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Smash, Hug, Or Pass #3
Smash, Hug, Or Pass #3

Character: Rias Gremory from Highschool DXD
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Omg I love thisβ€οΈβ€οΈπ©·please do a part 2 of this, maybe Alastor kissing the reader in that form or hugging them. I need Giant Alastor fluff
Giant story
It is finally here! Sorry it took me so long to make this! Good news is that i have another that I started with this print that turned into a different story so I guess there will be two? This one is mostly for fun. Clean but still minors don't interact please.
Basically Alastor is stuck in his huge form in the parlour and your his entertainment.
You knew you shouldn't be giggling but you just couldn't help it.
Rarely was it that Alastor found himself in ANY situation that wasn't completely in his control.
"Don't worry Alastor! W..we will figure out a way to get you back! I promise!" Charlie yelled back as she left to exit the parlour with Vaggie
The latter quickly leaned towards you before exiting "you stay here and do what you can to get him to not to destroy the place."
Oh yeah. Sure. You couldn't even get Alastor to stop messing with others normally. How the fuck where you going to when he is the size of a fucking house!?
You looked up at Alastor who looked pissed at his present predicament. Like a fucked up version of Alice he was forced to sit even in the spacious parlour while stuck in his terrifying giant form.
You didn't know if he was more pissed off at being stuck, or the fact that he didn't know who could have slipped him the drug that caused the semi permanent growth. You knew though. You tried to even warn Angel and Nifty that pulling this prank would go wrong, and you remembered his look of horror when you reminded him that it was the drink that made Alice shrink. NOT the cookie he had just given Alastor.
Luckily Husk, Angel, and Nifty were able to escape out the hotel before he could grab them. Though you knew the moment he went back to normal there would be hell to pay.
Right now though he was stuck, and was currently trying to get his antlers untangled in the chandelier. You really couldn't help the little giggle that escaped. The contrast of his horrifying form and the cute aggravation with his antlers was just too much.
So much that you didn't notice the abrupt halt of rattling as he turned towards you.
"Something funny my dear?"you paused. Fear ran through you as you realized you fucked up. You turned quickly towards his irritation and raised your hands. You could feel the static irritation even from where you were standing.
"I'm sorry! I just.. " your voice trailed off as your eyes wondered off towards the chandelier now somehow even more tangled. You had to fight for your life to stifle the laugh that threatened when he tried to lean towards you only to be pulled back. You really needed to try to not show any amusement since pissing him off more was the last thing you needed to do.
Fighting back anymore giggles you sheepishly asked "I'm sorry...I shouldn't laugh. Do you want me to help you with that?" You began to walk up the stairs towards the light. You sheepishly paused near his antler waiting for his response to be anything other than the intense glare he was currently giving you.
After a moment his eyes closed with a sigh tilting his antler down so you could climb it. You hesitated for a moment before carefully stepping onto it. Honestly you didn't really know how you were going to help in the first place but you didn't want to argue or piss him off anymore than you already had.
Still you couldn't help the tiny yelp that escaped as he raised his head back into a comfortable position unintentionally attacking you with gravitation. Eventually the moment stopped and you could breath again before getting to the chandelier. Unnoticed by you however was the slight change in deminior your little yelp caused in the giant.
As you tugged on the various chains and untangled them you decided to try and dig yourself out of the hole you were in a little more. "H...hey Alastor?"
"Hmm?" He motioned towards you which caused you to stumble slightly from the shake. You made sure to keep your eyes on the chandelier before you because no doubt the ground is much farther away than your nerves could handle.
"I-I am really sorry still about my behaviour before.. I didn't mean to offend or upset you in anyway." Your voice was shaky. You really didn't like heights and you began to plead with the chandelier to stop sticking to his antler so you could get the fuck down.
"Oh it is quite alright dear.." once again the shaking of his head caused you to stumble slightly. "I guess I'm just not looking forward to being bored. Always was one in search of entertainment you know! Ha!"
You could have sworn the way he was moving his head was intentional as his laugh caught you off guard and you were flung from your spot onto another part of the antler. Which you thankfully were able to catch and hold onto. Alastor didn't see it but he certainly heard it as you screamed quite loudly coupled with some curse words.
As frazzled as you were you still needed to keep the man calm. "A-sorry about that! I lost my footing there!" You worked yourself into a better position to hold on. "I'm sure we can find something for you to keep busy. Even if it's just me I'm sure we can find something!"
(Even if it's just me...) what a poor choice of words Alastor thought. Little did you know your little tumble and cry was exactly the thing he was looking for in the moment. After all....you did have the nerve to laugh at him earlier.
"I guess you will have to be my entertainment then!"
Before you could even register your body was suddenly in the air with your arms hugging the antler for dear life as he brought his head down harshly freeing the chandelier from the ceiling. It nearly missed you as you were then swung upwards when he brought his head up sharply. The sudden forced caused your grip to slip. You were flung into the air screaming before being caught roughly by readied claws.
"Gotcha!" Alastor could only giggle at your poor dizzied form as you slumped ever so slightly. He would have to make sure to not exert too much pressure when handling his new toy now wouldn't he?
