PAIRING(S): Peter Parker x Reader
WARNING(S): Language that Steve would smh at
WORD COUNT: 1817 words
TAGGING: @baezen @claritycas @obiwanker @oheleven
Author’s Note: This is so friggin short bc I think peter is the cutest, most sweetest, and purest little BABY in the planet — BABY — the only issue is that I think he’s so young tho like i physically could not. So, like, super sorry but I couldn’t pda much so I was left with this.

“Shhh,” You hushed your baby brother quietly. Thomas — or Tommy — was the only person you’d burn the world down for. He was your world. For three years, it was only you and him, and him and you. It was your job to look after him, and lately, you’ve been doing a pretty shit job.
Tears streamed down his face as he gasped for air. Poor Tommy was having a panic attack. His asthma didn’t help either.
It was 1:04 am.
You knew if your foster parents woke up it would be the end of it. You started rummaging through your shitty excuse of a room.
Where was that damned inhaler?
You could have sworn you kept a spare in your shitty eight-dollar Captain America Walmart backpack. You gripped your backpack by the bottom, turning it over then shaking the living daylight of it.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
Your stupid books: check. Your stupid pencil case: check. Peter Parker’s stupid math notes nobody understands but copies anyway: check. Your brother’s inhaler: no fucking check. You paused and dropped your bag. You gripped your hair roughly. You began tugging your [Y/H/C] locks in desperation.
Fuck. If this really was your only hope, then so be it.
You snapped your head at Tommy. You rushed over and bent down, lowering yourself so you were still on your feet. You lightly pressed your hands on Tommy’s face and wiped his tears away with your thumbs. “Hey, Tommy, listen, we’re gonna go down the fire escape, okay?” You whispered.
His [Y/E/C] eyes at you, a clear reflection of your face in his eyes. “You’ll be just fine — we both will,” You reassured him, “I just need to quickly get you an extra inhaler. Nothing’s wrong, okay, sweet cheeks? Just an average run to the store.” You breathed out silently. You gripped him below the armpits then raised him to your waist as you stood up.
For a few seconds, you stared at the small mirror hanging beside your bed. You blinked once, twice, then stopped your hand from rubbing Tommy’s back. You stalked towards the mirror and threw it onto your bed without another thought.
You stared at the small, fist-sized hole in the wall (proudly punched by yours truly), along with a small six-shooter gun hidden inside.
You blinked again. Then once more. Then slipped on your Walmart shoes and carefully ducked yourself and Tommy out of the window.
In your pyjamas, at 1:07 am, you and your brother began making your way to Uncle Joe’s Drug Store.
Here’s a background story on your tragic life.
Born and raised in Sokovia
Sokovia blew up three years ago
Captain America fails to save your father
Your mother, your brother and yourself get flown to America along with thousands of Sokovian refugees
Your mother is deemed “unsuitable” to raise two children as she has no profession and has no way to support herself — let alone her children
Your brother and yourself get separated from your mother
Your brother and yourself find a way to land yourselves into a household of two assholes who only wanted you for the money the government was willing to pay
You stood in front of the closed drug store. 1:47 am. Your brother had fallen asleep on your shoulder safe and sound, yet still out of an inhaler. Sure, you could keep working your waitresses job and babysitting job (yes, a sophomore juggling two jobs at once), but both your next pay checks could barely hold the budget of your weekly food, let alone another inhaler.
This was your only hope, you told yourself repeatedly.
Your heart felt heavier by the second, your mind running a million miles per hour. You shouldn’t do it. But you needed to do it. You didn’t want to do it.
You stared at your brother for a few seconds, then climbed the nearest fire escape of the apartment beside the drug store. You rested him on a safe place and wrapped your jacket over him, covering him from sight.
You knew this neighbourhood inside and outside – like the back of your hand. The amount of times you had to visit for your brother’s medications allowed you to memorise the amount of cameras. Where and when they moved, the perfect angle to cover your faces — like a choreography. It was all unconsciously memorised. You didn’t mean to… you think? Maybe you did know this was coming. One way or another, your life was too fucked up for easy.
