Hi yes I am a human person.
51 posts
Behold-a-cat - What Do You Even Put Here? - Tumblr Blog
Chayanne and Tallulah try to organize a surprise baby shower for Phil and their new sibling (nonexistent)
The kids telling Bad that their dad is pregnant, or worse, they tell Missa
You know that ain’t staying secret and soon literally everyone except Phil thinks that Phil is pregnant and pretending (very badly) that they don’t know about it
Suddenly people are extra nice to Phil and keep giving him things?
Weird but Phil’s not going to object.
The concerning thing is that whenever a hostile mob is around it gets jumped by like six people before it can ever get close to Phil.
Phil apparently has bodyguards now that he can’t get rid of and no one will tell him what’s happening. They’ve all been sworn to secrecy.

i wished i could find the og image but.... is this anything

On my way to work, I pass a rock Quarry. Sometimes, you can hear them blasting dynamite and it shakes the ground. They have torn up around 1/4 of the mountain, a massive chunk of the cliff just gone. And I see it every morning.
This morning, as I drove by, I looked up at the very top at this one bald spot. There were still trees on the right and trees on the left, but in the middle, there was a bald spot with one tree still left. It had no branches or leaves, just a glorified log sticking straight up in the air.
I had never noticed it before, but it looked so desolate. I mentioned it to my coworker and he said he thought it wasn't a tree. It must be some kind of equipment like a crane or a back hoe because it wasn’t always there. Sometimes it was. Sometimes it wasn't.
It was the first time I noticed it, so I can't really say. It looks like a tree to me.
And I can feel an AU bubbling up from the sight of it. I think something horror related. Something very Junji Ito. I can almost feel the idea catching me.
Because there is a tree on a bald mountain top.
But maybe, tomorrow there won't be.
And maybe, yesterday there wasn't.
Hey OP, why am I hearing ominous whispers?
The Cult / Egg Master Post
The egg usually aims for netherborns or fire resistant people at least
Leader of the Cult is Muffins
First infected in recent times was Aries
Important posts
Stages of Infection
Member posts
None yet!
Plot posts
None yet but I’ll be making some!
If my breathing falls away
Leaving nothing in it place
Will you guide me
Will you hold my hand ?
If it’s to be my curtain call
Nothing left of me at all
Would you hold me
Fingers running through my hair?
When I take my final breath
Whisper reassurances
When the reaper comes to call
Is it you that calms my soul?
Lays me gently down
Into the void
Another angst idea, this time for the Murderbot series. (MCD)
Something has seized physical control of MB and is causing it to rampage while MB is basically stuck in its own head.
The only thing it can do is to call out warnings or for help over the feed.
MB manages to connect to ART and beg it to stop it.
The only problem is that ART is so far away and there’s no systems around except MB that ART has any control over.
The only way for ART to stop MB is to fry its systems.
ART doesn’t want to do it but MB is distraught and begging it to stop it because it’s in the middle of massacring its humans and tells ART to stop it by any means necessary.
ART caves.
It reaches out into MB’s systems, sharing the space like they have done before, allowing ART to feel what MB does.
MB’s head feels like it’s underwater, and systems go dark as ART cuts them off from MB’s awareness.
The pain, vision, and sense of time all fade away.
It’s just MB and ART alone in the nothingness, plunging MB into an artificial calm.
It reminds MB of when it had been held when it was too injured to walk on its own.
ART says goodbye.
And pulls the trigger.
ART had already cut off MB’s ability to feel pain, so it didn’t feel the electricity shooting through its systems, frying organic and inorganic parts alike.
One moment Murderbot had been floating in the digital void, and the next there was no more Murderbot to feel anything at all.
On the planet below, MB’s body collapsed.
ART would never completely forgive itself.
Also if the food in your microwave catches on fire, do not open the microwave.
Turn it off and unplug it.
This will likely smother the fire.
If it doesn’t, you’re going to need a class c fire extinguisher (electrical fire) like carbon dioxide.
Fire extinguishers come with instructions and they say what class of fire they’re used for.

This one is an ABC fire extinguisher.
Good for flammable solids, flammable liquids (like oil!) and electrical fire.
It is not suitable for class D fires (the metal is on fire, and is what’s actually burning)
I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the fire extinguisher you’re around the most.
When using a fire extinguisher, your instinct will be to aim at the fire.
It’s important to remember to aim for the base of the fire.
