Moon Magic - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Moon Dancer
Moon Dancer
Moon Dancer
Moon Dancer

💙🌑Moon Dancer🌑💙

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Witchy Moon*:
Witchy Moon*:

Witchy Moon*:・゚✧

A little guide on using the moon in your favor while practicing witchcraft!

The moon is so important in cycles and everyday life so pay attention to what she says!

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6 months ago
A Spread To Use During A New Moon To Help You Start Anew For That Month And Begin Working On New Things.

A spread to use during a new moon to help you start anew for that month and begin working on new things.

1. Where to start: this is the basic broad card stating simply what it is that you should aim to achieve. What is your new goal for this month? What should you focus on? A skill? Your job? Your relationships? etc

2. Why is it important: why is it important that you start or focus on this goal? Will it effect the outcome of other things? Will it help you avoid conflict or disaster? Is it a first step in a chain of things?

3. How should I begin: What should be your first step to achieve this goal?

4. What trials will I face: what hardships may come along with this goal? Will it be emotionally trying? Financial? Is it going outside of your comfort zone?

5. Any advice on this new goal: pretty simple. What advice does your deck have to offer to you during this new process.

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6 months ago

Lunar Dance (Pokemon Inspired Spell)

Lunar Dance (Pokemon Inspired Spell)

A spell to banish negative energy from yourself after a bad day.

You will Need:

Open space (indoors or outdoors, whichever you’re more comfortable with)

Music that make you feel happy

If indoors: open window

(Optional) crystals for banishing negative energy 

Time of Day: After dark


Make sure you have an open space to work with that you feel comfortable in. If you prefer to be alone then that is alright. Make sure there is nothing that you may accidentally kick or trip over. Cleanse the space if you choose with some incense. If you wish to have crystals around place them out of your way so you do not step on or hurt yourself on them. If needed take a bath or shower and drink some tea or water before performing this spell.


Turn on your music from your music via whatever device you wish to use. I recommend using a short playlist since this may take longer than a song or two but it is your choice. You may play it out in the open or may play it through headphones, whichever you prefer.

Take in some deep breaths and visualize your energy about you, and how it is ‘masked’ by the dark haze of the day or whatever negativity that you wish to banish away. 

Once you have visualized this to your like begin dancing, doesn’t matter how you do it. Whether you’re a good dancer or a bad dancer, just let it go and dance. While dancing imagine your energy flowing with you, how it trails you like ribbons tied to a ribbon dancer. How every turn and motion releases that black mist from your energy, clearing it to the color of how it usually appears to you. This mist imagine it raising into the air and up into the sky out of your life. If you are indoors, imagine it going out the open window and into the sky that way.

Dance, hum, sing, spin; do whatever you feel is right even after all the blackness is gone from you. Now imagine the energy of the moon (either above you or through the window) sending down more energy to you, how your energy is growing, glowing and glitters. Listen to your music and let it empower you and feel the energy of your crystals.

Dance until you feel tired or satisfied. With your music still playing drink some water and sit down and rest. Once you have caught your breath end the spell however you see fit. (I myself take a shower) 

Note: please if you live with close neighbors don’t play your music too loud especially if it is late. If you are in an apartment building and there are people below do your best not to do this spell too late as to not disturb anyone trying to sleep or settle down. Be respectful of others.

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Spells To Do For Each Phase of the Moon

Spells To Do For Each Phase Of The Moon

New Moon: Spells related to personal growth, manifestation, abundance, fertility, new relationships, grounding, and stability.

Waxing Crescent: Spells related to success, growth, attraction, communication, and intellect.

First Quarter: Spells related to courage, motivation, breaking bad habits, passion, and creativity.

Waxing Gibbous: Spells related to balance, organization, completion, emotional healing, and intuition.

Full Moon: Spells related to love, intuition, psychic abilities, abundance, protection, releasing negative energy, and grounding.

Waning Gibbous: Spells related to banishing, breaking bad habits, releasing negative energy, and communication.

Last Quarter: Spells related to endings, closure, forgiveness, passion, and creativity.

Waning Crescent: Spells related to rest, renewal, dream work, divination, emotional healing, and intuition.

My Ko-Fi

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10 months ago

Snow Moon - February 23-24, 2024

Snow Moon - February 23-24, 2024

Boots and mittens on, witches - it's time for the Snow Moon!

