Blue X Simon - Tumblr Posts

Btw if anyone is wondering how Blue is doing, since I know they ran the old blog, here’s a life update on them!
They’re currently engaged to and spending time with one of the other Simon’s in our system. He’s the Sick Simon introject. Literally we just call them all Simon because we’re so used to understanding how to address people who share a name.
Felt the need to share that in case people were curious.
Our ship name for them in still in the works sadly… (yes we come up with ship names for relationships in this system. It’s an inside joke. Sue me)
- Ghost🩶👻

Remember this post?
It’s a meme in our system now. Inside joke.
Also: colored picture of Simon📖! He looks a lot healthier than Sick!Simon, mostly because he is. Blue makes sure he takes care of himself, and he writes a lot for his own enjoyment, not because a therapist told him to.
We’ve been discussing possibly posting some of his writing. He’s debating about it.
How Simon Henriksson of him ;p

My new favorite genre of Blue’s drawings:
Sophie being the third wheel.
Note from Sophie:
This was just a meme idea because of how often I end up feeling like the third wheel for these two. Happy for them though. :) -🐹
Pssst. PSSSST! Hey you! Wanna see something cool?? Something fun??? Something involving the Sick Simon introject from our system??
I know you wanna ;)

Doodles done by me based off of a real interaction I had with Simon📖 XD
If I had a nickel for every time I saw Blue carrying him around, I’d be so fucking rich.
Blue and Simon are now officially married y’all!!! 😭😭😭
We held a wedding last night and it was so beautiful!! It was a beautiful ceremony and I’m obviously an emotional mess right now. Yes Simon cried, as did I.
My congratulations to the happy couple😭😭
📖: Would I be the boyfriend you take home to meet your parents?
🍓: Yes. I married you. You are literally my husband. Yes I would take you to meet my parents, you dork