alewritesfics - ❝ Heaven is a place on earth with you ❞
❝ Heaven is a place on earth with you ❞

only writing for the Bridgerton brothers atm ~requests are open~ sideblog is @eternallyale where I'll reblog stories I really enjoy so check it out for recommendations!

73 posts



Summary: a happy ending

Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister! Reader

Word count: 1k

Warnings: unedited, fluff, Anthony being a simp

Series Masterlist



“Oh god Anthony” I moaned out loudly I reached my climax, Anthony thrust in and out faster and faster, trying to reach his own peak

“Oh” Anthony groaned as he gave one last thrust

We breathed heavily as we stared at each other, I still on top of him. We laughed as I pulled him into a kiss, he kissed back as he pulled me down onto our bed, getting on top of me.

“mmm” Anthony moaned “Viscountess” I moaned in respond

“Husband” I smile biting my lip

“You seem to have outdone yourself today” I hummed as he kissed down my neck

“Yes, well, my duties are particularly important to me, and of course, I cannot deny my husband what he desires, can I?” I laughed

“Perhaps you would like to go again” he suggested “Seeing as you are so very dutiful” he kissed down my body, to my stomach where he stopped

“I am pretty sure little baby Bridgerton will not mind” He smiled happily looking up at me "and you are looking absolutely beautiful" I laughed

Yes, I am currently with child, four months to be exact, Anthony was delighted when I told him, even cried, which he always denies that he did not but we all know the truth

“I am sure baby Bridgerton will not” I pull him up to kiss him “ But, it would be dutiful to meet your family outside before they realize we are ignoring them”

He groaned kissing me again “They will not mind, we are recently married”

“Yes, of course, recently married only like 5 months ag- oh!” I gasped when he surged forward once again, burying himself to the hilt inside of me “Maybe they can wait a little more” I moved my hips along with his

“That is just what I thought, my love” He laughed into my mouth as I started to moan loudly with each thrust, holding tightly onto his hand.

“Oh!” I gasped once he pulled me on top of him before laughing


“Yes! Look at you, you’re walking!” is what we heard as we stepped outside 15 minutes later

I gasped excitedly as I saw baby Auggie walking towards his mother and surged forward towards them “Oh baby Auggie!” I said in awe

“Careful, love, you might hurt yourself” I ignored Anthony’s overprotective self and approached Daphne, who already held baby Auggie out towards me.

Yes, it has also become a custom to whenever I see Daphne’s son, I take him away from whoever is holding him, and they do not even complain, knowing how emotional I can be if I do not hold him. The mood changes comes with the pregnancy, I guess.

I hold Auggie in my arms, careful not to put him over my bump, I coo at him as Anthony approaches me and puts his arm over my shoulder

“Finally!” Eloise huffs “Thought you would never come down, do not worry, we only waited like six hours”

“Six is nothing when you are a newlywed” Daphne smiles

“Might we begin playing?” Colin suggests

“Dear, your are positively glowing” Violet remarks happily as I hand Auggie over to her.

“It is the pregnancy” I smile putting a hand over my bump, caressing, Violet nods smiling

“Beautiful, nonetheless” a blush comes onto my cheeks at her words making her chuckle

“Right, we’ve all picked but left the mallet of death” I heard Eloise say behind me

“For me!” Anthony yelled rushing over and grabbing the mallet of death.

I turned around and huffed “Not fair, I was not even paying attention”

“Tough luck, my love, should have paid attention” Anthony shrugged

I pouted at him, as everyone watched with amusement, already knowing what was the outcome of this. Anthony stared at my face as tears filled my eyes, before he huffed.

“Alright, here, please do not cry” Anthony pleaded handing me the mallet, I grinned, tears now gone as I walked away from him

“Thank you, husband dearest” Anthony stared back at me shocked as everyone laughed

“What did jus- you know what, I will not even ask, I have learned not to” Anthony grumbled

“Probably keep to pink, Anthony” Daphne said amused “I rather think it will match the shade of your embarrassment when you use it, now let us begin” We all move towards the field, Anthony coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around me.

“You know, I am not sure I like those little tricks you use” Anthony murmured into my ears

“Well tough luck, my love” I mocked his words making him chuckle “You will always give in”

“Hmm,” he kissed my cheek “I am certain it will not work for long,”

“Of course it will, have you not heard the saying ‘happy wife, happy life’?” I turned my head to look at him

“yes, well, I do not like tears coming down that beautiful face” he pulls me into a kiss "You are beautiful"

“You sap” I tease , he laughs and brings me into a kiss once again, I wrap my hands around his neck as he pulls me closer, careful not to squish me into him

“Now, let us go, I have a husband to defeat” I say smiling mischievously

“Oh really?”

