Leave A Comment - Tumblr Posts

✨️Reminder to people who love reading fanfiction. Leave a Comment and Kudos for the Author! ✨️

Tell them which part was your favorite, or how you were really excited seeing that they posted a new chapter. Or simply say you enjoyed reading the work. You don't have to feel nervous leaving a comment. And don't worry if you have nothing profound to say. A small "I like this" will do. The creator will always love hearing you enjoyed their work. I like to think of leaving a comment for them as watering a garden. A little encouragement from you, and hopefully you help a writer find motivation to continue, and create something wonderful many will enjoy!

Reminder To People Who Love Reading Fanfiction. Leave A Comment And Kudos For The Author!

And please be careful about giving critiques and criticism. These Authors can be fragile things, and many don't want to be the best of the best. They simply want to share stories! So give feedback if they ask (Only If They Ask), but always be respectful, and remember to also tell them what you liked about the work!

(Why am I making this post? Well because I just left a comment on someone's fic. Truthfully, I almost didn't. But I saw how wonderful the fic is and how little comments they had, so I left a simple comment just incase the author was waiting for feedback. I know I would be if I posted a story. And they responded and appreciated I took the time to comment! I'm glad I did! And I want to encourage others to encourage others. Have a good day!)

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2 years ago

heyyy, i did read it as afab (with she/her prounouns) and when i review fics i tend to talk about the mc in gender neutral prounouns. its a habit but i wont do it anymore for this fic ! i wouldnt want to "falsely advertise" about mc having neutral pronouns. (seeing as how little fics with neutral pronouns there are on tumblr to begin with) so i do apologise about that T T but i am VERY happy to see some poc mc representation in bts fics🥺 like, fics smtimes just HAVE to put in how the mc has "milky" skin or straight hair. im just trying to put myself in this story☹ (some even explicitly saying mc has very european features and like FOR WHAT)

and yes!! i put the tone tag in there just incase it seemed negative (/pos stands for positive btw) SO YES IT WAS A HUGE COMPLIMENT. i think its very difficult to portray a "regular" and "smooth" conversations in fics. and you explaining that were going to get "normal person being exposed to weird shit" trope. JUST YES PLS god im such a whore for that trope

omg i would love to share my theories!!😭 it wasnt anything interesting tho!! sorry if i made it seem that way jdfkdo. whenever mc sees a members reflection, they also see hers? and maybe the phone has to be charging at the same time? IDK IM NOT AS CREATIVE LOL PLS

i am glad that my review wasnt too long ! haha im kind of self conscious about writing such a long review BUT i also saw that no one else left a review like that so, i didnt feel as bad 😙 i still, wish more ppl that read fics would like and reblog with smthin nice? since there are so many authors on here who just, dont want to write anymore because of the lack of interactions from their readers


Call Me Crazy…

Rating: T

Word Count: 4.8k

Warning(s): None

Summary: When Y/N gets her hands on the newest Samsung phone, she thinks at most she’ll get a little clout with her friends and fewer dropped calls. A direct portal to BTS? Not so much.

Genre(s): Strangers to Friends to Lovers| Crack Treated Seriously| Fluff| Comedy| Romance| Magical Realism

Tags: bts x reader | ot7 x reader | poly| FM!POC!reader

Ch.1: In Which a New Phone is Long Overdue

A/N: This idea was inspired by this commercial, which I immediately thought would be a good fic idea the moment I first saw it! Just never assumed I’d be the one writing it, so I guess I played myself…anyway, this fic starts in 2019 and is not “canon compliant” (I think I’m using that right). I personally see this Y/N as a POC due to the girl in the commercial this AU is based off. I think she was really cute haha that being said, you don’t have to imagine the commercial actress ofc. Uh, and Y/N is not really an Army at first, sorry. Just thought it’d be more interesting that way. *PLEASE do not ask about the taglist in this story’s comments*

“I can make it better, I can hold you tighter…”

Y/N breezed right by the girls passionately singing along to the latest BTS hit in the hallway. Classes had just ended and caffeine was calling her name. That test prep was a doozy and really, she should definitely—fish the buzzing phone out of her jacket pocket, apparently. If she could even locate it. Why did she adore multiple pockets so much in her outerwear anyway?

