The Elder Maximoff Ch.4: Intimidation
The Elder Maximoff Ch.4: Intimidation

Ch.3 Ch.5
"Meet you in the ship Pietro" I said to him before grabbing Wanda and getting ready to travel into the ship via shadow travel.
"You really think you're faster than me?" He questioned in a cocky tone. I simply looked at him.
"I know I'm faster than you." I reply before melting into the shadows with Wanda grasping my arm as I had become a strength for her since our powers are slightly similar.
We reappeared in the hallway outside of Klaus's office, I shrouded the inside of the ship in darkness so no one could see us. I look up to see the blue silver blur of Pietro showing up, disbelief shown on his face.
"Told you I was faster now let's get on with the interrogating." I stated as I pushed open the door, the man looked up at us, he had gun raised and just fired the shot but Pietro quickly took all the bullets out of his gun and lined them up in a neat row and was standing next to us in a split second.
Pietro had his arms crossed as he stared at Klaus with a slightly annoyed yet bored look. Wanda went through the doorway, her eyes flaring red.
"Ah, the enhanced. Strucker's prized pupils." He said smiling as he sat down holding out a bowl of candy.
"Want a candy" he said as he offered it. I shadow traveled behind him, and grabbed three pieces of candy. When he turned around I already reformed between Wanda and Pietro, handing them each a piece while I unwrapped mine and quickly placed it in my mouth. He looked at me in slight surprise. I could tell he wanted to ask who I was but he held his tongue after seeing I was an enhanced well.
"I'm sorry to hear about Strucker," Klaus continued as he put the bowl of candy back down. "but then again he knew what kind of world he was helping create. Human life, not the greatest market." I didn't understand what he was talking about and neither did the twins. Klaus seeing this voiced,
"You didn't know? Is this your first time intimidating someone?" He asked in a rather calm voice." I'm afraid, I'm not that afraid.", Wanda steps forward in front of him and says,
"Everybody's afraid of something."
I ignore the conversation until I see Ultron crash through the window and throw Klaus onto the ground,
"There is no man in charge." He said as he then leaned down, " Let's talk business."
Klaus takes us to a closet or something, and then quickly typed in a code that caused the display to slide down, revealing the vibrancy meaning storage. He gives Ultron the vibranium while rubbing the back of his neck, he's probably uncomfortable seeing as there are three enhanced in the room with a huge robot that can kill a human at any second.
"Upon this rock I will build my church. Vibranium." Ultron tosses the vibranium to Pietro for him to hold.
"You know it came at great personal cost, it's worth billions." Klaus stated as he stared at Ultron. Ultron simply chuckled to himself and paid them through his mind since he is practically every piece of technology there is.
"Now so are you. It's all under your dummy holdings, finance is so weird. But I always say ''keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which." Ultron responded.
Klaus then said "Stark."
The twins looked slightly confused while Ultron said, "What?"
"Stark used to say that to me... You're one of his." continued Klaus.
'Bad move', I thought to myself as I saw a look of rage appear on Ultron's face while he grabbed Klaus's arm and began to heat up his other hand to a dangerous temperature.
"What, I'm not one of Stark's puppets." Wanda uses her magic to hold down Klaus's guard's guns.
"I mean look at me do look like Iron Man, Stark is nothing!" Ultron yelled as he sliced off Klaus's arm. I was about to stop Ultron but was distracted by hearing Iron man's suit.
Ch.3 Ch.5
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Scar’s Adopted Brother Ch.4: Eavesdropper

Ch.3 Ch.5
It's morning now, I awaken at dawn as per usual; sitting back, remembering the look of pure shock on Mufasa's face when I so easily beat him when I got sick of his drama, it was priceless.
I carefully walk outside, searching for some breakfast to give the tribe. I smell some zebra to the east and some antelope north, but I think the tribe would like some variety, so let's get both an antelope and a zebra for breakfast.
After walking for a few minutes, I spot a zebra wandering away from their herd, quickly killing it by ambushing from its blind spot. I use the same technique with the antelope, dragging back my kills and leaving them inside the cave we have taken up residence in.
It's still pretty early so I decide to go and explore the new territory.