Snow Moon

The Snow Moon is the name given to the full moon which occurs during the month of February. Despite what certain groundhogs will tell you, February is the month that sees the highest rates of snowfall across much of North America, according to the National Weather Service, and many alternative names for the moon and the month in which it falls reflect this.

As with many full moon names, we find the roots of the Snow Moon among the indigenous peoples of North America. In this particular case, a colonist explorer noted in 1760 that the Naudowessie (Dakota) people called this month Snow Moon specifically due to the tendency for snowstorms to come during that month. Some other indigenous names for this moon and month refer to commonly-sighted animals. Some examples include Eagle Moon (Cree), Bear Moon (Ojibwe), Groundhog Moon (Algonquin), and Goose Moon (Haida). Another notable example is Hungry Moon (Cherokee), denoting the scarcity of available food in deep winter.

The Snow Moon this year is what is known as a "micromoon" - basically the opposite of a supermoon. Where a supermoon brings our beloved satellite closer to Earth, at the perigree (or zenith) of its' elliptical orbit, a micromoon is at the apogee (or nadir), placing the moon at a point comparatively farther away. The moon will be at peak illumination at 7:30am EST on February 24th, meaning the moon may appear to be full on the 23rd and the 24th, depending on where you live.

What Does It Mean For Witches?

February is a month of change and transition. Though winter still holds on, many places may be showing early signs of spring. Little buds may be coming out on the trees, certain species of birds are beginning to migrate back, and hibernating animals start to wake up and reappear.

As we begin to turn toward the end of our long winter's rest, it's a good time to think about how we prepare for oncoming change and how we care for ourselves and our practices during times of stagnation.

With the moon in apogee, we might also contemplate the concept of distance as it relates to our practices, be it keeping long-distance bonds fresh, doing things remotely either alone or as part of a larger group, or feeling distant from your craft or your deities. And yes, such things are normal and cyclical. Our inspiration and motivation wax and wane just as the moon does. If it feels like you've been far away from your craft for too long, perhaps it's time to bring it back into your orbit.

What Witchy Things Can We Do?

Gather fresh snow or icicles for moon water, or make your own moon ice by leaving a bowl of water out overnight to freeze, if the temperature drops low enough.

If it snows in your area, you can wish upon a snowball. Grab a handful of powdery snow, whisper your wish to it, and throw the whole thing up in the air to release the wish into the universe

With winter scarcity in mind, practice creating a minimalist spell as an exercise. Create a workable spell with as few components, words, movements, or ritual elements as possible. This is more of a challenge if you're used to using material components or rituals in your spellwork. Many witches cast spells with focused thought or energy work alone.

Explore the concept of self care as magic. Use your routines to create moments of rest and harmony, make a point of being kind to your body and your mind, and cultivate a more positive relationship with yourself - it's the only one guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Connect with your local biome by looking for any early signs of spring in your area. Feed the returning birds and identify the plant and animal species you see around you as they appear one by one.

Happy Snow Moon, witches! 🌕❄️


Bree’s Lunar Calendar Series

Bree’s Secular Celebrations Series

Snow Moon: Full Moon in February 2024, The Old Farmer's Almanac.

Snow Moon: The Extraordinary Full Moon of February 2024, The Peculiar Brunette.

Moon Info - Full Moon Dates for 2024

Calendar-12 - 2024 Moon Phases

Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison, Llewellyn Publications, 2004.

(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, check out my monthly show Hex Positive, and find my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)

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7 months ago

Unsolicited Witch Tip #9

Need a little prosperity boost? At your first glimpse of the new moon, jingle coins in your pocket, focusing on your intention.

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10 months ago
I Desired The Moonlight...

I desired the moonlight...

So I got a new deck 🌙✨️

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2 years ago

Sharing something I needed to hear today that may benefit someone else.

Sometimes things that you regularly do in your craft stop working for you and that's ok. When we have a hobby or an interest and it becomes hard to continue because we've lost the interest, we don't force ourselves to continue, we try something new.

You're always changing, so why should your craft remain the same permanently?

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4 years ago

simple ideas for the pink moon🌸🌕

self-isolation may mean that you have a lack of resources or even energy to celebrate the full moon in the way you normally would. i think most of us are feeling a bit run-down, so here are some more easy rituals to complete to connect with Her tonight.

divination. even if you’re asking just one yes or no question, divination is perfect for making connections with the moon’s psychic energies. our intuition is often strongest at this time of the month. if you don’t have access to divination tools such as oracle cards or a pendulum, you can meditate under the moon with a question in mind. you may be surprised by the answers that come to you.

charging crystals and other tools. you don’t have to use your own energy for this. simply leaving your tools in the moonlight is a perfect way to charge them with intention. i leave some selenite on my windowsill along with my tools so i can cleanse and charge them all in one go.

