Augusnippets Day 13 - Tumblr Posts
Augusnippets Day 13: Forced to Watch (alt prompt)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Luke tries to spare Annabeth during The Titan's curse. Percy can do nothing but watch from his dreams as this happens.
"The girl is of no use to us." A voice said. Percy still wasn't sure who was talking.
"She can be used as bait for the half-bloods." Luke said. Annabeth lay on the ground.
"The goddess will also serve that purpose. There is no need to keep the young half-blood alive. Kill her."
Luke looked distraught. "No. The half-bloods have a personal attachment to her. They are more likely to come for Annabeth; especially Poseidon's son." He walked over to Annabeth. as if he would protect her.
If Percy didn't know better, he'd say Luke didn't want her dead. However he'd ordered her death half a year ago. That couldn't be the case.
The man didn't seem to want to budge. Percy wanted nothing more than step in and save her like she had done for him. However, he couldn't move. After all, this was simply a dream. All he could do was watch and hope that Luke convinced him to leave her alive.
"Leave the young maiden alone." Artemis argued.
Luke looked over the goddess then back to the Titan. He whispered as he spoke. "Please, do not make me kill her."
The Titan didn't move or speak. He just waited for Luke to get over his idea of saving Annabeth and kill her.
"If you will not show her mercy" Luke kneeled in front of the figure. "Show me mercy. I ask you, do not kill my sister." The demigod's voice shook.
Percy felt his blood go cold. Luke was begging for Annabeth's life and he couldn't do anything about it.
"Kill the girl Castellan. Prove to me you can do it or I'll have to report your failure." The enemy's voice was harsher than it had been.
Luke was faced with a choice; kill Annabeth or betray Kronos. Trying to help, Percy started to yell out to Luke and Annabeth. "Annabeth! Annabeth, get up!"
"Annabeth, could be a strong ally. Let me talk to her, maybe she will align."
"Take the deal!" Percy yelled, knowing his voice couldn't be heard.
"Kill that daughter of Athena!" The voice shook though the cavern.
Tears filled Percy's eyes and he saw that they also filled Luke's. This was never really in either of their hands. Taking a look at his sword, Luke raised it. He turned towards Annabeth. "No!" Percy yelled out.
Then he woke up, unaware of Annabeth's fate. Tears fell down his face as he realized there was only one way to find out if she was alive. He would have to go to her.
@augusnippets day 13
drugging / poison / cannibalism
forced/unwilling cannibalism, captivity, death mention
Whumpee sat across from Whumper at the table, cutting into his food warily. Whumper watched with all too much interest, hands clasped together.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Whumpee asked before he could take a bite.
Whumper smiled kindly, averting his eyes to sip some wine. When the glass came back down, he spoke. "My apologies, dear. It's a new recipe— I'm eager to see you try it."
Whumpee nodded, shuffling his feet. A rattling sound came with it, caused by the chains securing Whumpee to the chair. "What's the recipe?"
"Lemon-pepper pork steak and rice."
Whumpee took a bite, chewing thoughtfully. "Mmh, not bad. Thank you for dinner."
"Of course, Whumpee. My pleasure. Really, you can thank Other Whumpee."
"What? Other Whumpee is dead."
"Why, he supplied our meat tonight." Whumper grinned, taking another bite. He frowned as Whumpee began to cough and try to regurgitate his food.
"You said it was pork!"
"What, never heard of long pig?"
That’s whump of one of my worst fears, thank you
day 13: drugging/poisoning/cannibalism
content: noncon drugging, sickfic
“I don’ feel so well…” Whumpee slurred, head lolling to the side. “I don’t— the world… is tilting…”
“Shh, it’s okay,” Caretaker tried gently. “It’s gonna be okay, yeah? It seems, um… It seems you’ve been drugged, but don’t freak out— it’s likely nothing horrible. You just have to sleep it off.”
Whumpee’s eyes widened. “D-Drugged?”
“It’s nothing lethal. I know. We checked for that in your system, and it’s nothing lethal. I swear.”
Whumpee tried to wriggle out of Caretaker’s hold, but in their state, that was no small feat. They could barely lift their head. “We need to get it out… We need… We need to get it out…”
“It’ll clear out of your system naturally, don’t worry about it—”
“No!” Whumpee was filled to the brim with artificially induced paranoia and they weren’t backing down. “No, I need it out, now. Make me throw up. Do something.”
“Whumpee, no.” Caretaker pushed them back down onto the bed, more firm this time. “It’ll be gone by the morning. Just rest.”
Whumpee closed their eyes, but it only served to make the dizziness worse. “I can’t do this all night… Please…”
Caretaker caressed their cheek gently, shushing them. “I know. I know it’s bad. But it’s all gonna be okay — I’m gonna be here all night, looking after you. It’s gonna be okay.”