Why aim for the base if the oxygen is in the air?
Good question.
Fires are made of three components: fuel, oxygen, and heat causing a chain reaction.
To put out a fire, you need to separate two of these things.
The fuel is at the base of the fire, and the oxygen is in the air.
So to separate the oxygen from the fire, you need to aim at the base of the fire where the fuel is.
Firefighter demonstrates how to put out a kitchen fire
I have so much lore for this one.
• The war was started by Hypixel about ten years ago by Techno’s father and older brother
• As part of the years of planning put into the invasion, the king and crown prince of Hypixel found the information about how Hardcore does treaties, and decided that they needed a plan if the war didn’t go well
• Techno doesn’t know it, but the only reason he was born was to be that backup plan. The sacrifice of things went wrong
• That’s why Techno is ignored by his father and brother. He was a tool to them. Why would you visit a tool.
• Techno is raised with his role in mind. His duty to the crown and to his people was always emphasized
• Philza was incredibly angry that Hypixel sent a child to be sacrificed. Relations will be tense.
• Philza really hoped that Techno would say no to the sacrifice
• Philza only got angrier as he got to know Techno. How could Hypixel’s king and crown prince send this sweet, intelligent, caring child who would be ten times the king his father was to his death?
• It also made Philza so angry that his family never bothered to show up to help Techno prepare for the ritual, or for the ritual itself
• The tea that Techno drank was poisoned, though the flower was poisonous because the goddess’s sacred flowers are imbued with her power
• Philza, being favored by the goddess, has been granted some control over that power
• Techno did not feel any effects of the poison until he was on the alter because Philza waited to draw out the power until then
• Phil used the power to erase any pain that Techno would feel, to make it easier to access his heart, and also to insure that the very moment Techno completed his role in the ritual he would die and be sent to the goddess
• The goddess can tell if a sacrifice is sincere or not in their desire for peace
• Techno very much gets adopted by the goddess
• When Philza dies Techno gets to keep him as a dad
• Techno was buried in Hypixel because his family doesn’t want his body
• Philza always leaves gifts for Techno at his grave on holidays and Techno’s birthday
• Techno’s mother is dead, but she doesn’t have any desire to see him. She was resentful towards her children because she was not a consenting participant in making them
• The peace between Hardcore and Hypixel did not even last ten years because Hypixel tried to invade Hardcore again
• This time Philza doesn’t consider peace as an option, and conquers Hypixel, killing the royal family and turning it into a vassal state
Two kingdoms au (mcd, human sacrifice, a little gore)
Techno is the younger prince of the kingdom of Hypixel. The kingdom has been at war with the neighboring kingdom of Hardcore for as long as Techno can remember.
Unfortunately, this means that Techno never met his father or older brother, as they were busy with the war effort.
Techno was raised by the castle staff. He still had the best education in books and swords.
When Techno is eleven, word comes that peace has been negotiated.
There’s only one problem: the kingdom of Hardcore worships the goddess of death, and any peace treaty must be sealed with the death of a member of the ruling side’s ruling family.
And Techno is expendable.
The reasoning makes sense, Techno is neither the King nor the Crown Prince. But it still hurts.
Techno is sent with a delegation to Hardcore. He wants to run, but he knows what the consequences will be for his people if he does. So he stays.
On the journey, Techno hears the delegates talking about him. Some seem sympathetic, but the others warn them not to get too close, because Techno is destined to die on Lady Death’s alter.
None of the castle staff are part of the delegation, and Techno is alone.
They arrive at the castle of the king of Hardcore. The staff is polite. The accommodations are nice. Techno has a very nice set of rooms all to himself.
The next day a knock comes on Techno’s door.
The door is opened to reveal the ruler of Hardcore himself, Philza, politely asking to come in.
Philza has come to explain the ritual that will seal the peace treaty. It will take place on the goddess’s holy day in two weeks time. The participant MUST be willing. Is Technoblade willing? He asks, is he sure? He is not being forced?
Techno is scared, but he is willing.
For some reason, Philza looks sad at the answer.
Every afternoon following the initial visit, Philza comes to see Technoblade. They talk or walk through the palace or the gardens or spar or read in the royal library.
It makes the days bearable.
Two days before the ceremony, Techno turns twelve. Philza brings a short novel as a gift and a cake to share. Techno finishes the book the next morning.
The afternoon before the ceremony, Techno asks if his father or brother will be there. They chose not to attend.