Her fingers seized the small device just before it went to voicemail, and she barely glimpsed at the ID before accepting the call. “Hey, heeey,” Binna sang, her good mood evident, “That physiology test? Nailed it!” Y/N smiled, knowing how much her roommate had been stressing that exam, despite studying nonstop for weeks in advance.

Stopping, Y/N tucked herself into a corner of the corridor, out of the way of her fellow students. The tall arched windows provided an unobstructed view of the campus’ sprawling lawn, and the students congregating on it. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from my bestie’s big brain.”

“Try saying that three times fast,” Binna laughed. “How’d your business presentation thingy go?”

Y/N cleared her throat, trying to sound serious, but secretly endeared by Binna. “It’s a supply chain management project. I won’t know how I did until the end of the term, but it’s coming together really well so far.”

“Ohh then are some celebratory drinks at the cafe in order?!”

Y/N dramatically clutched her chest, probably looking like she belonged in the theatre program to the people passing by. “I thought you’d never as—”

“…N?” Binna’s voice began to crackle, fading in and out. “Hel..lo? Y…?”

Gasping indignantly, Y/N took the phone away from her ear to glare at it. “Oh, no you don’t.” Reflexively, she smacked the bottom a few times, momentarily forgetting that would do absolutely nothing for failing reception.

Keep reading

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1 year ago
Wow All This Art Is So Gorgeous, I Just Wanna *eats It And Gains Its Power*
Wow All This Art Is So Gorgeous, I Just Wanna *eats It And Gains Its Power*
Wow All This Art Is So Gorgeous, I Just Wanna *eats It And Gains Its Power*
Wow All This Art Is So Gorgeous, I Just Wanna *eats It And Gains Its Power*

“Wow all this art is so gorgeous, I just wanna–“ *eats it and gains it’s power*

Wow All This Art Is So Gorgeous, I Just Wanna *eats It And Gains Its Power*
Wow All This Art Is So Gorgeous, I Just Wanna *eats It And Gains Its Power*
Wow All This Art Is So Gorgeous, I Just Wanna *eats It And Gains Its Power*

Ok, well, I didn’t gain ALL of its power, but the art still inspired me nonetheless. Here’s a peek at a short comic I’m working on!


I believe the artworks are done by @hadroncollider on Twitter, but I’m not sure. I’ve been having a hard time tracking the artist down! If I’m incorrect, please let me know!!

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5 years ago

The woodsman (WH40K Short story)

I remember when I was but a boy, the sweet horrors of galaxy still unknown to my blossoming mind, they came. Like monsters from the story books I would read as I grew, their forms but a deadly shadow in my fading memory. From what I hear of the survivors, they were titanic wolf like abominations, tall as three men and weighing as much as six, they tore Wood from House as one tears meat from a bone.

To say we were unprepared would be a laughable understatement.

Our knights had seen creatures like they far from the fiefdom in there hunts, there Cannons and swords tearing through there hides like paper. To them they were slight more than a nuisance, an item to distract from the larger beasts of the dead lands. But to mear peasants with rifles, they might as well been gods. Shot bounced harmlessly from there thick hide, only succeeding in showing the beasts to there next target. Some did eventually fall, but not in such numbers as our own.

We hadn’t a chance, the knights were heavily injured from there most recent conquest, there oh so noble riders locked safely on there manor.

If not for our gaurdian angel, we most certainly would have been lost.

He came not in the skin of a man, but that more similar to an armiger. Metal and wires replacing skin and veins. he wasn’t human, closer to the abominations that forsook us. He stood almost 3 meters tall, with armored skin thick as bricks. He looked as though a person who had never seen a man was told to make armor for him. Shoulder plates that extended far above his head, thick joints that could barley move without hitting each other. With him came devastating armaments. In his left hand, a strange gun, that spat shot closer to artillery than bullet, and occasionally a blast of energy like a beam of pure radiant sun. In his right he held a massive hammer, like that of an ancient Terran smith. It looked a rather impractical weapon, easily half his height and being so obviously cumbersome we at first thought it was more trophy than weapon.

You could hear the beasts spine shatter just as our expectations when it was first used in combat.

