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Dining Etiquette Tips

Dining Etiquette Tips

Since I’ve been complimented on it, I thought I’d share some dining etiquette tips.

(This is all a mix of me being forced to attend family dinners in France, two years of living in Eastern Asia, and Google.)


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More Posts from Beauteaful

8 months ago

Also, don't be cheap. Money is for spending, love. You make money so you can spend it, and I've insisted time and time again that you should be careful with it- but heaven's sake love don't be cheap. Is there anything more distasteful than a cheap person? Think of your friends, your romantic partner, your workspace human force. Would you like them if they were cheap?

You need money to make money- common sense. You need money to level up. You need money to exist, and that's why I dedicate so much of my time and effort to financial education. Spend your money. Carefully, but spend your money.

Here's the twist- a smart lady loves a bargain. A smart lady knows what's worth her money and what's not. A smart lady knows some things she can get for free, but chooses not to. A smart lady knows somethings are cheaper in the same quality and quantity, but chooses to pay the higher price. Buying a digital copy of a book when there are free websites that you can read them for free is smart lady behavior. Buying an online course when that information is free online is smart lady behavior. Paying for coaching or mentorship when you can easily figure it out yourself is smart lady behavior. It's a thatbitch thing. Peak thatbitchism.

How is it smart to spend money on things you can get for free?


It's that simple. Respect.

Money is energy. It's not a piece of paper it's hours of your life that you poured into labor to earn. It's a piece of your life. It's hours you've traded for. Sometimes it's more than just time it's all the friendships you lost because you were too busy. It's the secrets you kept from mom because she wouldn't have approved. It's the vacations you didn't take and dates you canceled and homework you submitted late and medical bills you now have from the working conditions. Money, to middle and lower class women, is literally a piece of your life. That's why you value it so much you bled for it. When you exchange it for something, you respect the thing that much. You use that thing to your max. You utilize every part of it. You bled for it, you'll get your money's worth.

The reason that PDF you downloaded for free has been sitting in your Files for months but the library book is getting used is the library book is balanced- you exchanged energy for it. You lose it you pay- that's balance. Time urgency, your time with it is limited. Difference between your Dior lipstick and 5$ lip balm is one of them cost a week's worth of labor- so you only wear it on special occasions. Your target bag could carry your leftovers from the party but your birkin??? Birkin??? One scratch and you have a heart attack. Why? You exchanged months of your life for it. The more you pay for something the more you respect it. Why? There's a balance of exchange of energy. Free lunch doesn't taste good because you haven't bled for it. That first five star meal on your paycheck will taste like heaven when it's not as good as your mom's because your mom's is free and guaranteed but that five star you bled for it.

If it's exclusive, you'll cherish it more, you bled to access it. The science of luxury & why it's popular among and marketed to the poor is that its proof of how much you've bled. A Chanel bag to the middle class girlie is everything but Princess Charlotte couldn't care, she doesn't work for it.

If you want to respect it, earn it.

Heres a better example - all the level up blogs you reblog for free, including mine- be honest, have you utilized them? Be honest with yourself here, love, don't you lose interest after seeing the next dopamine inducing post?? You don't take them seriously, now, do you? If you did you'd be untouchable. If you took every *how to be that girl this June* post seriously you'd be so high we couldn't reach you, but you don't. Not because the information isn't useful, it is. But because it's free. There's no respect for it. You don't respect it because you haven't exchanged energy for it. Just half, if you took HALF of your reblogs seriously. Of the you tube videos you binge on seriously. Of your tiktokers seriously, just half. Scrap that- 0.000008 seriously, you'd be untouchable. But you don't. Because you can't. Because there's no exchange of energy. If it's free, or cheap. It's useless.

If you're a billionaire the four seasons and birkins and a Porsche are useless, you didn't bleed for it. You're not exchanging energy you're exchanging paper. The middle and lower class suffer more but live fuller lives because we exchange energy for things. Money is easy to make so the middle class live happy lives but the ultra rich suffer because they do not know what it means to panic when you get a headache because if it's a tumor you're cooked, your insurance can't cover that- so consecutively they don't know the relief of finding out it was in fact just a headache. We wake up and grind and fight with our bosses and hate on our coworkers then we go home and complain life is hard and that cup of noodles is heaven because we had a full day earning it and that makes us happy. So that one meal at a four star gets 58979 pics, you savor every single bite, you remember it for the next ten years and promise yourself you'll go back so you work harder- and so you live a full life. You exchange energy.

