Doo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bah Doo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bah Doo-bee-doo-bee-doo-bah
27 posts
If Anyone's Interested, There's A Vine Compilation Of Double Life SMP On YouTube!
If anyone's interested, there's a vine compilation of Double Life SMP on YouTube!
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More Posts from Agentperrytheplatyypus
Back to school Gothic
Everyone has a new look for this school year. They all look completely different. You don’t recognize anyone.
The blinds are always down, and you don’t know why.
Orientation has been rescheduled to the end of the year. No-one addresses that this could be an issue.
Every time you put something in your pencil case it disappears. To where you don’t know. You just know that it won’t come back.
All new students get called up to the principal, but no one remembers what they were told.
Even though none of the windows is open, crows still get into all the classrooms. When a crow sits on a student’s desk they go home and never returns.
There is only one club in the entire school. No-one is allowed to join and all information about it is “classified”
I would like to say that there's now another vine compilation on the YouTube channel "End Ward"
If anyone's interested, there's a vine compilation of Double Life SMP on YouTube!
Have you seen my fangs?
Tag yourself: Modern monsters.
Vampire: Black leather jackets and sunglasses, night owl, blood-red lipstick and black eye shadow, deep kisses, mysterious, is a picky eater, intelligent and witty, buys old stuff for “the aesthetic”, wants to see the world, is a wine-person, can do a perfect snarl, eye-rolls at stupid people.
Werewolf: Long and colourfull nails, loves puppies, eat a lot of meat, playful, is athletic, protec and attac, can’t do math, is sweet and lovable, hoodies and running shoes, loves to cuttle, always knows when the next full moon is.
Siren: Coloured hair, wears skirts and dresses, swims at night, shiny highlighter, doesn’t wear shoes, seduces people with her songs, eyes as deep as the ocean, shallow kisses, laughs at her own jokes, sings in the shower, likes the stars, collect crystals and seashells.
Zombie: Wears statement t-shirts, mixes food together, can’t do sports to save her life, knows all the memes, a fangirl TM, would lose her head if it weren’t attached to her body, pillow-forts and blankets, is very lazy.
Witch: Wears all black, magical symbols as tattoos, carries her potions in water-bottles, her house is full of plants, has a pet bird, loves the outdoors, grows her own greens, vegetarian, wears hats, scientific, cat-person.
Ghost: Is shy, cold colours, clothes that flow in the wind, sensitive, cries a lot, mostly stays at home, owns an ouija-board, want everyone to get along, pale, soft lipgloss, is always freezing, walks lightly, doodles on everything, stares through people, remember embarrassing things too often.
If Julieta Madrigal can heal anything, then why does Mirabel and Agustín use glasses?