First: aliens, next: your country blowing up, now you were about to rob a fucking drug store to keep your baby brother’s health in check.
You took a deep breath and looked away from little Tommy. You reached behind your shirt and pulled your six-shooter from the waistband of your red Dora the Explorer pyjama pants.
Before you could do more, a light crunch of the rocky floor came from behind you.
You snapped your body into a 180 spin.
What the fuck?
Your heart began beating uncontrollably at the sight of ]Spider-fucking-Boy himself.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
“You really don’t wanna do that.” Spider-Boy said.
You frowned. Your gun now pointed at the head of the Spider-Boy. “Please, just go away.”
He cocked his head to the side. The asshole wasn’t even scared. He stayed silent. Just stared at you for a while. Was he gonna say something or just stand there gawking?
A few minutes past, and finally, he spoke. “That isn’t really how super-hero and super-villain confrontations work, though.”
Your heart kept beating faster and faster by the minute. “Listen you twitching maggot, I need to do this!”
The red man in tights skipped — fucking skipped — towards the nearest car and lent his body lazily on it. “That’s what they all say.”
Why did he sound so familiar?
You scoffed. “I don’t really give a shit.”
He whistled. “You have a potty mouth.” He pointed out.
“I don’t fucking care.”
Spider-Boy tilted his head again. “What do you want with this store anyway, [Y—], l-little lady.”
Your brows furrowed.
Was he about to say your name?
“I don’t know how often you do this, but there’s usually not this much talking.”
His eyes grew wider at your words. “That’s the second time someone’s told me that!”
You rolled your eyes to feign your nerves. Was he going to do something or not?
“Are you gonna let me go or not? Look here, Spider-Boy, if you really want to help, you’re gonna walk away from this.”
“How is this helpi – Spider-Boy?” His voice grew higher at the name.
You made a face as you shrug your shoulders.
“N-no! It’s Spider-Man!”
You gave him a blank stare. “Mmmkay.”
He was silent for a moment. He matured a short sentence under his breath, though you couldn’t hear. “What were you trying to get in the first place? Why not look for a job? You just seem so young – besides, y’know that Joe clears out all of his cash before he leaves, right?”
You squinted. “None of your damn business, twerp. I need something else.”
Spider-Man made a move to get closer, only for your gun to raise higher. You probably would’ve verbally threatened him if it wasn’t for Tommy.
A soft groan came from the fire-escape you hid your brother under. He was rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. You quickly hid your gun behind you. “What’s happening?” Tommy asked.
Your face softened. “Tommy, go back to sleep.”
His eyes blinked slowly. “Spider-Man.” He pointed his little finger at said hero.
The boy in red awkwardly waved back. “Hey,”
You ignored him and took a step closer towards your brother. “Go back to sleep, Tommy.”
Tommy ignored you and attempted to reach his arms down at you. “Where’s my medicine?”
You gulped. You took a quick glance at Spider-Man. “I dunno if I can get it today, Tommy.” A hand suddenly gripped your arm and dragged you away. “Get your fucking hands off of me!”
“Shh!” his hands flew to your face, covering your mouth. “What medicine?” He whispered.
You slapped his hands away. “None of your damn business, you pre-pubescent tool bag.”
Spider-Boy’s face grew closer to yours in exasperation. “I’m trying to help you!”
You shrugged his hands off of you. You tried to shove him aside, only, he barely even flinched. “Help me by pissing off, you jackass!”
He groaned loudly at your stubbornness. He narrowed his eyes at you, then turned abruptly. He began stalking towards the door of Uncle Joe’s Drug Store and knelt down. He began picking the lock.
Once he was inside, he reached into his suit and began ruffling through the pockets. He was muttering something inaudible as his hands wondered around the pockets.
All the while, your head had fallen sideways in confusion.
Next thing you knew, his hands slammed onto the counter. He left a series of crumpled notes and began digging through the counter. He ripped out a piece of yellow sticky notes and scribbled a quick note, then a trace of a smiley-face.
