466 posts
Lunar Dance (Pokemon Inspired Spell)
Lunar Dance (Pokemon Inspired Spell)

A spell to banish negative energy from yourself after a bad day.
You will Need:
Open space (indoors or outdoors, whichever you’re more comfortable with)
Music that make you feel happy
If indoors: open window
(Optional) crystals for banishing negative energy
Time of Day: After dark
Make sure you have an open space to work with that you feel comfortable in. If you prefer to be alone then that is alright. Make sure there is nothing that you may accidentally kick or trip over. Cleanse the space if you choose with some incense. If you wish to have crystals around place them out of your way so you do not step on or hurt yourself on them. If needed take a bath or shower and drink some tea or water before performing this spell.
Turn on your music from your music via whatever device you wish to use. I recommend using a short playlist since this may take longer than a song or two but it is your choice. You may play it out in the open or may play it through headphones, whichever you prefer.
Take in some deep breaths and visualize your energy about you, and how it is ‘masked’ by the dark haze of the day or whatever negativity that you wish to banish away.
Once you have visualized this to your like begin dancing, doesn’t matter how you do it. Whether you’re a good dancer or a bad dancer, just let it go and dance. While dancing imagine your energy flowing with you, how it trails you like ribbons tied to a ribbon dancer. How every turn and motion releases that black mist from your energy, clearing it to the color of how it usually appears to you. This mist imagine it raising into the air and up into the sky out of your life. If you are indoors, imagine it going out the open window and into the sky that way.
Dance, hum, sing, spin; do whatever you feel is right even after all the blackness is gone from you. Now imagine the energy of the moon (either above you or through the window) sending down more energy to you, how your energy is growing, glowing and glitters. Listen to your music and let it empower you and feel the energy of your crystals.
Dance until you feel tired or satisfied. With your music still playing drink some water and sit down and rest. Once you have caught your breath end the spell however you see fit. (I myself take a shower)
Note: please if you live with close neighbors don’t play your music too loud especially if it is late. If you are in an apartment building and there are people below do your best not to do this spell too late as to not disturb anyone trying to sleep or settle down. Be respectful of others.
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More Posts from Blackthorngrimoire