Even today, almost Fifty years later, the battle is remembered like gospel, and while acounts are Varied, it is commonly agreed upon that the woodsman slew no less than 13 beasts before they ran from my village in terror. He had taken blows that may have even incaipacted a knight, but he stood, armor torn and bloodied, he stood.

It had taken minutes before anyone spoke, the silence akin to the void of space. It’s metallic eyes fixated on a man lying dead on the side of building, gored by beasts, but still griping his weapon even in death. The woodsman strode to the fallen man, and picked him up as if he were a doll in need of sewing, and carried him to the graveyard, gently resting him against a rock. Than another, a woman who had kept the beasts from her child. For her he did the same. This continued for hours, a wordless gesture was spoken by him to our people, one not repayable in ten lifetimes. He then simply walked back into the forest, as if he was suddenly beckoned to others in need.

None of us knew why he had saved us, nor why he treated our dead. We simply couldn’t fathom anyway to comprehend what had happened. Weeks later, when the Knight were repaired and the houses rebuilt, many said we should search for the Angel machine, for it more than deserved our highest thanks. We sent search party’s in explorator tanks that had been in storage since the colony ship had landed on world all those millennia ago. The knights searched far and wide for him, needing to balance there honor with our savior. None found him. It was as if he was a phantom in the wind, gone before we even knew he arrived.

I write this now so my grandchildren may now of this tale, so that the statue in the center of the township has as much meaning to them as it does to there elders. For even now, as my bones grow brittle and my mind begins to fail me, I still know of that man, my, and many others memory’s simply refuse to forget him. He may be long gone by know, even the best of machines will fail without care. But I hope that if we see him again, it shan’t be as a lifeless automaton slumped like a corpse, but as a glorious knight striding into battle once more.

-Arnekev Glasgow, historitor Dominus of Knight Feifdom Raile.

(Please DM/Comment any criticism on this story)

Link to part #2

Link to part one
“I stand here, a testament to your legacy, proof that you once existed” -a common phrase amoungst historitors of the imperium. The old tech

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5 years ago

Link to part #1

The woodsman (WH40K Short story)
I remember when I was but a boy, the sweet horrors of galaxy still unknown to my blossoming mind, they came. Like monsters from the story bo

Woodsman #2

“I stand here, a testament to your legacy, proof that you once existed”

-a common phrase amoungst historitors of the imperium.

The old tech adept strolled amoungst the complex, his great ruby cloak and mechadendrites trailing him, along with a full entourage of servo skulls and servitors. The gleaming metal of his armor and cybernetics obscured all that once made the man human, save but his right eye.

He strolled through the townships main road, remembrances of his childhood still everpresent. He could still feel the brisk chill of the wind, even if the mechanicum had all but rendered him mute to such things with augments. He could almost taste the sweet spring air, all be it with a faint tang of galvanized plasteel. This was one of the few things in life he truly loved, his dedication to The Omnissiah being the only thing to surpass it. Even if his childhood was not spent like that of a normal child (if such a thing even existed in this imperium) he still held fondness for those year long lost, they held a certain calling to him.

None of these memories clearer than those of Him. The Angel, The Saviour, his very reason for joining the Martian Mechanicum, The Woodsman. The memories were like that of a favorite song, he could recite them perfectly. We’re it not for his love of technology as a child and the most base need to learn more about he fiefdoms gaurdian, he very well may have been a remembrancer for the legions. But his lust for knowledge kept him planet bound, always searching, even seventy years later.


He turned his masked face toward the voice.

“It’s time to depart sir”

The gentle features she held would have roused him in his youth, but he was beyond such mortal desires.

“Is it? I thought I could have a short walk before we left” he answered with a soft plea, as if he were a child begging to stay with his friend for just a while longer.

“I’m sorry sir, the knights have said they won’t wait any longer” the sergeant held no malice toward the man, but she was irritated with his whims always getting in the way of his work.

A gentle sigh escaped the man’s vocalizer, “so be it” he answered with gentle gusto “To the Exploritor”

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1 year ago

It’s Christmas Eve🎄❄️🎁.

Its Christmas Eve.