Keep reading

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3 months ago

Cursing By The Moon

Cursing By The Moon

Dark/New Moon: Ruined beginnings, job/financial loss, bad health, depression, hopelessness, despair, fear

Waxing Crescent: Destruction, ruined plans, weakness, illness, ruin, sorrow

Waxing Gibbous: Bad luck, arguments, tension, chaos, accidents, injuries

Full Moon: Spiritual warfare, psychic attack, hauntings and possessions, nightmares, legal issues, loss of motivation/will power

Waning Gibbous: Addiction, ending relationships, stress, panic, emotional breakdowns

Waning Crescent: Mistakes, humiliation, bad choices, betrayal, butt of the joke, loneliness

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3 months ago
Moon Powder

moon powder

sooo i recently dropped my selenite sphere :( which was very upsetting. i saved all of the pieces and had been wondering how to best use them. i ultimately decided to make a powder.

selenite- purification, removes blocks to healing, angelic protection

eucalyptus seeds/ leaves- healing/protection/purification

jasmine- love/money/prophetic dreams

marshmallow root powder- protection/psychic powers/purification/love

these were the ingredients i decided on. i ground them all together, beginning with the selenite because it was the most difficult + i said a prayer and imagined my personal intentions for the powder. every ingredient i used is associated with the divine feminine, the element of water, and the moon, making it a super potent powder.  i’m not going to be using this as a bath powder, i’ll most likely be using it in moon rituals/candle magik/floor washing etc. also, it smells nice and looks lovely :)

[[this also works really well as a fertility powder. both selenite and marshmallow root powder are associated with fertility. also, the addition of the eucalyptus seeds, symbolizing birth/fertility]]

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1 year ago

moon phases

Moon phases 

New moon: new beginnings, cleansing, creation and resting 

Waxing crescent: strength, fertility, healing, creativity and manifestation

First quarter: action, bonding and taking action 

Waxing gibbous: energy, strength, renewal, and determination

Full moon: power, celebration, psychic abilities, rejuvenation, divination 

Waning gibbous: cleansing, protection, gratitude, clouser and repelling 

Last quarter: transition, calming, release, and balance

Waning crescent: surrender, banashing, removing negativity, and rest  

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3 years ago

Moon Phase Magic

You can do magic any time, any day, but sometimes you'd like a little bit of a lunar boost! Here's how the phases of the moon can match the intentions of your magic.

Moon Phase Magic

Full Moon: Great for manifesting, divination, and psychic ability. If you work with spirits or deities this phase can help boost your signal, so to speak.

Waning Gibbous: Helps with cleansing, protection and detoxing. If you're trying to get rid of some bad energy or place a protection spell on you house, this phase can help you out! Setting intentions to let go of things is also suggested during this phase.

Last Quarter: Great for breaking habits and abandoning bad situations. Sometimes we have to leave, if you need a bit of extra strength to do it, this moon phase could help you.

Waning Crescent: Good for release, surrender, and introspection. Sometimes we need to stop and smell the roses. Allow yourself to be still and let this phase give you some calm in the midst of chaos.

New Moon (or Dark Moon): This phase works best for cleansing, banishing magic, and shadow work. Similar to the last three, the new moon can give you that push you need to do the dirty work you need to succeed. We all have shadows, are you ready to face yours?

Waxing Crescent: Creation, imagination, and attraction are on "high" during this phase. Start to sew the seeds of new projects or ideas during this time.

First Quarter: Manifesting change and strength is a good idea during this phase of the moon. There are things that need changing, but it's not always easy, so allow this phase to give you the boost you need to change.

Waxing Gibbous: Best for motivation. determination and energy. You need to get things done? This phase can give you the energy to act. Your willpower and knowledge will help you succeed, but a little lunar love wouldn't hurt!


When using the moon in magic, make sure you thank our magnificent celestial being for helping you out. She works very hard and deserves a lot of gratitude from us!

A/N: Since this is my digital grimoire it is subject to my own opinions. The information here is what I've gathered after a lot of reading and learning from various other pagans and witches. However, If you feel that a moon phase is different for you then by all means don't let me change your mind!

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