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108 posts

I Have To Know Everything Thats Going To Happen To Me At Doctors And Hospitals Or I Panic

I have to know everything that’s going to happen to me at doctors and hospitals or I panic

So don’t let your whumpee know what’s going on. Blindfold them and don’t answer a single question. They’ll know it hurts, but they won’t know exactly what whumper’s doing to them until it’s over.


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More Posts from Acer-whumpstuff

5 months ago

Recent thoughts have been plaguing me.

Whumpee talks a lot, sings a lot, shouts when they’re in pain and their laugh is really really loud. Just a loud Whumpee. And their whole life obviously they’ve been told to shut up or lower their voice. But Caretaker never told them that, they said they loved all of Whumpee’s sounds. They always knew who was laughing in a crowded room, always knew where to find them if they stubbed their toe

That is, until whumpee messes up some mission by being too loud. Maybe i's a small mission, maybe its a big one. Doesn't matter, either way, whumpee fucked it up. the whole team blows up at whumpee about it, and they're sorry, but they don't feel TOO too bad. That is until they're giggling at their phone later that day and Caretaker suddenly screams

Oh my GOD can you not SHUT UP!?

Later (blah blah blah plot) Whumpee is taken by Whumper, their enemy. Whumper promises Whumpee they'll return them a 'useful teammate.' Whumpee just has to admit their biggest flaw to Whumper and then they’ll be good!

The team hasn’t been looking for Whumpee for too long before they show up, looking perfectly fine (if a little tired). Caretaker keeps asking if they’re okay, what happened, do they need anything, but all Whumpee does is nod, shake their head, or give a thumbs-up.

Caretaker and the team begin to doubt if Whumpee was even taken by Whumper. They think they just ran off on their own after everyone yelled at them and are choosing not to speak to ‘punish them’ for what they said. They start to speak about how nice and quiet it is around the base with Whumpee no longer screaming and shouting all the time.

That is, until Caretaker sees Whumpee stub their toe again. They flinch, expecting Whumpee’s shrill scream, but there’s just silence. Whumpee just up and down and holds their foot, pouting, but no noise.

Caretaker confronts them but again all they get is body language, no speech. Annoyed, they drag Whumpee to medical, expecting the team’s psychologist to knock some sense into them, only for medical to discover a large scar on Whumpee’s neck they’d been hiding with makeup and clothing.

Whumpee had asked Whumper to ‘debark’ them, had asked to have their voice removed. And now Caretaker and the rest of the team would live in absence of their singing, giggling, and jokes.

But the team doesn’t realize they asked, they think Whumper did it by themself. They don’t know Whumpee asked for it, believing it the only way to become useful to the team.

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6 months ago

That’s whump of one of my worst fears, thank you

day 13: drugging/poisoning/cannibalism

content: noncon drugging, sickfic

“I don’ feel so well…” Whumpee slurred, head lolling to the side. “I don’t— the world… is tilting…”

“Shh, it’s okay,” Caretaker tried gently. “It’s gonna be okay, yeah? It seems, um… It seems you’ve been drugged, but don’t freak out— it’s likely nothing horrible. You just have to sleep it off.”

Whumpee’s eyes widened. “D-Drugged?”

“It’s nothing lethal. I know. We checked for that in your system, and it’s nothing lethal. I swear.”

Whumpee tried to wriggle out of Caretaker’s hold, but in their state, that was no small feat. They could barely lift their head. “We need to get it out… We need… We need to get it out…”

“It’ll clear out of your system naturally, don’t worry about it—”

“No!” Whumpee was filled to the brim with artificially induced paranoia and they weren’t backing down. “No, I need it out, now. Make me throw up. Do something.” 

“Whumpee, no.” Caretaker pushed them back down onto the bed, more firm this time. “It’ll be gone by the morning. Just rest.”

Whumpee closed their eyes, but it only served to make the dizziness worse. “I can’t do this all night… Please…” 

Caretaker caressed their cheek gently, shushing them. “I know. I know it’s bad. But it’s all gonna be okay — I’m gonna be here all night, looking after you. It’s gonna be okay.”

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5 months ago
Antlered Flutter Flies (toxonevra Superba) | This_mama_fetz On Ig
Antlered Flutter Flies (toxonevra Superba) | This_mama_fetz On Ig

antlered flutter flies (toxonevra superba) | this_mama_fetz on ig

6 months ago

Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..

My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.

Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏

If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉

https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗

While I may have no funds I can definitely at least spread the word

6 months ago

Pirate Whump

the brig!! thrown in there and forgotten while saltwater seeps through and drenches whumpee constantly leaving them coughing and miserable

lack of sleep, forced to be on duty for hours at a time

smacking whumpee to the deck with a blow that leaves their eyes watering.

scrubbing the deck until their hands are scraped and bleeding. their arms and back ache so badly that when they stand up, they immediately double over.

flogging for minor mistakes. the humiliation of having their shirt ripped away and the stabbing, sharp pain of the cat o'nine tails on their skin is enough to break down the most stoic of the crew

collapsing on deck. in general. fainting. nausea. suddenly light headed and woozy from blood loss

falling to the deck on hands and knees and scraping them on the rough, worm-eaten wood

hostage situations on “friendly” terms. whumpee can wander around on deck and maybe they even joke around with some of the pirates. but the minute they try to escape, there’s a sweeping blade at their throat and someone roughly manhandling them to the captains quarters to be “dealt with”

being made an example of for misconduct is often extreme and cruel. there are no laws on the high seas

the damage left by the opposing side’s cannon fire? timber embedded in limbs, gaping wounds, and formerly brave sailors curling up in fetal positions to try and protect themselves

a captain whumper who calls their prisoner whumpee “darling” in the most derogatory way possible.

emergency first aid being applied hurriedly and with unskilled hands.bandages made from old shirts, amputations done unabashedly and crew mates being carried back fireman style to their ship.

“bite down on this” and “don’t look” as they cut away a damaged limb, multiple crew members holding whumpee down

mer whumpees— caught and put on a leash so they’re dragged along the side of the boat. sometimes they pull whumpee up and “have a bit of fun” as whumpee thrashes and gasps for air.

captain whumpee found stranded on an island by an opposing captain. they’re “taken care of” by being humiliated and beaten, laughed at, and forced to be the cabin boy