Medical Whump - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Whumpee's strapped to a cold steel table with no room to struggle. Whumper holds a needle staring at them hungrily without hardly blinking.

"This won't kill you..." They say, flicking the mid of the needle.

"But depending on how much you struggle, it will hurt you."

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1 year ago

Lab whumper dialogue

My favorite trope is the sadistic scientist/doctor whumper, so I may have indulged…

1. “The greatest scientific discoveries often require us to step outside of our comfort zones. Are you willing to take that leap with me?”

2. “It will only hurt for a moment.”

3. “My dear, the ends always justify the means. Think of how so many people will find our research beneficial. You aren’t being selfish, are you?”

4. “Morality is just a construct created by society.”

5. “Everything we do is in the name of science… and science requires sacrifice.”

6. “You should feel privileged. Few people have the chance to contribute so directly to the advancement of science.”

7. “I understand your apprehension, but remember, you agreed to this.”

8. “I must admit, darling, I find your resilience quite admirable. You’re much stronger than my previous test subjects. But don’t worry, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to break even the strongest of wills.”

9. “I assure you, I have done this many times before. You will be fine.”

10. “I know the methods I use may seem cruel to the unenlightened mind, but you’ll understand… one day.”

11. “I’ll have to remember to make note of this in my journal. Fascinating.”

12. “The line between genius and madness is a thin one, so go ahead and call me mad. To me, it’s a compliment.”

13. “You signed a consent form, correct? Then you fully knew the risks.”

14. “You’re doing so well, darling. Just a little longer and we’’ll have all the data we need.”

15. “I’m sorry, but the procedure was not a complete success. We’ll have to try again. As many times as it takes. You understand, right?”

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1 year ago

since you’ve said no one has asked this of you,, could you please write an absolutely fucked up and depraved drabble??

pretty please 🥺

omg im sorry i didnt mean it that way. i just meant whenever i get a request for smth fucked up and depraved its never w the wording "heres a challenge for u" bc thats just my default drabble style😭😭😭 BUT YES I CAN !!!!! I JUST HAD A GOOD TALK W MY FRIEND ABT A MESSED UP THING . ENJOY

tw vivisection, gore, blood, nsfw, medical setting, wound fingering

Whumper made the incision precisely and carefully, with the steady hands of an experienced surgeon. Well, self-trained surgeon. They didn’t like to toot their own horn, really, but they had gotten quite good at the craft despite never having received any formal education on it. They had read all the books they could get their hands on, they had practised tirelessly… and now they were putting real surgeons to shame. But they didn’t like to brag.

This one didn’t need all the caution, though. Whumpee was immortal, so all the safety measures like disinfecting the scalpel were just routine, something Whumper did absentmindedly before they started on any new project. The poor thing was whimpering on the operating table, biting down on the cloth in their mouth so hard that Whumper thought their pointed teeth might go through it. That would’ve been a shame. Tears were streaming down their flushed cheeks, and Whumper made no effort to wipe them away, too focused on the work at hand.

More of a passion project, actually.

They folded back the flesh, pushing flaps of skin out of the way like it was nothing more than a curtain to peek behind. Bones fell away under their trusty saw and hammer, and Whumpee just wailed, wailed until their throat was too hoarse to continue. There it was, their heart, their immortal, ever-beating heart, one they could rip out and crush in their hand, yet the next day it would be right where it belonged. They wondered, distantly, whether Whumpee had wished for a more permanent death by now.

Whumper lowered the bloody scalpel to one of their thick arteries, making the smallest cut they could without compromising their plan. They needed it to be a small cut. Tight.

They slowly slipped a finger inside, testing the waters and making Whumpee twitch under their touch. It was slick with the freshest blood their body had to offer, warm with life itself, stretching readily to accommodate Whumper. It was inviting. It was perfect. They pulled back and took their surgical glove off, yet another unnecessary precaution they had taken to protect someone who couldn’t die of infection, and dove right back in with their bare hand this time.

The feeling of their skin against the inside of Whumpee’s artery was something indescribable. They pushed it in slowly, feeling around, exploring. The subject’s muffled pleas faded into the background as they kept moving their hand, pulling out, then pushing back in again, enjoying the familiar viscosity of their blood coating them. Could they fit another finger? Was that too greedy? Too eager? They couldn’t resist. 

It was an even tighter fit and Whumpee’s thrashing only intensified. Ironically, the thing causing them so much distress was the very same one keeping their blood in their body despite their torn open pulmonary artery. It ran slow, sluggish even, the thick drops finding little space to squeeze past the doctor’s invasive fingers.

Whumper licked their lips, exhaling shakily. They couldn’t pull their fingers out, that would’ve come with the risk of their patient bleeding to death within seconds. Yes, that was the only reason they kept doing it. They weren’t enjoying it that much, they were merely leaving their fingers inside until they thought of a solution. They weren’t stroking the wall of Whumpee’s artery at all. They were just thinking of the best way to reverse the damage so Whumpee could heal faster. And while they were thinking… they just had to keep the wound blocked.


general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump

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10 months ago

I’ll come back to this in the morning, but I’m diabetic and oh god the whump potential

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10 months ago

I’m coming back like I said I would for

Diabetes whump

(Just a quick super simplified rundown of what diabetes is: you have an organ called a pancreas which among other things creates a hormone called insulin. Insulin + sugar/carbs = energy. Pancreas not working means diabetes. Type one is genetic or may have no particular cause. Type two is caused by overexerting the pancreas with too much sugar and not enough exercise. Type three is gestational, or pregnancy diabetes.

Low blood sugar means not enough sugar or too much insulin. High means not enough insulin or too much sugar).


