Not only that he is voice by the voice actor who did Inuyasha and L from Death Note, I’m dead!!!🩷❤️💘💖💝🩷
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More Posts from Alastor-simp
Changed the appearance of my blog and made a new Alastor collage for my background. I’m very pleased❤️🖤❤️

Hazbin Hotel Gang Reacting To A Sally Face Reader

❥Summary: There's a new addition coming to the Hazbin Hotel, only one thing is off about them, the strange mask
❥Tags: Hazbin Hotel x Reader, Gender Neutral Reader, Sally Face, Masked Reader, Headcannons.
❥Notes: I love Sally Face and Sal, and I wanted to incorporate a character like him in Hazbin Hotel and everyones reaction to them. The reader will be gender neutral. Enjoy
Charlie Morningstar🌈

🌈The fact that you wore a mask didn't phase Charlie one bit, she was more ecstatic that there would be a new person staying at the hotel.
🌈She noticed your shy demeanor around others, and decided to try to help you to open up. It took some time, but you were able to form relationships with the people around you. It quickly came out that you were kind and generous, just like Charlie, just more on the quiet side. She really admired how even when someone was being downright awful to you, you would still offer to help then or give a word of advice if they were in trouble.
🌈She always questioned how you ended up in hell, since you didn't appear to be extremely evil or murderous, so she did ask you during one of her rehabilitation exercises what lead you to hell. Once she heard about the task you had to perform, killing your family, friends, and everyone you knew to avoid the spreading of the so-called "Darkness" had her crying profusely, pulling you into a tearful hug.
🌈She saw it through the eyes of your mask that your actions were justified, that you killed to prevent a much worse fate that could have taken your family and friends from you. If there was someone who could be redeemed, it was you.
🌈The first time she saw your face was accidental, as she was coming running down the hallway, thinking of a new idea for the hotel, before rounding the corner and bumping into you, causing your mask to fly off your face. Gasping in shock, Charlie starting apologizing left and right, observing you making sure you were alright. The sight of your true face didn't shock or bother Charlie one bit, she cared more about you being okay.
🌈When you started crying, Charlie started apologizing more and more, to which you told her to stop, since that wasn't what you were crying about, you were crying cause she hadn't looked away from you, even when seeing your scarred face. Charlie began to cry as well, pulling you into a hug, "I don't care about how you look Y/N. You are my friend, always will be!" The friendship between the both of you grew more after that incident, with you being more comfortable without your mask around Charlie.

🎀A spear was directed right at your face/mask, the second Vaggie saw you enter inside the hotel. She was suspicious of anyone who came inside the hotel, and the mask on your face only made you even more suspicious. When she saw your eyes gazing at her through the mask, showing no signs of devious intentions, she quickly calmed down, lowering the spear with a quick apology.
🎀She was happy that the hotel was getting a new resident, seeing how happy Charlie was, she still was unsure about you, probably because of your mask and also you didn't know how you ended up in hell.
🎀The both of you didn't converse much, but Vaggie's eye always saw the little actions you did around the hotel. She noticed that you were very polite with conversing with others, even Alastor. It became very apparant how similar you were to her girlfriend, being a very good listener and always trying to help.
🎀The reveal of your past came as a big shock to her, as she learned you had committed murder and the victims were your close family and friends. But, it made her stomach twist uncomfortable learning that you killed not for pleasure or because you wanted to, it was because you wanted to save them from the atrocities of the evil that was corrupting everyone on that horrible day when you were alive.
🎀If Vaggie was still an executioner angel like she was in the past, she would have killed you without hesitation, regardless of what you did , but now that she was here in hell, and upon hearing that, she couldn't help but feel extremely sorry for you. It made her question a lot about other demons in hell, if they had to do something against their will, resulting in them going to hell, when they could have been sent to heaven.
🎀The time she saw your scarred face was when she came into your room, wanting to ask you about something. Her eyes had widen a bit at the sight, since it was the first time your mask was removed. The gasp she heard from you, brought her attention back as she saw you frantically covering your face with your hands, apologizing.
🎀"Woah! Hey hey its okay." Vaggie quickly appeared in front of you, placing her hands on your shoulder, trying to calm you down. She waited patiently, as she saw you slowly remove your hands, scarred face at full display. She observed the large scar that runs across your face that exposed your teeth, and that you were missing an eye, seeing the open socket. "Oh, have a prosthetic eye......sorry you had to see this." Vaggie quickly shook her head, moving her hair away from her other eye revealing her large X. "Look we match." She said with a soft smile, which earned a laugh and smile from you.
🎀She had no problems with your scars, saying that they look badass. The both of you became more buddy-buddy after that, with the both of you talking more and helping out Charlie. She had offered to show you some fighting skills with her spears, as a way to protect yourself if you ever got attacked outside of the hotel or in the hotel, which you greatly appreciated.
Angel Dust🕷

