/N had to steal Jungkook’s heart.
When he first saw Y/N was when they were attending Jungkook. He is the only one that knows of the inseparable bond Jungkook has with Y/N and it makes him feel like the him and the rest are not enough. It makes him hate Y/N so much but he keeps that on the inside. Y/N has that personality that he desires and craves for. No matter how atrocious a person is Y/N always proofs themselves as humble and civil yet very savey. 
“Beware of the things you say Hoseok, don’t do this to Jungkook or he will leave all of us. They test my patience, and my heart. I don’t know why I feel the need to cuddle them either... what are you doing to me Y/N?!”
Park Jimin:

Jimin is very sentimental but deadly when someone comes in between HIS boys. At first it was just him and Taehyung then he met all five of the boys and fell in love. Before he had Taehyung he was abused by his parents then a woman came by Jimin’s parent’s house and the woman took him away. Yes, you guessed it; Taehyung’s mother had her eyes on the situation. Jimin got what he wanted, love so he became more sensitive and humble because if it was for Taehyung’s mother he wouldn’t be here today.
He met Y/N when he was lost around the mall, and they took him towards his destination, which was a café in the mall. He thanked them then walked into the café to wait for HIS bois. He can be possessive due to the fact that they are his only friends, he isn’t as social as Taehyung is. He also was bullied and Taehyung “handled” them and Jimin never questioned him because he loves him. Now with Y/N being the leader he kinda thanks them for being there for him when he needed it.
“You guys I think Y/N needs some cuddles, they work so hard. I know they know their boundaries but I’m starting to get attached to them! I do not like this one bit!”
Kim Taehyung:

Ahh This Kim is very soft for the men he loves and treats everyone else as his friends, then there is one hinderence, Y/N. He has always been cunning as he takes care of his victims. He has his limit of being “good boy” because there are people who are corrupt and he wants them to die. His mom trained him to protect so he does just that. He isn’t that scary the two scariest is Seokjin-hyung and Jungkook-ah according to him.
When he met the infamous Y/N about a week before they all met. His first thoughts of them were “I could be their personal dresser.” He thought their style was very cute and elegant. He has a positive thought about their appearance and personality. He was about to get expelled but Y/N came in with the real culprit that framed Taehyung. He actually looked at them when they walked out of there with a small smile.
“Hmm I never thought about adding someone else into our group, Jungkook-ah you know how to pick them. Maybe Y/N isn’t a bad person but more of a god/goddess?”
Jeon Jungkook:

Jungkook isn’t your typical human no he is very extra he loves too much. Jungkook is very worshiping and overprotective towards his loves. Once there was a woman that breathed near Namjoon and he lost it then and there. He went up towards the woman and asked a humiliating question and it turns out the woman cried and never came back again.
Jungkook and Y/N were the best of friends, like they would die for each other type of friend. They had a bond like no other but happy times are always cut short. Jungkook awoken with a start by yelling and crying from his Y/N and he bounded toward the stairs, but once he made it he saw Y/N being taken away from him by their parents. Years passed and he only told Hoseok about them and his love for them never faded but he loves his boys just as much.
Y/L/N Y/N:

Hello, L/N Y/N as of today you are leader of this group. Please take care of them and they will love you like no other. Yes this is before they get all soft and sweet towards you. I know everyone has different backgrounds and have different mind-sets and I want everyone to feel included.
Are you ready my dear reader for a rollercoaster?
Ok let me tell y’all how all of this started, yes Jungkook found them on Twitter and saw a picture and he was already enamored. Only Jungkook is following out of the club, you have friends, don’t worry that’s how he found them. Took Y/N a whole year to figure out how Jungkook followed them. Jungkook really thinks Y/N is talented while the other boys said “We’ve seen better.”

Strangers (Chapter Four)

Strangers from Hell AU
Series Masterlist
pairing: ot7 x reader
genre: yandere, horror/thriller
warnings: murder, mature themes, obsessive/possessive behavior, emotional manipulation, stalking, violence, allusion to torture, blood and injuries (will update as needed)
word count: 4.3k words

The sun beat down on you as you walked along the beach, the sand between your toes as a tidal wave came in and washed them. You gasped as you spotted a ghost crab hole appearing.
“Dad, look! Another one!” You exclaimed, pointing at it and turning around to look at your father. He came up beside you, kneeling closer to your height.
“Good catch, kiddo.” His voice echoed in your ears. You had lost count of how many of these burrows you had found, but your dad seemed to never get tired of you pointing them out. If he regretted teaching you about them while you were still so young and excitable, he never showed it.
You knelt down and started scooping some of the wet sand to build something - you weren’t sure what yet. Your father stood up, patting your head affectionately as you worked. “I’m gonna go for a dip. I’ll be right back.”
You huffed angrily as a wave destroyed your sandcastle a third time in a row. Abandoning the impossible project, you turned around to look back at the water. You spotted your dad pretty far out, much further than you would ever dare to go. He was bobbing along the big waves and when he caught you looking at him, he smiled widely and waved.
You watched him for a while before you noticed a giant wave approaching him. It was bigger than any wave you’ve ever seen before. Even from where you sat safe on the sand, it scared you. You begin waving your arms and screaming for your dad’s attention and when you finally got it, he just gave you another clueless grin.
It all happened so quickly. The huge wave washed over and took your father with it, completely catching him by surprise. You watched helplessly from the shore, waiting for him to resurface but he never did. You were numb to the tears falling down your cheeks as wave after wave washed over your feet, burying them deeper into the sand as if trying to drag you in as well.
Keep reading
555 Stockholm lane.
Warnings: death, mentions of sex

You know that one feeling you get when you have done something wrong. When you fear your going to get caught, your heart beating fast, tears staining your cheeks. It was by accident, no really it was. He didn't mean to hurt him, he was protecting you. Jungkook was protecting you. The man that was with you, tried to do things, bad things. Never in Jungkooks life did he hurt a man, but so help me god he would kill for you.
Red flashes marbled Jungkooks visual, red Red RED.
Why did this happen? He could have helped but he didn't, he hurt you more.
Jungkook knew that this would end up with him jail, he could care less. The temptation of your smooth hold was to much, nails biting in to his pale back when he hammered into you. Moans and shudders of pleasure, it was all to much.
He was your slave tending to the every need of his queen.
A simple slave that would go to the lengths of killing for his one and only love. Jungkook had finally done it, he had did it.
The man laying on the wet ground of the forest, in a pool of crimson blood.
I was bored 👁👄👁and just so yall know, I write rlly random titles LMFAO
Behind the glass cage
WARNINGS: shit happend, murder, condemned killer joon, death, me being sappy, making myself cry to write this, kinda dark

Time after time, you went to see him. He was behind the glass, as always. The glass covered in dirty finger prints and goodbyes. His dimpled smirk and glasses making you swoon just like the first time you saw him on Tv. "Hello, namjoon"
" today at 2:36 pm the 'looking glass killer' was finally captured. After two years and four months of targeting the people of Seoul and at least 95 murders, we got him."
When you saw him, it was a flash of fear then.... you realised, that was the guy that asked you out a couple of weeks ago. No, it couldn't be? What was his name again' Kim namsung? No, no Kim namjoon, Kim namjoon. He was the meek boy that sat six seats down from you in biology. He had stuttered when he attempted to ask you out. There he was, on the news, looking smug and cocky.
"How are you Y/n? You haven't visited in a couple of weeks, whys that?" His smirk fell, he could feel you nerves flying through the roof. Namjoon knew you better than anyone, better than that failure brother of yours. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine namjoon."
Why did it have to end this way, you loved him.
But you couldn't be with him any longer.
You were with Kim namjoon, not the 'looking glass killer'.
Soon, you would walk away from the man clad in the orange jump suit and clear framed glasses. Sadness wafting through the bland visiting room, him screaming for 'your stupid ass better get back here' guards restraining him, maybe even having to put a hold on him.
The thing was that you couldn't love someone who was trapped in a glass cage. Almost like a bird. No one should love like that.
Even when they would kill for you, tear people apart, putting glass in there dead eyes, going to jail for them even when there incocent.
One day it would be his dead eyes with glass inpaled in the sockets.
Who knew who would do it? You sure did.
This is for my future wife @pluviokook we Are getting married soon guys they proposed 💍
Slow dance
Warnings: Yandere! Yoongi, death(?) asshole reader,
Art! Au. This will be a (kinda) series, it's gonna be about how BTS obsesses over reader, this is kinda based off a request I got from @middlech1ld (you'll see in the future chapters) I got the idea from them, u inspired me so much. And yes, your invited to the wedding, your the priest.

Yoongi knew that you weren't good for him, everybody saw that. It was a fact, a fact that made him mad. All that yoongi wanted was you, y/n. A small town girl that could brighten the sad gleam in the local widows eyes. He was confused, dazed by the sweet scent of your perfume. Lips painted roes bud pink that sparkle with the lick of your tongue.
Rage filled the young man as he saw you dancing with that one boy, park jimin. A frail boy that could dance like the swan on its last toe. Really quite a amazing artist.
You both were dance majors at the local art academy, everyone was talented there, no one could stand out but you and fucking park jimin. Both in contemporary and ballet, you both made the teachers fear of losing there low paying job, thinking that they would lose it to someone more qualified for the job. Someone better than you.
Yoongi on the other hand was a music major, playing the guitar and writing music on paper. Occasionally playing the piano, though that was an old hobby of his.
Often yoongi would write music about a girl that captured his dreams and even nightmares. A girl dancing to a dark song orchestrated by a man that no one knew.
All that he knew was that when you danced you were a art piece, would have painted it himself but didn't go to the art program,did he. Painting your body arching like a bridge small nimble hand lifted up into a curve, legs thrown up and neck craned with a chin tilting up.
A angel graced opon imbeciles.
People always have said 'beautiful people are only beautiful if they are on the inside as well'.
That's a fucking lie.
When yoongi saw you, all he saw was beauty. He knew how you were.
He saw how you manipulated those boys into beating up someone that disagreed with you in historical art, saying "Frida kahlo did not have a female lover, she had a husband."
You could tell a outrageous lie and get away with it, that's how much people loved you.
His love ran deeper that blood than itself, his loyalty. Everything he had done was for you.
It was better that way.
But, you were in pain, vary much pain. Not physically, that comes with being a dancer, your body is always sore, pangs of sudden ache and prickling happend day after day.
After a while pain stoped you, fading into the seeping ground.
Along with the ashes of your fears.
Yourself included.
Last one picked
WARNINGS: yandere Jungkook, smut(?) bunny humping jungkook, stalking, basically just yandere kook that's hot for y/n

When Jungkook was young, he was alaways picked last. Why? He doesn't know, maybe it was because he was pretty small as a child. He had no friends, no pet, no girlfriend. His parents where strict, never letting him go to parties (not like he even got invited to any). He was shy. He didn't know how to talk to people, how to talk to girls.
Now in college, he still had no friends, no girlfriend and still was a virgin.
He didn't care, having learned the hard way at a vary young age. He didn't need anyone.
That is, until he saw you.
Eyes shining with content and beauty. Smile wide and shiny pearly whites. There you were, a master piece. He hadn't even tried to talk to you, of course he didn't it was in his nature. So, he just snuck into your room when you were at your Bio class. That was the only time he had off watching you change in your room and scroll through cheap porn.
"Oh shit-" groaning as he sniffed your pillow. On your bed. In your bed. Cock hard and pants tighter by the second. His hips couldn't stop, the humping. "Gonna cum, 'm gonna cum" Jungkooks body tenses, a sudden wet patch on his sweats.
As he laid on your bed, all he could imagine was your body climbing over his. You picking him, loving him with your actions.
Checking the time he soon resized that he now had 15 minutes until you would be flopping on the mattress and texting your friends.
Time to go.
I wrote this really quick, I don't think I like it but whatevea.
Going under
WARNINGS: blowjob, yandere namjoon, kidnapped reader, noncon touching (?)

Death was the freedom from life, once you were alive you had to wait to be dead. Unless you were so desperate to leave this hell. A hell we call 'home'.
Life was hell and going under was freedom. Namjoon knew that.
The soft sound of biggie smalls rang through the bleach smelling car, you sitting in the passenger seat turned uncomfortably to the window. Namjoon hummed to the song 'juicy', lightly tapping his lengthy fingers on the bland steering wheel. Suddenly he looked over at you, "Are you gonna talk? Because Y/n I can force ya' to."
You felt a warm hand scale across your thigh.
"I'm sorry namjoon." "What are you sorry for? Tell me." His hand still placed hauntingly close to your core. "I'm sorry for not listening to you,"
"That'a girl!" Namjoon sent a palm slapping into your thigh causing you to jolt. His hand wouldn't leave, it was still there, slithering up farther. Farther than hauntingly close. "I want you to do something for me." He smirked, looking at you from the corner of his eye. "Suck my cock, and I'll let you have a phone call to your parents."
Without thinking you set your hands on his lap, "ohhhh, so it's a yes?" He taunted
Unzipping his tight jeans you found his bulge, boxers smothered with pre cum. "Yes," you said
As you pulled his dick from its tight confines the bulbous tip slapped across you face, smearing cum on your face. "Fuck ya-" he groaned above you.
Giving his cock a good lick you swallowed him whole. "Mhm, just- ah fuck-" soon he's at the edge, groaning and grunting when he cums. Your surprised that he was still on the rode, even if it is namjoon.
"Can I have my call now?"
⌨︎︎- WARNINGS: obsessive behavior, stalking(?), jins a god (Greek god), that’s pretty much it.
༒- A/n: sorry for not posting for like a month, but I hope this is good, lol love y’all. I did this in like an hour so sorry if it’s not to good, but anywayysssss-

All Jin ever wanted was a companion, one to hold,one to touch, to be the lover he deserved. One that would tell him that he was amazing and loved him just as he did them.
Even if he was the son of Aphrodite herself, he could never get enough. Jin wanted the love that he shot the mortals with, the love he would gracelessly bestow on the humans with the help of his bow and arrow.
Floating on the puffy white clouds was starting to take a toll on him, all he did was watch these peasants walk amongst themselves. Throwing away the love he gave to them, cheating on their loves or, here’s a good one, leaving them for another.
Those selfish animals took all the emotions and gifts the gods gave them and chucked them out to the wolves. In all actuality, Jin thought of them below animals, animals could show compassion and were quite loyal, unlike some creatures. Humans were lowly bugs, bugs that could be mushed in with mud and dry up dead.
The only reason that Jin still gave humans love was because of you. Your innocent presents could even make the dark of hell quarrel into light.
So, often Jin would watch you instead of doing his job. See you prance in a valley of gold and blue flowers make the supple flesh of his cheeks tint in the brightest shade of pink.
That was the first time he had seen you, in a field of flowers.
The second time he took the form of a lamb, with a red bell on his neck. Jin always had to look good and red is his color.
The first time your hand touched his head (Jin must say, it was the softest touch he had ever had the delight of having) was like a spark of light of, much like Zeus’s bolts. Then came your words “what a beautiful lamb you are, what shall I name you?”
He knew then, that he had to have you.
Even if he had to ask hades for a favor, he would do it.
Last one picked (2)✔︎
TW: mentions of unhealthy obsession, stalking, kidnapping(?) Yandere jungkook
A/N: so I made another part lol, this is part 2 of ‘last one picked’ sorry, I couldn’t put the link in for the first part, sorry for any misspells

When you love someone so much all you can think about is them, though most people Jungkook age were thinking about studying, going to party’s and sex. He knew that you went to those party’s. Grinding on some random frat boy, then making them fall for you in a moments flash.
No, you didn’t do that to jungkook. You didn’t even know jungkook was a living breathing human. Well maybe you knew of him, perhaps a class or two that he would sit behind you in. Lectures that he had only taken because you were there.
But, he still was so, so shy he couldn’t be in the same room as you without jizzing in his pants. Some days jungkook would often work himself up, saying that he ‘wasn’t good for you’ ‘stupid and the only way he could be with you was watching from a distance.
In some time he wanted you more, all to himself more or less. You both could become the campus couple. Always together, moving in with each other rather quickly, perfect.
“-ook, jungkook,” suddenly he was brought back to his reality. There you were, right next to him. “Baby, what’s wrong?” Your eyes showed so much concern, “oh, nothing, I was just thinking,” “About what....?”
Jungkook soon relized that he finaly had you, on his arm. After pinning (stalking) you for who knows how many years he had you.
He never told you that he did the things he had done, bad things. It didn’t matter, all that did was the feeling of your unimaginable love that seeped through your body on his. Along with your ravishing sent that made him go crazy.
After college, you both got married. Got jobs, had kids grew old, so on. Still he told nobody, nobody but his son. Told him “the only way to get the person you love is to rid them from what they believed in first, make them believe in you and what you do for them.”
In the end jungkook really didn’t know how he got you. Out of luck or was it his payment for always being the last one picked?
death valley (m) | part 3
summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize

pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: gangster!taehyung x reader, rockstar!jimin x reader, fighter!namjoon x reader
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 9.4k (it goes fast trust me)
warnings: multiple & explicit smut scenes, rough sex, obsessive / possessive / toxic behaviors, oral sex, daddy kink, mommy kink if you squint, glamorization of drug & alcohol use, a whole lot of blackmail, guns (no shooting), manipulation, coercion, illicit filming, post-workout shower sex, choking, cursing, car accident, major character injury, dom!jimin, switch!taehyung, sub!namjoon, reader needs a fucking nap
a/n: NO BC THE ROLLING STONE COVER IS PERFECT FOR THIS FIC??? like its so spot on to this aesthetic. thank you all SO MUCH for the support, a few of you sent me the sweetest messages - they really make my day & inspire me to work harder on this story <3 three smut scenes in one part? yall....damn. (the last one is the best. my fav jimin scene yet) sorry for posting late im just insecure about my writing lol
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
Smoke diffused from Jimin’s chapped lips. His foot was tapping repeatedly, he was running out of patience. His penthouse seemed so empty without you these days. He hadn’t had you in a while and he was craving a release. He set his cigarette down on a small ashtray to his side, leaning forward.
“I want her now” He snapped, reaching onto the coffee table in front of him to grab his revolver. He looked down the barrel briefly and his jaw stiffened. His eyes then raised as he pointed the gun at a man standing in front of him patiently. “Where is she?”
“Taehyung has gone to retrieve her for you. Shouldn’t be long now” The man spoke, fear evident in his trembling voice. Jimin flashed a teethy grin, his attention back to his gun, twirling it around his fingers.
A phone began to buzz. Jimin rolled his eyes, setting the gun down and picking up his cell besides it. It was Taehyung.
“What?” Jimin grumbled.
“Yeah she’s not home. Hasn’t been all night. But you know who is in her apartment right now—you’re gonna get a kick out of this” Taehyung’s amused voice made Jimin tilt his head with irritation. He was not in the mood for his games. “The street rat”
Jimin’s heart sank, followed by an overwhelming feeling of jealousy seeping through his veins. He clenched his fists. “Taehyung, cut his fucking fingers off if he so much as touches her.” Taehyung laughed, “Do I sound like I’m joking Taehyung?”
“Yeah yeah whatever. Go work on your music, I’ll find her” Jimin hung up abruptly, elbows on his knees as he hung his head down in frustration. He screamed, throwing his phone as hard as he could onto the tiled floors. His fingers ran up his face, clenching the ends of his hair as he began to cry.
He fucked up. He messed up everything. He shouldn’t have threatened you—you probably hated him. You were supposed to be his fan. You were obsessed with him weren’t you? Did you love Jungkook now? You must after all Jungkook was an attractive guy, had money, and you probably didn’t know enough about him to know how dangerous he was. None of it mattered, Jimin wasn’t ready to let you go. He just got a taste, how could you leave now? Tears rolled down his face as he sobbed out.
Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm himself down. It was his fault. He was too fucked up and it scared you—that had to be it. Deep down he knows that he was too rough with you. He so badly wants to taste your pretty lips but he’s scared. He’s never been good with emotions, and hates that he gets so high when he’s around you.
Taehyung had suggested he should stay away from you right from that night you had passed out in front of him, but Jimin didn’t listen. What does he know anyway? Fucking bitch. Jimin pursed his lips. You didn’t remember that night. You didn’t remember what all you saw after you came to, but he did. He was gonna be better. He was gonna win you back. He grabbed a notebook and pen quickly and began scribbling down lyrics as they came to him.
You almost screamed seeing Taehyung, but before you could he had you in a headlock, with a small knife pressed up to your neck as he kicked your door shut.
“Play along. I won’t hurt you” He mumbled into the back of your head as he turned you around. There, sitting on your couch was Jimin.
“Where were you?” Jimin was seething, eyes flared with rage. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t look high. He almost looked worried.“Why didn’t you come home last night?”
You rolled your eyes. This man’s sheer audacity made you want to kick him in the balls so hard. “Give me a fucking break. I’ve had a really rough few nights and I just want to take a fucking shower and go to work alright” You feel Taehyung slightly loosen his grip on you.
Jimin approached you slowly. “Do I need to remind you that I could fucking ruin you? Deal with your shit. Come over after work tomorrow or I send Yoongi the video” You glanced back at Taehyung who didn’t give you much of a reaction.
“No, I’m not fucking coming, and I want you to leave right now before I call the cops” You hear Taehyung giggle behind you. Jimin marched up to you and grabbed your neck harshly, Taehyung holding you still.
“Right. I heard that she talked to Kim Seokjin. Better fucking keep your mouth shut Y/n” Taehyung said casually. Jimin looked deep into your eyes, before clenching them shut as he steadied his breathing.
“Let’s go Taehyung. She’ll come, she’s not stupid” Jimin snapped his fingers.
“I’m right behind you boss, you go ahead” Taehyung released his hold. Jimin regarded you, a bitter look in his eyes as he huffed, slamming the door behind him as he left.
You whirled around to face Taehyung, who had already raised his hands in defense. “Let me expl—“
“You’re in Jimin’s gang aren’t you?! You motherfucker, you hurt Namjoon! You threatened Jungkook! You’re the cause of all my problems aren’t you” You kicked at Taehyung’s knees, causing him to giggle at your efforts. He dodged your attacks with ease.
“Oh you wish I was your biggest problem jacket girl. That’s far from it. You have Jimin’s black card don’t you?” He opened his palm in front of you “Give it”
You did as told, handing it to him, more than happy to get rid of anything you had of Jimin’s.
You spat at him “Fucking creep. I knew you were no good. You knew that shooting was gonna happen, that’s why you had sex with me isn’t it? To keep me distracted while your guys hurt Namjoon?” Taehyung pursed his lips at your statement, looking around your apartment frantically.
“Of course not dumbass.” He whispered so softly you had to strain to hear him “Shush” He began quickly making his way towards your bedroom. You chased after him, dropping your things on the ground. You watch as he reaches behind your bookshelf and pulls out a small surveillance camera, tossing it onto your bed.
He put a finger to his lips and made his way to your computer monitor. Quickly he took out a gun from his back pocket and slammed the end into the top of the screen. You gaped at him, watching glass shatter onto your desk.
“Okay.” Taehyung sighed, relaxing his shoulders. He fiddled with his watch—there was that watch again—before turning to you “Now that we’re actually alone, no that’s not why I had sex with you. You can’t tell anyone that happened alright. And no I didn’t know the shooting was gonna happen, that wasn’t us.”
“W…what the fuck” You trembled, eyes wide with shock and unease at the fact someone had put cameras in your bedroom. Taehyung noticed your discomfort, clearing his throat awkwardly, “Yeahhhh. You should really be more careful about who you let literally move into your fucking apartment.”
“Jungkook was spying on me?”
“Mmm, more like he was doing someone’s dirty work I would say. He’s a selfish rat who only cares about money. He’s dangerous and a liar. Look…I heard about the kidnapping, are you okay?”
“How do you know about that? How do you know so much?” Taehyung grinned widely, ignoring your questions.
“Y/n, let me tell you something” He took a seat on the edge of your mattress, “There is someone really fucking powerful who has their eyes on you. I don’t know who or even why. Now, we have a bone to pick with that motherfucker for a whole different set of reasons, making you perfect bait. So it would make sense for us to kidnap you and blackmail him or something” You sat down next to him, knees weak as your emotional state spiraled. “But we didn’t.”
“It wasn’t Jimin?” You honestly thought it would have been. After all, Hobi said your kidnappers beat up Namjoon pretty bad and that seemed to be in line with Jimin’s agenda. “Then who was it?”
“Dunno. But I’m gonna find out. You really aren’t safe here, the rat was right about that. Jimin can protect you though”
You scoffed, plopping your back onto the mattress and letting the shift in gravity wave over you. “I hate Jimin” Taehyung turned rapidly at your statement, frowning.
“I thought you were a fan, jacket girl?” He laid back besides you, propping himself up on his elbow to look at you. You gave him a look, rolling your eyes as he chuckled. How is this guy able to find all of this funny?
You sighed, staring at the ceiling, becoming increasingly aware that Taehyung was lying next to you.
“You said you didn’t fuck me to distract me so why did you?”
“Because. I think you’re cool, you’re fucking gorgeous, you’re fun, and I probably would never get another chance. Jimin gets what he wants. He’s in charge.”
“He doesn’t own me” You murmured, turning on your side to face him. “He doesn’t own you either.” Taehyung grinned lazily, gazing into your eyes.
You slid your hand onto his thigh, looking at him expectantly. When he doesn’t react you slowly lean closer to him, noses barely touching. His eyes flutter shut as you kiss him, instantly pushing your tongue into his mouth. You know you need to be fast, Jimin was probably waiting for him.
Taehyung cupped your face, deepening the kiss as he rolled his body flush against you. There were butterflies in your stomach, for some reason you felt like a child again, making out with a boy you liked in your bedroom. You smiled into the kiss.
His hand brushed down your body, lingering at your chest but ultimately finding your thigh and squeezing it slightly. He wanted more, and he needed it now.
“Quick” Taehyung whispered, and you frantically kicked off your shorts, Taehyung simultaneously rising to yank down his jeans. You spread your legs as wide as you could, motioning for Taehyung to come back to you. He licked his lips. “You’re not stretched out yet, are you sure?”
You nodded, “Fuck stop stalling just do it. It’s okay if I don’t cum just fuck me” You whine. Taehyung shrugs, lowering himself down on you. You wrap your arms and legs around him tightly, as if holding on for dear life. You couldn’t understand why you found so much comfort in the man you barely knew. A man you barely trusted.
Were you even really into him? Or were you trying to spite Jimin? Taehyung quickly sunk his cock into you. You cried out—recalling just how large he was the last time.
“So tight” Taehyung’s breath hitched as he stilled himself deep inside of you. You rolled your hips up, taunting him to get on with it. He grabbed your ass, pulling you in towards him, allowing him to fuck into you deeper.
You kissed his neck frantically, moving your hands through his hair and onto his back as he found a steady rhythm. He fucked you with focus, desperately trying to chase his own high as you savored having his body on yours.
Your legs caressed his back, moving up and down against him with every thrust, as if you were almost climbing up onto him. You groaned, tilting your head back in pleasure as the initial pain of his size subsided, and he was able to angle himself perfectly in a way that had you screaming for more.
His lips were tight against yours, hardly kissing but moreso just breathing into one another deeply. He smacked your ass lightly as he picked up his pace.
“You feel so good” He muttered, “That fucking” He thrusted deep “Asshole is so lucky” He was ruthless. You held onto him as tight as you could, crying out as he pistoned in and out of you. “Get’s you all to himself. Fucks you whenever he…wants” Taehyung panted, “Doesn’t fucking deserve this. He doesn’t deserve you” You could hear the slight growl in his voice.
“Pussy so fucking sweet. So fucking sweet I can’t stop” Taehyung moved his hands to grip your shoulders from under you, digging his nails into your flesh. “I can’t stop. I don’t want to. I don’t want to Y/n. Fuck. Please.”
“Don’t stop. Don’t stop baby I love it” You urged him on, making him hiss. He looked so fucked out as you could feel his cock twitching inside of you.
“Dont wanna…dont wanna cum. Dont wanna stop” Taehyung whined, “Feel so good. Feel so fucking good”
“Taehyung!” Jimin’s voice bellowed from outside the apartment. Taehyung cursed in irritation.
“Shit, come on baby” You bucked your hips up. Taehyung was pissed. He pulled out of you. “Let me finish you baby don’t go” You pleaded, hugging onto him tighter as he began to get off of you.
“He’ll kill me. He will literally kill me. I need to go” Taehyung pressed a kiss to your forehead. He shoved you off of him. He begins to pull his pants back on, but you’re not ready to let him go yet. You’ll be damned if Taehyung doesn’t get to finish because of Jimin.
“No!” You pounce on him, pushing him onto the floor and pinning him down with your knees. You wrap your hand around his cock and begin to stroke it furiously, bringing your face down so that your tongue can wrap around it. You begin sucking on him, watching his shocked face as you bob your head rapidly on him, going as fast as you can. You feel Taehyung’s hand reach to hold back your hair. What a sweetheart. Jimin would never.
Taehyung bit down on his lip so hard it began to bleed as he came up into your mouth. You rapidly licked him off, cum getting all over your lips before you pulled his pants back up and got off of him. You noticed his watch again.
“Where’d you get that watch?” You asked causally as Taehyung pulled his pants back on. Taehyung looked at the piece and a frown tugged at his lips.
“Um…a friend gave it to me”
“He has good taste”
Taehyung gulped, looking back at you “Yeah. He really does”
“Go” You whispered. Taehyung blinked a few times, trying to process as he gets up. He cups your face to plant one final kiss onto your cum stained lips before rushing out of your apartment, hands frantically fixing his hair as he leaves.
Jungkook wiped the sweat from off his forehead before bending to lift the heavy box again. It was his least favorite part of the job, moving product. He didn’t understand why they couldn’t just hire more people with all the fucking cash they made but his boss hated bringing new people in.
He wobbled back to his truck, sliding the large package into his trunk before taking a deep breath. Hopping into the drivers seat, he set away to get back to you.
You hadn’t come home last night, and although he knew you were out with Namjoon, some part of him felt uneasy. He had grown fond of you over the past few days, more than he really cared to admit. He knew you were off limits, after all, what business did you have with a guy like him when you were around people like Park Jimin on a daily basis.
Click, Jungkook had just buckled his seatbelt, glancing in the rearview mirror to see an unfamiliar face staring back at him, holding a gun to his forehead.
“Jeon Jungkook” Goosebumps riveted across his skin at the stern voice “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Heard you’ve gone ahead and made yourself Y/n’s roomate” The man was tall, had a sharp jawline and a deceivingly warm smile.
“Who are you? Do you work for him?”
“Move out. Stay away from her or else”
“Or else what? I am the most successful dealer he has, he isn’t gonna touch me”
“Do you really wanna find out?” Bang. Jungkook turned to the noise to see Namjoon tied up and blindfolded, on the ground with a man holding a metal rod to his head. He was knocked out. “Move out, or I’ll beat your little fighter boy’s head in. And I bet your boss wouldn’t want his money machine dead”
Jungkook pursed his lips into a thin smile. “Oh..you’re Jimin’s guy huh? Fine. I’ll leave her. Let Joon go”
“One more thing. You tell Namjoon that you found his friend too”
“Well uh, where is his friend?”
The man laughed, motioning for his goons to follow as they all hopped into twin black Cadillacs, driving off and leaving Namjoon unconscious on the ground. Jungkook clicked his tongue. I’ve seen that guy before. He stretched out his arms and went over to try to lift Namjoon into his truck.
You stared at the cameras that Taehyung had found in your room, goosebumps spreading as you tried to comprehend everything. Okay. Just. Go to work. Forget about it. Go see Hobi. You quickly hopped in the shower, letting ice cold water attempt to wake you up from this growing nightmare.
Stepping out of the shower you hear some light rapping at your door. “One second” It was probably Jungkook. He had seen you naked plenty, so you thought nothing of it as you wobbled towards your door with nothing but a towel, hair pinned up to keep it dry.
“Hey, did you want a ride to work?” Yoongi’s familiar collected gaze fell on you. WHY DOES THIS MAN SHOW UP AT THE WORST TIMES you scream internally at your boss who was there standing in front of you. He didn’t look the least bit phased at your state, and in a way you felt offended. I’m half naked. Nothing? Damn.
“Oh! Sure. Give me like 2 minutes. Please, come in” Yoongi stepped inside, looking around with little interest. You ran back to your room, kicking the door shut as your frantically searched for something appropriate to wear. You went to your mirror and slapped on some makeup before returning to Yoongi. “Yeah! Let’s go”
Yoongi drove a nice black Cadillac, which you expected. He was a wealthy guy after all and it fit his edgy but classy aesthetic that he had going on. You felt relaxed in the fresh leather seats, the scent mind-numbingly pleasant. You were just so tired. Yoongi began to drive, and the soft hum of the engine lulled you into a nap. You were out like a light, unable to see the way that Yoongi was licking his lips, glancing at your lifeless frame. Unable to feel the way he took your hand into his and squeezed so tightly.
Back in the studio, you were desperate to find Hobi and hear about what had happened. Instead you found Namjoon waiting for you, and your jaw dropped. Half of his face was covered with a large bruise that looked incredibly painful. You threw yourself into his arms.
“Oh my God are you okay?” You hugged him tightly, and he did you, relishing the comfort of one another’s touch. He shook his head, making your heart clench in pity. Of course he’s not okay.
“Did they do anything to you? Did they touch you? I swear to God Y/n I’ll fucking” You straddled his lap and rest your head against his strong chest. His heartbeat was pronounced and soothing under his soft shirt.
“I’m okay. I’m more worried about you.” Namjoon ran his hand up and down your back.
“Y/n...I think. This might sound crazy but I think I know who kidnapped us” He whispered into your ears. At that moment, the door opened revealing a perfectly normal looking Jimin. You almost jumped off of Namjoon, realizing how compromising your situation must have looked. Jimin’s eyes narrowed briefly.
“Come” Jimin motioned to you without so much as a greeting. You glanced at Namjoon, who was looking at the ground. He seemed scared. “Now.” He snapped.
“Who the fuck do you think you are just ordering her around like that?” From down the hall you hear Hobi’s voice echo through. Relief surged through your veins. “You’re not even recording today, get lost” Hobi walked straight up to Jimin and glared at him.
Jimin chuckled, “Whatever, she’ll come. I know she will” He turned to leave but Hobi grabbed him by the collar, growling lowly.
“Piece of trash. Stay away from my girl” You froze at the term. Jimin’s eyes widened.
“Your girl? Oh Hoseok are you in for a fucking treat because let me tell you what exactly your girl has been..”
“Hobi get off of him.” Like ice, Yoongi’s voice cut through the scene. His footsteps were pronounced as he approached the boys who remained in an aggressive stare-down. “First of all. She is not your girl. There is absolutely no romantic relationships permitted in my label. No exceptions, end of question. Second of all, Jimin, you better not be harassing my employees or you will see me sue you for all your worth, you got that?” Your pussy clenched at the authoritativeness in his voice. Hobi reluctantly let go of Jimin, who brushed himself off.
“You can’t stop us from going out” Hobi muttered. For the first time in your life, you saw Yoongi laugh. And not in a good way.
“Can’t I? Y/n, you’re off your project. You’ll be working directly with me now on finishing Jimin’s album” Jimin smirked lightly, meeting your eyes.
“She doesn’t want to work on Jimin’s--” Hobi began to protest but Yoongi held his hand up.
“Say another word, and your ass is fired. If I so much as see the two of you alone in my place of work, you’re in for it. Have I made myself clear?” You noticed that Hobi’s fists were almost reddening from how tightly he was clenching them, veins popping from his forearms.
“Yes” Hobi mumbled in submission. You had never seen him so angry before. He didn’t give you another look before storming off towards his own office. You rolled your eyes as you heard Jimin giggle.
“Perfect” He grinned. Yoongi simply looked him up and down before turning to you, arms folded.
“Go finish up what you’re working on. From tomorrow you report to me, and we’ll work in my studio.” His voice was significantly softer than it had been minutes ago. He briefly touched your elbow, as if to assure you not to be worried. The gesture was barely there but you found yourself appreciating it as he left, calling Jimin to follow him.
You took a deep breath, turning back into the studio where Namjoon was sitting and listening to the whole ordeal. He looked extremely uncomfortable, so you slid the door shut and took a seat in front of him.
“Sorry. You were saying? Who do you think kidnapped us?” Namjoon gave you an uncertain look. “Trust me, I won’t think you’re crazy. Is it Jimin, is that what you were thinking because I would totally believe--”
“Hobi” Namjoon exhaled sharply, “I think it was Hobi”
Your stomach flipped. The sincerely in Namjoon’s eyes made you nauseous. He saw your reaction and grabbed your hands, holding them sturdily in his own. “Y/n, I can’t tell you everything here. Come somewhere with me. I wanna show you something. You trust me right?” He got up quickly, tugging your arms to do the same.
He led you to his car, parked significantly far in the back of the lot and much to your surprise it was the exact same model as Yoongi’s. Maybe it’s a rockstar thing. But Namjoon makes the same as I do so how the fuck can he afford...oh...the fights. You shrugged, not minding returning to the chic vehicle.
“I feel like we both need to blow off some steam.” Namjoon said, revving the engine “I’m gonna take you where I train for my matches. It’s usually pretty secluded so we should be able to talk there” You nodded. Boxing sounded cool enough, and he was right, you could use some endorphins.
The two of you arrived at what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse. Inside, the walls were a charcoal color, dimply lit by striking white lights. It eerily reminded you of the vibe of the arena, but instead there were a few punching bags set up as well as a sparring ring. Namjoon had been right - the place was absolutely empty.
Namjoon grabbed a few gloves from the floor, handing you a pair which you inspected closely. When you looked up you saw that Namjoon had already pulled off his shirt, and was sitting on a bench, wrapping his hands with the gauze. Damn. You never thought you would be thirsting for your coworker but seeing him all serious had you feeling a type of way. You recalled how deliciously submissive he had been at Death Valley. You needed that. You missed being in control of your life.
“Here” Namjoon tossed the gauze tape at you. “Sit down I can wrap it for you” He slid down on his knees. You let him secure your wrists with the soft material, his brows furrowed with complete focus.
“Why do you think it’s Hobi?” You whispered. Namjoon’s hands stilled over yours.
“The pills. He didn’t actually take them. And then when we were tied up...I dunno...he sounded really far away? And not nearly as freaked out as you and I were. Then when Jungkook found us--well, Jungkook said he already dropped Hobi off but I don’t buy it. He said that the guys he had seen beat me looked really familiar to him. Jungkook might have seen Hobi around Death Valley or something before. So that’s why I think it’s him. Maybe Hobi is in Jimin’s...yknow...gang”
Namjoon finished wrapping your hands. He rose “Come on, let me show you some moves” You pulled the boxing gloves on and followed him reluctantly.
Namjoon patted one of the bags lightly and positioned you in from of it. He showed you how to throw a few types of punches and you listened intently, noting how his biceps flexed with every hit. He stood behind you, allowing you to try punching on your own as he watched your stance. You threw all your weight into your punch, hearing a soft slam as your fist met the bag, which didn’t budge. You hear Namjoon stifle a giggle.
“No, Y/n, you need to...hold on” You hear what sounds like Namjoon pulling his gloves off. He rests a wrapped hand on your shoulder, guiding your arm with the other. “Likeeee that. There you go” He assisted you in making a punch that caused the bag to sway slightly. “Nice job, try again!”
You continued to pummel the bag, letting out all your pent up frustration. Namjoon watched you carefully, pacing around you and observing your form. You suddenly flew a punch so far it caused the button of your shirt to pop off your chest. You stopped, panting heavily as sweat dripped from your forehead, looking down to see your chest decently exposed. Namjoon stood in front of you, face turning pink.
