this blog posts tons of flags with their meanings. | not all flags are mine. | "the freak flag archivist." | pronouns you can use for me are it/meow/burn/🛴. | requests are always open.
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i cant wait for hanukkah, im so excited!
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if u hate m35h1c0r3 that much, then why are u so focused on making all these xenogenders of them? Doesn’t seem all that healthy to me tbh.
personal coping mechanism. i know its not healthy. i dont know how to handle my trauma so i do this.

Kōgagender Pride Flag “a xenogender relating to Kōga from the anime Inuyasha”
Hey isn't it kind of harassment to say you don't like somebody but then repeatedly make genders of them, saying you don't support them again, but then continue to talk about them anyways? /genq
(As people may go and harass them based on your posts, your censoring of their name isn't going to deter those types /nm)
no it is not harassment. do you understand what harassment is? i have been harassed a lot because of those people. they sent harassment to me. so me saying i dont support them wont do anything to hurt them. im not sending harassment or anything like that to them. im just saying i do not support them. im allowed to handle my trauma how i want to. if you dont like it then dont look at my profile. also i am not censoring their name. i never have before and i never will in the future.

Inuyashagender Pride Flag “a xenogender relating to Inuyasha from the anime Inuyasha”

вибрав-рух-у віці/vybravrukhuvitsi/vitsigenic pride flags
“Vitsigenic is an origin term. It can be headmates who were formerly in one type of system, but has moved to a system of a different type than the headmates own. This can result in the headmates origins changing.” "It can also be for systems whose origins have changed due to headmates formerly from a different system moving in."