🕷Angel, honestly didn't really care much when he first saw you with a mask adorned on your face. He figured as much that you were another schmuck, interested in being redeemed.
🕷You did have him curious with how you looked like, he thought you were probably drop dead gorgeous under that mask, hiding it away from everyone to avoid getting jumped. He had attemped to pry the mask off to get a selfie with you, which earned him a loud "NO!" and a hard push away from you. Damn, alright, no takey off maskey.
🕷He did apologize in his own weird way by having you hang out with him and letting you meet his adorable pet pig, Fat Nuggets. He could not stand how shy you were, like it made you stand out a lot, especially being in hell, he knew you would end up in the wrong hands, aka Valentino. He dragged you to clubs and stuff to try to loosen up a little and go with the flow, he even asked Cherri Bomb to hang out with you to help break that shy demeanor.
🕷️It took him a while to realize that you weren’t like a lot of the other demons her encounter. You had a kind heart and cared a lot for your friends. He was quick to comfort you when you had told everyone why you came to hell after murdering your family. He has been in hell for a while so he was use to all the stories and gossip of what this person did to get to hell and yadda yadda, but hearing your story felt like a knife to the heart
🕷️He was your emotional support friend after this, making sure you were okay and try to prevent things that would cause you to remember your past. You did the same to him in return after he had a rough day dealing with Valentino. You had introduced him to heavy metal music which was a good stress relief to scream out all the anger he had. It wasn't his vibe, but he appreciated it. He reminded you a lot like your step brother, just a bit more feminine then gothic.
🕷️The both of you were chilling in his room, listening to some music, when Angel brought up the topic about your mask, “Hey Y/N, so…uh…what’s the deal with that whole creepy mask shtick?” He noticed your body tensed up at that, not expecting him to ask that. Heaving a sigh, your hands began to unclasp the belts that were tied around your head, letting the mask fall to reveal yourself.
🕷️Angels felt his heart stopped at the reveal, scanning the amount of scars and missing parts on your face, wondering what the hell happened to you. Slowly inching closer, his hands had move to your cheeks, tracing them softly. “It’s a prosthetic mask, Angel. I…I was shot with a shotgun in the face when I was child…and um..” You couldn’t even finish your sentence when Angel wrapped his four arms around you, pulling you into a hug. “I gotcha Y/N…I gotcha.” Angel and you both hugged in silence, his hands rubbing your back while he peppered certain parts of your face with kisses, making you red.

🪡Being the curious one that she was, she whipped around you, checking you out and wondering about your mask. The billion questions she asked you regarding your mask, made you very uncomfortable, resulting in you avoiding her.
🪡It had escalated to her popping up on your shoulder, trying to remove your mask, which you did not like. After a direct scolding from both Charlie and Alastor, she had stopped with the mask antics. She was a kind demon the more you interacted with her, despite having some psychotic tendencies. Her way of apologizing for before was baking your favorite dish and making you a cockroach crown, which was kinda cute and disturbing at the same time.
🪡Upon entering your room to clean it, she noticed the big electric guitar that was lying on the bed. Grabbing it and bringing it you, she asked what it was and could you play it. You had played a couple notes which really peaked her interest, eye sparkling with excitement. You had offered to teach her how to play, but baby steps as you didn't want her to go to extreme and smash the guitar.
🪡Her impression of you changed dramatically when she discovered about the murders you had performed, her smile going wide and she was jumping up and down with excitement. She figured you were the same like Alastor, which is why she was so excited. She was a bit confused about the reason for why you killed, not understanding what "The Darkness" was, but she didn't comment on it.
🪡Coming into your room in the morning to bring you breakfast, she noticed you weren't there, but your mask was, laying by itself on the bed. Rushing over to grab it, she admired how it looked, while also cleaning it a bit, since she was a clean freak. She turned to see you walking out of the bathroom, and continued to stare at you. Once you realized that Niffty was there, you rushed over to grab you mask, struggling to put it back on. "O-oh! Niffty! I'm sorry, I'll put this back on. I'm sorry for scaring you."
🪡You didn't hear a reply back from her , but you felt the sensations of someone standing on your shoulder. The mask was quickly ripped off, with Niffty looking at you with a smile, eye shining. "Ohhh, You look cool, like a bad boy/girl!" Seeing how sweet she was gazing at you, you called down, patting her head with a smile on your face, “Thanks Niffty.”

