Loiyor - Tumblr Posts
Now if I don’t get proposed to like this I’m not saying yes lol

Loid and Yor from Spy × Family for my Tropetember 2023 contribution for the prompt : Proposal.

Has the exact same energy as this:

AKA: “Do not disrespect/touch my wife or I will fucking kill you.” *With a big dopey grin on their face as they say it* 😁

♪ Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now ♪
so this is a redraw of my shipebrero back in 2022 for loiyorrr and it got a lot of notes so I promised to myself to redraw it! BUT THEN ART BLOCK AND COUNTLESS RESPONSIBILITIES LEADING ME TO RUIN GRRR- So I tried to redraw... THEN MY LAPTOP LOST ALL ITS FILES!?!??!?!?! FROM ACADS, PERSONAL FILES......AND W I Ps
i cried so much y'all have no idea HJDSKFHJKDSHFJK
BUT I HAD A SLIVER OF HOPE! I ACTUALLY INCLUDED THE WIP IN MY PORTFOLIO FOR COLLEGE ADMISSION! (yes i included a very intense ship work in progress fanart to apply for my education what of it hsjfhds) SO IT WAS STILL IN CANVA, the bad news tho I only used the screenshot because the file was too big so the pic was bad quality huhu... so I went to "make ur png more hd" websites so that's probably why the 2nd pic would look kinda ai generated (vomits)
so it all started from there! I repainted the whole thing with the foundation I've redrawn and I hope the lessons I got from being a Fine Arts freshman rn paid off HAHAHA

I believe this crossover fanart is long overdue. Should have done this sooner. Because it's hard to touch on Pride and Prejudice without talking about the legendary hand flex scene from the 2005 movie adaptation 😂🤣

And I'll be more than happy if Endo sensei also pulls off a hand flex panel for our dear Loid 🤩😍😍
ps.: yea the hands were rushed. I still cannot hands 😭😭😭

Back on my TwiYor brainrot shoit again .😅 We really need Yor using her stealth to spook unflappable Twilight more. I know he's stressed enough as is, but it's too funny.

Inspired by this post because i love the forgers
pls pls talk to me about spy x family i fell so hard for this show

A slow morning in the Forger household.
This is me projecting so hard on them. Tired and sleepy all the time. Bond’s properly asleep somewhere on the ground.
Throw this out into the wild to appease you all while I’m doing research for other incoming comics.

Some Yor and Loid, chilling out at the pub… and Anya xD

Most liked psychiatrist in berlint general
Twilight thinking ‘geez, authentic marriages sure seem difficult’ like he’s not worked his behind off to stay being married to Yor is kind of rich.

He eats his wife's food, no matter how inedible.

He has learnt to trust his wife, no matter how against his spy nature it may be.

He tries his hardest to make sure his wife never has to shed a tear.

He feels like he needs to clear the air with his 'fake' wife that he's not real-cheating on her because... ? I don't know, but we must give him points for trying to keep his 'pretend' marriage alive.

Aaaand of course, he puts up with Yuri, the weird little dude. Twilight really doesn't have to, but he does. For the mission. Or something.

The thing is, Twilight's 'fake' marriage is in fact no more or less difficult than an 'authentic' marriage, because - it may come as a shock to him - he and Yor are partners and they have to navigate and be sensitive to each others' feelings as any other married couples have to in their relationships.
It just doesn't feel difficult to Twilight. Not because he's Westalis' Best Spy and nothing is too hard for him. No. It's because he's Ostania's Best Husband and it doesn't feel like work if you're in love.

Hopefully her mood will be better in the morning.
The next morning...

i, too, am enamoured by the ed mv so here i am with a twiyor drawing from it cause ueueueu
Twilight be like: "She's only legally my wife. You know that fake marriage trope? Well, we're actually married for real, but like the relationship isn't real, so I'd only protect my wife and daughter with my life...for the mission, of course." FoR tHe MiSsIoN

Do your best with WHAT Yor 😭😭😭 (even she doesn’t know!!)

