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1 year ago
Nightcore Has Been Invented For The Sixth Or Seventh Time

nightcore has been invented for the sixth or seventh time

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4 years ago


Jason uses three in one shampoo bodywash and conditioner.

Tim blow dries his hair

Steph’s leave in conditioner is fire

Damian has extreme brand loyalty to axe body spray. It might be because it annoys everyone else, it might be because it’s named after a weapon, who can say?

Bruce secretly loves bath bombs.

Dick has always had ridiculously perfect skin, we blame genetics, cause it’s definitely not his skincare routine or his diet.

Everyone else has wild breakouts around where their masks touch their skin if they don’t appease the skincare gods.

Alfred taught Bruce how to shave, and everytime Bruce teaches one of the boys they both feel feelings.

When Cass came along she only had assassin skills not life skills. She wanted to shave her legs, but she had no idea how.

Bruce called Babs in a panic and she walked them through it. Bruce shaved his legs too, in solidarity.

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4 years ago

You can’t tell me the Gordons aren’t the favourite citizens of the Batfam. (Plus the rogues)

Dick, Steph and Cass after a long patrol night just throw rocks at Barbara’s apartment until she lets them in and together they watch a movie.

Jason (when he was still Robin) used to go to the library and he and Babs used to talk about theatre and literature and they still do it to this day. Only Jason can call Babs ‘Barbie’.

Tim and Babs are master hackers. Almost everything Tim knows about hacking was taught by Babs. He and Babs enjoy spending time playing online, hacking into governmental databases and especially trolling everyone else.

Jim has a soft spot for Cass as she is very quiet, gets the job done and actually pretty funny once you get to know her. Tim and Jim used to go out for coffee and chat. Jim dealt with Dick’s jokes but actually likes them on the inside.

Damian may not be as close to Babs, but whenever he and Babs talk, its usually about animals and Babs tells him about everyone before he joined. Damian thinks she is pretty strong both physically and emotionally.

He sure enjoys the Commissioner’s company too. He sneaks out of the house in his Robin costume and hangs out with Jim in his office and both of them talk shit about Batman.

Bruce used to babysit Babs when Jim couldn’t take care of her and used to enjoy it so much. Now he and Babs talk like siblings and asks Babs for advice. He also, just like Jason has his own nickname for her which is ‘Barb’.

Bruce in his Batman costume visits Jim regularly and they talk about those first missions and laugh about them. Also, he makes a party in honour of him every once in a year.

Duke and Jim are those people who don’t understand anything what’s going on and they bond over that. Duke, when he was little; wanted to join the Birds of Prey but then realised it was only women but BoP decided to let him join on special missions and only he has the permission to join them.

Alfred and Babs are the only ones who are sensible. They co-babysit the Batkids and they relate to each other and have fancy tea-parties (when the rest go for patrolling). They, along with Jason have cooking fests and competitions. As expected, Alfred comes first place, Jay second and Babs third, but they all cook such delicious food.

Kate and Babs regularly go for shopping together and both of them have flirted on many occasions.

Since Kate worked in the military, she and Jim discuss the weaponry and how they army implement s laws and stuff related to this (Idk I’m not good at these) and also Kate tells Jim about embarrassing memories Bruce did as a kid.

The Sirens, BoP & the rogues (except Joker) respect the both the Gordons so much. And if they commit a crime, one Gordon glare was enough to give them nightmares for a week.

Dick & Dinah both compete for Babs attention too.

Haper and Babs train a lot and gossip about everyone else. She, Babs, Tim & Luke are known as the ‘Tech Gang’ and hangout at Babs apartment.

DC can this please be canon?

(Please reblog if you like it!!)

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4 years ago

core four things dc should give back to me:

Core Four Things Dc Should Give Back To Me:
Core Four Things Dc Should Give Back To Me:
Core Four Things Dc Should Give Back To Me:
Core Four Things Dc Should Give Back To Me:

Tim’s skateboard, Cassie’s short hair, Kon’s earring, and Bart’s hair being RIDICULOUSLY HUGE

thank you

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6 months ago
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V
Brit & Mallick In The 10 Pints Of Sacrifice Trap From Saw V

brit & mallick in the 10 pints of sacrifice trap from saw v

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