artofkhaos404 - contributing to the khaos
contributing to the khaos

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A Messy Sketch Of Another Central Character In My Novel In Progress: The Dictatorship.

A Messy Sketch Of Another Central Character In My Novel In Progress: The Dictatorship.

A messy sketch of another central character in my novel in progress: The Dictatorship.

Meet Youko Tanaka.

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More Posts from Artofkhaos404

1 year ago

Did??? Did you really just call MCR a "hardcore punk band"???? Their a pop punk band my dude. Lmfao you should probably expose yourself to more music before making an outrageous claim like that lmfao. Check out bad brains, Magrudergrind, or code orange for heavens sake. I know you're new to punk music but c'mon kid

Nope. I was referring to Showbread, thought I was pretty clear on that. You're still not reading thoroughly I Don't bother to respond again, I will not read it. If you don't understand the basic punk principle of respecting others' lifestyles I don't know what else I can say to help you out man. We're clearly on different ends of the subculture. Hope you figure it out and wish you the best.

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1 year ago

Hey punks. You looking for some sick pins and wanna support independent artists? Try the website Redbubble. I just ordered four pins from them and bro I'm so excited for them to come in like sifneofjwonfoenf

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1 year ago

I was raised Christian apolitical/anarchist so it's a bit different, but fairly similar. I started dressing different in middle school and it was a BATTLE, let me tell you. People believe what they believe and most of the time they won't change their views unless they come to a different conclusion themselves. In your arguments I would express (and have expressed to my own parents in the past) how God made us all different. There's three parts of us: our soul, our flesh (sinful nature) and the Holy Spirit (if you're saved). So if you have a desire or inclination towards something and it's not sinful, where did it come from? God made you so he must have put that desire there Himself! Individuality and Christianity are not enemies. They go hand in hand. If God wanted us to all be the same person and look the same, he would have made us that way!

Express your reasons for wanting to dress this way as well. A lot of conservative minded people think alt ppl like us are just attention seekers so that may be their mindset. Let them know it's not and let them know why you feel connection to alt culture/fashion.

And if all else fails and they're unreasonable, stop trying to convince them and show them. Be a good kid, don't do drugs, don't do bad things and slowly introduce the things you want: a choker here, a pair of black skinnies there, a darker than usual blouse. Show them it's not gonna corrupt or change you and you're still the same person, just in a darker shade. Hope it works out for you 🖤

genuinely need advice and help

my parents are neurotypical and conservative Christians and are really strict, and I need help figuring out how to talk to them that will actually get through to them

how does one go to their parents and explain that they'd like the ability to have bodily autonomy and have the choice to choose how they dress/accessorise/look because it's their right and they're not a kid anymore and they'd like the freedom to be able to express themself more openly through their preferred style (punk/emo/goth/alt style stuff) RESPECTFULLY???

because the only things I can come up with currently are reasonable, straightforward, and logical, but ive tried that way before and what seems perfectly reasonable to me, they seem to always believe the opposite, so thats not gonna get me anywhere and it will more likely than not start a fight match because "im being disrespectful and rude" and "why cant i just be happy with the freedom that i have? my parents are trying, but this is hard for them :("

I'm really trying to avoid fighting with them, but I'm so tired and fed up with their BS

if anyone has any suggestions, please help

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1 year ago

Being an alternative artist is so funny to me. I'm a maximalist, so most of my friends nearly exclusively see me with my hands and arms covered in gloves, rings, bracelets, etc. Which is fine, it's epic, it's whatever UNTIL it's time to draw, diy or write something. Then I leave a trail of black and metal in the house behind me as I go from creative task to creative task, cause I don't know about you guys, but I can't do intricate stuff with all that crap on XD

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