bstroobery - Blue Strawberry System
Blue Strawberry System

Welcome to our main tumblr blog! We are the Blue Strawberry System!Our most active alters on this blog are shown above. From left to right: 🔦, 🍞, 📖, 🍓, 🧡🐍, 💀, 💻, 📺, and 🍄

477 posts

Btw If Anyone Is Wondering How Blue Is Doing, Since I Know They Ran The Old Blog, Heres A Life Update

an inked drawing of a fem-presenting enby with glasses, bunny ears, and a two thirds shaved head with hair to their chin kissing the forehead of a man in a hoodie who is smiling softly. both are blushing and there is a heart above their heads

Btw if anyone is wondering how Blue is doing, since I know they ran the old blog, here’s a life update on them!

They’re currently engaged to and spending time with one of the other Simon’s in our system. He’s the Sick Simon introject. Literally we just call them all Simon because we’re so used to understanding how to address people who share a name.

Felt the need to share that in case people were curious.

Our ship name for them in still in the works sadly… (yes we come up with ship names for relationships in this system. It’s an inside joke. Sue me)

- Ghost🩶👻

  • bstroobery
    bstroobery liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Bstroobery

1 year ago
an inked drawing of Mikey, Leo, Donnie, and Raph from TMNT and Ghost from Taleblr warming up for training. Donnie and Ghost are arguing while Mikey and Leo look on in silent confusion. Raph stands between the two angrily.

First prompt of @tmntober-2023: Warm-up.

These guys are just warming up for training. Johnny Ghost is warming wrong and Donnie is trying to correct him. And of course, Ghost isn’t having any of it.

Also: Blue mentioned on our old blog how the turtles were getting redesigned for this AU. Well here they are! Leo stayed mostly traditional for some obvious reasons.

And of course, the rest of PIE is laughing in the background at how Ghost is refusing to acknowledge that he’s wrong. He’s convinced himself everyone else is wrong, even though the turtles have been training for 15 years.

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1 year ago

forgive yourself. forgive yourself for all the versions you couldn't become. forgive yourself for the wrong things you said. forgive yourself for not knowing any better at certain point of your life. for fucking things up so much that the grief still haunts you. forgive yourself for the darker and shadowed parts of you. you have to learn to integrate all parts of you, even the ones you desperately want to disown. it'll be alright.

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1 year ago

reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something

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1 year ago

Me: I’m probably faking being a system and these are just people my overactive imagination created

Me, seconds later: Who the hell searched Idina Menzel and did a deep dive of her official site? I know it wasn’t me or Ghost! I’d remember if it was me! Someone fess up now!

- Blue🍓

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1 year ago

Warning: fake blood

Warning: Fake Blood
Warning: Fake Blood
Warning: Fake Blood
Warning: Fake Blood
Warning: Fake Blood
Warning: Fake Blood

Starting with the reposting of artwork is the stuff Blue drew for the TMNTPIE AU!

Yes I’m keeping these delegated by project so people can find specific projects and art

Oldest to most recent.

Character redesigns will eventually be posted too, but… yeah.

- Ghost🩶👻

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