This is my main blog. I do have a few side blogs for my writing and crafting (and my cat). Originally, this was a sims 2 blog, but now I post about reading and just about anything I’m thinking. I hope you’ll join me! I’m going to try to be more consistent in 2023.
1429 posts
Ooh Boy! Ive Had A Couple Of These Hiding In My Inbox For A While Now. Thank You So Much, Everyone! Youre

Ooh boy! I’ve had a couple of these hiding in my inbox for a while now. Thank you so much, everyone! You’re all so sweet.
To anyone who sees this, I hope you have a fantastic day. :D
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More Posts from Annegirl13

Checo learned to dazzle.

Monday Morning in the Ramirez House
Checo: So, Tessa, are you excited for your first day of real school?
Tessa: Yeah. But I’ll miss you and Mommy.
Lisa: Aww, sweetie, we’ll miss you too. I don’t know what I’ll do without you around here all day.

Lisa: Hi sweetie! How was your first day?
Tessa: It was good. We talked about our families and our pets. Only, I don’t have a pet, so I said I wanted one and my teacher asked me what kind. I said an elephant.
Lisa: Really?
Tessa: Uh-huh. But I think I’d want maybe a dog instead. A big dog. We could name him Elephant. Can we get one, Mommy?
Lisa: *laughs lightly* Let’s talk to Daddy first, okay? I think if you work hard in school, we might get you a pet.

Storytellers, do you ever have that moment where you make a sim for one scene and you end up falling in love with him and regretting what you have to do to him? Thanks for breaking my heart, Denise. Now I have to go create an alternative neighborhood where you and Yves can be together forever...