Where my tribe is staying is full of trees and a canopy to keep us hidden, but how about we see the rest of the land. I sprint out of the trees silently, soon finding myself within an open savanna covered in grass with herds of many different animals. I look around, seeing beauty wherever the sun touches, but then my eyes reach a dark shadowy pit that has a mysterious aura to it.
I trot over until I reach the slight barrier that separates the sun-touched land from the shadows; as I look over the edge I see that there are mounds of large bones, elephants I believe they are called.
I quietly pounce over the edge and land in the clearing, but I soon hide behind a pile of bones when I hear the tumbling of bones from somewhere behind me. I peer through the bones and see Simba being pinned down by a lioness cub. 'I knew he was weak but not that weak,' I thought, watching him angrily struggle underneath her in vain. He then looks around, noticing my eye through the opening, I quickly pull back, jumping somewhere they won't see me; I can't risk him telling Mufasa, it would endanger my tribe.
"What are you looking at, Simba?" The female questions as she turns to see what it is that Simba is staring at so intently.
"Nothing, let's go over here." Simba states, wandering playfully over to a large skull. How stupid could they be, that skull smells strongly of hyena - just as I think that, I hear the cynical laughs of three hyenas, watching as they begin chasing the two lion cubs.
The hyenas have chased Simba and Nala around for a minute or so now, and they currently have the cubs cornered. I see no one around to help them, so I leap in front of the hyenas, stopping them in their tracks. As much as you may think, I am no monster, and I won't allow these hyenas to kill these cubs, even though one's father may be the most aggravating alive.
"What are you doing? We are about to kill them like you asked?" One of them murmurs in a confused tone.
"Um Shengzi, I don't think that's who we think it is." Voiced another hyena.
They all pounce at me and we get into a battle of wrestling. I smack the least intelligent one unconscious for a few minutes whilst immobilizing the other two by smashing their heads together. They all fall to the ground and I release a roar so loud it causes them all to bolt away in fear. I look back at Simba and Nala, Simba looks surprised and Nala simply looks relieved that she didn't die.
"You two okay?" I question in a soft, calm tone that I use with all the cubs in my tribe.
"Yes, thank you." Replies Simba and Nala at the same time. I'm about to ask them if they want an escort back to their home but I get pushed down to the ground by a massive amount of pressure between my shoulders. I crane my neck to look up, and see Mufasa pinning me down with pure rage in his eyes while a blue bird flies overhead.
"First you attack me and now you try to kill my son and his friend. How low is your pride when they go to killing children for fun." Roars Mufasa as he grabs me and hurls me against a wall. I recoil my body in pain as the rock I land on pierces into my side. I narrow my eyes in anger and try to get up, but the rock is a part of the floor and is ripped out of me as I force myself up. The pain, however, isn't as obvious to them as I experience pain on the inside more than the outside due to intense training.
"Father, stop! He saved our lives from the hyenas!" Shrieked Simba as Nala rushed between Mufasa and myself.
"What are you talking about, he will kill you when given the chance!" Growled Mufasa as he merely pushed Nala to the side and started stalking towards me again.
"We all know how true that is, because of how you're still alive." I growled sarcastically, some blood dripping out of my mouth. Mufasa barely listens before shoving me back into the wall.
"Because I was given so many chances to kill you on our first meeting, but look at this, you're still alive." I nearly snarled at Mufasa. To be honest he looked quite angry, but the cubs seemed to be scared for my well being. Mufasa slowly takes his pressure off of me, begrudgingly allowing me to get up.
"How did you roar that loud?" Asked Simba in a scared tone as he trembled near his father.
"That's classified kid. Now if you don't mind I'll be leaving before I kill this inconsiderate father of yours." I threaten before stalking out of the area, quickly being drawn back by the scent of another lion, it's ever so subtle but it's there. I follow it and come back to where I was getting attacked, but this is a hidden overview ledge. Sitting on top is a lion who shares a striking resemblance to myself. I silently walk behind him and quickly pounce on top of him. He finds himself pinned in utter confusion, and worry is evident through the features on his face.
"I'm not Mufasa if that's what you're wondering." I state plainly as I get off of him. He turns around and sees me, anger overtaking his eyes.
"You cost me an open chance to kill that little brat today you saboteur!" He growls before lunging at me. I easily dodge his antics, resulting in him falling onto the floor.