Yor is sooooo cute but Loid’s expression is also adorable here~

Yaaaay I’ve been waiting for Loid to pull the “I’m A Doctor” card and do medical stuff, even if we didn’t see it in detail lol

“No one’s allowed to suspect my wife but ME, that ONE SINGULAR TIME, and NEVER AGAIN.” For The Mission™️

"ah! loid, we have guests waiting in the other room!" >>> "so?" 😇

This is a gift of pure fluff for @whateversawesome, inspired by her wonderful Twiyor fanfics.
Thank you for being a good friend and beta to me for a whole long year, my pal 🤗 I hope our friendship will continue for as long as possible in the future too.
I'm going to be honest I hope they get together for real at around the 400th chapter, depending on the development we get.
Some great arcs that don't have romance as the main thing going on take multiple chapters, and while that doesn't mean there isn't room for some development to happen in the background or something, I just feel there needs to be time and for everything to develop naturally to the point where Yor and Twilight do love each other and want to marry each other for real.
I'm going to stop for now before I over explain myself and ramble on about stuff you probably already feel too and just hope I was understood correctly. Sometimes I make myself sound confusing.

hopefully someday.
i think I read most of twiyor fic at ao3, i need to take a breather xD
It’s a wonder none of the Forgers have figured out each other’s secret identities. Loid looks at Yor is and is like, "ah, yes, makes sense that this civil servant can kick ass and leap across the city to bash a purse snatcher ". And Yor is like, “hm, yes, a psychiatrist who beats up his 'patients' . understandable, have a nice day”.
I mean Twilight is a high master spy and he is an expert at blending in and understanding human behavior.
But with Yor being who she is, a really honest, kind and earnest person (besides the fact that she’s an assassin) who is somehow intuitive, I think he more easily let’s his guard down around her and so doesn’t really think it is suspicious that some clerk at city hall has an above average level of strength.
Yor gave him no reason to be suspicious. She is just like that and she doesn’t seem to be hiding anything (major).
He looked into her family (he doesn’t know the whole true history of what’s been going on) so he also knows of her hard upbringing.
Twilight is really smart, but Yor manages to be his blind spot.
With Yor being really naïve on a lot of average human experiences due her watching society from the sidelines/as an outsider as she spends a lot of her time killing and providing for her brother and doing what she thinks is cleaning up the country (I hope these parts becomes more elaborated in the manga), she instinctively trusts “Loid” and others on their word a lot of the time because she usually wasn’t given a reason to not trust them. Killing, trying to clean up the country, trying her best to provide for Yuri, this is all Yor has ever done since she was young and wasn’t truly given the opportunity to pursue or engage in something else.
Yor is blatantly aware of her shortcomings so whenever she is participating in something she’s unfamiliar with, she just tries to go with what is normal and try to fit in and learn from her surroundings (and sometimes just to get by without causing something else). In this case trusting what Twilight says about his profession as a psychiatrist and what they do since she probably knows very little of what they actually do, or how doctors don’t normally get into fisticuffs with their patients.
She is sharp and so are her senses, she isn’t dull. She has spent a large part of her life murdering people to raise and care for Yuri (and now she does it to try and clean up the country for her family).
Yor sees that Loid is willing to accept and trust her as she is, and she for who he is, both for their own sakes. Anyone else might raise suspicion at anything Yor or Twilight might have said or done if they were to be married to them at some point, but with Twiyor, ironically they’re honest with each in a lot of things besides what they’re supposed to be hiding, forming an excellent partnership and supporting each other and Anya wonderfully.
Twilight and Yor’s characters are perfect together and their circumstances have pushed them together in a way that only they can manage and come out of perfectly! I love them!

loid and yor really both managed to find the one (1) other person in the entire world clueless enough about normal human behaviour to believe their blatant bullshitting when looking for someone to fake date and if that isn’t the definition of soulmates then i don’t know what is