“Shit. Damn Joon should’ve told me to pack some different clothes” You pull of your gloves, setting them down before you unbutton the rest of your shirt and let it slide off of your shoulders, leaving you in a simple nude bra. It wasn’t meant for sports but you didn’t really care. Namjoon wiped the sweat from his forehead and eyed you up and down.
“I think I’m gonna uh…take a break” He gulped. You grinned, knowing that you were making him hot and bothered. He went towards the back of the warehouse where there were a few open showers.
He turned the water up cold, letting it run over him and his pants. You watched as he set his arms out, leaning against the wall so the water hit his muscular back.
“Joonie” You cooed, walking up to him. “Don’t be shy with me”
Namjoon didn’t dare look at you as you walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his toned waist, letting your fingers tug at his waistband. You pressed your lips into his back.
“Can you be a good boy for me and take this off hm?” You whispered. Namjoon’s breath was shaky and his eyes were clenched shut. He swallowed, trembling as he did as you asked, his wet pants falling to the dirty floor. You turned him around to face you, but his eyes remained glued to the floor.
“Joonie…look at me” You tilted his face up, ad he reluctantly met your eyes.
“Y/n…” He mumbled as you went on your tippy toes, letting your arms snake around his neck. “A…are you sure?”
“You tell me” You grinned, sucking lightly on his neck. Namjoon cursed under his breath, tilting his head to give you more room.
“I…I’ve wanted you for so long” Namjoon leaned back, the water from the shower now soaking you too. He stroked the wet strands of hair from your eyes, before leaning down and kissing you. You could feel him quivering from your touch.
“I really like you” He kept talking, his words barely making it into your brain as you were far too focused on how you were planning on getting him down on his knees.
“Is that right baby?” You cupped his cheek, letting your thumb tug at his lips. “Why don’t you show me huh?” You were down to roleplay, not realizing that for Namjoon his words were his truth.
“C…can I…see your tits…please?” Namjoon’s hands hovered over your body, not ready to touch you without your explicit permission.
“Go ahead” He unclasped your bra, and it fell to the floor. Namjoon gasped. It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen them before. He had—but he still couldn’t quite believe it. His cock twitched, and he was ready to burst then and there, overwhelmed that he even made it this far with you. He cried out in discomfort, his boxers tight against his rigid cock.
“Y/n…please” Namjoon whined, grabbing your breast with one hand while he bent down to suckle the other.
“Fuck” You muttered, his sloppy tongue rilling you up as he desperately licked away at your tits.
“Please it hurts so bad” His cried vibrated into your chest as you stroked his hair affectionately. He sucked you harshly before switching to the other breast.
“Tell me what you need baby…use your words”
“Can I just…put my…if it’s okay I just” Namjoon let go of your breasts and stood up straight. “Wanna fuck you. Want you to ride me. If…that’s okay” You smiled at him.
“Of course baby, let’s go sit you down over there and then mama will take care of you” Namjoon’s eyes widened at your words, his knees wobbling. He gripped your shoulders, furrowing his brows and trying his best not to cum in front of you like an idiot without even being touched.
You led him over to the closest bench, where he sat down, sliding down his boxers so that his cock stood proud. You knew he wouldn’t last long, but seeing how he looked like he was gonna burst into tears, you weren’t about to shatter his dreams. Ridding your own underwear, you straddled him slowly.
His eyes were closed again, much to your dismay. “Joonie. Look at me.” You lightly slapped his cheek. His eyes met yours, wide and watery. He was a mess for you and you had never felt so powerful.
You sank down on him, watching as he cried out, his moans echoing throughout the empty warehouse. He set his hands at your waist as you raised yourself back up, the sweet drag of his cock sliding seamlessly down your wet walls.
“Oh my god Y/n” Namjoon buried his face into your neck as you continued to ride him slowly, bouncing up and down on his cock while he moaned out your name like it was the only word he knew.
You grabbed his face, pushing your lips onto his and shutting him up. His hands slid up to grab your breasts, fondling them desperately as you rolled your hips into him.
He pinched your nipples between his fingers, causing you to moan into his mouth. He let one hand fall to your clit and began rubbing you rapidly.
“Wanna make you feel good too” He murmured, words enveloped by your kisses. For whatever show he put on, you could tell he knew exactly what he was doing, drawing soft circles on your clit and making your pussy leak onto him right away. You clenched down, causing Namjoon to almost scream into your mouth with pleasure.
“Wanna cum for mama? It hurts doesn’t it baby?” You teased. Namjoon pouted at you and nodded. You kissed his cheek. “I know it does baby. I know it hurts” You stroked his back, bouncing faster and faster on him.
“Y/n…fuck…please can I cum inside you? I can’t…I can’t hold back any longer” Namjoon bit down on your shouder, trying as hard as he could not to cum.
“It’s okay. You can cum, I got you baby” It was all it took for him to spill into you, his load seeming never ending. When he was done he hugged you tight to his chest, keeping his cock inside you, not wanting to lose your warmth.
The two of your remained like that for a while. You hummed lightly as Namjoon stroked your back. He cleared his throat.
“I’m gonna register for another fight. Against Jin. We still don’t have a clear winner but I’ve been training almost every day—I have to win” He growled lightly.
“Just be careful okay” You kissed his cheek. He shook his head.
“I don’t care what it takes. I have to win. I have to. I’m gonna win” You squinted at him, seeing an almost crazed glint. “I’m gonna win and finally get my prize” What prize? Money?
Working with Yoongi was different. There were far less drugs involved. In a way you were grateful that you were finally getting the real work experience you came for, but you did miss having fun with Hobi and Namjoon in the studio. Yoongi was quite serious about his work, and you admired that. He wouldn’t pay too much attention to you most of the time, simply asking you your thoughts on certain tracks every now and then.
“Tonight the title track drops as a single” He muttered, typing frantically on his laptop. You sat by his side, watching as he finished up some emails “It’ll drop around midnight.” He picked up his phone “Get Jimin in here.”
You groaned, recalling that you were expected to go over to his place tonight. Yoongi noticed your displeasure, raising his eyebrows but didn’t say anything.
“What” Jimin barged into the studio. You hated how disrespectful he was, especially to someone as talented as Yoongi.
“Your single is dropping tonight. Thought you’d wanna know. We should celebrate.” Yoongi shut his laptop and glanced at the both of you. Jimin grinned.
“Oh hell yeah. Party at my place.” He winked at you, “Wear something nice babygirl”
You choked, coughing to try to cover it up. You missed the way Yoongi glared at Jimin when he said that before he motioned for him to leave.
“Does Jimin bother you?” Yoongi asked, a hint—barely a hint—of genuine concern in his voice. You sighed.
“No sir. He’s just a typical rockstar”
What were you gonna wear? It was a formal event. Namjoon had made it clear that he would rather jump off of a cliff than step foot in Jimin’s place so he wouldn’t be going, and you hadn’t heard from or seen Hobi in a while. You assumed Yoongi would be there, so you wanted to look good, just in case. Although deep down you knew that if anyone was fucking you tonight it would likely end up being Jimin himself.
You chose a silky gold slip dress, looking at yourself in the mirror and almost not recognizing yourself without your usual grunge look. You wondered if Yoongi would still wear his chains. You shivered in excitement.
Jimin wanted you there early. He claimed to need to talk to you, but you knew he was probably just trying to get his dick wet. As you walked into the penthouse you were shocked at how clean the place was. He really had decked the place out for a nice party—his living room rearranged.
“Hey” You noticed Taehyung emerging from the kitchen. He looked so different, you had to blink to make sure it was really him.
He had dyed his hair black, a striking contrast to the mint green you had become familiar with, plus instead of his leather jacket and jeans he had on a fitted grey blazer with a crisp white shirt underneath. He looked fantastic.
“Damn you clean up nice” He grinned, “He’s waiting for you.” Taehyung motioned towards Jimin’s closed room. He quickly pulled you into a light hug, whispering in your ear “If he does anything you don’t want you just say it and I will fucking stop him okay?” You gulped, nodding lightly.
“Will you be watching?” You teased, letting your lips glide over his ear. Taehyung simply smiled and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before smacking your ass playfully.
“Go get em girl” He let you go, watching as you headed towards Jimin’s room.
It wasn’t anything like you expected. The lights were dim, there were candles everywhere. All over his floor were rose petals. So cliche. You smirked to yourself.
Jimin emerged from his bathroom, looking astounding. He looked younger—like he did back in the days you would be worshiping his body day and night. His hair was styled similarly, up revealing his forehead. His shirt fit him great and you couldn’t help but notice that he chose to wear dangling earrings.
“You came”
Your breath hitched as he came towards you, and you subconsciously backed away from him until he was towering over you—your back pressed against the wall. He took your hands into his, kissing the tops of them softly.
“Stop blackmailing me. I don’t give a fuck if you send that video to Yoongi alright, he won’t care. He’ll protect me from an ass like you” Jimin let your hands drop as he circled your waist, touching his forehead to yours. Your heart skipped a beat. His face was so close to yours—but it wasn’t like before. He was actually looking at you. His eyes clean of any substance.
“I won’t send it. I told Taehyung to delete it. I want you to want this” He whispered, his breath landing in shimmers on your lips. For once he didn’t smell like tobacco. His lips looked incredibly soft, a sweet red tint making them pop.
He gazed at you, his hand traveling up your back where he found the zipper of your dress. “You look incredible. Better than I could have ever imagined” He was breathless. The way he was speaking made you want to melt. It was like every fantasy of your teenage years was coming to life in front of your eyes. He tugged at your zipper.
“I’m sorry for being an ass” He rolled his head against yours, letting his lips trace your cheeks. “You deserve better” He inhaled your scent as you felt him slowly tug the zipper down—your dress sliding off with it. You gasped as the fabric swept over your body until it was a pile on the floor. Jimin stepped back to look at you.
You hadn’t worn a bra, considering your dress was backless. At that point you had also chosen to go without panties—what was the worst that could happen? You’d flash your boss? You wished that would happen.
Jimin was gaping at you before a mischievous smile took his face. Your heart sunk, recognizing the familiar predatory gaze in his eyes.
“So naughty, you were ready for me weren’t you” He began unbuttoning his own shirt, letting it slide off of his shoulders before letting his hand grasp your neck. He pushed his thumb to your lip, tilting your head back.
You shut your eyes, knowing full well what he would do next—but instead Jimin bent down and kissed you softly. His grip loosened, cupping your cheek as he deepened the kiss.
He pressed his chest against yours, his skin burning against you. The heat from the candles was persistent—it was too warm. Your body was flushed. It was the heat. You tried to convince yourself. Your tried to convince yourself that you weren’t enjoying Park Jimin kissing you like you were his.
He lifted you into his arms, lips not leaving yours as he carefully laid you onto his silk sheets. “Tell me what you want baby girl, let daddy take care of you today” He whispered, kissing you all over your face with light pecks before moving to your neck.
You stared at the ceiling, squirming under him as your heart began pounding through your chest. You were overwhelmed. It had been so long since you were fucked like this. On a bed, with delicate care. You weren’t normally a fan, but with everything you had been through you found yourself sighing in relief.
Jimin moved his kisses to your chest, kissing every inch of you as if he was trying to memorize every crevice of your body with his lips. You arched your back in pleasure as his lips wrapped around your breast. He didn’t linger, continuing to kiss the rest of your stomach. You giggled as you felt ticklish when he kissed above your belly. Your eyes were blown—full of yearning. Park Jimin was kissing you—kissing you everywhere. You didn’t want to wake up from this.
As he proceeded to go down on you, you glanced around his room. Your eyes landed on his bathroom door, that was just slightly open. Is Taehyung there? Is he watching? You buckled your hips as Jimin kissed the tops of your thighs. You felt him smile, thinking you reacted to him. But you were imagining Taehyung’s intense gaze—from who knows where.
Jimin climbed back up your body and kissed you again. “My pretty girl” He ran his finger over your throbbing core, teasing it with his soft touch. He watched you, hovering slightly as his fingers brushed back and forth. Your pussy clenched, as if it was trying to catch his finger and swallow it in. You whined out, hands finding his shoulders and pulling him closer to you.
“Daddy” You whined softly, biting your lip. Jimin watched you close your eyes and savor his fleeting touch. “Daddy please” You moaned, prompting Jimin to glide a finger into your sopping cunt. You squealed with pleasure as he moved it excruciatingly slow, in and out, teasing you. He let his head fall against your neck as he continued to finger you. He loved how desperate your pussy was for him.
“Does my baby girl want more?” He teased, nibbling your shoulder. You nodded quickly, and he obeyed, inserting another finger. You groaned—the stretch feeling so good. You needed him to go faster. It wasn’t enough. You spread your thighs, hoping to urge him on, but he didn’t relent. Your nails dug into Jimin’s shoulders.
“Faster” You could barely make a noise, legs quivering with desperation. “Faster daddy please” You were practically crying, and Jimin loved it. He sped up, the sound of your wetness becoming increasingly evident as you soaked his fingers. You bit your lip, nodding rapidly as pleasure soared through you. Jimin watched you, grinning at your reactions. “Yes…yes…like that…more please. Please daddy” You tried to push yourself down onto his fingers more. Jimin noticed this—and pulled them out of your completely. You groaned in frustration, the feeling of fullness leaving you suddenly.
“Did I say you could move?” He took his fingers and shoved them in your mouth. You frowned at the taste of yourself but sucked on them anyways.
“W..as…s..close” You tried speaking as Jimin pushed his fingers farther down your throat. You gagged on them before he pulled them out and dove in for another kiss.
“Bad girls don’t get to cum” Jimin’s voice was so soft, it had you trembling. He got off of you briefly to unbuckled his pants, kicking them off along with his boxers.
His cock was throbbing, eager for some sort of stimulation. He took your hand, guiding it to wrap around his hardened length and giving it a few pumps.
“Daddy’s never fucked you like this has he hm?” Jimin cooed at you, climbing back over you as he lined his cock to your entrance. You widened your thighs, shaking your head. Jimin clicked his tongue “Daddy’s bad. Daddy should fuck his good little girl right” He teased his tip into your folds, moaning loudly at how wet your were as your cunt swallowed him in. He stills momentarily, and the two of your share an intimate stare. Jimin’s heart is speeding, and so is yours. You don’t know what has gotten into him—he doesn’t either. He sinks into you, crying out your name.
“Oh fuck baby oh fuck” Jimin whines, “So good. So fucking good baby, you feel so fucking good” He panted, his voice getting louder. He dug himself as far into you as he could go. “Baby…you’re so tight…holy shit” He tilts his head back in ecstasy—his expressions making you tighten on him even more. He drags his long cock out, angling his hips again before thrusting into you again, this time much faster.
“Baby…my good fucking girl…oh my God” Jimin was losing control. The pleasure began clouding his judgement, making him almost dizzy. He didn’t even realize that he had sped up much more. He didn’t notice that he had grabbed your neck, choking you down like he normally does. He didn’t notice that your moans had swapped out for winces of pain as he pounded into you relentlessly. His eyes were shut. He was gone—lost in the sweet feeling of you.
You came, much to your dismay, as Jimin’s filthy curses and praises got to your head. Your body jerked, twitching all over as you cried out helplessly. You felt good, but were upset that Jimin had gone back to his usual ways. Taehyung are you seeing this? You looked around again. Was he watching from a camera maybe? You looked at the television in front of Jimin’s bed. Squinting your eyes, you could see a slightly gleam coming from the top. Is that it? Do you see me Taehyung? You stared at it, choking as Jimin continued to fuck you silly.
“Stop” You could barely breathe. You tapped Jimin’s shoulders but he didn’t notice. He wasn’t looking. He was too caught up. “Please” You croaked, “Jimin slow down…stop I can’t—I can’t” The air was knocked out of your lungs as Jimin tightened his grip more. You felt your eyes bulge as his hot cum shot into you. His hands fell off to your side and you took the deepest breath you could conjure—little black specks already decorating your vision. Jimin was panting, a big smiled on his face as he looked down at you.
Tears rolled down your face as your gasped for more air. Jimin jumped off of you, realizing what he had done. “Holy shit Y/n” He muttered, looking around frantically for water. On cue, Taehyung barged into the room, tossing him a bottle.
“Don’t look at her!” Jimin screeched at Taehyung as he pulled the covers over your shaking body. You took the water from him and gulped it down, steadying yourself. You gave Taehyung a thankful look and he nodded to you. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t…shit I’m so sorry” Jimin pleaded as he helped you sit up, stroking your back.
“Deleted the video by the way” Taehyung walked over to you and sat down by your side. “Jimin, Yoongi and the others are here. You better go, I’ll take care of her” Jimin gave Taehyung a grateful pat on the back as he quickly got dressed, running to the bathroom to fix up his hair and makeup.
You let your eyes flutter shut, Taehyung taking the bottle from you and stroking your hair. You doze off, not seeing Taehyung open a familiar video on his own phone, before hitting send.
Jimin did his rounds, plastering a fake smile to entertain and welcome his guests. He excused himself as fast as he could. Yoongi grabbed his shoulder, noticing him trying to leave.
“You okay?” Jimin sighed. Yoongi was one of the only people he could confide in.
“I just need some air. I’ll be back” Yoongi nodded in understanding, letting him go. Jimin found his way out of the building. He paced back and forth on the sidewalk, beating himself up for his actions. God, what was wrong with him? He groaned in frustration, stomping his foot.
You were the closest thing to happiness he had felt in so long and he went ahead and fucked it up just like he had done with everything—his music, his career, and even his drug empire was on the cusp of falling apart all because of the Death Valley bastards.
He took a deep breath before reaching into his back pocket to pull out a cigarette and a lighter. He needed a smoke—bad. As he lit the cig, he noticed a black cadillac rolling into the parking lot at a frantic speed. He stopped momentarily, looking up as the car swiveled out of control.
Until it was headed straight for him.
People really thought it was a PR stunt. You rolled your eyes as you scrolled through social media at the news that Jimin was in the hospital after being in a car accident. Right after his song dropped nonetheless. You felt bad—the song was doing really well, but he wasn’t even conscious to see it. You yourself really liked it. It reminded you of his older work, but with a more mature touch to it. You could feel that the boy was struggling with something dark within himself. That was something you could relate to.
Taehyung had been wild when he found out, immediately making calls and screaming at people over the phone. You assumed that the accident was probably…not an accident, given his reaction. You wanted to go see him as soon as you could. Yoongi luckily gave everyone the day off to cope, and you headed over first thing in the morning.
Your eyes became teary as a nurse led you to the room Jimin was in. He was unconscious, and looked absolutely beat. You sat by his side, fluffing his hair affectionately. The nurse left the two of you alone, and you leaned down to give a soft kiss on his lips, naively wondering if like sleeping beauty he might wake up. Of course he didn’t. This wasn’t a fairy tale—it was far from it.
You had been up all night thinking about it. You finally understood was Jin had meant when he suggested that you knew too much. Did Namjoon do this? The car was the same kind as his was. He did hate Jimin passionately, you knew this for a fact. But would he really go this far?
You thought back to your last interactions with Namjoon. He did seem to be a little out of his mind lately. You figured it was the drugs. You made a mental note to ask Jungkook what exactly he’s on.
He had been so aggressive about wanting to win the upcoming fight. Did he do this on purpose? You recalled that he said Jimin made him lose the last time. You felt queasy. Maybe all the shit you and Namjoon had been through really got to him, and this was him reacting.
The driver of the car was not found at the site of the accident, and it was by sheer luck that Jimin was even alive according to the police.
You pulled out Seokjin’s business card, finally fed up with all of this. It was getting too dangerous. You no longer felt safe. You dialed his number.
As the phone rang you heard the door swing open. You smiled sheepishly, waving at the familiar cheery face you hadn’t seen for so long. The face of a man that Namjoon had made you doubt. You were questioning everything now. It was Hobi.
Seokjin had headphones blaring his favorite songs as he jogged in place, getting himself pumped up at a local gym. He let out a few punches into the air. He was ready to beat Namjoon shitless. He was pleased. Pleased that you had finally called him, agreeing to meet with him and cooperating. He was so close to finding out the person behind all the madness—he just needed to get to Jimin.
The two of you agreed to meet later in the day. You had told him a brief amount of what all you knew and thought, but he recommended not giving details over the phone. Jin knew that gangs were smart enough to wire tap phones of their associates, especially ones who knew as much as you did.
“So you’re Jin” He turned, a man walked in, leaning casually against the wall. “Nice to meet you” He smirked before adding “Officer”
Jin turned quickly, grabbing a pistol and aiming it at the man who simply laughed. “Relax officer. I’m not who you’re after.”
Jin gritted his teeth, not letting his gun down. “What do you want?”
“See. There’s this girl.” He showed Jin a live video of you on his phone, “I have a guy there, on standby to shoot her brains out. Now you can prevent that” He walked closer to Jin, grinning widely.
“What do you want? I can fucking kill you dumbass”
The man shrugged, “You could. But then he will still kill Y/n. The only way he backs down is if he hears from me” The man brings up his own gun, aiming it right back at Jin, “That you’re gonna throw the fight”
“So you are a gangster.” He rolled his eyes.
“Poor Y/n. All alone at the hospital with no one to save her”
“Hospital? Why?”
“Oh didn’t you hear? Park Jimin got in a little accident” The man flashed a evil smile. Jin shuddered.
“Ok, ok. I’ll lose, just don’t fucking touch her. I want a guarantee” Jin raised his arms, lowering his gun to the ground.
“Lose the fight first. Then we’ll deliver her right to you, officer” He turned around to leave, and Jin tried to memorize every detail he could of the man—he had to be connected to Jimin somehow. He noticed the tattoo on his back, and his eyes widened.
The tattoo was of your name.
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: again thank you for being patient <3 since butter (and bbmas, and like a bunch of other shit) is coming next week, part 4 will be postponed until after. lets give the boys our all and enjoy everything coming--stream butter, go vote for our boys on twitter, do ya thing you beautiful humans. have a great day as always and thank you for reading! PLS LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK i love hearing your guys’ thoughts :) part 4 smut pairs are up too. JIN PPL JUST TRUST ME OK HES REALLY IMPORTANT YOU WILL SEE
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304
death valley (m) | part 4
summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize

pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: jungkook x reader, namjoon x reader, yoongi x reader (ABOUT DAMN TIME)
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 8k
warnings: reader discretion is very much advised. multiple & explicit smut scenes, rough sex, yandere behaviors, sex while intoxicated, oral sex (f and m), machoism/pain kink, manipulation, fighting, blood, masterbation, you’ll either fall in love with this yoongi or hate his guts there’s no in between, breath play, branding, choking, borderline abusive behavior, voyeurism, reader is a MESS, HEAVY DRUG USE, character injuries
a/n: im sorry for this lol, had to balance out the yoongi fluff. we’re getting into the more yandere/edgy side of this story so, be careful and dont read if it makes you uncomfortable
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
Taehyung had been at the hospital all night, catering to Jimin’s every need. As in, making sure his enemies stayed the fuck away from him while he was down, and ensuring that business went about smoothly. He had a knack for these things after all, and he really did love his work. Even if it did seem immoral, Taehyung felt that there was nothing wrong with what he did. People had needs, he had a product to fulfill them. Maybe some people got hurt along the way but every business was like that.
He knew you would be coming at some point, and he was excited to see you. You had looked incredible last night, the image burned into his mind. But you wouldn’t be coming to see him, no, you would be coming for Jimin.
Jimin had told Taehyung that he was going to try to be better to you. Deep down he didn’t think Jimin was capable of that, but as he returned to the hospital room, seeing you looking so worried had him thinking otherwise. He had advised Jimin on the roses and candles thinking that you would hate it.
You were on the phone when he arrived, standing in the corner and whispering away. Standing on the other side of the room was a man who Taehyung was familiar with, but he knew that the same was not true the other way around. “You must be Hoseok” He reached a hand out and Hobi shook it politely, “I am a friend of Jimin’s. He speaks very highly of your work. My name is Taehyung.”
Hobi smiled, always loving compliments. “Hi, nice to meet you too. It’s so terrible what happened to him” Hobi tried to pull his hand away but Taehyung tightened his grip, causing his face to drop into a confused frown. He then released him, giggling slightly.
“Honestly it was bound to happen at some point” Taehyung chuckled. “But you know, the police are saying it probably wasn’t an accident. It was intentional” He grinned widely and looked dead into Hobi’s eyes.
Hobi blinked back at him, “That’s terrible, why would anyone...” Taehyung burst into a fit of laughter, causing Hobi to shift uncomfortably.
“I’m just kidding” Taehyung pat his back playfully. You ended your call, coming to meet the two boys. You hugged Taehyung tightly, burying your face into his chest, unable to see the way Hobi’s eyes flashed with irritation.
“How is he?” You asked, looking up at him. Taehyung simply shrugged, quickly glancing down to check his watch.
“Not great. Doctor’s say he will live, in fact he should be conscious by the end of the day, but they still have to run tests to see if he got any brain damage. Obviously he can afford the best care out there so I’m not too worried about it”
You nodded, glancing back at Jimin one last time, “Well, I better head home. Call me if you need anything?” You squeezed Taehyung’s arm affectionately as he nodded.
“You too. Don’t worry too much” You smiled at him, waving awkwardly to Hobi as you left. You wondered what you would spend the day doing. You figured you could just spend the day with Jungkook and Namjoon, they knew the area better than you did. You unlocked your door and stepped in. Your blood ran cold.
Everything was ruined. The place was an absolute mess--television shattered, chairs thrown around, as if a hurricane had flown through. Your breathing quickened as you looked around frantically.
“Jungkook?” You had made it home too late last night to check on him, and even this morning you weren’t entirely certain you had seen him. You assumed he was still asleep. But now the boy was no where to be seen. Did he do this?
You stepped into your apartment, careful with your footwork, not wanting to step on the scraps of broken furniture that scattered across your floor. A crumbled sheet of paper was on the remnants of your kitchen counter.
Moved out. Sorry. Be safe. - JK
The paper dropped from your hand as you were too shocked and confused to even comprehend his words. Where do I go? You fumbled in your purse for your phone, scrolling to your contacts. Jin. Jin. Jin. You dialed his number, only to get him at voicemail. Fuck okay. Then who? You quickly left your apartment, taking care to really lock the door.
You were embarrassed to say the least as you found yourself yet again at Yoongi’s doorstep. That’s what you get for letting a shady drug dealer stay with you. Yoongi opened the door, looking not so much surprised as expectant.
“You have the day off Y/n” He said in place of a greeting.
“No I know, and I don’t mean to bother you on your day off...” Yoongi waved away your concerns, allowing you to step inside. He shut the door, locking it with a click, so soft you thought you may have imagined it. You continued to explain, “My place got robbed. I sorta had a roommate and I guess he moved out...and now the place is trashed” Yoongi raised his eyebrows.
“Always something interesting happening to you” He almost laughed. You nodded sheepishly, “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you’d like, I don’t really have any plans for the day.” You thanked him eagerly, following him into his kitchen. “Do you think it was your roommate? Who trashed your apartment?” You were surprised at his interest. You assumed he would have just ignored you after letting you in.
“I guess it could be. I don’t think he is a bad person but I guess a lot of evidence is pointing otherwise.” Yoongi nodded, seemingly deep in thought. “I’ll let the police know, hopefully they will figure it out.” You noticed the soft tapping of his fingers on the counter, fingers that were now much closer to your own than they were a second ago. You met his eyes briefly before focusing back on the way you fingers slightly stretched out, seeking his touch. He pulled his hand away quickly.
“Would you like to do something?” He asked, speaking confidently but nerves evident in the way his voiced wavered “I was going to just play around in my home studio all day but if there’s something else..” You shook your head.
“If it’s okay with you, that sounds great”
Maybe the universe had decided to take pity on you. About damn time. Yoongi welcomed you into his private studio--he had two in his home, but the other was locked up. He said he just kept old instruments in there now.
He brought out his guitar and began strumming along. You sat by his side, watching in awe as his fingers effortlessly played out beautiful progressions. “I heard you used to be Jimin’s fan” Yoongi stated. You blushed.
“Oh yeah. I was obsessed. Would go to every single one of his shows, hung out with his band and staff. I was a total groupie. He’s met me he just doesn’t remember it” You sighed ironically, “I mean why would he”
“You’re hard to forget” Yoongi stated, bringing an even deeper flush to your face. His words were flirtatious, but his voice steady. He played a few more chords, “I’ve known Jimin for a very...very long time. I’m surprised he’s so interested in you. You’re not really his usual type” He squints at you, “Really makes me wonder why. Who are you Y/n?” He sets his guitar aside, handing it to you. “You try”
It had been a while since you played guitar. You recalled learning a few things back in the day when you would wait backstage of Jimin’s performances. You nervously began to strum, watching as Yoongi nodded in approval. He knelt down next to you, wrapping his hand around yours, on the neck of the instrument. His fingers matched yours, guiding them into different positions, while his other hand remained on the small of your back. “There you go. Perfect” He glanced at your face, brows furrowed in focus “Just perfect”
He shifted, taking a seat behind as he wrapped his other arm around you, over yours landing on the strings. With his chin on your shoulder, he guided your hands into playing fun upbeat riff. You giggled as he got into a rhythm, letting him puppet your fingers beneath his. He smelled like heaven--clean like sheets of fresh linen. The heat of his body radiated through you, and you felt your heart beat faster and faster. Yoongi was humming softly to himself along with the music.
His hands came to a still, and the whole world seemed to freeze around you. All you could hear was the numbing pounds of your own heart. Your voice in your head begging it to quiet down. He didn’t move. You didn’t move.
“Y/n” His lips were so incredibly close to your neck it had you shivering. You let out a gasp, wanting to reel it back as soon as it left you because Yoongi then moved away from you instantly.
You didn’t even wanna know how flustered you must have looked, but Yoongi seemed unfazed.
You had made plans to meet Jin later that afternoon, informing Yoongi that you would return in a few hours. He kindly offered to drive you where you needed to go and you agreed.
After all, how could you refuse such a sweet guy.
Jin’s knee bounced rapidly as he waited for you in the parking lot of a nearby strip mall. He wondered if the man from earlier may have kidnapped you or something, he shuddered recalling the words we’ll deliver her right to you.
He saw a glimpse of your face, smiling as you chatted with the man driving you. Jin’s entire body froze with fear. It’s him. He met the man’s eyes briefly as you stepped out of the car. The man smirked at him, bringing a finger to his lips, before then making a finger gun and pointing it at you, reminding Jin what was at stake. He slightly nodded his head as you entered his passenger seat, and the man drove away, satisfied.
You turned as much as you could to face him. You noticed the lack of color in his face right away. “Who was that?” His voice was weak. You scrunched your eyebrows.
“Are you for real? You’re chasing down Jimin and you don’t know Yoongi? They’re pretty close...he’s his producer. He’s my boss too. My place got robbed and I have to stay with him for a bit. I tried calling you but you didn’t answer”
“Uh yeah...sorry about that” Jin cleared his throat, “Anyways, I looked into what you told me so far. I wanted to go over some details with you” You nodded, “You’re saying that it is possible that Jung Hoseok kidnapped you and Namjoon. Can I know where or who was the source of the pills you took that evening?”
Your eyes widened. You hadn’t even thought of that, “Oh...Namjoon brought them but Jungkook gave them to him”
Jin stroked his chin in thought, “Right. I figured. And do you know where Jimin was when all this happened?” You shook your head again.
“What about Kim Taehyung? He’s his friend, and a gangster. He found cameras in my apartment that apparently Jungkook put in my place”
Jin paused for a moment, “Wow... You’re in deep. Do you think it was possible that Jungkook kidnapped you guys?”
“No, he’s the one who found them”
“So he says” Jin shrugged, pulling out his phone to type in some notes.
“I really doubt it was Jungkook. He’s Namjoon’s friend”
“Friends don’t drug friends, putting them in near death situations” Jin stated blandly. You felt squeamish. “Plus he randomly moved in with you? That’s suspicious. And Jungkook also wasn’t at Jimin’s little soiree when the accident happened?” You nodded, “Who was there?”
“Taehyung...and Yoongi” Jin raised his eyebrows.
“Yoongi was at the party? Really? Huh” He bit his lip, “But Yoongi drives a black cadillac? And so does Namjoon?”
“Namjoon also hates Jimin, he thinks Jimin made him lose and I think he might also be jealous of him. Jimin has never seemed to care much about Namjoon either way though” You mentioned, “But whoever kidnapped us didn’t like Namjoon because they beat him up pretty bad”
“Does anyone have a reason not to like Namjoon?” You laughed at the question.
“I mean I don’t think so, but” You gulped, “Hobi might have...been jealous. Or or or!” A thought came to you, “He’s in the Death Valley gang right? Maybe they were like punishing him for not beating you?”
Jin considered your idea. “And does anyone have a reason not to like Jimin...besides Namjoon?” You shook your head.
“Maybe Hobi again, if he was jealous but he didn’t know that I..” You trailed off.
“That you were sleeping with Jimin?” Jin grinned, before setting his phone down and letting out a deep sigh. “Wow well...this is a lot to work with. While Jimin is out of commission, I think it would be wise to go after Jungkook. The lower workers of gangs often have a lot of contacts and information. Tell me Y/n,” He placed a hand on your knee, “Would you be willing to do something for me?”
It was a simple request. Jin needed you to find out a location. The place where he suspected that the King as he began to refer to him as, might be found. The place the drugs were being made and distributed. You were to manipulate Jungkook and have him take you there, and then tell Jin where the action was taking place.
You had no idea where Jungkook was though, so you called Namjoon. Namjoon texted you an address, and Jin dropped you there. It was a ways out from the city, which made you a bit nervous. You arrived at what seemed to be a mansion. "Take this” Jin handed you a small bug, “To record him in case. Call if you need me okay. I’ll make sure you’re always safe, I promise” You nodded, thanking him before heading into the house.
You rang the doorbell, feeling greatly underdressed for a place of this grandeur, in nothing but a graphic tee you borrowed from Yoongi and your shorts. Jungkook answered, freezing upon seeing you--eyes wide. He’s still so fucking cute. Even if he probably is really dangerous.
“You shouldn’t be here” Jungkook stammered, diverting his eyes from yours. He twiddled his fingers as you scoffed.
“What the hell happened to my apartment? Why did you move out?” Jungkook sighed, stepping back so you could walk inside. The house was insane--a modern crystal chandelier adorned the ceiling between two long sets of stairs. The walls were a cool grey. “Do you live here?” He nodded.
“Yeah uh...job pays well” He gave your a sheepish smile. You gaped at him, as he led you to one of many sitting rooms. “You look good” You took a seat in front of him.
Do whatever you need to do. I’ll keep you safe. Jin’s words came back to you. How can I get him to take me there? “Look, I don’t care what you did...how could you leave me without saying goodbye?” You blinked at him innocently. “I really like you, and I liked living with you. I trusted you”
“I didn’t want to baby” He bent down to kiss your knees, hand stroking your legs. “Of course I didn’t want to leave. I had to, to protect Namjoon. They were gonna kill him if I didn’t leave you alone. Y/n I’m...not someone you should be around. I’m a bad guy. I do bad things.”
“Let me decide that for myself. Show me who you really are. I’m not afraid of you” Total lie. You were scared shitless. But as the boy’s wavering eyes looked up at you, you pitied him. It must be lonely doing what he does. All this money, but no one to share it with. Dangerous...but still human.
And so you convinced him. Using your charms and exploiting the fact that a guy like him was young at lonely at heart. You didn’t feel great about it, but you knew it had to be done. To your surprise, he brought you to Death Valley.
The bar was closed--it was far too early. But Jungkook went around to the back. You followed him as he lead you through an entrance. It didn’t go into the main place, but instead you found yourself at an elevator. He held your hand tightly as he pressed in a keycode to activate the elevator.
“This is where the magic happens” He speaks confidently, and you can tell he feels comfortable in this place. The doors slide open to reveal a clandestine drug lab. There were beakers, pressure canisters, all sorts of machinery lined up along the walls. In the back you could see a garden of what you assumed was weed. It was a fairly large space, you assumed it was the whole basement of Death Valley.
“Wow” Jungkook bent down to shuffle through some things until he pulled out a duffel bag, unzipping it to reveal stacks of cash. You had never seen so much money in your life.
“This isn’t even a dent of what we get” He says, taking a wad and handing it to you, “Smell it. It’s fun” You took the money, flipping through it and inhaling the scent of richness. For a moment you wondered what would happen if you just kept it, but you knew Jungkook could easily destroy you if he needed to. Best not to play around. You handed the money back.
You paced around the lab, looking at things with great interest. “Hey Y/n” You turned to see Jungkook holding up a small ziplock with what looked like syringes. “You wanna? On the house” He winked shyly.
You followed Jungkook back to his car, sliding into the backseat so that he could administer the drugs to you properly. This is the same guy who almost killed your friend. What the fuck are you doing right now? Your mind was already in shambles. Whether it was the guilt of manipulating Jungkook, the stress of being in the situation you were in, or the strong desire you had to just go wild and forget about your idol being unconscious and your home being trashed.
You watched as Jungkook injected the liquid into your forearm, kissing the skin after tossing the syringe aside. He proceeded to inject himself and you felt comforted that he was accompanying you. “Don’t worry. This isn’t too strong”
He was probably talking to you but you felt a wave of serenity take over you making the world around you go quiet. Lost in thought, you began to smile. In a way, you felt elated. Your life was amazing. What were you worried about? Looking at the attractive man who was smiling like a puppy, so eager to please you, you couldn’t remember why you had been so stressed out.
You wanted to give him everything. He deserved everything. “Jungkook” You mumbled, throwing your body onto his and pushing him back. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight. You inhaled him, he was sweating slightly, likely nervous while showing you the lab. You shut your eyes and allowed yourself to simply feel the way his chest was rising and falling underneath yours. He began to fondle your ass.
“You know. I thought living with you would mean I would get to fuck you more often” Jungkook smiled widely. You sat up. Your sex life had felt so dramatic lately, you frowned thinking back to Jimin’s little show. That wasn’t you--you wanted to have fun. You wanted to go insane. Jungkook was perfect--Jungkook was everything. You could fuck him over and over again any way you wanted. Why did you ever doubt that?
"Fuck me. Fuck me hard” You pleaded, rolling your hips into him slightly. Jungkook’s eyes flashed.
“Yeah?” He sat up, pushing you off of him, “Get fucking naked and bend over you slut” You melted at the word. Excitement soared through you as the two of you stripped down to nothing, Jungkook not missing a beat to harshly grab your breasts as you got into position.
“I want it hard. Really hard.” You begged. Jungkook nodded. “Slap me, pull my hair, use me, I don’t care I just need it. Now” Your whining was turning him on. He had never seen you like this.
“Anything you want baby” He smacked your ass, watching the skin jiggle before he made his way behind you, bent over your frame as you gripped the edge of the carseat. His head brushed against the top of the car--it was far from comfortable. He slid his hands under your arms and pinched your nipples tightly, then proceeded to slide his hands up to your neck. “Is this okay?”
“Shut up” You snapped, “You’re a bad guy aren’t you Kook? Show me. Be bad. Destroy me please” He trembled slightly. You feel him stroke his cock, his hand brushing up against the bottom of your stomach as he pressed his lips onto the back of your shoulder. He pulled your hair, causing you to groan in pleasure. The pain. The pain was so good.
What were you doing? Did you miss Jimin? You were guilty. He was in the hospital because of you wasn’t he. Thoughts ran rampant in your mind as Jungkook guided his cock inside of you.
“So...fucking” He pushed deep into you, “Tight...fuck” He exhaled heavily, hugging himself onto your back.
“Fuck me Jungkook. Fuck me like a toy” Jungkook’s eyes rolled back as he pulled out of you, thrusting back with full force. The car creaked at the pressure.
“Just like that, please...please” You begged desperately, prompting Jungkook to piston in and out of you like he never had before. He clawed at your shoulders, digging his nails into you as you screamed out his name.
“You’re so fucking hot holy shit” He whined, eyes glued to the way his cock sunk into you. He smacked your ass, “Such a fucking slut”
“Yes I wanna be a slut. I wanna be your slut” You cried out, burying your head into the seat. He slapped you again before gripping your hips and pulling you back onto him. Your head kept hitting the seat over and over again. “More...MORE” You growled. Jungkook tried to go faster but he physically couldn’t. He didn’t want to rush. He wanted to enjoy this. But you were losing your mind. You wanted to pass out. You wanted to disappear.
Jungkook nipped at your ear, “God I missed your pussy, so fucking good for me, takes me so fucking well” He was close, but he wanted you to come. He reached his hand down to your clit and began to rub you rapidly.
You tilted your head back in pleasure as the feeling of his large fingers on your clit drove you into a frenzy. Seeing you so fucked out turned him on even more, and he came quickly, shamelessly, deep inside you. You tumbled down, but Jungkook continued to touch you, soon throwing your legs over his shoulders and pushing his tongue deep inside you.
You closed your thighs onto his head, pulling his hair as you continued to scream. “God yes...fuck...fuck” You looked out the window briefly. Your eyes landed on a car that had parked next to the two of you.
You squinted as Jungkook continued to eat you out, soon recognizing Jin’s handsome face. He watched intently, his eyes shot with lust. You moaned, not breaking eye contact with Jin for a second as Jungkook lapped away at your juices.
“I’m...I’m” You bit your lip and your hips jerked forward. You squirted all over Jungkook’s face, screaming at the top of your lungs. Jungkook caught you in an embrace as you fell back with exhaustion, almost falling off the seats.