"If you plan on killing me, you're going to need a lot more practice." I state before helping him up.
"And why do you want to kill Simba anyways?" I question.
"He is taking away my rightful place as next in line for the throne you could say." He responds dejectedly.
"What's your name, I'm Crow."
"They call me Scar." He replies.
"Are you the one that beat Mufasa in a battle?" He questions.
"That's me." I quickly mutter as I don't like Mufasa.
" .... How would you like to stay here in the pride lands? If you help me in a plan to kill Mufasa we can rule together and combine our prides." Scar explains, noting my obvious fighting capability.
"Why should I join you, my tribe is already unbeatable since I became king, and you wanted to kill your own nephew; you are stupid, why not just make him runaway so you don't have the death of the innocent and future king on your paws?" I voice as I sit down across from Scar on the rock ledge.
"It all depends on if you join me or not, so do we have an agreement?" He questions in a slightly cynical way.
"Possibly ." I reply in a grim tone with a subtle nod.
"I must inform my tribe, I will meet you here tomorrow with my tribe's decision." I say before sprinting across the land and reaching my new home in a matter of minutes. I wait for them to wake up before telling them the offer that has been proposed. I hope they stay, they are my family but if they don't wish to stay I will go with them; I am their leader after all and I must look out for them, not myself like my selfish brother had.
Ch.3 Ch.5
Woodland Princess Ch.5: Confrontation

Ch.4 Ch.6
It has been nearly the whole day now, we stop in a high up area where if we get attacked we have the upper hand. It's nearly pitch black apart from the light radiating off of a nearby fire that was created for warmth.
I couldn't sleep so I helped to take care of the horses and found a nice area where I could untie my mare known as Raerthar. After being set free everyone looks at me strange,
"What?" I ask in complete confusion.
"Isn't she going to run off." Asks a dwarf named Nori, he was a nice and unassuming person, so I don't really mind his company.
"No, we understand each other and she understands her freedoms and boundaries." I state and with that they all nod and go back to what they were doing.
Thorin scoffs at my explanation, glancing at me in a cruel way as if saying, 'I hope she runs away because I can promise that I won't give you one of our ponies'.
After noticing this I go to an area where a rock weathered to a flat in the middle but the sides curve upwards. I quickly grab a bunch of pine needles from the trees around me and create a soft patch within the rock where I lay on my back and stare up at the stars.
Suddenly a loud screeching noise reaches my ears and I sit upright within a second staring in the section where I heard the shriek. Bilbo appears confused and asked,
"What was that?"
"Orcs" I answer quickly, eager to change the subject but I hear Fili and Kili laughing about something I didn't hear. I stare at them and they quickly stop laughing but Thorin comes in and says,
"You think a night raid by orcs is funny do you!" He says in a raised voice I quickly try to help them out saying,
"I'm sure they meant nothing by it Thorin."
He turns and stalks over towards where I'm now standing in slight fear, but more adrenaline. The brothers see a hint of fear flash in my eyes as Thorin nears and they see that my daggers are missing. They quickly get up a dash over to where I'm at. Thorin is now right in front of me, and Gandalf gets up but doesn't move in fear that will provoke an attack. Thorin speaks in a dark tone,
"Do not tell me what to do with my own family, you piece of filth." He growls lowly.
By now Fili and Kili are a few feet behind him ready to intervene if anything becomes dangerous. I step back slightly and Thorin steps forward pushing me against the side of the wide cliff edge we were staying on.
"Well you obviously don't know how to deal with a way to break the silence and they were just trying to help, if you can't see that then you obviously need help in managing your 'family'." I reply in a mocking and sarcastic voice that I know will enrage him further. He puts a hand on his sword and goes to unsheath it, but Fili and Kili grab him while Gandalf pulls me away.
"What have I told you, you could be killed by Thorin and he wouldn't care." Starts Gandalf but I quickly use my elvish magic and disappear, not wanting to have this conversation right now. I slump back on the rock I layed pine needles over and fell into a deep sleep.
Ch.4 Ch.6
The Elder Maximoff Ch.8: The Cradle

Ch.7 Ch.9
Corvina's POV:
We sat down and were eating some food we managed to steal, mainly some fruits like an apple or some plums. As we were sitting at a table, talking to each other, the TV showed Captain America fighting Ultron on a train. I looked at the others and they looked slightly guilty, as did I.