“Yes really”

“Well, game on, wife of mine”

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More Posts from Alewritesfics

2 years ago

hii! ive recently started reading your bridgerton series and finally got around to catching up. i have to say it is soooo good!! keep up the good work and i am excited to read what is next for the story! <3

Thank you so much!!! I was kind of worried seeing as I haven't got much experience on writing, and this being the first series I write. I'm so grateful for all the love it's receiving and I'm glad all of you like it as much as I love writing it♡♡ New updates coming soon!!

2 years ago

Dinner night

Summary: It is the last day before the ton joins you in the country, will there be a proposal or not?.

Word count: 1.4k (shortest one I have written)

Pairing : Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader

Warnings: The fright of your life, unedited, probably bad grammar

Series Masterlist

Dinner Night


“Where were you?” Daphne appeared in front of us as we were walking back to Aubrey Hall “We were all looking for you both”

“You need not worry” Anthony answers “We were by father’s grave talking” Daphne went silent, walking along with us. I walked a few steps in front of them so they could have a moment.

“You told her about father?” Daphne murmured surprised from behind me. I pretended not to hear them

“She is my friend” Anthony said in an obvious tone, Daphne hummed thoughtfully

“Are you sure it is Miss Edwina you want to marry, brother?” Daphne wondered

“What nonsense are you saying, sister” Anthony scoffed “Of course I am sure, Miss Edwina is the diamond of this season, she will make a perfect Viscountess”

“Is that what this is?” Daphne huffed “You going after Miss Edwina, only, because she is the incomparable?”

“Anthony, I see you get along better with Miss Y/n, conversation is easily made between you two, she makes you laugh and smile, a genuine laugh and smile, not one of those you give everyone in the ton” She shook her head “ And I know what I am talking about, I have observed you both closely this day”

“Enough, Daphne ”Anthony exclaimed, I looked back at them surprised, Anthony gave me a tight lipped smile, before I turned back around

“We will not talk about this any longer, Miss y/n and I are just friends, I will marry Miss Edwina and make her my Viscountess, End. Of. Story” He said firmly, I looked down at the floor as we entered into Aubrey Hall


“He is quite funny” Edwina said as she got ready for a bath

“I have told you both, that before” I said

“Intelligent, too” I hummed

“And the conversation, there were almost no awkward pauses, truly” She stopped walking “Although he did mention Y/n quite a lot” I furrowed my eyebrows

“Yes, unconsciously I suppose, but he would say something along the lines of, ‘ Oh, Miss y/n said the same thing’ or ‘ Miss Y/n does not think that’, was really not quite fun to hear it, but you are friends after all” She looked at me “Or is there something I need to know?”

“What?” I said incredulously

“Perhaps you both have feelings for each other” I started to shake my head “It is alright if you do, truly, tell me now before it is too late and I will tell the Viscount to stop pursuing me, after all, you did see him first”

“Not at all, Bon” I stood up “Anthony and I are just friends, there are no feelings on his part”

“And on your part?” She asked

“Anyway, he is pursuing you, not me, tell us, what did you talk about?” I ignored her questions, changing the conversation, she looked at me knowingly but nodded

“His family, for starters”

“It was all about him them” Kate scoffed “ Bon, if the conversation went one sided-“

“Only it did not!” Edwina exclaimed “ I was convinced my poor show at the Pall mall field left the Viscount, indifferent, only he asked me questions about myself, most of which he already knew, y/n” She looked at me

“Guilty” I smiled sheepishly

“About our family, he was interested in everything I had to say, deedee, in the books I have read even in the books I have not”

“Well, I only hope his intentions are genuine” Kate sighed

“They are deedee” I tell her “He told me so a few hours ago when we were looking for our balls”

“I truly believe something will come out of this” Edwina started to undress for her bath “ A proposal deedee, I can feel it” I smiled down at my lap.

I can also feel a proposal coming, when?, I am not sure, but it will be in the coming days, the only left is to be prepared


“This room is exceptionally well lit, Have you noticed col? The twinkle of the candles, it is as if we sit in the stars” Benedict said from in front of me

“What is wrong with you?” Eloise asks, I hold in my laugh, some silent chuckles escaping me

“I was just telling Benedict… how brilliant the stars were in Greece” Colin answers unsure

“Really?” I said amused “Tell me more Mr. Benedict” I chuckle, Kate shoved me, laughs also escaping her as she shook her head

“The air is refreshing” Benedict answers “ You can just feel the aromas floating in the air, the smell of the breeze of the sea” Colin puts down his utensils, looking at him as if he has gone crazy

“There is no sea nearby, brother” Colin informs him as Kate, Eloise and I, laughed.