🍺Husk had a gift a reading people, but he had a difficult time when he met you. You gave off a weird feeling that he couldn’t pick up on, maybe it was cause of the mask on your face, or something else.
🍺He kept an eye on you though, to make sure you weren’t planning something, despite being dragged here by Alastor, he still wanted to help Charlie a bit, so he wanted to make sure no one was gonna mess it up. He quickly picked up that you were kind of a wallflower, you were just there, but he saw how considerate you were of others and how you were polite you were, which shocked him a bit, thinking he had drank to much.
🍺The both of you had a simple chat from time to time when we you were at the bar. The both of you bonded over music and games, despite yours being more electronic based and Husk having a preference for card games like Blackjack. Seeing how your eyes shined from the mask made him a bit happy, he even offered to teach you.
🍺He knew the actions that demons had performed to get a one way ticket to hell were atrocious or downright evil, but the time when he heard about what you did to get into hell, made him drop his beer. No one should have to do something like that, and the fact there was absolutely nothing you could do at all made it more fucked up. Husk didn’t know how to comfort you, so he decided to just wrap one of his wings around you, patting your head saying “Sorry kid.” He formed a closer bond with you after that, literally him and Angel acted like your paternal figures, checking up on you and chatting about random shit at the bar.
🍺After a eventful drinking contest one night, both you and Husk were passed out drunk on the bar table. Groggily walking up, Husk removed his head from the table and stretched, eyes scanning over to check on you. His eyes widen a bit, noticing that your mask had unclasped itself, showing your real face. He noticed the scarred tissue and the part where your teeth were exposed on your lip, “what the hell happened to you?” He thought, but he knew questioning you about it wouldn’t be a good idea.”
🍺He patted your head, which woke up up, eyes fluttering open slowly. As you sat up, head pounding from all the alcohol, you quickly realized that your mask had come off, causing you to let out a shriek, grabbing the mask quickly and trying to put it back on, “oh Husk…um…it’s…uh…did you….ummm… much did you…….” As you rambled on, Husk called your name, which alerted you enough to stop. “Hey kid. It’s okay. Calm down. Whenever you feel comfortable talking about it, I’m right here for ya.” He gave you a smile and rubbed your head, which you accepted, muttering a “thank you.”