"Do you think we should help?" Questioned Pietro, Wanda looked ashamed that we helped him while I felt really ashamed as I was the one who made the main decision for all of us.
"Fine, but we all have to agree." I stated. The twins nodded their heads in agreement, I showed a slight smirk of confidence before I shadow traveled us onto the train.
The train was moving at a fast speed, and the end of the tracks was nearing. When we appeared many of the people were startled and then scared because they'd probably seen us on TV as the bad guys who helped Ultron, but we didn't have time to care seeing as Cap was getting beat pretty badly.
Pietro rammed into Ultron, causing him to turn away from Cap and pay attention to a new threat. Ultron was about to shoot at Pietro but I summoned a shadow dagger and stabbed Ultron's shoulder.
He yelled in anger, then grabbed my arm and threw me into a wall. Wanda forced the railings between us, creating a wall around me after seeing me slowly get up. Ultron, however, flew out of the train and left us. I pushed myself up using my dark energy force.
"Can you slow the train down?" Cap asked Wanda and me while she rushed to help me regain my balance. Wanda simply nodded her head as I did the same.
"I need you to get the civilians out of the way." Cap ordered Pietro, but Pietro was already out of the train, moving people out of the way. Wanda and I put all our energy into stopping the train.
I had the shadows of buildings grabbing the shadow of the train in an effort to slow it down while Wanda used her magic to jam the wheels of the train. We were luckily able to stop the train with the only casualty being the conductor, who was already dead.
We rushed out of the train to see how Pietro was, he looked super exhausted.
"Pietro are you okay?" Wanda and I asked in unison. He simply waved us off and said he was fine.
"I'm very tempted not to give you one," Cap says as he walks towards us.
"The cradle did you get it?" Wanda questioned.
"Stark will take care of it." Cap says, my head snaps up in anger, I take a step forwards,
"No he won't." I state.
"You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy."
"He will do anything to make things right." Wanda voiced as she looked at Cap. There is a silence that settles over him, he then goes to his comm and tries to contact Stark but gets no answer.
"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it, where do you think he gets that?" Wanda explains to Cap as he thinks about it.
Personally, I'm going to stop Stark whether Cap here agrees or not, I send a telepathic message to the twins and they agree. We all stand, and they each hold one of my arms as we stand close together.
"What are you doing?" Cap asks in a questioning voice.
"We're going to see if the incredibly trusted Stark is as trustworthy as you say he is, now you can either come with us or take the long way." I say in an incredibly sarcastic tone when referring to Stark as trustworthy.
Cap thinks for a second and then grabs my arm like the twins are. The shadowy black fog that forms a barrier around us is then dropped after a second to reveal Avengers tower.
Ch.7 Ch.9
Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.3: New Rivals

Ch.2 Ch.4
Since we are a nomadic pride - or tribe as we prefer - we move to new lands quite often in order to not use all of our supplements and resources, since we do value other animals' lives, and how they'd have to live if we chose to stay in one land.
I was leading my pride through a desert. I could tell many of them were tired, but we just needed to move on until we found a suitable campsite for tonight. I continued to lead them on when a new scent drifted through the air, my whole tribe could smell it, zebra. I quickly hurried them towards the direction of our food.
We soon came to a clearing that opened into a beautiful grassland with many different kinds of animals bounding around, peacefully unaware of us.
"Kerberos and Perodia, go scout out a suitable living area for tonight. Merula, you and I will go catch our tribe some dinner." I ordered quietly so as to not alert the zebras, Kerberos and Perodia nodded before disappearing into the brush to find us a new living space.
Merula and I silently picked two zebras which would best feed the tribe, then we were off.
The sun was high and the wind was blowing, so we made sure we were downwind from the herd. I was hiding in the tall grass when I signaled to Merula that we pounce now, both sprinting through the tall grass and into the open. It was a risky move, but Merula and I are the fastest runners in the pride and could outrun a zebra in an instant. I had no worries; well, that was until I couldn't see Merula anymore. I decided to think about it later, focusing soley on the zebra I was chasing. I pounced and was right over it when a large tannish gold lion barreled into my side, allowing the zebra to escape.