I looked towards the head of the table where Anthony, Edwina and Daphne were sat at. I catch Anthony’s eyes, which were already on me, I think nothing of it and smile after him, turning back towards Colin and Benedict.

“It was a revelation, made all the better by the knowledge that I, may have been, the only brit to see it in decades” Colin explains while Benedict moans as he eats.

A chuckle escapes me, once again, by his behavior. He stretches his hand, knocking over a glass making us gasp in shock, he laughs, covering his face childishly. I cover my face to hide my laugher.

“Benedict, dear, you alarm our guests” Lady Bridgerton reprimanded him.

“It is alright, Lady Bridgerton” Kate assures her, I bite my lip nodding, agreeing with my sister

“It is time for a toast” Lady Danbury said clicking her spoon on a glass

“Good idea, to cheer our guests” Lady Bridgerton agrees looking at Mama

“Or to tend to other pressing matters” Lady Danbury insinuates looking at Anthony

“I, I believe my sisters and I have grown rather weary” Kate tells Lady Danbury

“A toast, yes” Anthony stands up. “My sincere gratitude to the Sharma’s, for joining us, it is been spending having you here to witness, what is now my second annual lost at Pall Mall, all thanks to Miss Y/n” he gave me a look as we all chuckle, my laugh fading more quickly than the rest

“Not to be repeated I assure you, and my special gratitude to Miss Edwina, it is certainly been a privilege to truly make your acquaintance this past days, in fact, I believe there is a question I would like to ask you” My heart starts beating faster, as I start to breath heavily

“ I should like to, uh,” He catches my eyes, holding them for a second before he turned towards Edwina again “ I should like to ask you to, please, refrain from telling anyone back in London about yesterday’s loss, I fear the harm to my reputation would simply be too great” I sighed in relief, looking down at my lap, my breathing going steady once again.

“To pleasant days ahead ”He hold his glass of wine in the air

I looked up once again, catching Kate’s eyes who was looking at me knowingly, I looked to the side. This time seeing Daphne looking at me, an unreadable look in her face. I ignored them and looked forward. We all took a sip of our wine after Anthony finished.


“The rest of the ton are now set to join us in the country. Surely if the Viscount were to propose, he would of done it by now, yes?” Edwina said as Kate brushed her hair. I was sat on my bed, looking at them.

“What if I have missed my chance? Perhaps I should’ve found out more about the Bridgerton’s, I should have known more about their interests, I should’ve been better” She held back her sobs “ I have bungled this entire affair and now I feel like a fool” She cried. I got up from the bed and knelt down beside her, hugging her.

“Never say such a thing, Bon” She knelt down from the other side “I knew he would only end up hurting you”

“Please stop Kate, you are not helping” I plead “ Anthony is not like that, Bon, he would not lead a girl on, surely he will propose in the days coming”

“I hate seeing you like this” Kate told Edwina, who cried

“I thought he liked me” Edwina murmured, I frowned, feeling bad for feeling so relieved when Anthony did not end up proposing, how could I be like that, and not think of the way Edwina would have feel.

“You are the diamond of the season, there is nary a gentleman back in London who does not wish for your hand” Kate assured her “You have choices, Bon, all will be well despite of this disappointment with the Viscount, I assure you” Kate wipes her tears away

Edwina nodded and hugged us both tightly.

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2 years ago

hii would you ever write angst about the reader’s accident and how anthony found her?

also keep up the good work!! im loving this series <3

Yes!! It actually has not yet happened, It was supposed to happen after they slept together - *oh my god i suddenly just got the idea of what to put to make it more angsty* anyway , i instead decided to put it in the last part, which is coming out tomorrow, especially because of how in the series, Kate’s accident made Anthony realize how much he actually loved her, and since in my story, they still haven't said I love you, nor has Y/n accepted Anthony's marriage proposal, I wanted to make it more romantic with Anthony confessing how he felt about the accident and all making Y/n accept, honestly, it's just what happened in the gardens at the Featherington ball, just different setting and more heart to heart talk. And I'm glad you're loving the series!!♡♡ Thank you for your support♡♡

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2 years ago

The New Diamond

Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader

Word count: 1.6k

Summary: will the queen finally name this season's diamond, and how is it gonna affect the Sharma Sisters...

Warnings: probably grammar mistakes, most probably is cringy

Series masterlist

The New Diamond


The New Diamond

There is nothing more quite like the sweet scented smell of success.