🦌Al's eyes immediately were drawn to you the second you entered inside the hotel. Well well, who were you? The mask only intrigued him more, questioned going around his head wondering who this masked sinner was.
🦌He was always teasing you, poking your mask from time to time with his microphone, to even drawing a smile on it since he always says your never fully dress without one. You knew he meant well and was just being silly, but his habits involving your mask were getting annoying. He cooled it down after a talk from Charlie, but that wasn't gonna stop him from being closer to you, after all he found you mildly entertaining.
🦌He did admire how affectionate you were with others, including himself. Him being the radio demon, the most powerful overlord in hell, he expected you to fear him greatly, but you just carried on being near him, being kind and always read to have a nice chat.
🦌The both of you talked about music from time to time. You had force him to listen to the band you liked "Sanity's Fall" saying how good it was. Alastor still could not understand the appeal of metal music, but he admired your fondness for it, laughing a bit when you shook your head to the beat and loud screaming.
🦌Alastor still couldn't figure out how you ended up in hell, seeing as how you were so different from the other wayward sinners he had encountered. It took some prodding, but he eventually found out from you that you had committed murder and was nicknamed "The Sally Face Killer", His smile widen, realizing you had indulge in a little killing, reminding him of his youth. The feeling was short lived though when you further explained that the killings you performed were of your friends and family, due to the influence of an entity called the "Endless One" and a cult called the "Devourers of God." The smile on Al's face almost disappeared upon hearing that, powers surging and static increasing in the air, he wanted to find all of those cult members and that entity and broadcast their screams in hell.
🦌The day he saw your true face was when he was teaching you how to dance, honestly you had no idea how much stamina he had. The quick turns and sudden movements cause your mask to go flying, hitting Al's chest. Al stopped moving entirely and saw you crumple to the floor, hands covering your face, yelling "Don't Look!" Al was unsure of what to do, as he was not well tapered in the acts of comforting. Bending down, Al had placed his hands on your shoulder, trying to appease you, "There is no need to hide yourself from me! Come now! Show me your face!" His tone was kind, static missing from his voice. After a few minutes your hands had removed itself from your face, showing Al the face hidden behind the mask.
🦌His crimson eyes scanned over every feature on your face, observing the large scar that cut your lip and the missing cartilage from your nose. He was completely silent which mad you nervous, until he spoke, "Who did this to you?" Looking at his eyes, he was serious, demonic symbols surrounding him. Heaving a sigh, you told him the tale of what happened, how you were on a picnic with your family, and came upon a man wearing a dog mask. Being a child you had no idea what was happening, even when the shotgun was being drawn towards you. Next thing you knew your mother had jumped in to save you, resulting in her death, as the bullets pierced her stomach through her, and hitting you in the face, disfiguring you permanently.
🦌Alastor eyes had turned soft when you told him everything, hands that were placed on your shoulder, had wrapped around your back, pulling you into a awkward hug, since Al still wasn't use to actions like this. "I'm sorry for the misfortune that has fallen upon you. It is heart-wrenching that your mother met her tragic end, she did it to save your life. You are here alive now, because of her. As for your mask, there is no need to hide your scars, embrace them." Al couldn't see your face anymore, but he heard the little laugh coming from you as you pulled away from him, smiling at him for the first time.
🦌He and you had become more friendlier with one another after that, bringing you inside his radio tower during his broadcasts and even introducing you to Rosie, who immediately adored you. Unbeknownst to you, Al made it his mission to locate anyone who was apart of the cult, including the foul man who killed your mother. He couldn't wait to tear them apart limb from limb.
Sir Pentious🐍