Waking up at odd hours of the night with severe highs and lows

Running out of insulin in the middle of the day and throwing up due to the high when you get home

Whumpee who’s scared of needles, but still has to get shots multiple times a day

Insulin pump or CGM (continuous glucose monitor) getting torn off and bleeding

Whumpee scared of blood taking manual finger tests

The random headaches

Also just the regular symptoms, not even thinking about treating it

Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) feels like:



Lack of apetite

Fast heart rate

Difficulty breathing

Constant extreme thirst

Frequent urination because you’re drinking so much

Changes in taste buds (for me water starts to taste like plastic, which sucks when you’re so thirsty

Sudden feeling of being cold

Some people get irritable

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can feel like:

Shakiness and difficulty walking

Difficulty thinking/ brain fog


Extreme sweating and feeling hot

Blackouts in memory

In extreme cases, severe aggression

Severe cases of either can cause seizures, passing out, and comas.


Overdose them with insulin and watch them shake, sweaty and confused (also works on non-diabetics)

Refrain from giving them insulin and wait for them to start throwing up before telling them to beg

Caretakers doing all of whumpee’s shots for them

Doctor whumper who keeps telling whumper it’s the flu or a stomach bug

Diabetic caretaker and whumpee who was tortured with needles and can’t be around caretaker when they take their shots

Whumpee who gets tangled in their insulin pump’s tubes or IV tubes


Everyone has my full permission to use diabetes as a whump idea, I want to see y’all’s ideas too on this and any chronic illnesses you guys might have!

I’ll come back to this in the morning, but I’m diabetic and oh god the whump potential

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5 months ago

Recent thoughts have been plaguing me.

Whumpee talks a lot, sings a lot, shouts when they’re in pain and their laugh is really really loud. Just a loud Whumpee. And their whole life obviously they’ve been told to shut up or lower their voice. But Caretaker never told them that, they said they loved all of Whumpee’s sounds. They always knew who was laughing in a crowded room, always knew where to find them if they stubbed their toe

That is, until whumpee messes up some mission by being too loud. Maybe i's a small mission, maybe its a big one. Doesn't matter, either way, whumpee fucked it up. the whole team blows up at whumpee about it, and they're sorry, but they don't feel TOO too bad. That is until they're giggling at their phone later that day and Caretaker suddenly screams

Oh my GOD can you not SHUT UP!?

Later (blah blah blah plot) Whumpee is taken by Whumper, their enemy. Whumper promises Whumpee they'll return them a 'useful teammate.' Whumpee just has to admit their biggest flaw to Whumper and then they’ll be good!

The team hasn’t been looking for Whumpee for too long before they show up, looking perfectly fine (if a little tired). Caretaker keeps asking if they’re okay, what happened, do they need anything, but all Whumpee does is nod, shake their head, or give a thumbs-up.

Caretaker and the team begin to doubt if Whumpee was even taken by Whumper. They think they just ran off on their own after everyone yelled at them and are choosing not to speak to ‘punish them’ for what they said. They start to speak about how nice and quiet it is around the base with Whumpee no longer screaming and shouting all the time.

That is, until Caretaker sees Whumpee stub their toe again. They flinch, expecting Whumpee’s shrill scream, but there’s just silence. Whumpee just up and down and holds their foot, pouting, but no noise.

Caretaker confronts them but again all they get is body language, no speech. Annoyed, they drag Whumpee to medical, expecting the team’s psychologist to knock some sense into them, only for medical to discover a large scar on Whumpee’s neck they’d been hiding with makeup and clothing.

Whumpee had asked Whumper to ‘debark’ them, had asked to have their voice removed. And now Caretaker and the rest of the team would live in absence of their singing, giggling, and jokes.

But the team doesn’t realize they asked, they think Whumper did it by themself. They don’t know Whumpee asked for it, believing it the only way to become useful to the team.

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1 year ago

Random whump things I’m absolutely soft for:

-Medical professional turned patient. Person who cares for the sick/wounded for a living being forced to accept care themselves? Delicious stuff

-Caregiver not knowing/having the right tools/medicine to help Whumpee, but trying desperately to save them anyway

-Whumpee waking up from nightmares/fever dreams, and Caregiver immediately rushing to their side and reassuring them that they’re safe

-Caregiver having to feed Whumpee when they’ve injured both hands

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4 months ago

Something that whump writers don’t consider:

IVs feel cold. Can you imagine a room temperature liquid going directly into the bloodstream of someone who’s 97-104 degrees? It’s hellish. You can’t get warm no matter how much external heat you receive.

Imagine a delirious whumpee whimpering and clawing at an IV while being restrained and reassured by Caretaker.

“No no no, that stays in”

“Hey, hey. I know it hurts, but it’ll help you feel better”

Maybe the whumpee’s hallucinating, thinking that they’re being tortured. When Caretaker’s words fail to get through, they have to use gentle touches and singing. Or, if you want to be mean, you can have the Caretaker being forced to restrain Whumpee to prevent them from hurting themselves until they run out of energy and pass out.

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4 months ago

AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications

TW---This post contains a lot of blood, gore and violence.

AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications

My Name - Ep. 3

Bloodhounds - Ep. 1

Fak Fah Kiri Dao (ฟากฟ้าคีรีดาว) (My Himalayan Embrace) - Ep. 3

Two Worlds - Ep 4

SilHaa KonKla Tah Atham (Zeal 5 Kon Gla Tah Atam) - Ep. 94

Rurouni Kenshin (2012)

Extracurricular - Ep. 7

Tien Bromance - Ep. 10

Tomb of the Sea - Ep. End of 1 & Beginning of 2

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