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I Have Nothing To Unload So Here's An Old Drawing

I Have Nothing To Unload So Here's An Old Drawing

I have nothing to unload so here's an old drawing

Anyway today is Eid Al adha

11. 8. 2019

10. 12. 1440 (Islamic calendar)

No matter where you are, Weather you celebrate it or not i wish for you a happy day ❤️

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More Posts from Bandora-sss

5 years ago

Saint 14 is the best fictional character of all time. I dare you to change my mind

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5 years ago

Glaz rework idea

If you have been following me or taken a look at my posts, at this point you would know that tumbler has become the place where I talk about my ideas and frustration with some of the current issues with R6 siege. glaz has the worst pick and win rate of all the operators

The reveal of kali reminded me of my frustration with glaz's current position and gave me a few ideas that I want to share with the community

So here's my ideas

His gadget

His scope will be the only one he can use which means that he can't use any close range sight or flip it off like he currently does

The scope would be easier to see with just like the acog. Idk how to explain it but If you payed attention you can see a difference (in the colors?) between the acog and the scope, the acog is much clear, nice and easy to see through

Moving will still cause you to lose vision through smoke, but enemies will be highlighted in yellow to some degree weather you're moving or not

The gadget button will allow you to throw smoke grenades (instead of flipping your scope off) you'll have 2 to 3 smoke grenades

As a secondary gadget smoke grenades will be replaced with a claymore

If needed he will lose his frags

His primary weapons

The dmr will stay as his primary but it'll need some or all of these buffs

Reduce the recoil to match that of the other dmrs and give it access to grips

Give it more soft breaching capabilities to allow glaz to open new lines of sights

Increase the damage from 71 to 80 at maximum (maybe this change is pointless i didn't do the math I'm not ROGUE-9)

Make it fully suppressed by removing all the barrel choices (of course without affecting damage or recoil)

Reduce the RPM that was recently increased

His secondary weapons

Replace both of them with the C75 and the SMG-11 to give him a reliable option for close to medium ranges, this will also allow him to enter the building like other attackers and anchor later, i think it's the thing that glaz needs the most


I think that the movement penalty was knda necessary but ubisoft's biggest mistake with him was that when they nerfed him they needed to buff some other aspects about him.

Just like they did with lion, they removed the outlines and the scaning time but reduced the warning time of and made it recharge faster.

I think that glaz needs some or all of these buffs but with kali soon to introduced to the game hopefully ubisoft can gather information and get ideas on how to balance glaz, if I'm not mistaken they have stated that they'll keep an eye on him for future charges

Please share your thoughts and ideas with me it's always nice to hear from the community sometimes they give some interesting ideas

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5 years ago

The normal life of R6 players

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5 years ago

How to fix R6 siege operators part 1

Warden and nokk

(This is a series that I want to start and right down my ideas on how to fix the operators

I won't say that my ideas are %100 right, this merely me giving my opinions and i would like to hear yours)


plan A

His gadget will get the same charging system as nokk

Give him 2 stun grenades that works like ela's minds and 2 smoke grenades as his secondary gadgets, this should make him less dependent on the attackers (I'm afraid this will make him overpowered or won't work)

He'll stay as a 3 armor anchor

The P90 will get a damag buff from 22 to 24 and a recoil reduction by 10-20 percent, if he's too powerful with an acog the then the recoil will be reduced by 20-30 percent and the acog will be removed (it will also affect doc and rook because the weapon is really not used in a competitive environment and could see more use this way)

If he's too powerful then he'll lose the SMG-12

Mabye replace clash's pistol with kaid's

Note : i thought of giving him a secondary shutgun but i didn't see a scenario where he would benefit from it, i also thought of giving a DMR but there's also no scenario where he'll sacrifice an automatic weapon for it

Plan B

His gadget will get the same charging system as nokk

He'll become a 3 speed roamer

MPX damage will be buffed from 26 to 30 (this will affect valkyrie to help her a little)

His secondary gadgets will become : impacts and C4

This should put him in a similar position to vigil, where the gadget itself does not see a lot of use but the guns makes up for it


She'll become a 3 speed

Her walking and crouching speed (even when ADS for console players) when she's using her gadget will be increased by a reasonable amount to give her an advantage

She'll get her stun grenades back

The FMG9 will get its fire rate increased from 800 to 900 (this will affect smoke to make his the gun more dependable) , or she'll get one of the next weapons

Jager's carbine

Vigil's K1A

Kaid's AUG A3

These 3 weapons are similar to that of the attacker's but do not have an acog (ubisoft has announced that during development she was overpowered with an acog)

Note : i thought of giving her the R4C but one is enough to deal with already

Please tell me weather you agree or not and what will you do instead

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5 years ago

Yeah qbout the mid season balancing patch notes for R6 Y4S4


Finally they noticed how trash her recoil is, i honestly don't think that this buff is enough i was hoping for her to get the same recoil as the P90 or even the C75, anything but random recoil. But we'll have to see how it goes


His gun has : a high fire rate, high damage, huge magazine, so I wasn't surprised nor i cared because I use holographic on him

Echo / dokkaebi

This isn't the kind of nerf i was expecting or hoping for, dokkaebi Dosen't need any buffs, at this rate she would become a popular ban, there's no way to avoid her gadget


Again I wasn't surprised, jager is a three speed with the best weapon, his secondary gadgets are already the least desirable, so there were only two ways to nerf him

1 his speed

2 his damage

Nokk/and smoke

I'm glad that they're buffing nokk but i honestly still think that she deserves another weapon

Also I'm pretty sure this won't affect smoke because everyone uses his shotgun, but i hope that they give him back his impacts because soft breaching is essential to his gadget, also mute has nearly the same weapon so i think it should get some love


It's nice to see him becoming less reliable on his shields

He's still gonna be the most hated operator, i honestly want to replace his gadget



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