Techno looses his grip on his emotions and sobs in Philza’s arms.
Philza promises Techno that he will be with him the whole time, and that it will not hurt. Philza promises that the goddess is kind.
The promises are the only thing keeping Techno together.
The next morning Philza offers Techno tea made with a single petal from one of the goddess’s sacred flowers.
The tea tastes… cold. Philza does not drink.
The next part is usually done with the sacrifice’s closest family and friends, but Techno’s family is not here.
It is Philza who helps Techno bathe and dress, and it is Philza who gently takes Techno’s hand and walks him down the isle of the church of Lady Death to the altar, like a father about to give away his daughter to her betrothed.
Philza lays Techno down on the alter, his hand brushing Techno’s hair back and out of his face before moving to be a steadying grip on Techno’s shoulder.
Philza addresses all the people Techno does not know and Techno studies the design on the ceiling.
Techno already knows the words.
The speech comes to an end.
Phil’s hands shift to rest gently on Techno’s chest. Techno closes his eyes, silent tears escaping.
It seems that Philza’s first two promises to him held true as there was no pain when Philza’s fingers dug into Techno’s chest and pried back his ribs.
It felt odd with Philza’s hands inside his chest, gently gripping his heart like a precious thing.
Now Techno was somewhere else, cradled in the arms of the woman Philza had described to him. It was over, but even now Techno could still feel Philza’s hands holding his heart.
Everytime I tried to post this one, I had to just lay down and cry for a bit. It broke my heart (in a good way). And they way you explain the dread of the inevitable sacrifice just CRUSHES MY SOUL (in a good way)
Crying again 😢😢😢😢💚💚💚💚
Just wait until other people start paying Techno in teeth. Or just giving them to him.
Any time an animal dies they take the teeth just in case the weird godling with a dental obsession comes around.
Techno goes to a bakery and gets teeth sprinkled on top of his cupcake.
Silly fic AU where Techno is a godling who sheds tusks which are super magical (think unicorn horns) and Kristin is the tooth fairy desperately trying to work out how much money to put under his pillow
He sacrificed his balls to save Techno 😔
Cat au
Philza and Techno, the notorious rules of the Antarctic Empire who ruled with an iron fist, are reincarnated as cats and get adopted.
Ranboo has had his eye on a couple of the campus cats for a while.
Well, the only campus cats, they were extremely territorial and no other cats would set foot on campus anymore.
The big one, Techie, was rumored to have fought off a rattlesnake.
Okay, maybe the cat’s names weren’t *actually* Techie and Phil, they were originally named by the social studies teachers with the same names the famous AE dictators, Philza and Technoblade. They had a similar appearance, as much as cats could resemble famous dictators, and a tight bond.
And Ranboo couldn’t exactly go around calling them *that*, now could he?
Someone would think he was one of those neo-Antarctics if he did.
Ranboo had put a lot of effort into getting the cats to trust him, sometimes just spending hours sitting on the sidewalk near the bushes where they liked to sleep.
He’d occasionally bring treats for the cats, a can of chicken or tuna, and it seemed to be working. Slowly though. Very slowly.
Ranboo really hoped they’d trust him enough to be able to take them home before he graduated.
The small light orange shorthair tabby, Phil, would sometimes come over to greet Ranboo now when he sat near the cat’s hideout, and occasionally allowed Ranboo to pet him. Techie usually watched from the bushes, distrusting of Ranboo.
Today though, Ranboo was worried. Tubbo had shown him a video one of the students had posted on ChitChat of Techie fighting a coyote. Techie had run the coyote off, but not before it got a few hits in.
So here Ranboo was, skipping class, with a bag of cat treats in his hand, a blue towel over his shoulder, and a pink cloth carrying case under his other arm.
He arrived at the cat’s favorite spot and called out for them.
Phil came *running* out of the bushes towards him, meowing loudly.
That’s not something Phil had ever done before, and it certainly didn’t reassure Ranboo about the cat’s well being.
“Hey, little guy.” Ranboo crouched down. “Are you okay? Where’s Techie, huh? I heard he got into a fight with a coyote.”
Phil, still meowing loudly, turned in a circle twice and started walking in the direction he’d come from, glancing over his shoulder peek at Ranboo.
“You want me to follow you?”
Phil kept walking.
“Okay” Ranboo stood.
Ranboo followed Phil a short way before Phil disappeared under a bush, and Ranboo knelt down to get a look amid Phil’s frantic meowing.