I tell my mentees if you can easily afford it bargain and get it cheaper or for free it doesn't matter it'll feel the same and you get to save money- pay full amount when it hurts you to. Money doesn't buy items it buys experiences. If you're going to a cheap theme park bring your friends with you so you experience the happiness or go because it reminds you of being seven but once every month try a restaurant just above what you can easily afford and buy the experience - you'll remember it for life. Yes YouTube can teach you styling in minutes (& they're accurate with it) but paying a stylist a ridiculous amount for the same knowledge will do you more good because you'll remember and cherish it for life - you exchanged yours for it. If you can easily afford a safari to Kenya go once and bring your friends so you enjoy it or you'll be on your phone the whole time because it came easy. Easy + cheap = useless, you won't like it, it will not be memorable and you will not really use it. Yes you can easily download that book but go buy it, you have a higher chance of actually reading it that way.

If you can easily afford Chanel buy 2 items to show that you can, in fact, afford Chanel (& make them accessories) then have your local tailor make you clothes you like because it's the same thing you just save money. Chanel is only Chanel if you can't easily afford it so you cherish that bag with your life (just to be clear, we do know that chanel is just highrise Zara, right???????) . Go to Hawaiii so you can swap stories with your friends but work on going to a place that requires more energy, go to somewhere you can't easily go. In high school my politician to be classmates would go to third world countries to sleep in local motels or cheap places because that's more memorable to them, they've been to Gstaad since they were born and like I said- money is for buying experiences.

If you can easily afford it, get 2 or 3 just to show that's your standard then get the rest cheap and on bargain save your money. If you cant easily afford it still get 2 or 3 just to show you can then save your money you need it more & you'll cherish those 2 for the rest of your life, even long after you can buy the whole company .

You want to level up, pay 100$ for the membership into that group doesn't matter if they say obvious stuff you'll do it . you'll take the advice given seriously because it cost you .if 100$ is nothing to you just go to a therapist or something you don't need it. It won't help you. Get into as many exclusive places as you can, at a price that will hurt you a little (a little. If you burn your whole paycheck like you don't have other things to spend on you're stupid) and you'll feel it so you can fully enjoy it.

Free is useless unless you couldn't have it any other way. Free clothes to the homeless aren't useless to them, they couldn't have accesed them any other way but free clothes to your boss's daughter is pitiful shell thank you then throw them to the back of her closet & hate you for it. If it comes easy bargain and save money it'll feel the same.

Don't be cheap.

Click here

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9 months ago



Fruit: apples, blood orange, clementines, kiwi fruit, lemons, passion fruit, pears, pineapple, pomegranate, satsumas, tangerines, walnuts

Vegetables: beetroot, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, kale, leeks, parsnips, potatoes (main crop), rhubarb, turnip, shallots, squash, swede

Meat/poultry/fish: brill, clams, cockles, haddock, halibut, hake, John Dory, lemon sole, mussels, oysters, plaice, scallops, turbot, venison


Fruit: bananas, blood oranges, lemons, passion fruit, pears, pineapple, pomegranate, walnuts

Vegetables: brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celeriac, chard, chicory, jerusalem artichoke, leeks, parsnips, potatoes (main crop), purple sprouting broccoli, rhubarb, spinach, swede, turnip

Meat/poultry/fish: brill, clams, cockles, haddock, hake, john dory, mussels, oysters, turbot, salmon


Fruit: bananas, blood oranges, kiwi fruit, lemons, pomegranate, rhubarb

Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leeks, purple sprouting broccoli, rhubarb, spring onions

Meat/poultry/fish: cockles, cod, hake, john dory, lemon sole, mussels, oysters, salmon, sea trout


Fruit: bananas, kiwi

Vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, Jersey Royals, kale, lettuce, radishes, rocket, rhubarb, rosemary, spinach, spring onions, sorrel, watercress, wild garlic

Meat/poultry/fish: cockles, crab, cod, john dory, salmon, sea bass, sea trout, spring lamb


Fruit: cherries, elderflowers, kiwi

Vegetables: artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, new potatoes, radishes, rhubarb, rocket, sorrel, spinach, spring onions, watercress

Meat/poultry/fish: cod, crab, dover sole, duck, haddock, halibut, herring, john dory, lamb, lemon sole, mackerel, plaice, salmon, samphire, sardines, sea bass, sea trout


Fruit: cherries, elderflowers, gooseberries, kiwi, melon, strawberries

Vegetables: artichoke, asparagus, aubergine, broccoli, carrots, courgettes, fennel, jersey royal new potatoes, lettuce, mangetout, peas, radishes, rocket, runner beans, sorrel, spring onions, watercress