I’m going to making Christmas dinner🍲🍽️ with my family and sharing gifts near the fireplace. Comment below what you will be doing this Christmas.

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11 months ago

ℍ𝕒𝕫𝕓𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕝/ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕧𝕒 𝔹𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕋𝕒𝕘 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥


If you want to be a part of this list, either comment below or message me:)


@alastorsgoldie @91062854-ka , @delectableworm , @iiotic

@cookiekyo , @demoarah , @danveration , @beebsbea ,

@veethewriter , @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @luujjvi ,

@unholycheesesnack , @saturnhas82moons , @jyoongim ,

@aceofcards0-0 , @ghostdoodlen , @yourdoorisunlocked ,

@starshipcookie , @ainsliemac , @aria-tempest , @nobuharashinyao

, @sweet06tart , @blakedbeanss , @ihyperfixatedagain , @ktssstuff ,

@yakultt-art , @mooniee123 , @nightmarenaya , @darischerry ,

@sadnessiscoldtea , @alastorssimp , @imacollasaltitan ,

@dilucragnvindr-my-beloved , @batmanmonstarr , @felice-jaganshi ,

@justchillaine , @crazed-flower , @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog ,

@akiooshizuka , @lokis-imaginary-friend ,

@themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @futureittomainn ,

@christinaatyourservice92 , , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it ,

@angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 ,

@mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow ,

@madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel ,

@artemisandhunters , @thereeallink , @ask-theradio-demon ,

@lousypotatoes @l4zyb0n35 , @midorichoco

@lillyisfreakyy , @alastorthirsty , @yukiinee ,

@daydream-the-demon , @cosmiccoralz @aconstructofamind

@pumppkinlynn @erikaafernns , @silverpaw2 ,

@cosmiccandydreamer , @killer-nightmare0 , @visara-valentina

@thereallsaturnstar , @coffee-or-hot-cocoa ,

@fckedupandbeautiful , @alaskathestereodemoness , @fries11

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9 months ago

✦Important Question For Readers + Tag List Friends✦

So I know all of my readers + tag list friends here are interested in my Hazbin Hotel Stories, but I still want to continue writing some stories for Twisted Wonderland. Would you all be okay with me continuing to write for that fandom and would you like to be tagged in them or only for Hazbin Hotel related stories.

Please Comment Below

Tag List:

@alastorsgoldie @91062854-ka , @delectableworm , @iiotic

@cookiekyo , @demoarah , @danveration , @beebsbea ,

@veethewriter , @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @luujjvi ,

@unholycheesesnack , @saturnhas82moons , @jyoongim ,

@aceofcards0-0 , @ghostdoodlen , @yourdoorisunlocked ,

@starshipcookie , @ainsliemac , @aria-tempest , @nobuharashinyao

, @sweet06tart , @blakedbeanss , @ihyperfixatedagain , @ktssstuff ,

@yakultt-art , @mooniee123 , @nightmarenaya , @darischerry ,

@sadnessiscoldtea , @alastorssimp , @imacollasaltitan ,

@dilucragnvindr-my-beloved , @batmanmonstarr , @felice-jaganshi ,

@justchillaine , @crazed-flower , @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog ,

@akiooshizuka , @lokis-imaginary-friend ,

@themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @futureittomainn ,

@christinaatyourservice92 , , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it ,

@angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 ,

@mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow ,

@madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel ,

@artemisandhunters , @thereeallink , @ask-theradio-demon ,

@lousypotatoes @l4zyb0n35 , @midorichoco

@lillylovesalastorsm1 , @alastorthirsty , @yukiinee ,

@daydreamtoropov , @cosmiccoralz

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10 months ago

I'm in love with the "grazing hands under the table". I simply can't resist the "our gazes meet and I stop breathing. We are so close. Too close" and I cannot help myself when they "kiss me so strongly, for so long that I have to shove them away, to catch a breathe". I'm a simp for forbidden love, especially when they are enemies that come to a point where they cannot refuse their feelings any longer, but neither can they express them. I am utterly smitten by the idea of hating someone and then, slowly, trough little, almost insignificant things they find out that the other one was the love of their life all along. I'll never stress enough about the facts that the "enemies to lovers" trope is the most wholesome trope of them all.