“Yeah, I see him Phil, I see him.”
The large reddish brown tabby lay under the bush. Ranboo shouldn’t have been able to get so close without Techie reacting, but for now he was still.
“Alright, let me get a better look at him.” Ranboo said, setting down the treats and the carrier and reaching out with the towel to gently grab Techie and drag him out from under the bush.
Ranboo caught his breath.
Techie’s fur was blood matted and the rise and fall of his ribcage was barely detectable. The complete lack of reaction to what Ranboo had done was an indication that the cat was likely unconscious.
“Oh nooooo” Ranboo breathed. “That’s not good. This- this needs professional help.”
Phil was quiet now, worriedly nudging against Techie.
Ranboo tried to think as he wrapped Techie in the towel.
“Okay, the nearest emergency vet is about a twenty minute walk. I can take him there.”
Phil meowed.
“You don’t want to let him out of your sight, do you. Okay, you can come, but you have to be in the carrier.”
Ranboo unzipped the carrier and Phil got inside. Huh. Ranboo thought that would be harder.
Ranboo got the carrier strap over his shoulder and picked up the towel wrapped Techie in his arms.
“Okay, here we go.”
It turned out that the walk was twenty five minutes with two cats. Techie had been whisked to the back before they even got Ranboo’s information.
Once he was gone Ranboo sorted out the situation with the front desk. The lady asked if Techie had been vaccinated, and when Ranboo said no, she asked if he wanted to go ahead and have that done.
Ranboo agreed, and asked if they could vaccinate Phil too. The vet could do that, and if he was going to be here for a few hours anyway, they could even neuter him. Techie would need time to recover before he was eligible to be neutered though, so he’d need a separate appointment.
Phil didn’t seem too happy about that idea, but Ranboo was determined to be a responsible cat owner, so Phil was soon in the arms of another veteran, on his way to surgery, and Ranboo waited alone.
A few hours later, Phil was returned to him and he got an update on Techie’s condition. He would be okay, but they’re keeping him overnight for observation, and would need a couple weeks of medication. After that he would be healthy enough to be neutered.
Ranboo went ahead and scheduled the appointment.
Ranboo takes Phil home (they gave Phil the good meds, he is very high) and takes Techie home the next day.
Techie recovers well, but Techie is very stubborn and refuses to get in the carrier and Ranboo can never get him to the vet.
Not even after Techie warms up to him.
I love everything about this, but especially that Phil lost his balls in the divorce...

Elizabeth Moon in the prelude to the first book in her three book series, The Deed of Paksenarrion.
I think my favorite genre of fanfiction is when the author says something like "this was meant to be 3 chapters but it's actually going to be 5" in the notes at the end of a chapter and you can look up at the chapter count and it's like 15 or something
The stonks meme, but the guy is Kronk and it says stronks
Technoblade out here having to deal with seeing his own corpse and Phil crying hysterically at the same time.
He deserves a raise.
I’ve been reading too many how to train your Hoglin AUs and watched the video therefore:
(MCD and injury and stuff)
Techno’s exploring the nether when something goes horribly wrong and then he somehow wakes up in the body of a Hoglin and unable to use any of his stuff. Terribly inconvenient.
Eventually, Techno finds Phil in the nether looking for him and Techno protects Phil on his journey to find Techno. (Very classic)
Somewhere along the journey Philza brings up that his people believes in guardian spirits who appear when you need them most, usually the spirits of ancestors or loved ones.
Suddenly everything clicks for Techno. The terrible thing *did* kill him.
But he can still protect Phil.
Phil’s journey continues. Eventually, Philza finds where Techno died and now Techno has to keep Phil emotionally stable bc Phil is not taking it well.
Eventually Phil calms down some. The journey back to the nether portal is mostly Phil coming to terms with and grieving over Technoblade’s death.
At the end of the journey, near the portal. Phil looks back to say goodbye to the friendly Hoglin only to see it briefly turn into a spectral Technoblade before vanishing, and Phil realizes that Techno has been guiding him through everything.
You absolutely SHATTER my heart with these MCD's holy shit. I love EmDuo so much and the idea of them both coming to terms with what happened in different ways is just HEART RENDING. I love it.
And the realization at the end is just 🥺🥺🥺 my poor heart. You had me tearing up!!!!
You know, I think the comparison of spiders to zombies is unfair. If spiders were contagious and people sized I would prefer the zombies.