Meat/poultry/fish: cod, crab, dover sole, grey mullet, john dory, lamb, lemon sole, lobster, mackerel, plaice, salmon, sardines, sea bass, sea trout


Fruit: apricots, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, greengages, kiwi, loganberries, melons, nectarines, peaches, raspberries, redcurrants, strawberries, tomatoes

Vegetables: artichoke, aubergine, beetroot, broad beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, courgettes, cucumber, fennel, french beans, garlic, lettuce, mangetout, new potatoes, onions, peas, potatoes (main crop) radishes, rocket, runner beans, sage, spinach, sorrel, watercress

Meat/poultry/fish: clams, cod, crab, dover sole, haddock, hablibut, herring, john dory, lamb, lemon sole, lobster, mackerel, monkfish, pike, plaice, rabbit, salmon, sardines, sea bass, scallops


Fruit: apricots, blackberries, blueberries, greengages, kiwi, loganberries, melons, nectarines, peaches, raspberries, redcurrants, tomatoes

Vegetables: artichoke, aubergines, basil, beetroot, broad beans, broccoli, carrots, courgettes, cucumber, fennel, french beans, garlic, kohlrabi, mangetout, onions, peas, potatoes (main crop) radishes, rocket, runner beans, sorrel, tomatoes, watercress

Meat/poultry/fish: crab, crayfish, cod, dover sole, grey mullet, haddock, halibut, herring, john dory, lamb, lemon sole, lobster, mackerel, monkfish, plaice, salmon, sardines, sea bass, scallops, squid


Fruit: apples, blackberries, damsons, figs, grapes, melons, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, tomatoes, walnuts

Vegetables: artichoke, aubergine, beetroot, broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, celery, courgettes, cucumber, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, mangetout, marrow, onions, peppers, potatoes (main crop), radishes, rocket, runner beans, sweetcorn, watercress, wild mushrooms

Meat/poultry/fish: brown trout, crab, cod, dover sole, duck, grey mullet, haddock, halibut, herring, john dory, lamb, lemon sole, lobster, mackerel, monkfish, plaice, salmon, sardines, sea bass, scallops, squid, turbot, venison


Fruit: apples, chestnuts, elderberries, figs, grapes, pears, quince, tomatoes, walnuts

Vegetables: artichoke, aubergine, beetroot, broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, celery, celeriac, fennel, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, marrow, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, pumpkin, rocket, swede, turnips, watercress, wild mushrooms

Meat/poultry/fish: autumn lamb, brill, clams, crab, duck, john dory, grey mullet, goose, haddock, hake, halibut, lemon sole, lobster, mackerel, monkfish, mussels, scallops, sea bass, squid, turbot, oysters, venison


Fruit: apples, chestnuts, cranberries, elderberries, passion fruit, pears, quince, walnuts

Vegetables: artichoke, beetroot, butternut squash, celeriac, celery, jerusalem artichoke, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, parsnips, potatoes (main crop), pumpkin, swede, turnips, wild mushrooms

Meat/poultry/fish: brill, crab, goose, haddock, hake, halibut, john dory, lemon sole, lobster, monkfish, mussels, oysters, plaice, scallops, sea bass, squid, turbot


Fruit: apples, chestnuts, clementines, cranberries, passion fruit, pears, pineapple, pomegranate, satsumas, tangerines, walnuts

Vegetables: beetroot, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, celeriac, chicory, jerusalem artichoke, kale, leeks, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkin, red cabbage, swede, turnips

Meat/poultry/fish: brill, clams, duck, goose, haddock, hake, halibut, john dory, lemon sole, monkfish, mussels, oysters, pheasant, scallops, sea bass, squid, turbot, turkey


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9 months ago

Complete Ballets To Watch Online

A Midsummer Night’s Dream


Proust Remembered

Anna karenina


The Firebird

Rite Of Spring

Lady Of The Camellias

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9 months ago

Queen of Nutrition

Queen Of Nutrition

This ain't gonna be a guide how to be skinny or lose 20 pounds. Y'all see that everywhere and ya know what to do. Calories in, calories out. Nah. Instead, I'll show you HOW to GLOW UP from eating FOOD.