🐍Well, Sir Pentious didn't know what to make of you when you first stepped into the hotel. He was been in hell for a long time, so he was use to seeing strange and uniquely shaped demons, but never has he encountered one wearing a mask.
🐍He did see how comfortable Charlie and Vaggie were when talking to you, so he decided to be a proper gentleman and introduce himself to you, "It issss a pleasssure to meet you. My name is Sssssir Pentioussssss." The both of you extended hands out and shook them, before removing them and going back to awkward silence, well it was a start at least
🐍His egg bois were just as curious as well, popping up whenever you were around and asking you a whole bunch of questions and giving you compliments saying your mask was cool, it was sweet, but the questions were overwhelming at times. Sir Pentious would always come and reprimand them, extending an apology out to you.
🐍He noticed you weren't very expressive, since the mask concealed his face, but he did recognized your eyes widening a bit in amazement whenever he was experimenting on a new gadget or weapon. You did tell him you were a nerd, which confused him since he wasn't use to terms like that, is being a nerd cool?
🐍The two of you bonded more and more the longer you stayed at the hotel, and Sir Pentious very much enjoyed your company since he still felt like the odd one out since he was on a mission to destroy the hotel and Alastor before, but you were odd too. You wanted to introduce him to video games since it was something you enjoyed playing when you were alive. It was funny seeing him attempt to learn the controls and how to mash buttons, but he quickly got the hang of it thanks to you.
🐍He was shedding tears when he heard about your past actions when you were alive, having been given the name "Sally Face Killer", and was forced to do horrific deeds resulting in the killings of your family and dear friends. His tail immediately coiled around you, offering his support in the group hug that was initiated by Charlie and the others.
🐍The day he saw you without your mask is when the egg bois had made you accidentally trip, causing you to fall, landing face first to the ground. Panicking, Sir Pentious waved his hands in the air in shock, before bending down to help pick you, "Are you quite alr-" Sir Pentious didn't even finish his sentence, when he saw you lift your head up, showing your real face with the shattered mask on the ground. Realizing that the mask was broken, your hands flung to your face, yelling out multiple apologies to him.
🐍You heard not a peep from Sir Pentious, but you felt a large tail wrap around you, pulling you closer towards him, giving you a reassuring coil hug, "I'm sssssorry" That was all he said, as he continued to hug you, which you responded back, by wrapping your arms around him. After the hug, Sir pentious brought you to his air ship where he would make you a different mask if you wanted, going on and on about adding defense mechanisms to it, which made you laugh.
@alastorsgoldie @91062854-ka , @delectableworm , @iiotic
@cookiekyo , @demoarah , @danveration , @beebsbea ,
@veethewriter , @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @luujjvi ,
@unholycheesesnack , @saturnhas82moons , @jyoongim ,
@aceofcards0-0 , @ghostdoodlen , @yourdoorisunlocked ,
@starshipcookie , @ainsliemac , @aria-tempest , @nobuharashinyao
, @sweet06tart , @blakedbeanss , @ihyperfixatedagain , @ktssstuff ,
@yakultt-art , @mooniee123 , @nightmarenaya , @darischerry ,
@sadnessiscoldtea , @alastorssimp , @imacollasaltitan ,
@dilucragnvindr-my-beloved , @batmanmonstarr , @felice-jaganshi ,
@justchillaine , @crazed-flower , @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog ,
@akiooshizuka , @lokis-imaginary-friend ,
@themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @futureittomainn ,
@christinaatyourservice92 , , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it ,
@angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 ,
@mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow ,
@madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel ,
@artemisandhunters , @thereeallink , @ask-theradio-demon ,
@lousypotatoes @l4zyb0n35 , @midorichoco
@lillylovesalastorsm1 , @alastorthirsty , @yukiinee ,
@daydream-the-demon , @cosmiccoralz @aconstructofamind
@pumppkinlynn @erikaafernns , @silverpaw2 ,
@cosmiccandydreamer , @killer-nightmare0

✪Here is my list of tumblr stories that I am in the process of working on. Some of them will be brand new stories and others will be continuation of a series I started. It will be better for all of my readers to see what stories will be coming out soon and what new ones I will be writing and posting soon.✪
😈Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss😈
Hazbin Hotel Gang + Reader with Pokemon Part 2
Part 2 of "Why? -Alastor x Powerful Overlord Reader
Helluva Boss (I.M.P + Stolas) Reacting To a Reader Who Sings Like Ado
Hugging Them Out Of Nowhere- Helluva Boss Part 2 (New Characters)
Alastor x Body Dysmorphic Female Reader
Alastor with Blind Female Reader
Alastor with Deaf Female Reader
Alastor x Carrie White!reader (Request)
Drunk Compliments - Drunk Fem Reader x Alastor
Hazbin Hotel Gang Reacting To Video Games
Alastor x Fem Reader with Mommy Issues
Alastor x Abused Human Reader
🪄Twisted Wonderland
Continuation of Watching Horror Movies with Twst Characters
Dorm Leaders Reacting to Pokemon
Riddle Comforting Crying Reader
Dorm Leaders Reacting To Reader Who Sings Like Ado (REWRITE)
Dorm Leaders with Body Dysmorphic Fem Reader
Dorm Leaders with Selectively Mute Reader
Thanks for the tag @diving-deeper-with-dovey and @ustulia
Favorite Color: Blue
Last Song: Tainted Love by Soft Cell
Currently reading: Been rereading some of my favorite Alastor x reader fics, but getting into reading a twisted alice in wonderland book I got.
Currently watching: The Pink Courtroom Series on Youtube

Currently craving: I'm a big foodie so i crave a lot of things, but right now I'm craving some delicious pasta, either cacio e pepe or fettuccine alfredo

Coffee or Tea: Both! Honestly it depends on my mood of the day, either I'm in a coffee mood or tea mood.
You love to see what you guys say: @yukiinee , @bleh09 , @venusvixen20 , @madam-strawberryrose , @lousypotatoes , @penelope-potter , @beejunos , @6esiree