We need to bring back the athletics body type post
A new Technoblade video and an unseen video with him in it. I miss him so fucking much.

technoblade's 2014 hypixel fanfic is real and actually well written
Maybe because it’s a crime to eat it unless you happen to die from natural causes and she convinces someone to let her keep it.
when am i going to meet a woman who wants to eat my heart unironically
Meanwhile, in the city of angst:
A knock on a door, a boy answers, anxiously awaiting his father’s return.
Bad news is shared. Guilty. Eaten.
A tragic loss, a preventable loss.
A loss brought on by a boy’s lie, a false claim of innocence.
Accusations fly, and brother turns against brother.
It’s your fault he’s gone, it should have been you.
Words that can’t be taken back.
Grief for a father that they will never see again in the mortal world.
And now, the loss of a brother to betrayal.
Gods au
Phil lives in a city with his kids.
One day, his eldest child is accused of big boy crimes, the kind of crimes that get you executed.
So Phil asks for a trial in the eyes of the god of justice, with Phil being a stand in for a trial by proxy, which he can do because his eldest is still a minor.
If the god finds his child committed no crime, Phil will go free. But if Phil’s kid is found guilty, the god will kill Phil, but his kid goes free.
So off Phil is dragged to the high temple of the god of justice and blood.
Cut to Techno.
He’s doing his godly duties, visiting his high temple in the form he usually uses for these kinds of things.
He’s a giant hog about 3 carts long, absolutely massive.
The last thing he has to do is pass Judgement in the main temple hall.
The accused or their proxies are lined up on either side of the center of the main hall, awaiting judgment. Techno walks past most, the innocent, few are foolish enough to try to fool the god of justice. Those who do try to fool him, he kills painfully.
There are also the proxies of the guilty, though. Those who committed no crime, and only seek to protect their children. There are a few, and their deaths are swift, almost painless.
Techno comes to the last to be judged. Now here is a dilemma. He’s a proxy for the guilty, but he’s also been marked by the goddess of death for protection, so he can’t kill him. But Techno can’t let him go.
Techno panics a little. What does he do?
He has to serve justice, but he can’t kill him.
An idea pops into Techno’s head, and he goes with it.
Techno lunges forward and snatches the man from the ground with his mouth, pulling him inside completely, and makes a swift exit.
With any luck, everyone at the temple will think the man was killed.
Now Techno has to figure out what to do with the rather squirmy proxy in his mouth, though.
The man obviously can’t go back home, that would violate the whole god of justice thing Techno has going on.
Maybe Techno… could take him home? Just until Techno can figure out what to do with him?
Yeah, that works.
Just take the terrified man back to the god’s home. It’s fine. Maybe he can call the goddess of death to come pick him up or something. No big deal.

I adore this. Assigned Friendship at Death Penalty is such a fun idea. Especially when one friend is a giant terrifying diefic piggie. Does Philza know the god hog can speak? Will Techno's introversion lead to silly charade hijinks. Will Kristin find the whole thing hilarious because she was telling Philza that he needed more friends anyway? So much fun to be had!
Thank you!
Some more:
Phil has been going to Techno’s grave because he was worried that Techno would be lonely, and often slept there.
Maybe Phil was trying to make up for leaving Techno when he asked Phil to stay.
On the night Phil died, he’d gone to bring Techno some blankets because it was cold out, but couldn’t leave Techno alone, so Phil stayed the night with him.
Phil only used one of the blankets for himself, and he froze to death.
Phil didn’t really feel it though, because unconscious, so I guess his death was kind of peaceful?
Okay, so, (mcd)
Osmp. Techno is a human who lives in the valley of hybrids. He’s living life.
Do people sometimes make comments about humans? About how selfish and cruel and terrible they are? Yeah, but they were hunted, makes sense. Can’t blame them, really. (They’re kind enough to pretend they don’t know he’s human.)
(They forget that he’s human, most of the time)
Things are mostly harmonious until the magical barrier protecting their valley is broken by hunters. Everyone evacuates to the bunker, which is actually really nice. Light is provided by glowy blue crystals in the corridors, there’s public areas like the kitchen, dining area, library, and there’s even private bedrooms.
But everyone is stuck, and there’s a LOT of hunters outside. Sooner or later, they’ll be found, and the bunker will be cracked.
