Yukamitsu - Tumblr Posts

old doodles :P

yukichie, yukamitsu and wolfspider doodles i made as bribery to make my mutals vote hannigram in a twitter poll. We lost 👍

There's yuri in my persona game (hell yea)

new + old p3 stuff
yukamitsu is sooo crazy like. what if i resented the fact that you had your father and i didn't. what if we were both burdened by the sins of our fathers. what if i was there for you when your father was murdered even though he indirectly caused the death of mine. what if we gossiped at a park and went shopping like we were two regular kids the day before armageddon. what if i was grieving badly but came home because you called. what if i was so touched by your presence in my worst times that i devoted myself to you even though i think you're wrong because i can see you're hurting worse than everyone else. what if i stuck by you no matter what

a cleaned up version of this sketch, now available as a print on my store! it comes with a free yukamitsu sticker. check out my store for more persona merch!

HAD to draw this as them. mitsuru needs to be so so so tall

Hey, so I may have stayed up till 0:30 am last night to draw this. Yes, I'm aware I'm a raving homosexual with autism and I'm too deep in to care at this point.

So I may have got an urge to draw a crossover version of persona 3 and doctor who in the form of a redraw of the season 2 poster.

playing this game for the first time. these two are such lesbos

yukamitsu for the girlies happy femslash feb
Her arrows look like hearts in the official art its cute

There's yuri in my persona game (hell yea)

they Kissed once and I was There and it was SO Cool