༉‧₊˚. get to know me better !! ♡
— 𝜗𝜚 thank u @cosmiiwrites nd @queenofmistresses for the tags, my lovies <3 i love u both

favorite color? pink!! i love pink!! you know the colour of hello kitty’s bow? pink!! my melo? pink!! my socks rn? pink!! did i mention my favourite colour is pink?
last song? someday - from the zombies soundtrack (banger)
currently reading? i finished the hurricane wars by thea guanzon a few days ago so im using this as an excuse to tell you to read it n i loved it so much but im currently starting (only a chapter in) a feather so black by lyra selene
currently watching? i don’t think i am watching anything… i last watched the zombies movies though… (im not obsessed you are)
currently craving? NOODS ugh i could demolish some noodles rn
coffee or tea? yes.

@nebulacrumbs @blooming-crimson-flower @hellsgreatestslut @lilsleepybear1029 @ustulia tag you’re it <3
Birthday Boy🥳🎉 - Angel Dust x Female Reader Part 2 (R18 NSFW Not For Minors)

❥Warning- This story contains sex (NSFW), so if you underage and reading this, Please skip it.
❥Summary: Angel's Dust birthday party just finished and now you are wrapped like a present for him😏
❥Tags - Angel Dust x Female Reader, Flirting, Teasing, Fluff, Lingerie, Cosplay, P in V Smut, Birthday Sex, Licking, Boob Job, Spanking
❥Notes - Here is the Part 2 of the sexy spider birthday smut. Sorry it took so long, been busy. Enjoy
Part 1 -> X
"Sooo~, does the birthday boy wanna open up his present? Your voice spoke in a whisper, as you continued to lay back, body wrapped in the red body bow gift that was hanging on your sensual body. Angel Dust remained unmoving on the bed, brain still trying to wrap his head around your seductive presentation. He felt his member beginning to rise, which you caught as you looked down, happy that he was responding to you. "I can see that you love your gift~." Moving your foot towards his length, you rubbed your toe on it, earning a moan from Angel. Laughing softly, Angel moved your foot away with his hands, as he slowly moved to hover over you, eyes glistening with desire. "You're driving me insane here, toots. I will gladly accept my present." Four of his hands laid touches all over your body, earning a small moan from you. Pushing his head closer to yours, foreheads touching and eyes serious, as he softly gazed at you. "Open your mouth, please." Whispering out, you obeyed his instruction and opened wide, tongue sticking out. His tongue soon connecting with yours, joining them together in a wet kiss, causing you both to moan. Two of his hands, wrapped around your lower back, hugging you closer to him, deepening the kiss. His eyes remained opened, staring at your reactions, you were always so cute he thought.
His lips were so sweet, tasting like the cake that he just had downstairs. Your hands moved to his head, rubbing the back of his fluff while holding his cheek with the other, Drawing away from each other, leaving a string of spit behind, you both stared at each other, softly panting from the intense kiss. His lips drew back to kiss you again, then moving to your cheek, your eyelids, your forehead, then slowly moving down to your neck, sending shivers down your back. His kisses stopped at your red covered breasts, tongue sticking out to lick across his lips. "Time to unwrap my present now~!" Hooking his fingers on the red bow, he slowly pulled it down, your breasts springing out in full view. He devilishly smirked, hands moving to cup your soft mounds, thumbs flicking your nipples. "Ah!" You continued to moan at the sensations, as Angel continued to play with your breasts. "So soft and perky~. I wonder how they taste?" Tongue sticking out, Angel bent down, sticking one of the nipples in his mouth, while his fingers continued to torture the other. "Mmmmm Angel~." This felt so good, he was crazy with his tongue. His tongue continued to twirl around your nipple, making it harden as the one he was pinching began to turn red from the ministrations.
Removing his mouth from you, he stood up, his shadow casting down on you. Displeased that he stopped, you were going to tell him to continue, but stopped when you saw him remove the red thong he was wearing, showcasing his long erection at you. Taking note of your silence, he smirked at you, "Like what you see, toots?" You giggled at him, lips pulled into a smirk. " you?" Legs spreading out, you allowed Angel to get a good look at your string-held crotch, dripping in your juices. Eyes widening at that, Angel stilled for a second before smirking back at you. "Very~." Leaning his body over you, he sat on your belly area, his dick presented in front of you. "I'm gonna fuck your tits babe." Positioning closer to your chest, Angel placed his erection right in the middle of your soft mounds, engulfing it with your breasts. He slowly started to move, his lengths moving in and out of your breasts, the tip popping out in front of your face. " satan, this feels incredible!" Throwing his head, Angel moaned out in pleasure, moving his hips faster. You were moaning as well as the way he was touching were breasts while giving himself a boob job was so addicting, it made your toes curl a bit. Wanting to satisfy him more, you stuck out your tongue, licking the tip of his length whenever it popped out of your breasts, making him moan louder. "Ahhhh...babe....keep doing that..and I'm gonna..." Angels voice was raspy with need, wanting very much to come.