I generally follow three principles:

1. Never eat foods that make you feel...

Queasy, heavy stomach, stomach reflux, lethargic, sleepy, any negative reaction/feeling. I strongly recommend to note down every meal (takes about 1 min per day, can be done on cellphone in your notepad app!), It will prove itself to be very useful to see if you have sickness triggers. Like sugar obviously triggers my own acne, potatoes make me nauseous (no matter how fresh they are). Meat in the morning makes me lethargic the whole day. Etc. And I only found that way by journaling my meals, and now applying my restrictions makes me feel insanely BETTER. Else I'd have blamed that on the woes of Destiny.

Once you've found your trigger foods, keep them away from your home. If your trigger is sugar, don't buy at the grocery store cookies or anything sugary. No see? No crave! That way you won't be tempted to eat it!

Also, very important, EAT A NUTRITIOUS MEAL BEFORE GOING TO THE GROCERY STORE! You won't concede to cravings that way. I'm really serious, I noticed a difference.

2. Prioritize colorful and light foods over heavy brown food, and low-processed over high-processed

Have you eaten an Big Mac & fries, then feel like crap and groggy, then feel hungry just 2-3 hours later? Those meals aren't filling, pumped with Only God Knows, and drenched in suffocating amounts of fat. It's brown, it's sad, it's not good for our bodies and We Know That. Then why are you going back again to McDo? Are you some weird type of maso?

Brown food is related to comfort food, and that's totally understandable. It's strongly associated to cozy feelings, the meals you get if you're sick, it's comfortable... But they lack nutrition 99% of the time.

I'm not asking you to cut off completely "brown foods", but instead, give a higher percentage of your plate to vegetables and fruits and low-processed stuff. If you aren't used to that new lifestyle, introduce slowly easy to use options. Fresh spinach are amazing in sauteed stuff or in pasta sauces. Carrot sticks are one of the easiest snacks to have. Have a counter basket with apples, oranges and bananas, so easy to catch something and fill a tiny hunger!

Buy that artisan small loaf (that you will eat one slice at a time, how it is filling and delicious) instead of that square cake-like magic bread (bland as hell, you don't even feel full after one slice of sadness), buy the whole chicken breasts and prepare them yourself with delicious spices and flavors instead of buying that pack of frozen chicken tendies.

Take some time to enjoy your time cooking, instead of considering it like a chore.

Instead of eating to fill your stomach, eat to enjoy high quality food that'll nourish every cell of your being and honor your Goddess body you have.

Life's too short for sad, brown, color-bland food, unrecognizable food.

3. Eat to fill your stomach to 80% capacity

This wonderful Japanese principle is called Hara hachi bun me ("belly 80% full"). You eat until you feel like there's still 20% space left in the stomach.

It means that you eat to enjoy life and good food. You're not afraid that you won't have food in the future. That means you store away the excess food in a plate. That means you DON'T have to empty the plate. That means you shouldn't feel nauseous from eating too much, or wanting to sleep because of food comatose. Seriously, when we think about the massive holiday/party binges, it's not hedonism, but gluttony. You often feel like crap which is not a good feeling to have.

You turn off the TV, the cellphone, everything that distracts you, you prepare yourself a nice meal. Matiscating slowly to enjoy the goddamn amazing food you did prepare also helps making you feel fuller, and liberate the good stuff in your food too. You take your time to eat it, enjoy the sensations you feel. It smells good, it tastes good, it makes your mind happy, it's like a buccal orgasm. It's just perfect. A meal fit for a queen.

Queen Of Nutrition

In summary, I recommend to romanticize your life, down to every last minute detail.

Romanticize how you cut your tomatoes, taking your time to enjoy the popping splash of color under your eyes, and to enjoy the juicy goodness in them.

Romanticize how you drink your water, adding some cute refreshing mint and sliced strawberries to add some tinge of flavor to your water.

Have fun cooking, babes!

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8 months ago

Hi queen of networking. I had a question there’s a guy I wanted to connect to, he’s very successful in my industry & I wrote a long message introducing myself since he has a group for youth and I wanted to get involved… he answers on WhatsApp. We can discuss later on I would like to do my best ‘I’m so busy. Please remind me’

I’m confused how I should answer as it’s the first time I’m reaching out to someone like that

Initial response: "Thank you for getting back to me! I understand you're very busy, and I appreciate your willingness to consider my involvement in the group. I'll be sure to send a reminder message soon."

Follow up: "Hi [Name], I hope you're doing well. Just following up as per your suggestion. I'm still very excited about the opportunity to get involved with your group for youth. I believe my experience in [specific area/skill] could be valuable, and I'd love to discuss this further whenever you have some time. Thank you once again for considering my involvement!"

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