So they look for a solution. In the armory, there’s a few magical tomes, and one of them seems to have the perfect solution (the book is black magic, and black magic always has a price)
Phil and Nikki look over the book as the two who know things about magic. They find the best way to mitigate the risks of the spell, which requires some careful wording about who the target is.
Philza does rounds updating everyone, and meets Techno in his room to tell him about the spell. They’ve selected the words so that it will only target humans. Nikki is setting up the spell now, and she’ll cast it as soon as it’s ready.
Phil is a little confused by Techno’s subdued reaction. But Phil is busy. He doesn’t think about it too hard.
Techno knows this kind of thing, how could he not? In the arena, so long ago, sacrifices happened every day.
Techno remembers the first time he saw Phil, thrown into his cell in the underside of the arena. He’d explained to the winged man the basics of how it worked, the fight for survival.
Only a couple months later, Techno is hurt, the wound infected, and Techno has to explain how the title of arena champion is passed down.
Techno has been champion for a few years, an unusually long time. But that starts to get boring for the audience after a while. So the arena organizers wait until the champion is, hurt, and face them off in a death match against the next best fighter.
Techno knows the next best fighter is Philza. Knows he can’t beat Phil in his current state. He’s glad that someone he knows will be the one there with him. That’s more than he thought he’d have, when the time came.
Philza refuses to accept it, and plans an escape for the championship dual.
It’s not easy, especially with Techno injured and feverish, but they escape and eventually make it to the valley.
So Techno understands sacrifice.
And he’s had a few years of freedom here. The best years of his life.
More than a human like him deserved, really.
Techno asks Phil to stay with him, just until the spell is over.
Phil says no, that as soon as Nikki finishes the spell, he’ll need to scout the area to make sure that it worked. Phil should get back as soon as possible.
Techno tells Phil that he understands, and Phil leaves to go find Nikki.
Techno collapses. He knew it was selfish to ask Phil to stay, but… he didn’t want to be alone. He knew something like this would happen eventually, and everyone had been so kind to let a cruel thing like him live among them.
Huddled in a corner of his room, Techno clutches one of Phil’s feathers close to his chest, and pretends that he’s not alone.
Soon enough, the spell settles over the valley, and Techno can’t seem to breathe. His chest burns, he fights for air, but it’s like the air doesn’t exist anymore.
Blackness encroaches on Techno’s vision. Things feel far away. He’s fallen on his side, now.
The lack of oxygen causes a hallucination. And for a time, Techno’s not there in the bunker. He’s in a bed after he and Phil escaped the arena, Phil is tending to the infected wound, promises of care and safety makes the room cozy, Phil’s gentle touch soothing.
And then Techno is gone.
Phil’s back from scouting, with amazing news. All the hunters are dead.
Now Phil makes his way to Techno’s room, knocks on the door, calling out to let Techno know that he’s back.
No answer. Weird.
Phil gets a bad feeling.
The door’s unlocked, though, so Phil lets himself in. Techno’s kerosene lantern is burning on low, and Phil turns it up to get a good view of the room. Freezes.
Alarm bells go off inside Phil’s head.
Techno is laying in the corner, and his face looks kind of blue, and this isn’t right.
Phil runs over to check on him, but Techno is stiff and cold. It’s too late.
And then it hits Phil. Techno looks the same as those hunters, with the blue tinge of magical asphyxiation. The spell targeted humans. Techno was human. How could Phil have been so stupid? Why didn’t Techno say anything?
The funeral is a couple days later, in a beautiful clearing framed by old oak and willow trees.
Phil remembered when he first brought Techno to this community. He had sworn to Techno that he would be safe here.
Phil was a liar.
Phil never seemed quite right after Techno died. He seemed to forget, sometimes, that Techno was gone.
Often, community members would look for him in the morning only to be unable to find him until later, dirty as though he had been lying on the ground.
One day after a particularly cold night with snow on the ground, Phil didn’t show up.
They found him later that day, Phil had fallen asleep on Techno’s grave, and never woke up.
Wow, friend. I give you permission to send me AU's and you send me something HEARTBREAKING AND BEAUTIFUL..Holy SHIT. That hurts so much. They think of him so much as "one of them" that they don't even realize they have chosen to hurt and abandon him. Holy shit. Damn.
So good, but OW.


And aroace, just bc yes
Chamomile and lavender tea, maybe?
Oh no, someone dropped Techno into a particularly large, half full teacup. I hope he doesn’t drown.
I think he'll be okay