But after taking in the scene from last night’s festivities, it is clear the season won’t be quite so fragrant for everyone.

The Viscount Bridgerton's own mama may have loudly declared her eldest son's lofty intentions to marry, yet I can not be the only one wondering if this former Capital R- Rake is, indeed, ready to flourish.

Perhaps the viscount, like the rest of us is simply waiting for the queen to finally name her diamond.

Or perhaps, this author, should take matters into her own hands.

Though, out of the many purportedly well-trained and bred hothouse flowers on display this year, this author must wonder if the more surprising choice might still be in store

Whichever darling miss receives such high esteem let us hope there is a suitor available of only the sharpest wit, lest his dry musings leave a young lady wilting like a parched rose.


We are currently sat on the drawing room, suitors gathered around, waiting for their turn. We smiled as the two young gentlemen sat on the stood to leave.

“The younger ones would do, if the eldest just got out of the way” One of the men said, I frowned annoyed. Suddenly I no longer like them.

“The sister is dreadful” the other one said.

I looked at Lady Danbury who smiled tightly, holding a cup of tea to her lips. Before it turned in to a scowl.

“Not on my chair” She exclaimed at Newton, who hopped on her chair. I smiled as a butler came in and picked up Newton. Lady Danbury took a sip from her cup, sighing frustrated.


“Can you believe it?” I exclaimed to Kate. We were getting ready for the ball. Edwina was somewhere along the house with mama getting ready, while I was waiting for my turn.

“the nerve they have to come into our temporary home and say such words” I huffed infuriated “the sister is dreadful, the younger ones are better” I mimicked the gentlemen from the morning

“Just thinking about it vexes me” Kate chuckles

“Bon, it is fine, truly” She assures me looking out the window “ I am not the one they want to marry, and thank God for it, these gentlemen certainly don’t know how to keep up a conversation” The door opens behind us, Lady Danbury entering our bed chambers.

“Your tea grows cold, my horses do not” She starts, my face goes pale “ Did you both plan to ride again tomorrow morning” we kept quiet

“I know all that goes in my home and since you insist on sneaking around, I may as well save us all the trouble, correspondence” She holds up an envelope “ Miss Sharma” she looks at me “ your mama told me she is ready for you” I nod and exit the room, wandering down the stairs to where Mama was waiting for me.


We walk down the stairs of the queen’s ballroom, I hold on to one of Kate’s hand while Edwina holds the other. We walk to where the queen is standing, we bow in greeting, Edwina and I smiling as what we were told to always do in front of her.

“I do hope you are finding everything in town to your satisfaction, Lady Mary” The queen says to mama

“Indeed I am, your Majesty “ Mama answers

“This time around, that is” the queen sneers

“Perhaps your mother, would like some refreshment Miss, Sharma” Lady Danbury says smiling tightly towards Kate. We walk away and towards the other side from where they are.

We look around and something catches my eye, I smile once I saw the Viscount with his family. I stare at them for a few minutes before they walked off, the viscount catches my eyes before he turned, I turned my head away smiling.

“Miss Sharma” I turned my head to the side, the viscounts face greeting me “May I have the honor of you conceding me this dance?” He holds his hand in front of me, I smile cheerfully, going to grab his hands when another stops mine.

“Oh I am afraid she cannot, Lord Bridgerton ” Kate interrupts smiling falsely “ You see, she is-“

“I would be delighted, My lord” I hold on to his hand, ignoring Kate’s protests, making the Viscount smile triumphantly

He leads me to the dance floor, where we got In to position and started to dance.

“How nice of you to ask me for a dance” I tease Mid-dance

“What?” He feigned confusion “I cannot ask my lovely lady friend for a dance now,” he smirks

“Oh” I raise an eyebrow “ we are friends now?” I jokingly say as he turned me around

“Are we not?” I look at him from the corner of my eye “ It is not everyday I meet a lady such as yourself, who does not trail after me for my looks, title or money, why is it wrong that I want to have a dear friend in such person” I chuckle

“I was joking, of course I am your friend” he turns me around once again “Who else is going to be able to dance with you so your mama leaves you in peace once and for all, without expecting anything in return”

"Nothing goes past you now, does it?” He sighs

“Of course not, soon you’ll learn that” I smile “ Do not worry, it does not bother me, in fact, I am honored that after knowing me for 1 day, you already consider me a friend” we bowed as the dance ended, I turned my head and saw Kate beckoning me over, Edwina, Mama and Lady Danbury near her.

“Now if I may be excused, my sister is calling me” we bowed in farewell before we walked to the opposite side of each other, Kate looked at me questioningly once I reached her.