A sigil to mark on items you don’t want to lose...wallets, journals, keys, glasses and the like.
Be sure to activate it first!
How to undo sigils
Sometimes after you go through the process of casting a sigil you may want to know how to undo it in order to nullify the effects that it is giving off. In order to go through this process you can do one of two things you can:
Destroy the sigil, and allow its energy, and intention to run its course, and eventually nullify itself. You would be able to help out this nullification process by taking away the energy that you gave it in the charging process, while also focusing on its intention that is imprinted in your subconscious, changing it into what you want to manifest, allowing the sigil to nullify quicker and more effectively.
The other thing you could do is send out another sigil with the opposite intention, or with the intention of stopping the first sigil, so that it can go through the process of nullifying its effects.
Both of these methods will be good to know, and learn in case you ever want to stop a sigil for any reason. These also work on sigils that have been cast by other practitioners, and may be very helpful in defending from spiritual attacks.
A Dodgy Guide to Bibliomancy: Choosing Your Books
I touched on this in my original post, but I don’t think I did the topic justice, so it gets its own post. So here we go.
Traditionally, sacred books are used. For a Christian, this means the Holy Bible. Other notable sacred books are the Torah and the Koran, but all three of these are for Abrahamics. Though, admittedly, anyone can use those books for bibliomancy, of any kind. If that’s what you want to do, more power to you.
For a Pagan, polytheist, and all variations thereof, though, these books might not necessarily work, and I think there’s a very easily determined answer for that: they aren’t necessarily sacred to you.
Let me explain.
We could argue all day on what it means to be sacred, but at the end of the day, what it boils down to is what is sacred to you. What do you find sacred? What books hold sacred meaning to you? Obviously, that answer is going to differ from individual to individual. What I find sacred and what you, the reader, find sacred aren’t going to always match up. And I think that’s a good thing because it means that, in the end, anything can be sacred. And that’s okay.
But this is about books.
I realized the problem with my initial post as I was reading Satsekhem’s post “Adventures in Bibliomancy” over on her Wordpress blog, specifically this paragraph:
I have a lot of books and I spent a good while perusing my bookshelves. Even though the stuff that I’ve read from Dodger and from other websites talked about using a sacred book, I wasn’t willing to try any of my other magical texts or historical books. This wasn’t supposed to be anything more than fun, right? I was supposed to be happy about working with a new divination system, right? So, I went to my fiction books and my hand snagged on Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. This book is pretty much sacred to me, which I felt made it damn appropriate. This book has walked me through some of the most severe depression bouts imaginable in my teenager years and I re-read the entire series every summer. (It reminds me of summers in Misquamicut, actually, since I usually took the book with me when we went on vacation.)
The issue here, I think, is that when someone says the word “sacred” they tend to think books with high holy value, books that have served as the foundation of a spiritual or religious practice throughout the ages. Now, you can use those types of books, but as Satsekhem points out earlier in her post, those books probably won’t have the same effect when you go to do your readings.
Well, I have a theory.
On the one hand, “holy books” have high value to an individual. They’re special in and of their own right and they have a lot of good things to say. On the other hand, the things they have to say tend to be dedicated to spiritual and religious practice in some way, shape, or form. And while they’re sacred, they aren’t necessarily going to be the same kind of sacred as Ender’s Game is to Satsekhem.
Have I confused you?
Here’s the thing about books: (most) books are art and art is a form of human expression. Most books detail the human experience in a variety of ways, but sacred books like the Bible to a Christian or the Book of the Dead to a Kemetic aren’t going to detail the same kind of human experience as a novel. They might not detail humans at all, instead gods or mythic creatures or animals of all kinds, but they’re still, inevitably, written by man and man has to find a way for those books to make sense to others or at least to themselves later on. Yes, traditionally sacred books speak to us in some way; if they didn’t, we wouldn’t regard them as sacred. That’s the whole point. But, as Satsekhem points out in her post, there’s a sort of disconnect between her feelings towards the Book of the Dead and Ender’s Game.
Enter nontraditionally sacred books.
When someone asks you what’s your favourite book, you probably have a general answer: one person might say a Harry Potter book; another might say The Fellowship of the Ring. But let me ask you a different question: what book changed your life? What book moved you in ways that no other book has? What book do you find yourself going back to again and again, that you love unconditionally, that you regard as a dear friend?
If you have an answer, congratulations: you have a sacred book.
This might not make sense to you, and to be honest, that’s okay. It’s 3:30 in the morning here so some of what I’m saying here might seem…off, or weird, or just downright wrong. But I’m going to continue writing anyway. If you have a problem with something I said here, let me know. My inbox is always open.
So now you have a sacred book that’s not Sacred, big S, like a high holy book. It still means something to you. You probably have a very well-worn copy at home that you thumb through at least once a year, revisiting old characters and places that make you smile and laugh, cry and rage. So now the question is “Can I use this for bibliomancy?”
Yes! Yes, you can!
The thing about bibliomancy is that it tends to work with almost any book. (I’ve yet to try it with a cookbook, so I cannot verify all books.) You could literally pick something off your bookshelf at home and start doing bibliomancy with that right now. Go on, try it. I’ll wait.
Did you try it? How did it work?
If it worked well, great! If it didn’t, well, you might wonder why not.
I’ve found that bibliomancy tends to work best with books you have some kind of relationship with, books you’re fond of in some way. I use my Annotated Brothers Grimm because it gives me good reading and the variety of stories in there means I get a balance of possible answers. Satsekhem uses Ender’s Game because it means something special to her. Dusken uses The Last Unicorn because she enjoys it.
It might take you awhile to find a book that works well for you, and that’s okay. Trust me, it’s worth it in the end if you’re willing to work at it. Sometimes it takes awhile to find the right book, but when you do find it, you’ll know. It’s a little like finding just the right Tarot deck: this one doesn’t have the right energy; that one might not have pictures appropriate for the querent; another might just seem silly to you. But, if you’re willing to search and work at finding the perfect Tarot deck, why not do the same for your books?
I can almost promise you that, in the end, it’ll be worth it.
Good luck.
Leer (Pokemon Inspired)
A spell to stop and bind a person who has been trying to emotionally harm or intimidate you.

You Will Need:
💀 Obsidian 💀 Black Marker 💀 Red Marker 💀 Piece of Paper 💀 Target’s Name 💀 Optional: Mirror
💀 Cleanse and protect yourself as desired
💀 Place your paper down flat. In the center of it, with the black marker write your target’s name.
💀 Use the red marker to draw glaring eyes in a large circle all around the person’s name, the pupils of the eyes directed at the person
💀 “I stare you down, you cannot harm me again” Repeat as desired
💀 Take your obsidian and place it onto the person’s name. Leave it like that overnight
💀 Come morning cleanse your obsidian as needed. Tape the paper to a mirror if you desire to bump up the spells power. If you do not wish to do this (or don’t have a mirror you can tape it to) fold it up tightly and stick into a drawer
Morning Sun Spell (Pokemon Inspired)
An easy spell to lift your spirits; best performed in the morning.

You Will Need:
☀ A Sunrise or morning sunlight ☀ Open space
☀ Go outside into the morning sunlight and if you can face the rising sun.
☀ Feel the warmth of it on your skin and like golden waves of energy running across the land feel it pass through you. Close you eyes and stretch you arms upwards towards the sky, stand on your toes if you can. Feel your own energy grow and stretch out, absorbing all of the fresh crisp energy of the sun.
☀ Focus on your intent to absorb the golden yellow energy to bring you happiness and a good start to your day. Take deep breaths and relax your arms for a few beats before stretching them upwards again.
☀ Repeat this process focusing on your intent and feeling the sun’s bright energy entering you until you feel refreshed and ready to start your day.
☀ End spell by bowing in the direction of the sun to thank it for offering you its energy and giving you a well needed boost.