Fight me.

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8 years ago


Attention all followers and blogs that I'm following, I will be flying to the Philippines tomorrow. Until I return in two weeks, please leave a message. Thank you. 🏙🇺🇸🛫🌏🛬🇵🇭🏝

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One of those conversations

(a Royai oneshot)

Roy hurried his way down the stairs. He had hated the rain ever since he put his gloves on. It has always reminded him of how useless he is. The Alchemist was about to exit Eastern Headquarters half an hour ago, but General Grumman felt the need to interrupt him with his unnecessary talks. And a game of chess. Which ended as a draw. Even if Roy wasn't in the mood (just like the weather), he had to admit that ending as a draw against Grumman was like a Philosopher's stone for his mood. However, the law of Equivalent exchange hadn't forgotten Mustang. He groaned as he quickly paced to his car in the spring downpour. After three minutes of rainy torture he got to his vehicle. He was soaking wet.

"If I ever go to Hell, I hope it never rains there", he thought while annoyance was picking on his nerves. Roy started the car after ruffling his already messy and moist hair. He'll be staying at a hotel tonight. He wasn't in the mood to drive or take a train all the way to Central and, as a State Alchemist, he could afford a good hotel. The Colonel was passing next to HQ when he looked at his rearview mirror. The Lieutenant. She was standing on the steps, obviously unwilling to take a step into the rain. A dark brown coat was covering her, not giving much better protection than the clothes underneath. He stopped his car and opened a window.

"Lieutenant Hawkeye!", he called.

Riza was snapped up by his voice and looked towards the road.

"Sir!", she exclaimed and noticed the wave of his hand, telling her to sit next to him. She ran swiftly, a ghost-smile perked up on her lips. A 'thank you' could be heard from her as she sat down next to him. Roy continued driving down the road.

"There's no need to thank me. I am just delighted that you aren't as soaked as I am. What were you doing now?"

"Finishing some work", Hawkeye replied, starting to look at the foggy window. After she wiped it with the palm of her hand so that the glass became see-trough, she continued: "Rebecca then felt it would be humorous to take my coat and make me chase her around."

Roy held back a laugh with a snort. "As expected of her. I really wish I could see your face then."

"We're lucky we didn't get caught."

"I am conflicted about you. It appears like you hated it but you sound like you had fun."

"It was fun hating it."

Roy sneezed. Riza stopped eyeing the city and turned towards him. He had rain in his hair, which made it look like black moss. Parking was always difficult in East City. Or at least around the Headquarters. She decided to exchange her question about his 'unfinished business' for a sentence:

"Colonel, you cannot go on a train like this."

"I won't. I am planning to get to a hotel and stay there. Besides, I can sleep a little longer if I cut the travelling time."

Riza smiled. It was doubtless that being state-certified made life a lot easier. Specially when unplanned troubles jump on the road. Guilt pinched her neck when she realised that Roy went the opposite way of the closest hotel so she can get safely home. He was cold no doubt. Soon they were sitting in comfortable silence. It lasted for a couple minutes which Riza used so she can fiddle with her gun. Roy noticed it and smirked:

"Always ready. Ready and prepared. One among many reasons I trust you with my back." He stopped at the crossroads and turned right.

"Many reasons? I would like to hear about them."

Roy chuckled. He then pondered for a moment. She was the only woman who could make him think about a compliment like he was weighing gold. Neither less nor more. Just as much as the customer says. If he gives more, he'll be damaged; if less, she'll be damaged.

"I would say a smaller one would be because I feel the need to watch your back as much as you do mine. I owe you. You saved me many times in Ishval. And.. I owe my master."

He didn't want to behold her eyes for that second. Riza wasn't very close with her father yet Roy felt like mentioning him hurts her. He gave an apologetical sigh. He's going trough with this.

"You are skilled. Disciplined. Brave. Shortly- you have qualities of a soldier." He paused to look at the Lieutenant.

She was now preparing her other gun. Her lips were shut tightly. Another person would think she was ignoring him. He knew she was paying close attention.