Your head was in a daze but soon the giant claw against your chin lifting your face slowly made you register your position. You were clasped between giant red claws that threatened to cut you if you moved wrong. While the grip had loosened slightly your waist was still held down by fingers that also trapped your one hand underneath. You helplessly griped the thumb under your chin with your free hand. Your face burning brightly as Alastor began to laugh.
"W-what are you d-doing!?" you managed to stammer out. Completely out of your daze and now fully aware of the very real danger you could be in.
"If I am going to be forced to be stuck here then I will need something to keep busy!" The air momentarily became sucked away from you as he pulled you upwards to his face, the momentum cause your head to jolt forward as he brought it to an immediate stop near his face. His eyes somehow getting wider, and if it weren't for the black abyss you would probably see your terrified self being reflected back in them.
"-and since you find my predicament so amusing my dear....I think you and I will have LOTS of fun~"
You didn't like the way he phrased that.
You didn't like the way he was laughing
You didn't like the way his eyes narrowed in
And you did NOT like the implications there
You began to struggle in his grip to try and free yourself. Your efforts alongside his distracted laughing gave you a momentary win as you broke free.
"SHIT!" You cried as you began to fall towards the ground. The scream didn't have time to escape fully before you were clamped around another hand. This time with a less accommodating grip.
"Careful now sweetheart! You didn't really think that one through now did you?" His mocking was more suffocating than his grip. "Now be a good little doll and don't try that again."
The threat was enforced with a slight squeeze of his hand. You quickly responded with a squeak and a nod of your head and the pressure released slightly. You were struggling with the embarrassment of it all especially when you caught the end of what he said.
"Wait did you just call me a doll?" You audibly mumbled towards him not looking for an answer but more so just weirded out slightly. You almost regretted immediately looking towards him since you were met with a intense scary looking Alastor. You were slightly terrified but there was also something else you couldn't put your finger on.
"Well that's what you are isn't it? Your even the perfect size for a game of toss!"
You blinked. Unsure of how to respond but then too late you realized the mischievous intent.
"Wait!" Was all you got out before you were casually tossed into the air. What followed next were screams and pleas that fell on entertained ears as you were repeatedly tossed into the air and caught. The constant shifting in your stomach from being elevated and dropped was almost too much.
He didn't expect to find such entertainment watching you helplessly flail and kick as you fell back into his hand. But he found himself charmed by your cute little protests you would cry before he tossed you up again. The way your face turned green as he got a particularly good spin on you at some point was particularly amusing.
But there were also moments he couldn't really describe.. little moments when you reached the highest height and hit the light just right... how you looked almost like a delicate little butterfly in the air.. before flopping down like a fish. Such comedy!
Eventually though as your screaming subsided he knew he had to give you a break. Couldn't have you passing out now could he!? With one last spinning toss and catching you closer to the ground you fell back into his hand with a OOMF as you hit his palm.
You would have given him an earful if you weren't currently struggling to stop your head and guts from spinning. Alastor giggled and grinned as he began to pour out your dazed form onto the floor. When you grabbed his finger to stop from falling he found it easy to sway your little body into a twirl. He was used to having people dancing around his fingers but never before had it been quite so literal!
You barely registered how his fingers would bump you around. Looking from
The outside you were waltzing with his hand. Alastor was quite happy to know he was as good as a dancer with just his hands as he even managed to dip you over his index finger.
"Such a pretty little thing to dance so nicely my dear~ it's like you were made to be toyed with!" He boomed as he brought your now only slightly woozy self back up. You didn't even have the energy to respond since you were just happy to be on the ground...wait
"Did you just dip me you-WOAH!" You were able to quickly dodge a pair of fingers that wanted to grab you. There was no NO way you were going to go through that again!
What followed was a series of swipes and dodges as he kept trying to grab you again. "Now now..." While it was still fun for him he was growing a tad impatient "don't be difficult~"
You proceeded to get even more frantic as he got closer and closer to catching you again.
"I won't!"
"Stop it!"
You then took a desperate leap towards the bar and were able to land behind the counter giving you a nice tight space to hide. You doubted he would risk destroying it.
"Ha! Try getting me now asshole! You-Ahhhhh FUCK!?"
"Ah ah ah!" Alastor shook his head as his tentacles managed to grab your legs and pulled you from your hiding place. Nails marks dug into the bar counter as your desperate attempt to cling to it failed and you were once again brought up to Alastors face but this time by your legs and upside down. How lovely!
Resting his head on his hands he watched you flail about before giving up and responding to hiding your reddened face.
This was going to be a LONG day
Awww thank you, glad you love my work so muchπ©·π₯°π©·π₯°
Thanks to @alastor-simp for keeping me sane and happy with their fanfics and posts ππβ¨

"One hell of a butler."

Screenshot re-draw challenge with Alastor :)
XD Ok this is hilariousπ©·πβ€οΈ
Alastor's diet

New Story Idea Poll
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