Yor Briar Forger - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

I'm imagining post-reveal Twilight becoming a little too eager to be supportive of his wife's real job. Like he assumes that Garden must work Yor 24/7 the same way WISE does him, so from now on every time they're on a family ooting and Yor says she needs to use to the ladies room he reassures 'yes of course you take all the time you need we're in absolutely no rush. We'll just be over here not asking questions. No Anya you do not also need to go' And when Yor catches up with them less than two minutes later, not even short of breath 'oh wow that was fast. I barely even had time to get you this bottle of water. Yes, I thought you might like one after a... break.'

Yor doesn't think that sounds normal but normal is Twilight's field of expertise not hers, so she just thanks him very sincerely

Anya seriously contemplates telling them about her telepathy just to avoid this type of situation again she really needed to go potty now!

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7 months ago
Yor Is Her Alternate Assassin Dress I Designed

Yor is her alternate assassin dress I designed

Original sketch here

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Twilight be like: "She's only legally my wife. You know that fake marriage trope? Well, we're actually married for real, but like the relationship isn't real, so I'd only protect my wife and daughter with my life...for the mission, of course." FoR tHe MiSsIoN

Do Your Best With WHAT Yor (even She Doesnt Know!!)

Do your best with WHAT Yor 😭😭😭 (even she doesn’t know!!)

Do Your Best With WHAT Yor (even She Doesnt Know!!)

Yor is sooooo cute but Loid’s expression is also adorable here~

Do Your Best With WHAT Yor (even She Doesnt Know!!)

Yaaaay I’ve been waiting for Loid to pull the “I’m A Doctor” card and do medical stuff, even if we didn’t see it in detail lol

Do Your Best With WHAT Yor (even She Doesnt Know!!)

“No one’s allowed to suspect my wife but ME, that ONE SINGULAR TIME, and NEVER AGAIN.” For The Mission™️

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This Is A Gift Of Pure Fluff For @whateversawesome, Inspired By Her Wonderful Twiyor Fanfics.
This Is A Gift Of Pure Fluff For @whateversawesome, Inspired By Her Wonderful Twiyor Fanfics.

This is a gift of pure fluff for @whateversawesome, inspired by her wonderful Twiyor fanfics.

Thank you for being a good friend and beta to me for a whole long year, my pal 🤗 I hope our friendship will continue for as long as possible in the future too.

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2 years ago

Btw, to everyone calling Twilight a tsundere, you guys clearly do not know what that word means. It means being cold and aloof or just plain old mean-spirited while having and denying warm feelings for someone, whether that be platonic, familial, or romantic. Damian is actually a good example of this.

Twilight is not.

Yes, he's probably in denial of his feelings for his little makeshift family. Yes, he is actively rationalizing his every little move with them because with his occupation, he will have to leave them eventually and getting attached will only hurt everyone more.


He is not cold or aloof or mean toward them in any way. He's the exact opposite. He's warm, willing to go to lengths for them that could be detrimental to his mission, using said mission to excuse his attitude for them, claiming its all an act, but not being able to help himself. He's constantly complimenting Yor for being herself and lovingly spoiling Anya every chance he gets.

He's, at most, gently stern with Anya, sometimes, maybe. And only once did he even question Yor's innocence, and he immediately felt guilty for it.

Twilight is not a tsundere, and this fandom needs to stop misusing that term.

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