Jungkook stroked you affectionately, kissing you softly and mumbling apologies to your body for his roughness. You heard a tap on the window. Jungkook jumped as he saw Jin, covering you immediately. He rolled down the window.
“If you guys are finished, I can drop her home” He smiled charmingly. You laughed. Everything slowed. Somehow Jin and Jungkook had gotten you back into your clothes and into his car. Somehow Jin had put up with you--a mess of laughing fits as he returned to your apartment. Somehow you found your way back home.
You giggled, tumbling into the hallway before you pulled your way to Yoongi’s door. You had no idea what time it must have been, but hopefully he was asleep. You fumbled with the lock, unable to correctly insert the key with how your eyes were rendered useless. You tripped over your own feet, falling with a soft thud onto the carpeted hall.
The door opened, and you looked up, squinting to see Yoongi. You expected that he would look annoyed, but no--this man looked furious. Nevertheless he took a deep breath and crouched down to you, taking your hands in his own.
“Come on” He urged as he carefully helped you stand. You shifted your weight, throwing your arms over his shoulders as you latched on for dear life. Yoongi’s touch was tender, not at all manhandling you. He led you to the kitchen and helped you onto a stool before turning the facet on to get you some water. He handed you a glass but you simply blinked, mind numb but seriously wondering how exactly Yoongi had managed to turn upside down.
He sighed and pushed the glass to your lips, softly pulling your head back to allow you to drink the cool liquid. You drank a few sips before choking, Yoongi stopped, wiping your mouth with the bottom of his shirt. Unlucky for you that you missed a glimpse at his abs. Your head landed on his shoulder as you looked up at him, your eyes wide with confusion and fascination.
“Yoooooooongi” You drew out the vowel, attempting to be cute when you looked anything but. “You” You tapped his chest as he raised his eyebrows at you “Youuuu are Yooooongi.” You burst into a fit of giggles, almost falling back before you feel Yoongi’s chest against your back, preventing you from tipping over. He grips your shoulders softly.
“Yes, I am Yoongi” He speaks to you straightforwardly, as if you were perfectly sane and make a perfectly sane statement. He steadied your balance before going over the his refrigerator. The cold air washed over him as he scanned for something to feed you and help you through the state you were in.
Yoongi wasn’t the best at taking care of himself--besides the Red Bulls and various types of fruits in his possession, he didn’t have much else to offer you. He sighed before slamming the fridge shut and moving instead to search his cabinets. His eyes zero in on a pack of ramen noodles.
He quickly begins to boil some water, preparing the quick dish for you as you began to mumble incoherently. “Yooooooongi. You are Yoooongi. Mr. Min Yooooongi”
Yoongi hummed his agreement in response, as he dropped in the noodle pack and spices, stirring the pot. He turned back to face you as the meal cooked, leaning forward against the counter. You smiled lazily at him.
“You’re hot” You puckered your lips at him and blew him air kisses “I wanna kiss you Mr. Min Yoongi MWAH”
The edge of his lips curved into a smirk, he looked from your eyes down your body and back up, shaking his head in amusement. He turned back around to stir the noodles. They looked about done. He grabbed a bowl and poured them out, taking a pair of chopsticks and stirring the soupy dish around. He came to your side, lifting up some noodle with the chopsticks and blowing at it furiously, trying to lessen the heat so he could get the food into you as quickly as possible.
“Open up” He brought the bowl to your face to feed you. Your lips parted, allowing him to push the steaming noodles in. You slurped as he retracted his hand, getting ready with another bite. This went on, and he slowly fed you not minding how sloppily you took the food.
“That’s yummy” You remarked. Yoongi set down the bowl before bringing his hand to your face. He wiped off the stains that had formed all over the edges of your lips with his thumb, letting his finger roll over the plump skin before pushing his finger into your mouth. Your tongue wrapped around his thumb. You looked at him with large eyes as he attempted to remove his finger only for you to grab his wrist and keep him where he was.
Yoongi gulped as you took hold of his hand and continued to suck his thumb, mimicking a certain obscenity that had his eyes darkening. He trembled slightly.
“Y/n” His voice was reprimanding, and you released his thumb reluctantly, your lips smacking as he drew away from you. He stared down at his hand, thumb covered in your saliva. He chuckled slightly before looking back at you, running the side of his thumb over his lips, wiping you off of his own tongue.
You didn’t realize you had moaned at the gesture, but Yoongi definitely had. He moved in closer to you, standing between your legs and gliding his fingers oh so softly over your tingling skin. You felt shy suddenly, looking away.
Yoongi just watched you, smiling to himself as you unraveled in blushes under his gaze. You felt overwhelmed. How could he do this all simply by looking at you?
He didn’t dare step any closer, but continued to run his fingers up and down your skin, leaving a burning trail wherever they touched. You squirmed, grabbing his hands and pressing them to lie flat against your thighs. Yoongi gave you an innocently confused look.
“You’re teasing me” You pouted. Yoongi shook his head.
“I’m not doing anything my love” He pulled his hands back, “Not yet” He reached into a drawer and pulled out a bottle of pills, emptying one into his hand. He took the pill and slid it into your mouth, you gulped it down.
“Good girl. That’ll help you get some sleep” Yoongi stroked your hair, “Come on, you can sleep on my bed tonight” You nodded excitedly. Yoongi turned, motioning for you to hop onto his back, which you were more than eager to do. His hands cupped the underside of your thighs as he lifted you off the stool and towards his room, dropping you off carefully on his bed.
“Let’s get you changed” He muttered, “Can you change by yourself love?” He dropped to his knees in front of you. You attempted to sit up, shaking your head. He took a deep breath, letting his eyes close and gathering himself before he then reached to unbutton your shorts.
He tried to look away as he pulled them off your body, you legs rising to help him. He tossed them aside as you laid back down on the mattress.
“Wait” Yoongi pursed his lips, as you let your eyes flutter close. He straddled you carefully, making sure not to touch you any more than he had to. He stared at your chest, wondering how to take off the black tank top you had on. Wondering if you even were wearing anything under it because he had a feeling you weren’t.
He let his fingers slide under the thin straps, tugging them down as they revealed the tops of your breasts. He gulped, furrowing his brows. “Come on it’s nothing you haven’t already seen” He mumbled softly to himself before yanking the straps down completely to your wrists, you breasts popping out of their constraints.
He could feel his pants tightening as he wrestled the top off of you. He jumped off of you quickly, clutching his rapidly beating heart and panting heavily. “Fuck” He glanced back at you, now topless in nothing but your panties.
His whole body was shaking, trying to convince himself to stop looking but you were too angelic. Your body seemed to call his name. He bit down on his lip, clenching his fists and digging his nails in. In a burst of self control he quickly pulled his own shirt off and pulled it over your unsuspecting head. Finally you were covered.
Yoongi’s cock was throbbing, the image of your body so clear in his mind. He let out a shaky breath. He dropped back down to his knees, looking at the way your legs were ever so slightly spread still. He leaned his face in closer, closing his eyes as his nose brushed against the insides of your thighs, not daring to get too close.
He inhaled sharply, reaching his hand down to slide down his pajamas, his cock popping out, eager and ready. He gulped as he began stroking himself, careful to not move too much, careful to keep his eyes closed. He wouldn’t want to take advantage of you, not like this. As his hand began pumping himself furiously, he couldn’t help the painful cries that left his trembling lips.
He pulled his face away, opening his eyes to look at your blissfully sleeping state. “Fuck” He spit into his hand quickly before continuing to glide his firm grip over his cock.
His mind was in shambles. This is wrong. Stop it. Yoongi scolded himself. Your kind sleeping eyes seemed to coo him in comfort. It’s okay. She’s fine.
No. This is wrong. Yoongi screamed internally. But she wants me. She said that didn’t she? She’s barely conscious you fucking sicko.
Yoongi let out a loud whine before quickly running into the bathroom, trying to save your decency and his own, but finding release quickly in the privacy of his own space.
Maybe you were even now. He just did that, and you had pissed him off by coming home high out of your mind, and so late. Yeah. Yeah that’s fair.
He returned to tuck you into the covers before he himself slid into the bed next to you. He turned off the lights, rolling over to find some rest of his own. It’s entirely possible that he was conscious as he pressed up against you, carefully pulling you into a soft embrace. How could he know? It was impossible to see after all.
The next morning you knew you were in for it, as you waddled into the kitchen, still sore from last nights...endeavors. Yoongi seemed to be wiping something off of his kitchen knife. He set down the utensil and gave you a stern look.
“I--” You began but Yoongi set his hand up. “Where the hell were you last night?” His voice frightened you. He was pissed, jaw clenched as he made his way over to you, “Answer me right now!” He growled. “Who were you with huh? Were you at Death Valley?” You didn’t answer, too astounded by his fuming rage. He grabbed your shoulders and gripped them firmly, shaking you.
“Yoongi you’re hurting me” You squeaked out, only causing him to tighten his grip. “Fuck you, I don’t have to tell you anything! You’re not my boyfriend. You don’t own me.” You laughed darkly. Yoongi pushed you back against the wall, caging your head between his forearms. He was so so close to you, you felt his whole body against yours.
Your eyes shifted from his lips back to him, crossing pathways with his gaze to see his eyelids flutter. His lips parted ever so slightly, and you clenched your hand into a fist, waiting. He leans in, and so do you. You could almost taste him. Your knees went weak, and you felt a surge of heat within you. Please.
He hesitated, and you felt like he was about to pull away. You quickly grabbed his collar and slid your lips onto his, kissing him softly. You melted into him. He tasted as sweet as you had hoped, if not sweeter. Your hands trembled as you felt yourself getting lost in the feeling of him. Something...something so beautiful flew through your veins. You wanted to feel everything he had to give you, and you wanted him to feel everything you had to give him too. It was unlike anything you had ever experienced.
Yoongi backed away with a start, leaving you panting heavily. You searched his eyes for a reaction, heart dropping when you saw none. Until he cupped your chin and brought his lips back on you. He deepened the kiss, hands traveling down your sides. He pressed his hips into you as your arms wrapped around his neck, clenching his hair.
He took a deep breath, looking at you with hooded eyes. “Turn around” And you obeyed. He tore your clothes off harshly, not caring as the fabric would yank against you. Once you were naked, you heard him shuffle around. It sounded like he was grabbing something.
Suddenly you felt something incredibly hot against your neck. Yoongi pushed your hair away and your eyes widened as you realized what he was doing. He slowly traced something and you screamed. He was branding you.
He blew at your neck, attempting to ease the burn as he continued to slowly carve letters on the back of your neck. You didn’t stop him. You didn’t want to stop him. You sobbed at the pain, but you felt yourself getting wetter by the second, craving him more and more.
“Yoongi” You cried, hearing him shush you. Finally the burn stopped, leaving only the searing after pain of the letters burned into your skin. He appeared to rub some sort of cream over, providing some cooling relief. You groaned, the numbness feeling so good after the scorching heat. He brought his lips over the scar.
“Look at me” He grabbed your jaw and turned you back towards him. He too was now undressed. You saw that he had set a lighter and a branding iron on his table. He grasped your neck, “I love you”
Your vision went hazy but you nodded, unsure if you had actually heard him say it or if you were imagining things. He took your breast into his mouth, biting harshly as you yelped out. He loved hearing you cry, it drove him wild. He continued to suckle you as he smacked your throbbing pussy.
“Fuck” You winced as he began to bite down and bruise your breasts. The pain overwhelmed you, you almost felt limp, but Yoongi held you up. You sank into him, exhausted already but Yoongi was just getting started.
Was this a dream? He helped you down onto the floor, laying you on your back. He climbed over your practically lifeless body, trailing kisses up until he found your lips again.
“Yoongi” You sighed blissfully as he sucked on your lips. He moved to kissing your neck, biting down as you squirm. He traced a finger against you cunt and without warning he shoved it in. “Yoongi!” You screamed at his force. He was absolutely ruthless. He pumped his fingers quickly, adding another. You shut your eyes, focusing on the sound of your soaked walls. “It hurts. Yoongi it hurts” You choked, tears building in your eyes.
“I know baby. But you hurt me too. It’s only fair” He kissed you tenderly, “I love you so much. Next time it won’t hurt so much I promise” You were convinced that you were either asleep or hallucinating.
“Fuck me” You gasped as he dug his fingers deep inside you, “Just fuck me please” He let out a heavy sigh, removing his fingers from inside you before shoving them in your mouth.
“Not yet my love. Soon. But not yet” You coughed, unable to breathe. Yoongi removed his hand, covering his lips with yours one last time before slapping you clean across the face. You were out like a light. It’s a dream. It has to be.
The fight was today. It was all Namjoon could talk about at work. He asked you to come early to be with him while he warmed up, and you agreed, hoping that you would be able to keep an eye on him and make sure nothing sketchy was going on in the process.
During your lunch break, Jin picked you up and drove you somewhere hidden so you could update him on things.
“So death valley is the heart of all this huh?” He chuckled, “Listen, I didn’t tell you this earlier but...someone threatened me, and I have to throw the fight otherwise they’re gonna kill you.”
“Jin--” You started. You didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of you.
“Not even a question, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. I swear. I’ll lose, and then I’m gonna sneak down to the lab and see if I can find him. I’m assuming he will be collecting and storing the money he will win.”
“A...are you sure? Namjoon could really hurt you. He really wants to” You stated, chuckling bitterly. Jin squeezed your hand.
“This is my job. My fight. Literally. Just trust me, you’re gonna be safe”
You arrived to the arena early. It was empty, aside from a few staff members who appeared to be cleaning the place up. You made your way to the back doors, feeling a sense of dread as you walked along the familiar hallways that brought you into this mess in the first place.
“Namjoon?” You knew he was around there somewhere. You could hear the sound of a punching bag somewhere, following it until you arrived at a room. Namjoon was warming up, headphones over his ears blasting music. You smiled inwardly as you recognized the song. You walked in, causing Namjoon to finally notice your presence. He slide off his headphones, wiping his forehead off with the towel around his neck.
“Hey” He made his way to you, giving you a quick embrace. He was covered in sweat, you could tell he had been practicing for a while. “Thanks for coming. Being around you eases my nerves”
“Of course. You’re gonna do great okay”
Namjoon shook his head, “Y/n, this is it. If it win this fight I’m gonna be set. I can quit this for good. I can leave the gang I can go back and focus on my music again. I will. I promise you this.” You smiled fondly at his excitement, “But if I lose...I can’t...I can’t lose” You touched his arm.
“Namjoon. Look at me. You’re gonna do great okay, I believe in you” Namjoon grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss, you almost screamed out in surprise. “Joon what the fuck?” He didn’t relent, holding you firmly against him as he kissed you long and hard. You could hear him whine softly through his kisses. He’s just nervous. I should help him out. You let your hand find the waistline of his shorts, tugging them down so you could palm his cock.
“Y/n...fuck” He groaned as you brought out his cock and began stroking it slowly, looking him in the eye. You left a trail of kisses down his chest, and he watched as you playfully licked his nipples a few times before lowering onto your knees.
“Poor baby” You mumbled as your lips covered his yearning tip. “My big strong little boy” Namjoon’s knees wobbled, “Let me help you baby” You ran your tongue across his cock.
Namjoon was impatient. He put his hands into your hair and pushed himself down your throat. You gagged as he cried out in pleasure. He clenched your scalp harshly, nails digging into you. Pain soared as he pulled your head back and forth forcefully. You let him do it. He was stressed after all.
“Your mouth feels so good” He cursed out as he began to rapidly thrust into you. You could barely breathe, saliva and his girth blocking your lungs. You could feel his cock twitch. It hurt...but seeing the bliss on his face made it worth it as he came quickly, shooting his hot load down your throat before releasing his grip on you. The movement was so sudden, your head fell back, neck straining with pain. You gasped for air, coughing everywhere. Your eyes were blurred with tears from pain. Namjoon didn’t notice, as he dressed himself back up and returned to warming up. You sat on the floor dazed.
You heard the door creak behind you, and turning to see it come to a close. Was someone watching? You laid back, feeling the cold concrete against your back, sighing deeply. You had a horrible...horrible feeling about this fight.
You found a seat in the arena after Namjoon left, ready to watch and support your friend. “Hey” Taehyung, as expected, climbed into the seat besides you, waving slightly, “Mind if I join you?”
You shook your head, “How is Jimin?”
Taehyung sighed and shrugged, “He’s awake now. Still waiting on test results but I took him back home. He’s resting. You should go see him when you can” You nodded, admiring the man next to you for how well he cared for his friend despite everything.
The lights dimmed, focus landing on the ring in front of you.
Namjoon came out, looking fierce and energized. You shouted proudly, cheering him on. Jin came out on the other side. You glanced at Taehyung who was simply watching carefully.
The second the ref began the match, Namjoon pounced on Jin. He quickly dodged him. They went on, back and forth. The crowd was wilding. Namjoon landed a blow on Jin, sending him flying back. He quickly got back up, ducking under Namjoon to push him down.
Your heart was racing, unsure of who you should really be hoping walks out a winner. You wanted Namjoon to win so he would just stop. But seeing Jin get hurt wasn’t a pleasant thought either, especially since your life almost depended on him.
“Yeah?” Taehyung answered a call, motioning to you that he would be right back. You continued to watch the fight, Namjoon grunted as he pummeled Jin with punches. Blood tricked from Jin’s lip, but he wiped it off.
Your stomach went queasy as you saw the expression on his face. You knew Jin was planning to lose, but in that moment you saw nothing but sheer fury in his eyes. He looked ready to kill.
As if the universe heard your thoughts, Jin planted a fierce uppercut, sending Namjoon flying onto the ground.
Your ears deafened as the cheers of the crowd faded against your pounding heart as Namjoon lay, knocked out completely. Blood leaked from his head. You looked around but Taehyung was nowhere to be seen.
Jin was declared the winner, but Namjoon didn’t stir. You felt faint. You tried to catch Jin’s attention, confused out of your mind at what you had just seen.
“Y/n” You turned to see that Taehyung had returned. He also looked worried and simultaneously pissed. “Let’s go. Now” He grabbed your wrist and yanked you towards the exit, almost running as he pushed aside the crowd.
“What’s going on? What are you doing?” You snapped at Taehyung as he practically threw you into a car. Another. Black. Cadillac?
“Shut up” He growled, “Or I’ll fucking make you” He hopped in the drivers seat and stepped on the gas.
“Wait! Where are you taking me? What about Namjoon? I have to see if he’s okay!” Taehyung ignored you, eyes glued to the road. “Taehyung stop the fucking car!” You shouted.
“Relax...you’re gonna be just fine” A voice came from the backseat, and you whirled around.
“My love”
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: ooOOO. yoongi is a bad bad boy, but is he the bad bad boy??? ;) why did jin actually win the fight? was yoongi the one who threatened jin? (ok yes but why! he said he loves her!) the biggest prank--who hurt jimin! it couldnt have been tae or yoongi sooo
im like,,,trying to be subtle with the way i phrase things to give hints but idk if it actually comes across or if im just losing my mind. lmk lol
as always thanks for reading, have a great day and HAPPY BUTTER WEEK im sooo ready for this comeback. next update will be in a while, but its gonna be a sexxxxyyyy one:) (with less pain kink and like...literal abuse lol sorry about that uh...yeah) smut pairs up on the masterlist, stay tuneddd :))))
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304 @just-me-and-myselfs @purplepebbles @channiespup
death valley (m) | part 5

summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize
pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: yoongi x reader, taehyung x reader
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 6.9k (hehe)
warnings: reader discretion advised. multiple & explicit smut scenes, rough sex, oral sex, coersive sex, yandere behaviors, heavy drug use, sex while intoxicated, implied use of date rape drugs, GUNS, shootings, breast play, a literal fire (bultaoreune lol), begging, dom!yoongi, softdom!taehyung, choking, manipulation, kidnapping, feelings of fear, crying, unwanted advances, cuddles with jin, reader needs a shower damn, jin calls you a dumb fuck (in the nicest way possible?), everyone has abs
a/n: rock with me baby ;) this one’s short n steamy bc full disclosure streaming butter became my full time job for a hot few days, but ill make up for it. make the next one nice n spicy
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | series navi | masterlist |
F L A S H B A C K—
The clink of the ice cubes against the plastic rim of your rum and coke fade against the pounding electric guitar, echoing through the enclosed walls. Red dice tumble onto the wood floors and cherry lips smack against bated breaths. Your attention is lost in the swirl of your bendy straw as you gnawed away at the flaccid tip.
The leather jacket felt snug around you, and you were unsure if it was the skewed ratio of alcohol in your drink or the blushing reminder that this was Park Jimin’s jacket around you that had you feeling a deep glow within yourself. You waited, hoping he would come claim back what was his. After chasing him for so long, he finally noticed you.
“How you doin love?” Your head turned to meet a sweet, dark chocolate gaze. Just bitter enough to leave you wanting another taste. His plaid shirt was tight around his slim figure, flowing over tight black jeans. You felt his hand on the small of your back, laying a bit lower than you would’ve liked. His other hand tugged the straw from your chapped lips to bring it to his own as he sipped your drink before letting out a heavy sigh. “Sweet” He licked his lips, grinning at you.
“Hey there. You part of the crew?” You batted your eyelashes at him, letting your naughty fingers fiddle with the collar of his shirt. Maybe if Jimin saw you with another man he would get jealous. It was worth a try. The man smirked.
“Yeah. My name is Min Suga, I’m one of Jimin’s sound engineers” He ruffled his white hair, the ends of which were damp with sweat, “Enjoy the show tonight?”
And so commenced a flirtatious conversation, while you buttered up the young musician, he slid a white powder into the drink he offered to make you. The haze of the night was remembered only by fits of giggles and the hot touch of the stranger and his gorgeous silver rings as they touched every part of you, leaving you a mess of small pants and eager moans. It wasn’t long before he pulled you into his lap and you could feel his desperate arousal pressing between your legs.
You watched as he lit a cigarette and pushed the tip between your lips. The pout of your lips as you inhaled had him grabbing your hips and pulling you flush against him. You twirled the bud in your nimble fingers before he took it from you, taking a hit himself. A few puffs later, the alcohol was hitting you strong, and in the grey smoke that clouded your eyes, you began to see another face entirely.
“Minnie” You groaned, forcing your chest to squeeze against his as much as you could. You wanted nothing more than to burn the clothes off your body and feel him, every inch of him in every way. You nibbled his ear. He took the burning end of the cigarette and pressed it into your shoulder.
“Wanna get out of here, love?” You nodded your head, a wave of tiredness hitting you as you fell limp into his arms.
He brought you to a nearby motel, chaining your arms to the headboard before diving into you like a starved man. You only remember feeling pure bliss, finally having the man you had dreamt of ravish you like you always wanted.
He choked you, muffling your desperate sounds into a pillow as you cried out “Faster Jimin….please go faster I need...I need you…please”
You had fallen asleep right after, completely unconscious as he fucked you over and over again. He pounded your tired body feverishly before he heard angry knocking at the door. The door burst open and he found himself looking down the barrel of a gun.
“Get the fuck out of here before I call the police you bastard”
When you finally woke up, he was gone. The headache you were left with did nothing to distract you from the piercing guilt in your heart when you realized what had happened. You barely remembered anything about the boy you had just slept with, but as you looked at Jimin’s jacket tossed on the floor, you knew that the man you had fucked had definitely not been him.
P R E S E N T D A Y—
No...it couldn’t be. Please don’t let it be true. A feeling of nausea swirls in your stomach. You desperately tried to get your mind to stay ignorant to the reality that was now showing you its face. Yoongi.
He glanced your way with those alluring eyes, unbothered as always. Even now you yearned for a reaction. He gave you nothing. You were rendered useless, confused, dazed, and utterly lost.
“Don’t worry it’s just me” He leaned forward to give you a kiss on the cheek. His lips lingered slightly, and you could hear him inhale sharply as he placed his fingers on your chin.
In the cool moonlight, his dark eyes glimmered. In his gaze was a fantasy you wanted to slip away in. You couldn’t help yourself. Every fiber of your being was screaming for you to turn away -- but you couldn’t. Stings of that night pierced the top of your back. The aching pain still between your legs the morning after.
You heard him curse under his breath. His lips barely touching yours before he softly spoke “I’m sorry if I scared you love” He turned away briefly, “Taehyung told me that someone was threatening Jin with your life. I had to make sure you were safe.”
You gave Taehyung a look, praying that somehow he could read your thoughts and give you some answers, but he didn’t meet your eyes. His eyes were glued to the road. You had never seen him this serious ever.
“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anything happened to you. Let’s just go home okay?” Yoongi sighed, tracing his nose down your neck, breathing you in. You squirmed as his hand slid beneath your collar and softly clenched your breast.
You let out a soft moan as he squeezed you. “Wait d...don’t” The tone of your voice contrasting your pleads as your eyes fluttered shut, fading away in the sensation of his electrifying touch.
“Yoongi” His advancements halted at the sound of Taehyung’s stern voice. “She said don’t” He growled lightly. You see a glimpse of Yoongi rolling his eyes in the mirror before he sank back into the seat. You turn to Taehyung, who’s jaw was clenched tight. Knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel. He pulled up in front of your building, you tried to reach for him, shaking his knee slightly.
“Taehyung” You whispered as Yoongi stepped out of the car, “Hey...what’s really going on?” You see him gulp. Yoongi tapped on your window expectantly. “Taehyung please” He shook his head, chuckling bitterly while covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
Yoongi finally got impatient and opened the door, dragging you out. He pulled you into a light embrace, kissing your forehead before waving to Taehyung.
Back in his apartment, Yoongi led you carefully back to his bedroom. He pulled down the back of your shirt to look at the scars he had given you the previous night. You had almost forgotten about them. He ran his finger over the tender flesh, causing you to wince. He pressed his lips behind your ear, causing them to flush with heat as he pulled your shirt off of you.
“W...what did you write on me?” Your voice wavered with fear.
Tossing the garment aside, he turned you towards him, stroking his fingers over your cheeks gently. “My name”
You blinked as his fingers, “You...what?” You felt his tongue glide against your lips. “Yoongi what the fuck?” He sucked harshly as you tried backed away from him. “Are you crazy why would you...” He broke away and sighed, turning his back to you.
You watched as his silk shirt slid down his toned shoulders, revealing a beautiful tattoo. The one you had seen glimpses of. The prospect of which turned you on beyond reason. Y/n. It was your name.
You were trembling, unsure if you should feel afraid or not. “Yoongi...why?”
He smiled at you softly, and you watched as he began to pull the silver rings off of his fingers and set them onto his bedside table. From the same surface he grabbed a lighter. He advanced towards you, backing you against a window. The cool surface on your back did nothing to ease the overwhelming heat radiating within you.
“When you’re young, it’s easy to do things that are really impulsive. So easy to get caught up in fantasies...you know how it is” Yoongi snapped the lighter between your faces, and you stared at the dancing flame. “Don’t you remember me?” The lighter began to flicker, on and off. As the fire captured your focus your mind began to digest his words. You met his eyes again, and everything clicked. You felt like someone punched you in the gut, all the air escaping your lungs instantly.
“You were a part of Jimin’s crew. I...I hooked up with you” You sounded like you were trying to convince yourself more than anything. Yoongi reached into his back pock and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it before tossing it aside. The smoke blurred your vision. He inhaled deeply before blowing out onto your neck. He smirked, setting it down and allowing his arms to circle your waist.
“Yeah you did. But you said the wrong name, so I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t forget again. A little payback if you will” You raised your eyebrows at him before he chuckled slightly, “Mm kidding love”
Yoongi’s fingers pulled at the back of your bra, bringing his forehead to your to see your eyes more clearly. The straps on your shoulders went loose as he unclipped the garment, allowing it to fall flat on the ground. He tilted your face to his. He hummed softly against your lips, savoring your taste, “It’s all in the past now. I’m sorry I hurt you but...I really want you. I want you so much. Do you want me love?”
You gulped, eyelashes brushing against his as you nodded slightly. An approving growl escaped him, giving you goosebumps as he kissed you deeply.
He pulled away from you, moving his lips down your shoulder and your arm until his was sucking on your fingers. He took your hand and led you to the bed--to your surprise sitting himself down first, spreading his legs wide and bringing you onto his lap.
He grabbed under breast softly, pushing the tender mounds up with his palms and looked up at you. "I want you to show me” He spit on your chest, using his saliva and rubbing your nipples with his thumbs, “Show me how much you want me.” You arched your back as he pinched you harshly.
“Yoongi” You clenched his black hair, digging your nails into his scalp. You pushed his face into your chest, falling over him. You felt his gasp for air between your breasts as he clenched your ass, dragging your shorts down.
“Fucking goddess” He mumbled, the vibrations from his deep voice hitting you between your legs, making you melt into his lap. You rolled your hips, feeling his clothed cock against your damp folds.
“I’m...so wet” You squealed, not caring how pathetic you sounded as you began grinding on his lap. Yoongi’s tongue wrapped around your right breast as you bounced on him. “Yoongi...Yoongi” You cried out, the sensations pushing you over the edge. “Fuck me please. Please.” You hear him laugh as you came, watching as a wet patch appeared on the crotch of his pants.
“That’s right, beg for me” Yoongi let his hands slide behind him, holding himself up as he watched you fuck yourself onto him silly.
You felt tears well in your eyes, the frustration building in your core as it clenched down on nothing, desperately trying to ride out your high. “Want your cock. Please. Please Yoongi fuck...”
Yoongi reached back for his cigarette and took a quick puff as you began to sob. “Go ahead” He regarded you with a shrug. You wiped your tears and unbuttoned his jeans, scrambling to pull them off his long legs. With one hand holding himself up and the other twirling the cigarette, Yoongi watched as you pulled out his long, throbbing cock.
You dropped down, licking your lips before wrapping your tongue around his length. His eyes fluttered shut, leaning back as you filled your throat with him. “Fuck love...justttt like that. There you go” You could feel him thrusting up into you, pushing so deep down your throat you choked, gagging all over him sloppily. “You’re so beautiful” He pulled you back to him, tossing his cigarette aside to guide your hips so his cock lined up with your entrance.
"Wait...wait” You gasped, mixed emotions overwhelming you. You pressed your forehead against his, breathing in his hot breath, lips parted. He carefully sank you down onto him, the push of his length filling you to the brim “Oh fuck Yoongi” You could smell something burning, but your senses were too occupied with the feeling of Yoongi inside of you. He felt so incredibly right, and you wanted to just bask in the amazing fullness of him. His eyes were glued to yours. “I'm scared” You cried out softly. Yoongi froze as tears streaked your face.
“Scared of me?” He asked sincerely, eyes soft as you latched onto him, trembling. His heart clenched as you nodded, sniffling. “Why? I won’t hurt you” He stroked your back affectionately.
“I like you...a lot. But there’s just...so much going on and I” You gasped, melting into him as you broke down. He shushed you softly, rocking you in his lap slightly, dick still shoved deep inside you. “It’s too much”
He kissed away your tears, bouncing you on his cock in light thrusts, “It’s okay...ssh...” You buried your face into his neck, hugging him tightly as he began to move your hips faster, up and down, squelching onto his cock as you cried. “Fuck your pussy is so perfect love, squeezing my cock like that”
Your eyes fluttered open as his thrusts became frantic. A small set of flames had collected around where Yoongi had thrown his cigarette. Your pussy clenched down as your blood ran cold, causing Yoongi to groan out in pleasure. You pat his back urgently, “Yoongi...stop.” His grip on you tightened as he began thrusting into you even faster, “Yoongi...LOOK.” Your words were lost. You tried to pull away from him but his hold on you was strong. “Yoongi!” You screamed, “There’s a fucking fire”
“Fuck” He cursed out bitterly, placing a hand over your mouth “Just shut up and let me finish” He shoved his fingers into your mouth, causing you to bite down as he hammered his cock up into you, hot cum shooting out and leaking down his length. The flames had spread across the bed, but Yoongi was quick to lift you up in his lap. He kissed your lips quickly as you wrapped your legs around his waist. The flames grew bigger as Yoongi kept his lips glued to yours, eyes widening as you felt him get hard inside you again.
He pushed you against the wall, thrusting wildly, sweat dripping from his forehead as the heat increased. “I love you” He bit down on your lips, making you squirm in discomfort. “Say it...” Your eyes quivered with fear as the flames were getting closer.
“Yoongi we have to get out of here” You screamed. He smacked your thigh, thrusting you so hard that the back of your head was pounding against the wall. You felt dizzy, the burning scent overwhelming you. You felt like you wanted to puke.
“We will, once you say it” His words were soft, unlike the way he was fucking into you like a madman. You gasped for air, feeling dizzy and losing sense of reality. “I’d do anything for you...you know that right?” You gulped. Yoongi began laughing, his words making less and less sense as he chatted away hysterically, “I love you. I love you so much, you understand don’t you? Just say it back. Don’t be cruel. Just say it dammit.” He grabbed your neck and banged your head back onto the wall. Black spots appeared in your vision. You felt him cum again, filling every crevice of you with his sticky cum. You panicked, trying desperately to open you eyes. The carbon monoxide began to suffocate you, you began coughing out--desperately gasping for air.
Yoongi set you onto the ground before you heard a familiar spritz of a fire extinguisher. “Let’s get you in the cell” He mumbled, carrying you princess style and heading over to his second studio. He kicked the door open.
In the dimly lit cellar sat a ruthlessly beaten Jin looking back at him, his eyes full of rage. Yoongi set you down across from him before passing him an amused glance. “I told you I wasn’t messing around” He pulled out a silk robe, wrapping it around your naked body before walking out, locking the door behind him.
“Got it” The cheers of the arena echoed through as Hobi slipped his phone back into his pocket before grabbing his gun quickly before hopping into the ring, aiming it right at Jin. Jin growled, blood strained on his wrapped hands as he lifted them up in surrender. He looked down at Namjoon’s unconscious state and spat on him. “You’re a fucking idiot. You realize we’re gonna kill you and Y/n now right?”
Jin rolled his eyes, “Oh come onnnn Jung Hoseok. Do that and I’ll tell Jimin who really caused his little car accident and then watch how he fucking breaks hell on you”
Hobi stiffened, “How do you know that? Who the fuck told you that?”
“I know that, and I also know you drugged and kidnapped Namjoon and Y/n you sick fuck. Jimin’s gonna kill you first, I can almost guarantee it.” Jin sneered.
“W...who are you?” Hobi glanced around, “Do you work for Jimin?” He clicked his tongue, “Doesn’t matter. You’re coming with me” He pulled the trigger. A bullet shot into Jin’s leg and he tumbled to the ground. Hobi grabbed him, lifting him onto his back before motioning to one of his men. “Get Namjoon to a hospital. Fast. Then have someone bring me Jungkook”
“Yeah um, sir...Jungkook was stabbed earlier this morning. He’s at the mansion under medical care, but things aren’t looking great”
“Stabbed? By who?” Hobi’s heart skipped a beat as he heard Jin stifle a dark laugh.
You woke up in a fit of coughs, jumping as you felt a cold hand stroke your back. You scrambled to your knees, a soft red silk robe lying loosely around your body. Goosebumps spread across your body due to the chill air of the small room.
“Are you okay?” You flinched at the sound, squinting your eyes in the faint light to make out Jin’s broad frame. “Here” He hands you a plastic water bottle. You desperately drink, drops trickling down your chin as you try to wash down your smoked out throat.
The second you’re done you throw the bottle at Jin with as much force as you can conjure, “You fucking liar. Why didn’t you throw the fight?” You backed away from him as far as you could. You looked around, unable to make out much except that the room was small, dark, and essentially empty aside form a few boxes lying around. You continued to cough lightly. “They would’ve killed me if Yoongi hadn’t saved me”
