this blog posts tons of flags with their meanings. | not all flags are mine. | "the freak flag archivist." | pronouns you can use for me are it/meow/burn/🛴. | requests are always open.
159 posts
-- /vybravrukhuvitsi/vitsigenic Pride Flags

вибрав-рух-у віці/vybravrukhuvitsi/vitsigenic pride flags
“Vitsigenic is an origin term. It can be headmates who were formerly in one type of system, but has moved to a system of a different type than the headmates own. This can result in the headmates origins changing.” "It can also be for systems whose origins have changed due to headmates formerly from a different system moving in."
g4yw0lfb0y liked this · 8 months ago
wilted-forgetmenots liked this · 1 year ago
dreambound-ring liked this · 2 years ago
wtf-am-i-lmao liked this · 2 years ago
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i cant wait for hanukkah, im so excited!

Mermaidgender Pride Flag “mermaidgender is a gender for when you like mermaids”

Kōgagender Pride Flag “a xenogender relating to Kōga from the anime Inuyasha”

безміток-текучий🌈 Pride Flag and Symbol “”безміток-текучий🌈” translating to “unlabeled-fluid🌈” can mean anything you want it to. it is anything you can think of or dream of.”

Kojogender Pride Flags “Kojogender is a gender relating to the person m35h1c0r3 is. A gender that is cold on the outside and rotton on the inside. Like a sickly black rose.” NOTICE: I DO NOT SUPPORT M35H1C0R3.