I was pinned down and immediately released a roar for my tribe to help me, my tribe prowling out of the shadows after a few moments. They were a bunch of mean, gruff, and scarred up lions that alone usually scared away any newcomer.
I looked up at my attacker, smiling sickly as I spoke,
"Do you really want to do this, because they will kill you if you so much as scratch me." I state in a slightly cocky but still serious tone as I gestured to my tribe - who were in an offensive position, completely willing to fight.
Slowly, the stranger backed away, but only by a few steps. Before I could get up, he released a roar that I assume called his tribe; but I could not care for that, as I still could not find Merula.
I glance around, hearing some plants ruffling followed by angry growls from behind the stranger. Two lions twice Merula's size strode out of the bushes, Merula being restrained by them. She sported a thin but long cut across her left shoulder. I was proud to see that these two lions seemed quite tired and had many cuts and gashes along their legs.
"Well it would seem we have something of yours." Voiced the stranger, in a taunting tone.
"Release her or I, personally, will kill you." I seethed in a low growl whilst I stared straight into his amber eyes.
"Calm down, you may be below killing prisoners but my pride isn't that savage, you may take her back, but you will have to leave or we will fight." He stated in a demeaning way.
"If you want to fight then let's get it over with." I snarled before lunging at him. He didn't expect my speed, allowing me to throw him off balance. Kerberos immobilized the lions holding Merula down, quickly ushering her back to the tribe where our medicine lioness would treat her wounds.
"What's your name kid?" Asked the stranger as he got up.
"What's yours?" I hissed.
"Mufasa." He responded, stalking closer to me.
"The name's Crow." I answered before quickly tripping and pinning him to the ground. I was about to kill him when a lioness with reddish eyes barrelled into my side, shoving me to the side slightly.
"Mufasa, are you alright?" She questioned. I, however, saw more than a question, the look of caring in their eyes told me more. They were partners I assume, and that would work beautifully for my plan.
I quickly lunge forward, pushing Mufasa off balance - allowing me time to score my claws across the female's legs. She roared out in pain before collapsing to the ground, unable to handle the immense pain in her legs. Mufasa looked at me, then to the female before speaking.
"Boys, take Sarabi back to pride rock, this young lion needs to learn some respect."
Before I even had time to think, I was against the ground, back down whilst he smacked a large paw with claws unsheathed across my face. I could feel the pain inside me but I taught my tribe that it is much more intimidating and useful if you don't show pain, so I opened my eyes, I could feel trickles of blood streaming down my face.
I heard my whole pride roar in anger, so much as a scratch on me gives them the right to kill my attacker - since, in their eyes, I am the best leader they've had in years. I can hear them running over to attack him, but I slowly raise a paw up as an order for them to halt. I hear a sudden silence and Mufasa looks down at me in confusion.
"I may be a young leader, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to risk the lives of my tribe for my own." I state plainly as I try to wipe some of the blood off with my paw. Mufasa looks down at me with a sort of understanding.
"I'm sorry about this Crow, but I don't believe you've learned your lesson and I'll continue to punish you until you do." States Mufasa as he raises another paw. Before he gets the chance to hit me again, a young male cub comes out of the bushes looking happy and joyful until he sees his father about to hit my already cut and bloody face.
" D-dad, what are you doing?" He asks, confused as to why his father is attacking me.
"Simba...... Simba, this is Crow. Say hello Crow." Mufasa says. I simply look at Simba and give him my most venomous growl, causing him to stumble back in an effort to back away.
"Simba, go home. I will tell you about this later." Mufasa orders, to which Simba obliges, scampering off in a hurry.
"Must be embarrassing to have such a coward of a son who can't even watch their father 'teach a lesson to' an intruder who has already injured his own mother." I say in the most arrogant tone, and put emphasis on the word 'coward'.
"You know nothing about my family, and you seem like quite the coward just laying here and letting me hit you." Growls Mufasa in disgust, but is quickly silenced when I leap upwards and latch my jaws onto his neck and bite down hard, allowing me to rip him off me and throw him to the ground.
I jump off of Mufasa and turn to my pride, who look at me slightly stunned at how the tables turned, but simply shrug as that isn't very uncommon with me as leader. I turn around to see Mufasa getting up slowly, stunned at how I beat him, looking as if it were impossible.