“He didn’t save you. Yoongi was the one who threatened me you dumb fuck” Jin scoffed, making no attempt to move towards you. “And I won because I was made aware of some...new information. I knew they wouldn’t actually kill you, okay. I told you I’d keep you safe and I did”
“No.” You shook your head, “Yoongi...he’s not a part of this. He cares about me, and he’d never threaten me.”
Jin’s eyes widened, “Cares about you? He had someone at the hospital ready to blow your fucking brains out”
“That’s impossible. At the hospital was just me, Taehyung and Hobi”
“Okay yeah, Hobi...he’s definitely involved. He fucking shot me, look” Jin pulled up his shorts to show you a gushing wound, from which blood was pouring out.
“Oh my God Jin, quick” You looked around frantically for some sort of cloth. Finding nothing you sighed, “Take off your shirt”
Jin shifted uncomfortably “Uh” You rolled your eyes, crawling over to him and tugging his muscle tee off of him yourself. His chest was supple with sweat, bruises lightly scattered over his skin.
“We gotta stop the bleeding. Who’s the dumb fuck now?” You snapped. He watched with interest as you wrapped his leg tightly, wincing in pain. “Hobi did this? No way. I mean...I believe you, but I’m just...”
Jin sighed in understanding, touching your arm affectionately “It’s okay. I get it. It’s a lot” You smiled at him gratefully. “I think Hobi was the one Yoongi had on standby to kill you at the hospital. They’re both working together” You finished tending to his wound before sliding up to sit next to him
“Yeah they literally work together. But I dunno...I’ve never seen Yoongi at Death Valley before” You crawled over to the boxes, hoping to find something to prop Jin’s leg up. Brushing the packed dust off of one before opening it, your eyes went wide “Holy shit” You looked down to find stacks and stacks of cash filling the box to the brim.“What the fuck” You mumbled, flipping through a wad.
“Y/n. I guess you might be blinded by love or whatever, but Yoongi is definitely a bad guy. He threatened me. He threatened you. AND. We’re literally locked up in his apartment” Does that mean this money is his? You knew music production paid well but...
“Ok.” You set the money back into the box before crawling back to sit by Jin. “Let’s assume for discussion’s sake that you’re right, and Yoongi is this big fucking Death Valley gang kingpin or whatever, which sounds like more bullshit as I even fucking say it out loud but...whatever, let’s assume you’re right” Jin nodded, “He threatened you because he needed Namjoon to win the fight. That doesn’t make sense because Taehyung was with me, and Taehyung works with Jimin” You reasoned. “Then...Hobi. Maybe Hobi is part of the Death Valley gang, and works with Yoongi. But honestly, I’ve seen the two of them at work and they aren’t that close. And also...if Hobi was the one who kidnapped Namjoon and I and beat him up. That doesn’t make sense because he shouldn’t want to hurt Namjoon”
Jin furrowed his brows, “No yeah, you’re right, that is all valid. Hobi did seem pretty worried about Namjoon.” You sighed in defeat. “I still think it could be Jungkook honestly. He technically has a ton of influence because he’s the one on the street, dealing the drugs. He drugged Namjoon, meaning that he was willing to turn on him.”
No. It’s not Jungkook. There is just no fucking way it’s Jungkook. You felt defensive, but you inhaled deeply, arguing wasn’t going to be helpful in your situation. “He could be playing both sides. And also simultaneously screwing both sides over to benefit” Jin continued. You clenched your fists.
“Okay enough. Let’s just...” You tilted your head back against the wall, “I’m exhausted.”
“Oh yeah I heard Jungkook got stabbed. Hobi seemed to be working with him too”
“I said enough” You snapped before his words registered, “W...wait. Jungkook was stabbed? Is he okay?” You felt like you swallowed a rock. Jin shrugged.
“One of the gang members told Hobi that he’s at his place getting medical care. So I assume he’s not dead or anything” You bit your now trembling lip. Jin noticed your unease.
“Hey. Maybe you should get some more rest Y/n. You’ve had a rough couple of days.” Jin gently slid his hand over yours, “You can lean on me if you want” You nodded slowly, letting your head snuggle into the crevice of his neck.
Jimin was surprised at himself. He glanced in the mirror, his body still looked weak but he was eager to return to work. No, not to work, but to see you. He had tried calling you ever since Taehyung had dropped him home. He knew the two of you had gone to the fight but hadn’t heard from you since. Taehyung told him that you had visited. That you even were sad that he was hurt, and he hated to admit it, but that fact alone had him grinning ear to ear. His stomach was full of butterflies. He had never felt this excited about anything in such a long time. He felt no desire to smoke, to drink to party, none of it. He didn’t even care that his single had broken a new Spotify record, it was all just noise. The only thing he wanted to do was see you.
You could imagine his frustration then, when he walked into Yoongi’s office to find out that no one knew of your whereabouts. “What do you mean you don’t know?” He planted his hands on Yoongi’s desk angrily, Yoongi continuing to ignore his tantrum, “If she called in, she must have at least given a reason? Where the fuck is she?”
“Jimin. Even if she did, I wouldn’t fucking tell you. Stop harassing her, and for God’s sake, go home” He rolled his eyes. Hobi entered, eyes widening upon seeing Jimin.
“Oh wow. You healed fast” Jimin scoffed.
“Yeah, it’s called being rich. You should try it sometime” Hobi grabbed his shirt angirly, ready to punch his pretty boy face in.
“Boys” Yoongi glared at them, “Jimin, just go home. There’s nothing for you to do anyways. Your album doesn’t come out for another 2 days.” Jimin shoved Hobi off of him, using all of his self-restraint his best not to kick the man in his balls.
“Okay where’s Namjoon then? He would know where Y/n is, they’re like friends or something right?”
Hobi gulped, “Namjoon’s feeling a bit...under the weather” Jimin squinted at him suspiciously. Do these fuckers even know what Namjoon does in his free time?
“He lost” Jimin concluded, biting back a smile as he turned to Hobi, “Namjoon lost didn’t he?” The look in his eyes gave him the answer he needed. “FUCK yeah baby. Papa is RICH” He did a smooth twirl, mimicking a moonwalk as he left the office. Hobi simply grinned. He won’t be smiling for long.
Jimin made his way back to his car, dialing up Taehyung. “Yoooo, where’s Y/n? Also why didn’t you tell me Joon lost? We gotta fucking celebrate man”
“God I haven’t felt so happy in so long Tae. Like, shit is finally falling into place you know?”
“I can probably find you a cute girl too, I’ve got these fucking girls at the office throwing themselves at me all the time. Or maybe Y/n would be down to share, obviously she’s mine first but I’d be down for a three--”
“JIMIN” Taehyung snapped aggressively. Jimin made a face, glancing at his phone in surprise before pressing it back to his ear, “We didn’t win shit. Someone out bet us. And Y/n is missing”
“Missing? The fuck you mean missing?”
“Okay apparently someone threatened Seokjin to throw the fight, but he didn’t”
“Good boy” Jimin mumbled.
“Jimin, they threatened Seokjin with Y/n’s life. She could be dead.”
Jimin’s mouth went dry, fists clenching so tight that blood began collecting under his nails, his phone almost combusting in his grasp. “Taehyung.” He whispered bitterly. “I’m heading to Jungkook’s. Meet me there ASAP. This shit ends now. This is war” Jimin rolled down his window and threw his phone as hard as he could, watching it shatter into pieces on the concrete road. He slammed a fist into the steering wheel, screaming out in frustration. “Y/n.” He sobbed, “Please be alive. I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry”
You woke up to the sound of soft snores. Looking around, your cheeks flushed with heat as you realized your face was pressed up against Jin’s rock hard abs. He hand an arm lightly around your waist, holding you to him as you had been practically on top of him. You carefully rose, trying your best not to wake him up. You admired his sleeping figure briefly. He was cute, thick lips in a focused pout, lips parted slightly and drool trickled the ends of his mouth.
You also couldn’t help but notice the bulge in his shorts. Probably just morning wood. Is it even morning? The lack of windows in the room had you confused as to what day, or time it was. How long had you been asleep? How long had you been locked up? Was anyone looking for you? It was unlikely.
Your mind wandered immediately to Jimin. You wondered if he was doing okay now. You wondered if he would think of you, if he would wonder where you were and look for you. But then again, it was also possible he knew exactly where you were and wanted you there. You no longer knew what to believe.
You subconsciously began to trace patterns on Jin’s chest, thinking about what all Yoongi had said to you. You had fucked him once, years ago, being so drunk that you thought it was Jimin. He had gotten a tattoo of your name. And then burned his own name into you. You reached your hand to the back of your neck to trace your fingers over the mark. It didn’t hurt anymore luckily, but you could now make out the letters.
“Mmm morning” Jin rubbed his eyes, before sliding up the wall slightly. You quickly removed your palm from his chest, and he noticed with a smirk. “You feeling better?” You couldn’t help but notice how sexy his morning voice was. It was low and husky, and had your core tingling.
“I guess so. I’m fucking hungry though” As if on cue, the door opened. You shielded your eyes at the aggressive display of light that outlined a dark silhouette. You could tell the person was wearing a suit, labeling him as Taehyung right away.
He knelt down tossing Jin what seemed to be a McDonald’s bag. “Breakfast” He said simply, his voice confirming your suspicions, “How are you?” He reached his hand to you. You hesitated, glancing at Jin who pursed his lips, an angry glint in his eyes. “Come on Y/n, I’m getting you out of here, let’s go” He waved his hand slightly to prompt you to take it.
“What about Jin?” Taehyung sighed, leaning forward to take your hand by force.
“Jin will be fine. Let’s go Y/n” He pulled you up to your feet, taking a moment to tighten your robe before leading you out of the stuffy studio. You glanced back at Jin, who sat helplessly, unable to move.
You looked around, your heart dropping as you realized that Jin was right. You were still in Yoongi’s apartment. Taehyung hugged you tightly. “Let’s go to your apartment and get you in some clothes okay?” He bent down to look at you, and you nodded. You noticed that he hand a gun in one hand as he took your hand with the other, leading you out of the apartment. Yoongi appeared to be gone, likely at work.
Taehyung somehow had keys to your apartment, but you were too excited to be in your own home to even question it. You ran inside, heading straight for your ravished bedroom. You dug out your favorite pair of jeans and hugged it to your body. “My clothes” You sighed in temporary happiness. Taehyung giggled, watching you jump into the garment, not bothering to wear anything under it. You were feeling oddly bold as you removed the robe before digging through to try to find a comfortable top.
“How about this?” You turned to see Taehyung holding up a leather corset top. You rolled your eyes, hands folded over your exposed breasts. He tossed it to you, and you reached for it, realizing the trap as soon as the air hit your taught nipples. Taehyung grinned.
“Not a bad idea.” You winked at him, turning to your mirror to put the top on. You reached your arm back to zip it up, but Taehyung beat you to it. You watched him through the reflection as he zipped up your top, proceeding to rest his hands on your hips, meeting your eyes in the mirror.
“Hot” He chuckled, letting go of you, “Alright come on let’s g-oh--” You turned around and pushed your lips onto his. He tumbled back in surprise, catching you at your waist before the pair of you fell onto the pile of clothes on the floor.
You kissed him feverishly, sucking on his bottom lip before pushing your tongue into his mouth, which he accepted eagerly. The two of you wrestled for dominance, Taehyung breaking into fits of laughter as he pushed you onto your back only for you use every ounce of strength and momentum to return on top, pinning him down with your knees on his thighs.
He scooped his hands around your ass, squeezing it lightly before lifting your body up so he could push you down again. You tussled around, kissing and grinding up against each other like kids before finally Taehyung grabbed your waist and lifting you into his lap “Fucking tease”
“Oh you love it” You taunted him. He slapped your ass hard, making you squeal. You let your tongue glide over to his ear, nibbling and tugging at it as Taehyung moaned unabashedly. His eyes switched from yours to your lips as he kneaded you ass, your body and his bobbing together in waves. You sucked on his neck causing him to curse out.
Using his strength, he wrapped an arm around you and pushed you back, climbing up your body to grind his hardening cock against you. You wrapped your legs around him, meeting his lips again as you cupped his face.
You arched your back, wanting to feel more of him but he wanted to take things slow. You felt him smile against your lips, kissing them softly as he unzipped your top. “Why did we even bother getting you dressed?” He chuckled. He tossed it aside, moving his lips to your breast. He left rough kisses all the way down your body, before he unbuttoned your jeans, raising your hips to yank them off of you.
He dove between your legs, but you tugged his hair to stop him. He blinked at you expectantly, looking almost puppy-like. “You know you don’t have to eat me out every time.”
“But I wanna” He pouted.
“Well fuck okay, be my guest” He grinned, watching your reactions as he kissed the inside of your thighs. His familiar hot tongue jutted inside your folds, slurping up your slick arousal. He ruthlessly moved the tip of his tongue around to every crevice, making you twitch and squirm as he licked at your nerves, sending you into a spiral of moans. You bucked your hips into his face, prompting him to keep going as you caressed his dark hair.
“So good Taehyung. So fucking good baby” You cried out, tilting your head back. Taehyung licked his own lips, before climbing back up your body and removing his own trousers. It was interesting, being fucked by a guy in a suit when you had been dressed like a drunk college girl. But you definitely didn’t mind how hot he looked as his blazer tightened around his thick arms as he fondled your breasts. Especially not with that fine watch of his.
Yoongi. Your entire body went rigid, remembering the sensual night the two of you had shared that almost ended in you dying. Taehyung noticed the change in your demeanor, stopping quickly. “Baby? You good?”
You gulped, “Yeah. Yeah. Keep going” He looked at you with doubt, so you took matters into your own hands, reaching for his cock. You realized that you had never actually seen it, and you were so glad you could because he was beautiful. It was the prettiest cock you had ever seen, long and veiny, blushed and so eager. You wanted to pop it into your mouth and choke on it. Instead you guided it to your folds. Taehyung lips pressed against yours as he pushed in all the way, groaning at the way your dampness engulfed him so easily.
“You’ve been having a lot of sex lately huh” He commented.
“Maybe, why?” He shrugged, as he thrusted into you, cock easily gliding in and out of your pussy.
“Just a guess” He pecked your cheek as he set his pace. You loved the way he fucked you, the sound of his thrusts and the way your wet pussy sloshed against him had you reeling for more. He was slow and sensual, rolling his hips up to hit you just where you needed. Heat coiled deep within you, and it was mere seconds before you came on him intensely.
“Oh fuck Taehyung, ohhhh fuck” You met his thrusts as a wave of bliss washed over you, “Just like that baby” Taehyung growled, pleased at the way you were unraveling for him.
“I missed you” He mumbled into your neck as he sped up, “I missed you so bad baby” He cupped your face tightly, hands moving up to clench your hair before he came.
Your body twitched as his cum spilled out of you. He rolled off of you with a deep sigh. The two of you exchanged a quick glance, realizing how silly you must look, on a pile of dirty clothes, now stained with sweat and cum and burst into laughter. Taehyung pulled you in for another kiss.
“I hate how they treat you Y/n” Taehyung confessed softly. “You deserve so much better. Yoongi. Jimin. Hobi. Jungkook. Namjoon. They don’t do it right. You know?”
You sigh. “Taehyung?”
“Yeah baby?”
“How the fuck do you know I’ve fucked all of them?”
Jungkook’s eyes fluttered open. The golden light from his crystal chandelier shone down on him. He turned to see Namjoon lying next to him, covered in ice packs and bandages. “What the hell?” He looked around frantically. His medical staff was hard at work. “Did you lose the fight?”
“Yeah I did” Namjoon croaked weakly. “Don’t remind me ugh, I fucking hate myself”
Jungkook shook his head in confusion, sitting up in shock. He looked down at his own state, a bloody bandage around his abs where he had been stabbed. The pain was numb, but his ego was far more damaged. “There’s no way you could have lost dude. I thought they were blackmailing Seokjin”
“Blackmailing him with what? We barely know the guy” Namjoon muttered. “Besides, isn’t he like a fucking cop or something?”
“There’s no fucking way he’s a cop. He knows way too much, and none of us have been arrested yet. Dude. Come on. The fights themselves are illegal and he’s in them”
“You have a point” Both Jungkook and Namjoon turned to see Jimin leaning in the doorway. The staff took the cue to leave, closing the grand double doors of Jungkook’s expansive bedroom behind them.
“Alright bitches.” Jimin clapped his hands playfully, “Enough with the bullshit. Where’s Y/n? Tell me or I fucking am calling a war on you Death Valley rats,”
Namjoon tried to get up but Jungkook stopped him, “What do you mean where’s Y/n? We don’t fucking know?”
Jimin laughed bitterly, “Are you shitting me? Tell me where she fucking is right now” He pulled out his revolver, aiming it at Namjoon, “Or fighter boy dies”
Jungkook gulped, looking from Namjoon to Jimin. Namjoon was shocked, fists clenched and expression confused.
“Okay okay fine.” Jungkook sighed deeply, “I’ll tell you where she is. But you’re not gonna like it”
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: ok i know i said there’d be a jin scene but, i need to build his character more so, next part i promise. smut pairs will be up on the mlist. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! who stabbed kook? what is taehyung’s deal? i love hearing your theoriesssss and getting your asks ;) see you next week & thx for reading my loves~
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304 @just-me-and-myselfs @purplepebbles @channiespup @lilacdreams-00 @kianam @thmrdrs @kpoppin-mel
death valley (m) | part 6

summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize
pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: jimin x reader, jin x reader
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 5.6k
warnings: reader discretion advised. multiple & explicit smut scenes, rough sex, obsessive & possessive themes, kidnapping, physical roughness (pushing, hitting, etc...not abusive but like sexy hate sex type thing), EDGING, poor jimin, use of restraints, brief gun use/play, cursing, degradation, jimin is a BRAT, crying, robbing/stealing/fraud, so much lying, character injuries, dubcon/coersive sex, kinda somnophilia, knife play kinda, woohooooo
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
F L A S H B A C K—
Jungkook’s vision was a blur of the sickly golden lights that landed on the dark concrete of Death Valley’s parking lot. He tasted a metallic tinge in the air as he wobbled back to his car, leaning back against it with a satisfied grin. He sighed, you always felt incredible. There was no high quite like you. His mind wandered back to your body, glossed in sweat and eyes fierce with passion. He wanted you to destroy him.
He giggled, almost tripping over himself. He felt a hand hold his shoulder steady. “Ohhh thanks man” He wasn’t even sure if he actually spoke before he suddenly felt a sharp sting of pain in his stomach. He winced, breaking into a fit of coughs.
Opening his eyes, he looked down to see a knife piercing through his gut. The blade twisted, sending an addition spurt of pain through his whole body as he limply fell forward onto his attacker. The knife dug deeper into his flesh as he got pushed back harshly, and it was only then he was able to squint to identify his assailant. The man barely regarded him, withdrawing the knife before chuckling softly and turning away, leaving him to slide down to the ground, ready to die.
As a drug dealer, Jungkook was used to knowing too much information for his own good. And it was a great place to be, because whenever the gangs began to have power struggles within themselves, he would always walk away even richer.
Jungkook knew bits and pieces of enough to paint the whole picture, and now he uncovered the missing piece to finish it all off.
The kingpin of Death Valley had remain anonymous for as long as anyone could remember. Gang members simply went by orders, not questioning where a majority of the profits were going or to whom. After a while, the drug money begins to pile up, and the thrill of the hustle fades. It was around this time he began the fights.
Sure, the kingpin was a powerful man. But being a low level dealer and knowing who the kingpin was, that was even more powerful. Enemies and allies alike were desperate to know, and were willing to do just about anything for that information. Jungkook liked to think this alone made him far more powerful than any gang leader.
Now he had seen his face. He was almost certain. He shivered at the prospect of what all he could do knowing what he now did.
So it was you all along, you clever bastard.
P R E S E N T D A Y—
Taehyung chuckled, running a hand through his dark hair "Trust me you don’t wanna know the answer to that. It’ll get you” He mimicked a knife with his finger drawing a line across his throat.
Seeing you unamused expression he sighed, “Fine. Look, I told you someone powerful has their eyes on you. Well powerful people never do their own dirty work. I’ve had to keep an eye on you, for a damn long time. Trust me, I don’t feel great about it either” He continued, “Now, Jimin can’t know where you were last night, okay? He can’t know Yoongi is involved, because the truth is” He held his wrist up to show his watch, “I’m a mole”
“A mole?”
“I’m fronting as Jimin’s right hand guy. I have been for a while, but in reality, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hobi and I, we’re all Death Valley boys. They don’t know that though”
Jin was right after all. “So Yoongi really is...a gangster? He’s the one behind everything? He’s the one...who wants me?” Taehyung hesitated, thinking deeply before nodding.
“He’s kept his identity hidden for years. Only I know. Yoongi...is obsessed with you. He loves you, and has for so long. You’re the bane of his existence, and by extension, mine.”
“That’s ridiculous. You’re lying.” You pursed your lips in annoyance, “Yoongi didn’t give a fuck about me when I first moved here. He was just a sweet, ordinary guy. He took care of me. He has always had my best interests at heart. Maybe I believe you. That he really is this scary gang guy or whatever. But the rest of it, bullshit”
“Don’t you work for his company? Don’t you live in his building? Do you really think anything you’ve been through is a coincidence?”
Taehyung shrugged, reaching for his trousers and wrapping his hand loosely around his pistol before tracing your cheek with it. “You don’t have to believe me. But not a word of any of this to anyone”
He cocked the gun, the soft click resonating through the quiet room, "Because I’m everywhere baby. I’ll know if you fuck up, and I’ll kill you so fast you won’t even have time to blink.”
He pulled the trigger, making you shut your eyes and yelp. It was a blank. Taehyung laughed maniacally, “I just need you to play along just a little while longer and this will all be over. Now go freshen up, I’m taking you to see Jimin”
Jungkook was clearly stalling. Jimin wanted to shoot him in the mouth just so he would shut up and get to the point.
Jimin felt his phone vibrate, seeing Taehyung’s text. He sighed with relief. “You got lucky this time dumbfucks. I got her. Tell your little kingpin cockhead that he’s already fucking dead, because when I get my hands on the bastard who threatened Y/n, I promise you that I will kill them. In the worst, most painful way possible.” The door creaked open.
“Oh my God” Your heart sank the second you saw them. Blood was leaking through the white bedsheets, and they were both badly bruised. Jungkook was shirtless with a bandage wrapped around his stomach while Namjoon was in a neck brace. You rushed to Namjoon’s side, grabbing his hand and pressing your lips against them.
You hadn’t noticed Jimin at first, as you tended to Namjoon. He wanted to hug you. To make sure you weren’t hurt. To cry in your arms because he missed you so damn much. You weren’t even noticing him? Did he really mean so little to you? You hadn’t seen him since the accident, did you not even care?
He hated how much power you had over him. You didn’t care but he spent hours thinking about you. You were a disease he couldn’t shake. You were sand slipping through his fingers the tighter he tried to hold on. He watched you carefully until his eyes caught the etched out letters burned into your back. His whole body froze.
Jimin’s breaths began to quicken as anger overwhelmed him. He grabbed the nearest item to him, which happened to be the glass of water on Jungkook’s dresser and threw it on the ground in frustration. The loud shatter finally caught your attention, and you turned to meet his glossy eyes.
“Jimin! Thank goodness you’re okay” You gave him a smile, sighing with relief. His mind was running a mile a minute as he tried his very best not to break down in front of you.
“Outside” He growled. “Right now”
You hesitated, not understanding why he looked so upset to see you. Namjoon tugged at you slightly and gave you a warning look.
“Did you fucking hear me? I said right now.” Jimin screamed, to which you heard Taehyung stifle an ironic giggle. Getting impatient, not wasting another second before grabbing your wrist, yanking you out of the room and kicking the door shut loudly.
“Hey--ouch” You winced at his rough grip, “Easy Jimin that hurts”
Once you were in the hall, Jimin grabbed your jaw and pulled you towards him, digging his nails into you and tilting your face up to his. He stared deep into your eyes.
"What the hell is on your back?” He sneered.
Your mouth went dry. Should’ve worn a fucking turtleneck. Recalling Taehyung’s warning from earlier, you debated internally what to say next.
“You fucking whore” He cried out, shaking your body, “Did you sleep with him?”
You blinked back tears, recalling the immense guilt you had been feeling the past few days. You thought you missed Jimin, but seeing him now in reality made you remember all the reasons you had wanted nothing to do with him.
Jimin growled at your silence. He kicked at your shins, prompting you to lose your balance as he held you up. “I asked you a fucking question! I know you don’t care about me but at least have the decency to--”
Smack. You slapped him clean across the face. You were tired of his tantrums. He had no idea the hell you’d been through. He had the audacity to think that you didn’t care? He was the one who treated you like a pet.
Jimin released his grip you, backing away to cover the reddening skin of his cheek as he blinked in amusement.
“Fucking brat” You hissed.
You had begun to turn away when Jimin grabbed your forearm and pulled you flush against him, capturing your lips in a fiery kiss. His grip was brutal as he encircled your wrist before twisting your arm onto your back and pushing you against the wall.
His teeth grazed against the back of your ear, chuckling softly. “The fuck did you just say to me?” He sounded more teasing than upset. Through the corner of your eye you see a mischievous twinkle in his eye. You yelp as he continued to twist your wrist as he chuckles softly. “Go on. Fight back”
You struggle, squirming against his hold. Kicking your leg back into his knee, you know you’re walking right into his trap as you turn yourself around.
His hands quickly grasp your waist and he lifts you up. He presses his forehead against yours, looking deep into you eyes. His lips were parted, panting heavily and breathing you in. A moment of silence passes before a naughty grin appears on his face.
He intertwines his fingers with yours, propping you up on his thigh as he holds your hands above your head. You moan breathlessly at the friction, tightening your hold on his hands. He licks his thick lips, bringing them closer and closer to yours.
His eyes don’t leave you for a second as he begins to nip at your neck, sucking harshly into your skin and leaving marks wherever he could. You groan, tilting your head to give him more room.
Your body feels ablaze through the touch of his lips. Your heart is racing as you gaze stays steady on one another. “Jimin” You moan his name like you’re pleading for your life, “Let’s find a room”
He halts his movements, letting you carefully slide onto your feet. He snakes his hands behind you as clenches your ass “Lead the way baby” You grinned. It was about damn time.
You pulled him into the nearest room you could find, which seemed to be some sort of office. Within seconds he was all over you again, sharply kissing your neck and shoulders as he kicked the door shut with his heel.
He cupped your face, his lips sloppily running up to meet yours as your tongues intertwined.
“Wait Y/n I...” Jimin mumbled, “I’m sorry. I got upset for no reason I just...it hurts.”
“Shut up” You snapped, pointing towards a small cushioned chair that was near a window. “Sit down over there. Hands where I can fucking see them”
Jimin took a seat without hesitation, watching intently as you grabbed the curtains on either side of the window. You climbed onto his lap, his face finding home against your chest as you bent over him and tied his wrists together tightly. You felt his tongue over your clothes as he attempted to suck your breasts, but you tugged his hair back sharply.
“Oh hell no” You smirked, taking in Jimin’s roughed up appearance. Having him under you like this, you felt invincible. "You’re such a spoilt brat, you know that Park Jimin? I was worried. I thought about you constantly, when really, I shouldn’t even bother” You settled back into his lap, bringing your face inches from his “You’re. A. Dick” You gave him a chaste kiss before unbuttoning his jeans.
Jimin let out a shaky moan as you harshly pulled them down. You licked your lips as your hand grabbed his hardening length. You began to pump him slowly.
“Ohhh fuckkk” Jimin tilted his head back, tugging desperately against the restraints. Your hands felt so good, you gripped him just right, and your hands were so incredibly soft. He bucked his hips as he felt you spit onto his tip, rubbing the wetness in with your thumb.
You wrapped your tongue around his base, hands cupping his balls as you licked a stripe up his cock. You let your tongue swirl and linger at his tip, watching as he fell apart into a fit of whimpers. Hollowing your cheeks, you took him deep into your throat, just the way you knew he liked it.
Jimin watched you bobbing your head and sucking him off for everything he’s worth. Your gaze was intense, he felt utterly powerless. The craziest part was that he loved it. He had never done anything like it before, used to girls spreading their legs for him without the blink of an eye.
He wants to kiss you so bad as you rose from his cock, saliva stringing from your pretty lips. He could have looked at you like that all day, just perfect. Delectable. You reach behind your back to unzip your top, letting your breasts break free. Jimin’s breath hitches as you slide your tits over his wet cock. “You like that?” You teased, “So fucking desperate. You’re pathetic”
“Holy shit Y/n” You hesitated as he moaned your name. “M...more. I’m so close. Fuck I wanna touch you” He whined in complaint.
“You wanna cum all over my tits hmm?” The sound of your teasing voice was ecstasy to his ears. He nodded furiously, his whiny moans filling the room. You grinned, watching him edge closer and closer to release, only for you to stand up and leave him a writhing mess.
“Y/n” He growled, kicking the air and stomping like a child, “Are you kidding me?” His cock was absolutely flushed, making you giggle at the thought of how the even the smallest thing could just make him cream all over.
“You don’t deserve to cum” You shed your own jeans quickly, letting your fingers trail up and down your body sensually. Jimin gulped as you put on a show, clenching your own breasts.
You straddle onto the armrests, making sure Jimin can’t thrust his dick up to touch you as you bring a finger to your mouth, wrapping your tongue around it before plunging it into your sopping pussy. Jimin eyes become absolutely blasted with lust. He frantically looks from your face to the way you were fingering yourself so close to him. The soft squelching seemed to harmonize with the way you teasingly let soft moans slip from your lips.
Jimin held his breath, trying his best not to cum at the mere sight of you. His hands continued tugging frantically against the curtains. He had never been so turned on in his life, sober or otherwise.
“I wanna touch you. I need to feel you, fuck baby please. I’m not even fucking kidding baby please sit on my cock” He whined softly, giving you puppy eyes to which you scoffed.
Scooping up some of your dripping arousal, you shoved your finger into Jimin’s mouth, watching amusedly as he sucked every last drop of you.
He couldn’t take it anymore. You were driving him insane. Your eyes widened as you heard a loud tearing sound. Jimin quickly broke through his restraints, his hands immediately clenching your sides.
“Oh baby you’re in for it now” His voice gave you goosebumps as you excitedly anticipated his next move. He stood up, lifting you back into his arms before harshly tossing you onto the wooden desk. Your head hit the back harshly, pain sizzling through you as he propped one of your legs up over his shoulder, while pushing the other one as wide as he could. His cock was rock hard as it rubbed against your inner thigh.
He trails kisses up your chest and onto your lips, nails digging into his tight hold on your thighs. You watch as he aims his cock at your gaping entrance, slick and quivering in anticipation. He pushes into you, slower than you expected. His lips sucking on yours.
For all the times you had fucked Jimin, he had never felt this good inside you. He stilled as he bottomed out, gasping loudly. A part of you didn’t want him to move. You didn’t want him to cum, ending this and forcing you to return to the daunting reality you had to face. You grabbed onto him tightly, not ready to let go. Jimin notices this and his heart swells.
“Hey” He leans down to kiss you deeply, pouring his affection into you. His hands release your legs, instead tangling in your hair and tugging it back as he begins thrusting into you with short, deep movements.
“Jimin” You cry out. He smacks your ass with a low growl, “D...daddy, fuck you feel so good” You cup his face as he continues pistoning in and out of you. You feel his cock twitching inside of you, knowing he would cum in mere seconds.
If this was nirvana, he believed it. Jimin’s eyes rolled back as he let out a strangled moan, “Oh my god...oh my fucking...baby...feels so” He chokes as cum shoots out into you and cries out your name, burying his face into your neck. You stroke his back as his body twitches, steams of cum continuing to spurt out.
He steadies his breathing before pulling out and examining your stuffed cunt. He glides his finger over your creamy folds. “Turn around” He growls, “I’m not done with you” You sighed with relief, cunt stinging desperately for a little bit more.
As you flip onto your stomach, Jimin playfully smacks up your ass cheeks. He bends over, whispering filth into your ears as he shoves in two fingers. “You’re so fucking hot baby...Mmm you want daddy to make you cum huh?”
His fingers were unforgiving, you cried out as your pussy clamped down on them, spilling all over. “That’s right...only daddy can touch you like this.” He smacks you again, and you can feel him grin “Such a little slut for me aren’t you hm? Go ahead and cum like the slut you are” Your eyes fluttered shut as you came over his fingers. He pumped you through your high, cooing and teasing you relentlessly with kisses on your back.
With a heavy sigh you rest on the desk. Jimin shuffles around the room, grabbing the torn curtain and wiping you up. He kissed the small of your back as he tenderly caresses your ass, easing the red marks he had made just minutes ago.
“I’m sorry” He whispers as you sit up to face him, “I know you know about the gangs and stuff. You got caught up in it because of me, and I’m sorry for that” He kisses the tops of your hands, “Let me keep you safe. Please. If something happened to you because of me, I would...” His voice trembled, emotions suffocating his words. He didn’t even want to think about it.
You wanted to laugh, simply because Jimin was hardly to blame for anything you had been through. And there he was apologizing for it. “It’s okay. I’ll be okay”
“Let me take you back to work” He offered sweetly. You swallowed uncomfortably. He doesn’t know. Anything. “Come on. I know exactly how I’m gonna get back at Yoongi”
You coughed. This is bad. Where the fuck is Taehyung now? You looked around frantically. “Uh...okay”
You had no idea what Yoongi’s reaction would be. He could get upset. You were supposed to be locked up in his place. But on top of that if Jimin was the one with you...
He wouldn’t kill him.
Would he?
Taehyung had left shortly after he heard a good amount of moaning through the thin walls. Admittedly, he hadn’t expected to see Jungkook bedridden like that, but he immediately knew who must have been behind it.
Things had been happening that he hadn’t predicted, and it made him furious. When he heard that you had been kidnapped with Namjoon, he had decided that this had all gone too far. For whatever he was, he hated hurting innocent people. He didn’t like that you were involved in this, that people were hurting you.
Maybe he had just grown fond of you over the years. He always told himself Yoongi was strange for being so into you. You were attractive without a doubt, but the dedication Yoongi had to you always shocked him. Yoongi could have anyone he wanted at his feet, he was rich, powerful and good looking. But he never indulged in the luxuries that the rest of them did. Pictures he had taken of you through your cracked bedroom window back in your hometown were enough to satisfy him.
Yoongi had said he had something he needed to prove before he could pursue you. Taehyung hadn’t cared to ask what exactly that was at the time, but since meeting you, he wished he knew.
Taehyung arrived in the back lot of Death Valley and flipped open his phone, “Load the money in the car”. He reached for his mask, pulling it over his face before he stepped out.
Hobi arrived promptly carrying two large duffel bags followed by a few other men doing the same. “How much?” Taehyung asked.
“Felt like only 100k, but Jungkook said it was a pretty good week for sales so it might be more” Hobi lifted the bag into the trunk of the Cadillac. He wiped sweat off of his forehead, allowing the trunk to close and patting it shut. “Fucking Jin guy ruined everything, otherwise we would’ve got millions.”
“Yeah” Taehyung rolled his tongue inside his cheek, “I wonder why he didn’t lose”
After Hobi left, Taehyung dialed the bank. “Hi, I’d like to make a wire transfer?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out Jimin’s black card, turning it over to read out the number “Yes, there would have been a deposit recently of around half a million? Could you please transfer that to an overseas account belonging to V Kim. Yes, just the letter. Thank you so much!”
In truth, Taehyung was grateful to you. You were the perfect distraction. Both Jimin and Yoongi were wrapped around your fingers, too caught up with you to notice anything else. That made you powerful, so much more than you realized. Taehyung tossed the card into the passenger seat, it slid down onto the floor of the car.
“Fucking idiots”
Yoongi fiddled with a tangerine in his palm as he sat, bored out of his mind in his office. He wanted to go home. He wanted to see you, get you out of that horrible cell he had put you in. His work was getting in the way of your relationship and he hated it.
The sounds of cameras and vehicles slipped through the dark walls. He cocked his head in irritation. The noises kept growing louder and louder. He was used to the press being around, especially when there was an album being released by one of his artists. But this was much more than the usual.
For that number of paparazzi to be around, it had to mean one thing. Scandal. “What the fuck is going on?” Fruit in hand, Yoongi stormed out of his office into the lobby.
Juice began trickling down his wrist as he saw what all the commotion was about. Jimin strutted in confidently, hand thrown around your waist, holding you to him.
“Yoongi!” Jimin taunted, arriving with a wide grin. He met your eyes and could sense that you were afraid. Jimin looked Yoongi dead in the eye as he knelt down to kiss the back of your neck, over your scars. “I know you have a no dating rule but I was driving her to work and the media caught us. It’s trending on twitter” Jimin shrugged, “Oops”
Yoongi began to see red. His blood was boiling. Nevertheless, he took a deep breath. He knew he had to be careful how he acted around you. He wouldn’t want you to be afraid of him, after all he was just trying to protect you. He wanted to make you happy. You didn’t actually want Jimin, did you? No way.
Pursing his lips, he maintained an expressionless face as he walked up to you. He could see the way your eyes quivered as he neared. He hoped you’d understand. You would understand, he would make you understand.
“You’re fired”
His heart ached as he watched your expression drop. Yoongi simply shrugged and returned to his office, tossing his fruit in the trash on the way. Yoongi knew you’d be upset. You’d blame Jimin and come crawling to him in no time, he wasn’t even worried.
He made his way back into his reclining chair, kicking his feet onto the desk as he stared down his door.
Three. Two...
The door burst open. “Yoongi” Your voice was weak. “Don’t...please don’t fire me. I know I crossed a line. We’re...not dating. I swear”
“How did you get out?” You knew Yoongi would ask this, and luckily you had some time to conjure an answer that probably wouldn’t get anyone shot.
“Taehyung let me go to my apartment to shower and change. Jimin happened to show up at my place while I was there” You looked at him steadily, trying hard to not even think about the fact you were so blatantly lying to the man you felt like could see right through you.
“I see.” He lowered his legs and pat his thigh, motioning for you to sit on his lap. You had dreamed of fucking Yoongi in this very office countless times. Riding his cock while he did paperwork and just ignored you. It had your knees weak.
You sat down obediently, and he stroked your back, pressing his lips into the side of your head “Let’s get you back home. I would’ve let you out of the cell tonight, but clearly I can’t trust you” He paused, backing away from you slightly, “We’ll talk about this tomorrow, I’m gonna be home late tonight”
“Some business I need to take care of”
Jin was just about to sleep when you arrived back. He stirred as took a seat next to him.
“Fun day?” He asked sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes and laughed with him, “No but I did find out that...” You paused, looking around the room. Is he watching? “I…I’m really tired actually”
Jin nodded in understanding. “It’s pretty hot in here, you might not be comfortable in that” He motioned towards your jeans, “I can give you my shorts if you want, I have boxers on so it’s not a big deal”
You blushed slightly, but as the stuffy air set in around you, you realized he was right. The thick denim was suffocating against your skin. “Sure yeah, thanks”
Jin took off his shorts, tossing them to you. You turned you back to him, wiggling out of your pants. Jin’s shorts were far too large for you, sliding down right away. The two of you exchanged glances before you burst out laughing. Jin sat up straight, pulling off his shirt and throwing it to you.
“Take this instead, it’ll cover you” Your breath hitched as you took in his naked chest. He was hot. His skin was seamless, slightly sweaty but his toned muscles made your mouth water. You swallowed. You turned around again, attempting to unzip your top. It fell to the floor, your bare back now exposed to Jin’s dilated eyes.
His shirt smelled like him. Wearing it was like a big hug, and you felt oddly comforted. You laid down by his side. “Night Jin”
In the silence of the room, you could hear your own heart pounding through your chest. Neither one of you had closed your eyes.
“Y/n” His whisper was so soft you could barely hear him. “I promise I’ll keep you safe. We’ll get out of here. Don’t worry”
You wanted to tell him everything. He would know what to do. But then again, you weren’t sure if you wanted Yoongi to get arrested. You sighed deeply. “I know” You rolled closer to him, and his hands wrapped around you loosely. His fingers rubbed the flesh of your back as you hummed in appreciation.
“You’re so tense” Jin commented, moving his hands under your shirt and up your back, “Relax,” You let your eyes close as he continued to massage you. His hands teased at your sides. You shifted in discomfort as his palms brushed against your breasts.
“Jin—“ He shushed you, shamelessly grabbing your tits under your shirt. You stifled a moan into his chest, “Jin, I’m exhausted please”
“I’m just trying to help you” He murmured, “You don’t need to do anything, just rest. I got you”
Jin pushed the fabric up and began leaving soft kisses on your stomach before you tugged down your panties. He squinted, seeing that your cunt had already made a mess. You drifted off into sleep as Jin tugged your folds apart, examining you with interest.
“Who did you fuck today hm?” He growled lowly. You stirred slightly. Jin climbed over you, reaching into his boxers to furiously stroke his cock. Pulling it out, he slapped it against your tits, loving the way your brows furrowed with irritation.
“Jin…” You mumbled, “Mm tired. Wanna sleep”
“Yeah fuck baby, just let me do this and we’ll sleep hm? We’ll sleep real good. You’re so stressed Y/n, I just wanna help” He began rubbing your clit, causing you to whine as your legs subconsciously spread for him. “Just like that…there we go” His fingers moved faster as his other hand jacked himself off.
He rolled you over onto your chest, stripping you down to nothing as you groaned. From the corner of the room, he picked up his knife, drawing a straight line on your back through the scarred spelling of Yoongi’s name. “Yoongi huh. Guess he’s next then”
Jin straddled himself over your ass, lining his cock with you before he sunk into your throbbing heat. You were insanely tight around him, he cursed as he tried to push in deeper and deeper.
“Jin...” You convinced yourself to wake up with whatever little energy you had left, “Just...easy okay I’m sensitive” It had been barely hours since Jimin had fucked your brains out. You felt Jin trail his lips down your back.
“That’s not fair” He muttered, “Why do I have to go slow?” He began thrusting into you, ignoring your pleas as he rutted into you, watching the way your ass jiggled with each move. “Everyone else got you however they liked” Jin groaned softly, sounds of slapping skin filling the room. “It’s my turn. I was patient. I deserve this”
He cums quickly, his hot seed spilling out of you. You roll your eyes. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to put my cock in you”
Your eyes felt heavy, you didn’t care. Your thoughts went to Yoongi, desperate his embrace, his sweet voice for some comfort as you drifted to sleep.
Weekdays at Death Valley were generally quieter. Yoongi preferred only to visit the dive bar at those times, where he wouldn’t run into any clients or fans. He would sit at the same place, at the very back end of the bar where no one would be able to see him unless they knew where to look. He poked aimlessly at the martini in front of him, before sipping the bitter liquid.
“Are you fucking insane?” Taehyung growled, sliding into the stool “Okay I admit, you calling that accident on Jimin made sense. Hell, I’ll give you the kidnapping. I get it, you’re jealous, whatever. But stabbing Jungkook? Are you serious? We need him”
Yoongi blinked at him, “Stabbed him? What the fuck are you talking about?”
Taehyung bit his lip, “No way. No fucking way. It wasn’t you?”
Yoongi shook his head.
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: yall aint ready for this jin, thats all i have to say. lmk what you think. I’ll be honest I had an ASS week so sorry if this isn’t good. anyways, hyung line smut next week :))) see you then!
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304 @just-me-and-myselfs @purplepebbles @channiespup @lilacdreams-00 @kianam @thmrdrs @kpoppin-mel @namjooningelsewhere @lolzerss @planetsope