“I am going to marry him deedee” I suddenly say shocking her, I smiled happily.

“Oh dear God, no anyone but him” Kate shook her head furiously, I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Why not? He is a gentleman, so far I have seen he is a good person, and maybe he could come to love me, so why not?” I argued

“Because, Bon, he does not-“ Kate couldn’t finish her sentence as the trumpets sounded throughout the room

“Your presence is noted” the queen starts “ and your queen most appreciative, allow it to now be my honor, to present to you this season’s diamond” we looked at each other nervously as the silence was prolonged, making us restless. I saw the queen look between Edwina and I for a minute.

“Miss Edwina Sharma” I smiled happily for my sister as everyone clapped.

A man came and led my sister towards the queen. Edwina bowed before her. I once smiled before it faded once I saw someone I started to like walking to her.

“Viscount Bridgerton” The queen said “Have you yet met my new incomparable”

“ I am most grateful for the introduction, your Majesty, only hope I shall be afforded the pleasure of a dance” I heard him say.

Edwina accepted holding on to his hand, he lead her to the dance floor, he turned his head, catching my eye for what felt the millionth time this evening, I turned my head quickly, not sparing him another glance. Blinking my eyes furiously, trying to blink away the forming tears.

It is stupid really, it is a silly thing to be sad about, I did not even know him that very well nor were we courting or anything, he can dance with anyone he desires, even my sister.

“Oh Bon” Kate said sadly rubbing my shoulder comfortingly

“I am alright” I gave her a tight lipped smile. Lady Danbury approached us.

“I suppose I should thank you” Kate told Lady Danbury “ Although I wonder, why Edwina and not Y/n”

“Oh do not ask me that, I told her majesty either of the younger Sharma Sister would make an excellent diamond, it was her final choice” She said “ and it’s much too soon for that, you must know, the real work begins now”

“Indeed, there will be mire to wade through on behalf of my sister, to be sure, speaking of, where is my sister?” She looks around for her

“She is dancing with the Viscount” I nodded in their direction, Kate grabbed my hand and along with Lady Danbury we walked towards them when the dance ended

“Kate, Y/n” Edwina said

“Ah, Lord Bridgerton, I see you’ve met Miss Edwina, this is uh-“ Lady Danbury exclaimed

“Her sisters” The Viscount cuts her off

“Miss Sharma and Miss Y/n Sharma, my lord” he nods at her and turns to me, I gave him a small smile

“the Viscount Bridgerton is the most excellent dancer, perhaps I may learn a thing or two from you, my lord” Edwina compliments him, I looked between them both

“Would you join me in the retirement room, sister” Kate told Edwina, grabbing her hand and tugged her away.

I stayed behind with the Viscount, he looked at me once again, before Lady Bridgerton approached him.

“She is a lovely diamond, dearest” She told the Viscount while he watched Edwina walk away

“Indeed,” he affirmed “ She is who I shall marry” I felt a painful tug on my chest. I ignored it before I walk around him and after my sisters, who waited at the door. The viscount now watching me walk further away from him.

Long last, the queen has named her most precious stone

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2 years ago

Tales of a heart Masterlist

Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma sister! reader

Description: Anthony Bridgerton has declared he's looking for a wife. He now has every debutante competing to capture his attention in hopes of becoming a viscountess, although there is not a lot from whom to choose from. However, with a new season also means new comers, and the Sharma family has entered this season.

Warnings: friends to lovers, angst (obviously) , both Anthony and y/n acting like a pair of idiots denying their feelings for each other, fluff, slowburn, roller-coaster of emotions

Note: this is my first Bridgerton fic so excuse me if it's not as great as it could be, I guarantee it will have grammar mistakes or language that was not used back in the 1800s but as I have fallen completely in love with Anthony, I couldn’t resist writing my own fic about him


Started: June 19,2022

Finished on: July 1st, 2022

Bold writing +*** = smut

Tales Of a heart Playlist

Part 1 : Introducing the Sharma sisters

Part 2 : The Ball

Part 3: The New Diamond

Part 4: Off To The Races

Part 5: The Poetry Reading

Part 6: Pall Mall

Part 7: Dinner night

Part 8: Inappropriate Encounters

Part 9: Unacceptable Feelings

Part 10: A Swim In The Lake

Part 11: Revelations

Part 12: She Knows

Part 13: A New Plan

Part 14: Another Scandal

Part 15: A New Step ***

Part 16: New Beginnings

Part 17: Make Him Chase

Part 18: Finally


Bonus chapter 1 ***

Bonus chapter 2

*they will also follow the storyline from s2 apart from a few things I will change or that I will add

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