"I hope you know now that brute strength isn't all you need in a battle." I growl at him before turning back to my tribe and signaling them to follow Kerberos to the hidden campsite he found. We take off at an uncatchable pace and arrive at the campsite in no time. Luckily there is a zebra pack nearby, Merula and I successfully killing two zebras for the tribe to feast on.
Ch.2 Ch.4
The Elder Maximoff Ch.2: Captain

Ch.1 Ch.3
Wanda and I walked through some halls until we saw a man in a blue outfit with a shield threatening Strucker. Wanda came up behind him, circulating some red mist through her hands before forcefully striking this man backwards while I stuck out my foot, thus tripping him; which caused him to fall down some stairs.
Wanda quickly grabbed me, but before she could leave I was hit from behind by some metal object, which caused me to fall. I turned around to see the soldier grab his shield which he must've hit me with. I narrowed my eyes into slits while Wanda turned around to see what was stopping me.
Before she could do anything the soldier threw his shield at Wanda, and hit her in the ribs causing her to collapse in pain. I looked at the man who was now standing behind me, when I felt long white fangs that resembled that of a tiger grow in my mouth.
I looked at his arm which was now grabbing my arm and I lunged, viciously biting him.
He let out a surprised and pained yelp before letting go of me, and kicking my legs out so I fell to the ground. I landed on my shoulder as the Captain grabbed my arms and clicked something around my wrists to keep me from leaving or helping Wanda.
Strucker now said something to taunt him, he said, "Well captain I never thought you could beat them. After all, they are far more advanced than some skeleton that should have been left in the ocean to rot." He was obviously giving us time to escape, however he was quickly silenced with a hit to the gut by the captain's shield.
I tried to use some unknown powers and felt like I was suddenly weightless, I looked at my arm and saw only darkness. Wanda slightly gasped quietly, seeing that I had these powers but the captain heard and turned around. He then went over and picked up what I presume was the cuffs he used. He stood up and faced where I was as a shadow and said,
"Where did she go? These cuffs even cause the prisoner to follow the person who captured them." I got up and stood behind him before reappearing in my human form. Wanda saw me and looked over slightly, but that was enough for Cap to turn around.
"Listen you guys are just kids I don't want t-" he was cut off when I used my osteokinetic powers to create long, curved, pale white claws that I clawed at him with. Wanda had recovered from his hit by now, and used her magic to get into his head.
I took the liberty of placing a long, but thin scratch across his face from his forehead to the lower left side of his jaw. I then pushed him to the ground, while I motioned for Wanda to come closer. She did, but gave me a questioning look before I grabbed her a hand and shrouded us in a thick black layered shadow.
When we reappeared we were outside in the snow, Wanda was searching for Pietro while I was causing mayhem. I saw an amazing thing to ruin over near a clearing surrounded by a couple of trees.
I saw who I presume was Black Widow making the Hulk go back into his human form. I crept around and saw that he was turning back to normal, I took this as my shot and surrounded the area in an impenetrable darkness. I saw Black Widow looking around shocked at what's happening, but she tried to hide it.
While the now human Hulk, who I think is called Bruce Banner, was over near the shield looking at it curiously. I walked through the shadow and was about to kill the woman from behind with one of my knife-like claws, but she turned around and ducked under my claw.
She slid under me and tripped me while the human known as Bruce came over and took out cuffs and clumsily secured my wrists into another pair of those stupid easy to get out of handcuffs. Well at least they were easy to escape out of for me.
The woman was about to talk when the earpiece suddenly said loudly:
"Three enhanced in the field, the male is a blur, most likely super speed, and two girls. The one who In black armor can turn into shadows so don't bother handcuffing her unless you know her weakness, the other can get into your mind and use magic to force you back." Natasha turned back to where I was but only saw her shadow which my shadow form was hidden in.
She turned to Bruce who was confused, but I then let the shadow force field fall, while I had already left and was watching them from a nearby tree.
I turned to see Wanda and Pietro looking around for me and I was about to jump down when something flew and hit me on the back, I was about to grab it when an electrical current shot through my body.
I let go of the tree in shock and fell backwards. I used my magic to slow down my fall but it didn't really work since my body was in shock. Before I hit the ground someone ran forward and caught me before I blacked out.
Ch.1 Ch.3