arashikohedervary - Héderváry-Satsuki Arashiko
Héderváry-Satsuki Arashiko

17 years old, Hungarian, ENFJ. Hyperfixations include: Jurassic Series, J. R. R. Tolkien, OFMD, etc... Happy to make friends ❤ Free Palestine🇵🇸

50 posts

"That Unfortunate Who Wrote This Yearns For Love Behind Measure, So That Love Would Keep Him From Committing

"That unfortunate who wrote this yearns for love behind measure, so that love would keep him from committing things he is too afraid to do. He was beaten for things he never would have done (if only he would have been loved). He is the child who was not loved and who was beaten for it because they could not endure that they did not love him. He desires love this way, so he wouldn't be hurt. [...]"

- Attila József, Hungarian poet.

This line begins the Hungarian Musical called 'Én, József Attila' [Me, Attila József]. It's a very strong beginning and it left its print on me. Attila was a tragic poet, suffering throughout his entire life, especially with mental health and he committed suicide at the age of 32. He made an enormous impact on the whole of Hungary.

The original detail:

"Az a szerencsétlen, aki ezeket irta, mérhetetlenül áhitozik szeretetre, hogy a szeretet vissza tartsa őt oly dolgok elkövetésétől, melyeket fél megtenni. Őt olyasmiért verték, amit soha nem tett volna. Ő az a gyermek, akit nem szerettek s akit ezen kívűl azért vertek, mert nem tudták elviselni azt, hogy nem szeretik. Igy kivánja ő a szeretetet azért, hogy ne bántsák."

More Posts from Arashikohedervary

1 year ago

First post and it might be not liked by everyone, but I just need to say something:

I need someone to shame Rings of Power together.

Yepp. That's it.

I mean we all know it's bad, but it feels good to repeat it over and over again. My long suffering family has had enough of me and I wouldn't like to get kicked out :' ).

And at the end of day... the best friendships bond over something they hate. (Right???)

So if you're feeling like ranting over those ridiculous hairstyles, beardless dwarf women or how much Lord of the Rings is better then feel free to message me :).

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9 months ago

Was nobody going to tell me we're getting a Camp Cretaceous sequel???😭😭

Now I've got only four days to rewatch the five seasons, the six films and reread the Jurassic Park book.

*Manually changes hyperfixation to Dinosaurs*

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9 months ago

My first Chaos theory edit!!! (We were all thinking of this scene)

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