Humming, you continued to lick at his tip, hands raising up to grasp his behind, pulling him closer towards you. Moaning out your name, Angel drew to a halt, cum shooting out on your face and tongue. Closing your mouth, you swallowed what as in your mouth, gazing up at Angel, hungrily. Angel looked back at you, seeing your messy face giving you an apologetic smile, "Sorry about that....Let me clean you up." His hand reached for a napkin plus a small bottle that was below his bed, using the napkin to wipe away at the excess cum on your face. Once he was done, he kissed you again, napkin throw across the room without a care in the world. Pulling away, Angel leaned back, bottle of mysterious substance, probably lube, in his hands, while the other two had grabbed at your string thong and moved it to the side. Popping the bottle open, he poured the liquid on your lower lips, body jolting at the chilly feeling. His fingers then slowly began to spread the lube all over, inserting them inside every now and then, trying to make it bearable enough for you, when he has to enter. "This feels so good!" Your thoughts scream out, as you continued to moan at the sensations. Retreating his fingers out of you, Angel grasped his length, positioning it at your entrance, but refused to enter. His face appeared hesitant, as he continued to look at your entrance then back to you. "Listen, its my first time doing this with a I'm gonna need some reassurance that I'm doing alright." Blinking up at Angel, you slowly burst into laughter, earning a confused look from Angel. One of your hands grabbed his, giving it a soft squeeze, "I'm prepared Angel, don't since I am your birthday gift, you can do whatever you want with me. Spank me, lick me, bite me, do whatever your heart desires~"
His colored eyes widen at you, dick springing back to life at your seductive words. The hesitation was gone, replaced with a very turned on look, as Angel smiled, showing his golden tooth at you. Slowly pushing his hips forward, Angels rod slowly began to enter you, hitting your inner walls, making you groan. There was a small sting when he entered, causing your eyebrows to knit together in pain, but it quickly disappeared, leaving only the sensation of him being fully inside of you. He moved his body back down, hovering over your body, as he was panting from how amazing your insides felt. "You okay?" He was still questioning you, worried if he was hurting you. When he got a nod of approval from you, he started to move, hips moving back and forth, rod caressing inside of you. The pleasure was slowly increasing the more he moved, causing you to wrap your hands and legs around him, drawing him even closer. A harsh slap was soon met to your butt cheeks, making you jump, "Yeah, you like it when I spank you....right babe?" Angel smirked at you, giving another harsh slap to your behind, making you scream from the pain and pleasure. " it again!"
Angel awarded you with another round of slaps, cheeks burning red. His movements grew faster, causing your head to fall back on the bed. Silencing your moans, Angel pushed his tongue back inside of your mouth, kissing you while gyrating his body faster, ready to come at any moment. Soon your vision turned white, as you felt your body shake from orgasming, nails clawing at Angels back, earning a groan from him. His hips drew to a stop, come exploding inside of you, yet he kept his mouth connected with yours, swallowing your moans. He slowly moved his head back ending the kiss. His eyes were gazing at you lovingly, hands moving to caress your cheeks, as he placed another kiss to your forehead. His head then dropped to your chest, as he heaved a sigh. "Best....birthday....present.....ever!" Chuckling at his cuteness, you ran a hand through his hair, tousling his white furry locks, "Glad you enjoyed it.........wanna go for round 2?" Hearing a muffled snort from him, he lifted his head, magenta eyes gazing at you, "I'm all for a second round, toots, but lets just cuddle for a bit, okay?" It felt like your heart skipped a beat, hearing that adorable phrase from him. Your hand continued to rub at his head, while the other pulled him in closer, squishing his face back into your soft mounds, "Okay."
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