His red body suddenly spun around and started rummaging the drawers. Again, he was muttering. He was probably reading the labels. Your suspicious narrowed eyes only grew smaller at his actions. “Psst!” You hissed. “What the hell?”
He only ignored you, instead, letting out a quick cheer as he snatched two small boxes out of the cabinets.
Spider-Man then proceeded to skip – skip – towards you then plopped down the two inhalers into your palms.
You blinked at the boxes. “What?”
He looked back up. You seriously wished you could see his eyes right about now. The white balls were so big you had no idea where his eyes were. Awkward, but whatever, not the point. “For your brother.” He stated, pushing your hand into your chest some more.
You stared at your hands.
More silence.
Then you stared at his face.
Were you supposed to hug him or something? Thank him? Yeah – no – you didn’t see that happening.
You gulped. You were so not good at social interactions. “Hey, Boy Wonder,” You blurted, getting his attention off your brother and towards you. You took his head-tilting as a sign to continue. “I — uhh —” you sighed and shoved your gun into his hands. “I wasn’t gonna shoot you.”
His eyes grew wider at the feeling of the gun, then his eyes squinted ever so slightly. “Wait, you’re weren’t?”
“If your spidey senses are really as good as you think they are, you’d know it isn’t even loaded.” Before he could reply, a loud gasp fell from your lips.
Waitaminute waitaminute waitaminute.
You looked up towards Tommy, then back down towards Spider-Man. Then at your hands. Then back at Spider-Man. "Holy fucking shitballs.”
“What - what is it?” Spider-Man looked alarmed, head frantic as his head jerked around to san your surroundings.
“Peter, is that you?”
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Fae!Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Vampire!Natasha Romanoff; Sam Wilson; Steve Rogers.
You were blessed since you could remember with the Sight. An uncommon power letting you see things that human people couldn’t see in our world. You never knew why? But you could see packs of werewolves looming at the entry of the woods just behind your home when you were a child. You could see, vampires lurking in the darkest corners of bars when you start to study at your University. You could see merpeople, playing and swimming every time you will go to the beach. Your mom used to say that you were a rare flower, beautiful and full of colors growing deep into the ground, watching and knowing the deep roots and truth of every person that you could meet. The thought of you seeing weird and dangerous fantastic legends never bothers her. In fact, she would smile at you, seeing them too, and winked as if it was a secret between the two of you. Growing up around these creatures was not always simple. Especially when you are dating one of them who kept dark secrets from you.
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FLUFF, ( a bit ), SMUT, (mention of sexual content) ANGST( i’m sorry ); the beautiful trifecta! Swearing.
Here’s my entry for The Ugliest Wombat Challenge, for the wonderful writer @imanuglywombat. Congratulation on reaching 1,7k followers girl! After reading your amazing stories I understand why! I hope you will enjoy my one-shot.
I choose The Mountain Mortals Moodboard, and as always my imagination went wild and crazy with it.
For the characterization of Fae!Bucky, I inspired myself from the work of one of my favorite authors and the FaeQueen SJM.
Thank you, everyone, for reading. Don’t hesitate to leave feedbacks and comments.
A lots of Love! Lex’.x
WORDS. 3598ish. ( Take a blanket and some snacks. )
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Dark Webs - Chapter Four (Dark! Peter Parker x Reader)

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A/N: I really am hoping the tags work this time (slowly but surely becoming like Tom when it comes to work social media!). Let me know what you guys think, I’ve been loving all of your kind words! If you want to be added to the tag list, please send me a message and I’ll add you on for next week! Xx
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Words: 5500+
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Chapter type: Fluff, mutual pinning.
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Praise You Like I Should

One-Shot Masterlist
No under 18s thank you
Summary: Two months have passed since you first came into the pack after Steve had claimed you before them. You are still coming to terms with your new life and identity as an Omega. As you approach your first heat, you are overwhelmed and seek out the comfort of your Alpha.
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