"Breaking the line of those qualities, you have another one. A line of qualities that are human. You are a moral compass more accurate than Falman's memory. You would never allow me to stray, Lieutenant. Furthermore, you grow as a person. You grew from someone timid, nervous and weak. You grew into a confident, strong and calm soldier. Hawkeye that I met long time ago would refuse to shoot me if I lost my way. I can trust this Hawkeye. I know she'll never chicken out, no matter how horrible things get."

"We were in Ishbal after all.", she said. Roy noted that her tone was more explanatory than humble.

"Thank you for those words. I don't know what to say." It was true. All the time she spent reading proved fruitless. She could think of an answer but it would never do justice to these words. Her having none wasn't a good one either. However it's an honest reply. That proves it to be worthy enough.

"Say nothing. I wasn't expecting one of those clever replies. Imagine I made a statement on the weather. You either agree or stay silent. I am not accepting negative retorts."

She heeded the advice. Her guns returned to their holsters and she wiped the window again so she could stare at the city. She couldn't do it for long. They were approaching her street and she wanted to fight against his fire with fire. She had difficulty igniting it. Maybe it's the rain.

"There's a reason I wish to guard your back, sir. Your back is ready and strong enough to carry the load of a leader. A man who can consciously carry the weight of his sins doesn't feel difficulties that will lead him to redemption. So you won't feel the difficulty of losing power if it leads to good. Colonel, you can communicate with people who follow. You don't listen because you feel like it's your duty, you listen because you care- you want to hear the other side. Ishval changed you too. You learned about being ruthless towards the Enemy. But, I know you too well to-"

"We have arrived Lieutenant" Roy said interrupting her. He didn't feel pleasant for doing so, but the Flame Alchemist wasn't like the infamous Hawk's eye- he couldn't sit patiently in one place for ages when he felt tense and his entire world was shaking. He decided to excuse himself.

"I am thankful for the praise, but I am aware of what you had in mind. It sounds condescending, but it is sincere. We should stop now, before this turns into a conversation of an improper length", he smiled, "Now, I would rather find a room and dry my wet head than freeze-"

"I'll have to do the interrupting now, sir. Wait here." She got her coat and pulled it across her head. Lieutenant reached her building in a few quick strides. She vanished behind the old, worn door only to return carrying a black scarf and a white towel in her hands. The Colonel gave a confused look as his Lieutenant sat next to him.

"Here sir." She said having in mind everything she didn't have the chance to say. "Wipe your wet head. You'll get sick."

Roy took the towel and rubbed his head roughly with it. Then, when he wanted to say something, Lieutenant interrupted him by enveloping the scarf around his neck. He silently observed her. Her hands, the one that he saw loading a gun, were gently wrapping the cloth around his neck. The scarf had a scent of a strong flower-like perfume. It was warm. Like an embrace. Her eyes were concentrated on tying an ascot knot. She killed many enemies while carrying that look. With this concentration. Words Mustang prepared were stuck in his throat. He should beg her to untie the scarf so he could get done with them. But he couldn't. He didn't want it. Roy wanted her to tie a billion more knots, on top of this one: so he can stare at her longer, if only a second.

Riza felt incredibly clumsy. The kind of tension that is in between them now has always been a mystery to her. She tried to wrap the scarf the best way she knew and then tried to loosen it up. It was difficult and his smell wasn't helping. It was... unusual. Last time Hawkeye felt his scent was the hell called Ishval. When she took Colonel's coat to warm up their sick comrade. It felt like ash...and blood- death. Now a fresh scent replaced it, throwing her off balance. The Lieutenant tried to ignore his alluring presence. To ignore his eyes who were still, like dark onyx stones. The inky stare was making Riza nervous. Those eyes were always so analytical and now they were chained onto her...in a daze? After finishing she hastily moved from him.

"Is it too tight?" She asked stoically.

"No" Roy responded. "Thanks. You really-"

"I know. I didn't have to. Drive safely sir."

Roy waited as Riza entered the building and stared at her, making the most of this moment. Just like every other time the curtain had finally fallen. He pressed his forehead against the steering wheel. The stronger he pressed it, the more he felt it necessary to eliminate the painful regret. Ten seconds felt like ten minutes. The scarf was a warm comfort while the rain pattered on his windshield, unable to outvoice the thought.

He didn't tell her.

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