belchyra - Wiame/Ely

genderfluid bi ¦ 19yo ¦ she/they/he ¦ multifandom

722 posts

People Stop Partying That Gabi Became A Pure Titan. She's A Child. A Victim. Learned Her Lesson And Was

People stop partying that Gabi became a pure titan. She's a child. A victim. Learned her lesson and was able to break her cycle of hatred and admit her faults, put aside her differences to the Paradis Eldians and work with them. Anyone laughing, partying and or saying this is "justice for Sasha" you're weird, creepy, obssessive and Sasha would hate you.

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More Posts from Belchyra

4 years ago

anyway i hated this chapter 😆👍 if everyone doesn't turn back to human in 139 like i'm convinced they will, i'm fucking leaving this planet.

gabi's development down the fucking drain because she's a mindless titan now — i'm not even a diehard gabi stan, but the thought of her process of disillusionment regarding marley's propaganda only being for nothing is tbh crushing

the pointlessness of pieck becoming a warrior for her father's treatment and only earning him borrowed time since he becomes a titan anyway

jean and connie literally surviving everything that's been thrown at them until this point as normal fucking humans

falco's promise to protect gabi

reiner not going through with his suicide attempt and him surviving all the times he's put his life on the line for the sake of other people since returning to marley

annie seeing her father for a total of 10 seconds before he transforms (and he even manages not to roast annie who was literally a foot away when it happened, mind you, for some reason — i know she'd heal from it quick as anything, but it bugs me, personally)

. . . what was the point of all that when in the end it all results in the titan shifters being eaten by the ones they care about the most? the titan shifters' time was just limited and there's no hope for them so we just need to resign ourselves to their fate?

i'm hoping that ymir herself will break the curse even if it's only because of a weird reason, namely mikasa giving eren's decapitated head just 2 seconds of lip-on-lip action (and i absolutely do not understand why she cares so much about mikasa kissing eren . . . can someone get this kid some primetime tv)

i believe that a story must give the reader some satisfaction, no matter how gruesome and tragic it is, and i personally have never been further from it.

also, i have never hated the time loop theory more than i do now because it seems highly probable ((to me)) and gives the option for either

an open ending if eren is considered to have failed to stop the cycle of conflict and it fucking repeats AGAIN and we're just supposed to imagine a world where eren was successful. isayama gets to leave us with no concrete, canon endings for the characters

or closed ending — ymir likes the kiss, apparently (😒) so she helps eren "succeed" this time by bringing back everyone? and everyone would have apparently learned their lesson about not perpetuating violence against other "races" after they died i guess. i only have the vaguest possible idea of how that would even work (and if it does happen i don't think my brain would be able to take it anymore)

which lets isayama keep everyone in the dark during the wait between the penultimate and the final chapter. i hate it here

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4 years ago

Eren:*finally dies*

Hanji: Since you finally got here Eren, I have a question for you. What. The FUCK?!

4 years ago


4 years ago

Wait a minute..

People are angry the warriors' reunion with their families took so many pages ( 4 I believe) because apparently they don't deserve any sympathy as they're devils and Eren simply wanted revenge.

People are angry levi is still alive after fulfilling his promise to Erwin.

People are angry at levi for "abandoning" his squad when he knew they'd be titanized (not like their transformation would kill them if they decide to let them get on Falco's back right?).

People are celebrating Gabi's transformation into a titan.

People are mad at Armin for saying "Eren, you really like this hell" and not noticing how hEaRtBrOkEn Eren was while committing genocide (How silly of you Armin!! You should have died instead of Erwin!! It's not like Eren and Mikasa were gonna abandon you in the AU!! How could you say that?).

People are accusing Mikasa of having hallucinations/illusions because it's totally not Eren who showed her the alternative universe! Definitely not him! And it definitely doesn't correspond with chapter 1 (I'm not even an Eremika shipper but ignoring that is pure bs tbh).

People are angry with Mikasa killing Eren because he didn't get to kill the whole world.

Conclusion ?

The fandom is a joke :)

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4 years ago

Thank you for being a true Armin Stan and understanding why some of us is upset. I’ve seen many other people who claim to be Armins fans disrespect us and tell us our feelings are invalid. So thank you for being kind. Also with one last chapter left, what do you think will happen?

People have different views on things. I’m sure it’s possible to love Armin but still not get as upset about this (although I find it difficult to understand myself). The fact that the AU didn’t happen, could be a factor that makes some go “well, thankfully it’s not what happened so why cry over it”; or maybe they don’t believe it (re: like me, wondering whether this is a falsehood by Eren for one reason or another). Or maybe they love Eren and/or Mikasa so much they aren’t able to fault them. Or maybe they ship eremika so their “loss” of Armin being hurt is being paid for with a happy(?) outcome? Or they’re just casual fans who don’t dive as deeply into the emotion of any of the characters (meaning an alternative universe seems so far removed from their field of caring).

I don’t know. What I’m trying to say, though, is that there’s not necessarily only ONE correct way to be an Armin fan. And other people don’t owe us their emotions. If we want them to respect our reaction, we need to respect their. Sure, I will wonder how much they really care about him if they - well, don’t care - but I’m not going to go out of my way to butt in and tell them I’m side-eyeing them. And on their end, they really should refrain from saying our feelings are invalid.

We’ve got to remember, being an Armin fan has been a bit of an “outsider” position in this fandom. Erwin fans hated us for years after the serumbowl, Bertolt fans hated us for years after the serum bowl, eruri, reibert, veterans and Marley fans. Eremin was an eyesore for eremikas (disclaimer, I’m talking generally, each one of you know with yourselves if this means you too or not) and since Eren was part of their ship, that only left Armin to detest.

... all this to say, bashing on Armin and his fans has always been a way to fit in with the “it” crowd of the snk fandom and I’ve seen people who claim to be Armin fans do it for years. Now, chapter 138 brought with it yet another wave of Armin controversy. And so, his fans are yet again faced with the dilemma of either standing by him - proclaiming themselves part of the undesirables - or throw shit at his fans to align with the cool kids yet again. So... perhaps that’s part of what we’re seeing here and maybe some of the ones throwing nasty words our way actually agree with us, only they prioritized differently and want to stay out of trouble with the bigger “side”. Which is fine. But I have my opinions about it.

As for the last chapter, oh boy I have no idea lol. Somebody brought up a good point - which I’d love to see explored, had there been more chapters left. Ymir (founder) appears in the background here and there throughout the battle. Not only that, but she seemed to be smiling in the last panel of 138. So... is there a pattern here? Is her appearance significant? Is she smiling because things are going according to plan? It would be kinda interesting if it turned out she was orchestrating a bigger plot here... But with only one chapter left, I kinda just want the curse to be lifted somehow and for loose threads to get tied. I’m assuming we’ll have an epilogue-sort of overview of what happens after the war. How Marley/Eldia/world relations have changed, how the cast spends their days, etc. or, god forbid, there’s a twist and everythin was according to Eren’s plan, everyone dies last second and he goes to hold a baby to call it free. Oh boy I don’t know. I’m just going to hold my breath and hope Armin makes it through. We’re so close, anon. So close. Please let him make it 🙏