Yukari Takeba - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

lol so true busty….i mean breastie…i mean. fuck

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1 year ago

Ok so I will now be starting my massive persona pony dump for designs and backstory, unfortunately Yukari and Junpei have minimal details as I designed them before I decided to write millions of paragraphs but oh well I’ll probably only write minimal comments on here so it isn’t as long as it could be.

Ok So I Will Now Be Starting My Massive Persona Pony Dump For Designs And Backstory, Unfortunately Yukari

Typhoon Targets aka Yukari, her name is comprised of Typhoon which is giant storm as she has wind powers and also Targets since archery.

Ok So I Will Now Be Starting My Massive Persona Pony Dump For Designs And Backstory, Unfortunately Yukari

Hot Shot aka Junpei, his name alludes to his fire powers and also is what you’d call someone who is good at sports such as baseball, ngl I’m super proud of how his coloration came together

Ok So I Will Now Be Starting My Massive Persona Pony Dump For Designs And Backstory, Unfortunately Yukari

Current Champion aka Akihiko, his name is a play on being the champion in boxing and also electrical currents. I added part of the Gemini constellation to his vest and added the other half to Shinji pony’s beanie. Unfortunately I think I drew his head a bit small but can’t really change it now, rippppp.

Ok So I Will Now Be Starting My Massive Persona Pony Dump For Designs And Backstory, Unfortunately Yukari

Icy Heiress aka Mitsuru, her name is a play on her icy personality and ice powers, the second part of her name being how she is heir to kirijo company. I’m wondering if she should be like a princess or just from really upper class unicorn family.

Ok So I Will Now Be Starting My Massive Persona Pony Dump For Designs And Backstory, Unfortunately Yukari

Wallflower Wires aka Fuuka, ngl she has probably one of if not my favorite designs out of pony SEES, anyways a Wallflower is a super shy person and wires is in reference to her enjoyment of mechanic work

Ok I’m actually posting this in 2 parts and I don’t want this to be of overwhelming size, I doubt anyone else cares about this but like if curious feel free to ask questions about this au.

Smth is happening to the pictures and they are all turning into Mitsuru and Fuuka I swear to god if I have to write all of this out again.

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10 months ago
Yukari !! Yukari !!

Yukari !! Yukari !!

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4 months ago
digital drawing of Yukari Takeba reading a magazine while talking to the persona 3 protagonist.  she says "My favorite part?  Oh, the sunset..." while glancing away.  she is blushing.
a digital drawing of Mitsuru Kirijo reading a book and talking to the persona 3 protagonist.  she has a hand against her cheek and her eyes closed as she blushes.  she says "The sunset over the lake was so beautiful."
a digital drawing of the persona 3 protagonist.  it is in two panels.  in the first panel, he is thinking while looking up and to his right.  a question mark is floating by his head.  in the second panel, he is looking more forward with his mouth slightly open and his visible eyebrow raised.  he seems to have realized something: the lesbian flag (i.e. the sunset flag) is shown floating above his head, followed by an exclamation point.
a digital drawing with a screenshot of the entrance floor to tartarus in the background.  transposed over the screenshot, there is a banner above the foot of the stairs that reads "let's go lesbians!"  referencing the famous let's go lesbians meme.  The persona 3 protagonist can be seen beside the banner, holding a lesbian flag.  he is also crouched down petting Koromaru, whose usual dog harness has been swapped out for a harness with the sunset flag's colors.  in front of the scene, we seen Mitsuru and Yukari's heads from behind.  we cannot see their facial expressions, but they both have the anime sweat drop (💧) going down their heads.

There's yuri in my persona game (hell yea)

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4 months ago

yukamitsu is sooo crazy like. what if i resented the fact that you had your father and i didn't. what if we were both burdened by the sins of our fathers. what if i was there for you when your father was murdered even though he indirectly caused the death of mine. what if we gossiped at a park and went shopping like we were two regular kids the day before armageddon. what if i was grieving badly but came home because you called. what if i was so touched by your presence in my worst times that i devoted myself to you even though i think you're wrong because i can see you're hurting worse than everyone else. what if i stuck by you no matter what

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4 months ago
A Cleaned Up Version Of This Sketch, Now Available As A Print On My Store! It Comes With A Free Yukamitsu

a cleaned up version of this sketch, now available as a print on my store! it comes with a free yukamitsu sticker. check out my store for more persona merch!

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4 months ago
We've Never Been More Back Btw
We've Never Been More Back Btw

we've never been more back btw

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4 months ago
HAD To Draw This As Them. Mitsuru Needs To Be So So So Tall

HAD to draw this as them. mitsuru needs to be so so so tall

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1 year ago
Yeah So Persona 3 Brainrot Has Flooded My Brain As Yeah Expect A Good Chunk Of Persona 3 Fanart I Guess

Yeah so persona 3 brainrot has flooded my brain as yeah expect a good chunk of persona 3 fanart I guess as autism do be like that sometimes

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1 year ago
Hey, So I May Have Stayed Up Till 0:30 Am Last Night To Draw This. Yes, I'm Aware I'm A Raving Homosexual

Hey, so I may have stayed up till 0:30 am last night to draw this. Yes, I'm aware I'm a raving homosexual with autism and I'm too deep in to care at this point.

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