Sasha Blaus - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Attack on titan became my favourite because of the strong female leads. Anime is sexist most of the time like naruto, always portraying us as the weaker ones. Attack on titan gave us MIKASA, hange, ymir, historian, ANNIE, gabi, sasha, pieck and many more. That is why i respect aot

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4 years ago

Wait a minute..

People are angry the warriors' reunion with their families took so many pages ( 4 I believe) because apparently they don't deserve any sympathy as they're devils and Eren simply wanted revenge.

People are angry levi is still alive after fulfilling his promise to Erwin.

People are angry at levi for "abandoning" his squad when he knew they'd be titanized (not like their transformation would kill them if they decide to let them get on Falco's back right?).

People are celebrating Gabi's transformation into a titan.

People are mad at Armin for saying "Eren, you really like this hell" and not noticing how hEaRtBrOkEn Eren was while committing genocide (How silly of you Armin!! You should have died instead of Erwin!! It's not like Eren and Mikasa were gonna abandon you in the AU!! How could you say that?).

People are accusing Mikasa of having hallucinations/illusions because it's totally not Eren who showed her the alternative universe! Definitely not him! And it definitely doesn't correspond with chapter 1 (I'm not even an Eremika shipper but ignoring that is pure bs tbh).

People are angry with Mikasa killing Eren because he didn't get to kill the whole world.

Conclusion ?

The fandom is a joke :)

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4 years ago

Can someone explain to me how is Floch a "realistic" character??

Genuine question I swear

Ignoring the fact that he straight up tells my comfort character that he shouldn't have been revived. The dude literally suggests to throw 12 yo kids out of a goddamn airship, how is that realistic?

Is it him having the "I have to save Eldia no matter what the cost" mentality? I don't get it.

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3 years ago

Very curious about this ๐Ÿ‘€

Who did you get?

Very Curious About This
Very Curious About This

Idk what to think about this ๐Ÿ˜‚

I kinda expected Annie even though I don't like her, but the description is on point tbh.

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3 years ago

I cried too many times today because of:

Reading Zeke's backstory in the manga while listening to "Ghost of you".

The newly aired episodes.

The fact that nobody mourned Zeke's death in chapter 137.

Armin and Zeke bro talk in 137.

Levi slander.

This Eren thread.

Uncle Grice and Colt who both died because of Zeke.

Chapters 119 and 120.

Baby Zeke pics.

That one panel of Zeke telling his dad that it's his fault Faye died.

Marcel Galliard because I wished we could see more of him.

Grisha and Dina leaving during Zeke's warrior training.

Today being Annie's birthday and I finally managed to forgive her.

Erwin and Mike.

I'll probably add more later :c

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3 years ago

Chapter 119 is just so heartbreaking:

The Galliards are my favourite brothers: We didn't get to see much of them unfortunately but their relationship is so beautiful yet so heartbreaking.

We have no family backstory, why Porco and Marcel both wanted to become warriors even though they would have been a honorary marleyans no matter who was chosen: my guess is that Porco is the one who originally wanted to be a warrior and Marcel merely joined to protect him, Marcel wasn't interested.

We all know how Porco acts towards Reiner because he wasn't the one chosen as the Armored titan, claiming that if he was chosen instead they'd have taken the founder and Marcel wouldn't have died. Since his introduction, Porco looked for something/someone to tell him he's a good warrior which causes him to lash out on Reiner on pretty much every occasion.

in Chapter 119:

Reiner, trying to reach out to Porco so he could help him stop Eren, makes contact with him and some memories are sent. Porco finally finds what he was seeking, validation, and it was his own dead brother who gave it to him.

Chapter 119 Is Just So Heartbreaking:

Porco's expression in this panel always gets me

Older siblings all want one thing in aot: Marcel wanted to protect Porco from the dangers of Paradis, Colt wanted to protect his family from being shipped to Paradis and transformed into titans and Zeke was willing to do the impossible to save Eren from being killed, he wanted his brother and himself to save Eldia together.

Colt begged Zeke not to get Falco involved into this, he didn't care about the rest, he just wanted his little brother to be safe.

Remember when Eren said to Falco that he was glad he wouldn't become a titan shifter? Because he wants him to live a long life? Yeah, I can't believe I'm saying this but Eren maybe did mean it, he made sure Falco was still alive during the slaughter in Liberio, and you can notice the look in his eyes when Colt screamed that Falco drank Zeke's spinal fluid even though he knew.

Chapter 119 Is Just So Heartbreaking:
Chapter 119 Is Just So Heartbreaking:

Zeke obviously was disturbed by that, he honestly and genuinely doesn't want to bring kids into this but his love for his brother is too powerful and he will do anything to make sure Eren is safe.

Porco was obviously listening to all of this, the look on his face is telling, he many times stayed silent when a relationship between brothers is mentioned.

(Aka when Falco won against Gabi in a race: Colt said that no matter what he does, Falco will never surpass Gabi, Zeke intervenes and shares the fact that no older brother would like his younger sibling to become a shifter. Pieck then asks Porco what's wrong since he's obviously disturbed and the latter does not respond).

Chapter 119 Is Just So Heartbreaking:

Colt's death:

One of the most heartbreaking moments in aot imo. Colt believed that this was it, this was the last moment he'd see his brother before he becomes a titan, yet he stayed and hugged Falco knowing that the transformation will kill him because Colt will always be with him.

He wasn't mentioned by anyone but Falco after his death, sadly :(

Chapter 119 Is Just So Heartbreaking:

Porco's sacrifice:

I've seen a lot of people say that Porco sacrificed himself instead of Reiner because he wanted save him, but I don't think it's the case.

As I said, Porco was looking for validation and he got it, he listened to Zeke's and Colt's conversation and Colt's words definitely hit him, especially since he just got Marcel's memories.

"I'm not dying without a fight" -> apart from being unable to heal all his wounds, Porco simply refuses to die a meaningless death, so he sacrifices himself, saving both Reiner and Falco and fulfilling Colt's wishe to save Falco.

A little brother saving a little brother.

Chapter 119 Is Just So Heartbreaking:
Chapter 119 Is Just So Heartbreaking:
Chapter 119 Is Just So Heartbreaking:

Porco died with a smile on his face, knowing that he is the better man to the end. And he proved that saving his comrade and a kid. His character arc was over.

Still, I was a little bit upset he wasn't mentioned by anyone but Pieck and Falco in the following chapters. Obviously Falco would feel guilty, since Porco's death was the key to his survival, and Pieck during the battle with the ancient shifters.

Chapter 119 Is Just So Heartbreaking:

I hated Zeke for those two deaths, I seriously did, but he ended up betrayed by his younger brother, he was once again used because of his royal blood. You can't blame him for choosing euthanasia, he lived a shitty life and the only time he was happy was when Mr. Ksaver was still alive, he thought he was doing the right thing by stopping Eldians from being born into this world since they're suffering so much. I'm glad he at least got a little bit of happiness in chapter 137.

This post made me dislike Eren even more

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