Scars Adopted Brother Ch.4: Eavesdropper
Scar’s Adopted Brother Ch.4: Eavesdropper

Ch.3 Ch.5
It's morning now, I awaken at dawn as per usual; sitting back, remembering the look of pure shock on Mufasa's face when I so easily beat him when I got sick of his drama, it was priceless.
I carefully walk outside, searching for some breakfast to give the tribe. I smell some zebra to the east and some antelope north, but I think the tribe would like some variety, so let's get both an antelope and a zebra for breakfast.
After walking for a few minutes, I spot a zebra wandering away from their herd, quickly killing it by ambushing from its blind spot. I use the same technique with the antelope, dragging back my kills and leaving them inside the cave we have taken up residence in.
It's still pretty early so I decide to go and explore the new territory.
Where my tribe is staying is full of trees and a canopy to keep us hidden, but how about we see the rest of the land. I sprint out of the trees silently, soon finding myself within an open savanna covered in grass with herds of many different animals. I look around, seeing beauty wherever the sun touches, but then my eyes reach a dark shadowy pit that has a mysterious aura to it.
I trot over until I reach the slight barrier that separates the sun-touched land from the shadows; as I look over the edge I see that there are mounds of large bones, elephants I believe they are called.
I quietly pounce over the edge and land in the clearing, but I soon hide behind a pile of bones when I hear the tumbling of bones from somewhere behind me. I peer through the bones and see Simba being pinned down by a lioness cub. 'I knew he was weak but not that weak,' I thought, watching him angrily struggle underneath her in vain. He then looks around, noticing my eye through the opening, I quickly pull back, jumping somewhere they won't see me; I can't risk him telling Mufasa, it would endanger my tribe.
"What are you looking at, Simba?" The female questions as she turns to see what it is that Simba is staring at so intently.
"Nothing, let's go over here." Simba states, wandering playfully over to a large skull. How stupid could they be, that skull smells strongly of hyena - just as I think that, I hear the cynical laughs of three hyenas, watching as they begin chasing the two lion cubs.
The hyenas have chased Simba and Nala around for a minute or so now, and they currently have the cubs cornered. I see no one around to help them, so I leap in front of the hyenas, stopping them in their tracks. As much as you may think, I am no monster, and I won't allow these hyenas to kill these cubs, even though one's father may be the most aggravating alive.
"What are you doing? We are about to kill them like you asked?" One of them murmurs in a confused tone.
"Um Shengzi, I don't think that's who we think it is." Voiced another hyena.
They all pounce at me and we get into a battle of wrestling. I smack the least intelligent one unconscious for a few minutes whilst immobilizing the other two by smashing their heads together. They all fall to the ground and I release a roar so loud it causes them all to bolt away in fear. I look back at Simba and Nala, Simba looks surprised and Nala simply looks relieved that she didn't die.
"You two okay?" I question in a soft, calm tone that I use with all the cubs in my tribe.
"Yes, thank you." Replies Simba and Nala at the same time. I'm about to ask them if they want an escort back to their home but I get pushed down to the ground by a massive amount of pressure between my shoulders. I crane my neck to look up, and see Mufasa pinning me down with pure rage in his eyes while a blue bird flies overhead.
"First you attack me and now you try to kill my son and his friend. How low is your pride when they go to killing children for fun." Roars Mufasa as he grabs me and hurls me against a wall. I recoil my body in pain as the rock I land on pierces into my side. I narrow my eyes in anger and try to get up, but the rock is a part of the floor and is ripped out of me as I force myself up. The pain, however, isn't as obvious to them as I experience pain on the inside more than the outside due to intense training.
"Father, stop! He saved our lives from the hyenas!" Shrieked Simba as Nala rushed between Mufasa and myself.
"What are you talking about, he will kill you when given the chance!" Growled Mufasa as he merely pushed Nala to the side and started stalking towards me again.
"We all know how true that is, because of how you're still alive." I growled sarcastically, some blood dripping out of my mouth. Mufasa barely listens before shoving me back into the wall.
"Because I was given so many chances to kill you on our first meeting, but look at this, you're still alive." I nearly snarled at Mufasa. To be honest he looked quite angry, but the cubs seemed to be scared for my well being. Mufasa slowly takes his pressure off of me, begrudgingly allowing me to get up.
"How did you roar that loud?" Asked Simba in a scared tone as he trembled near his father.
"That's classified kid. Now if you don't mind I'll be leaving before I kill this inconsiderate father of yours." I threaten before stalking out of the area, quickly being drawn back by the scent of another lion, it's ever so subtle but it's there. I follow it and come back to where I was getting attacked, but this is a hidden overview ledge. Sitting on top is a lion who shares a striking resemblance to myself. I silently walk behind him and quickly pounce on top of him. He finds himself pinned in utter confusion, and worry is evident through the features on his face.
"I'm not Mufasa if that's what you're wondering." I state plainly as I get off of him. He turns around and sees me, anger overtaking his eyes.
"You cost me an open chance to kill that little brat today you saboteur!" He growls before lunging at me. I easily dodge his antics, resulting in him falling onto the floor.
"If you plan on killing me, you're going to need a lot more practice." I state before helping him up.
"And why do you want to kill Simba anyways?" I question.
"He is taking away my rightful place as next in line for the throne you could say." He responds dejectedly.
"What's your name, I'm Crow."
"They call me Scar." He replies.
"Are you the one that beat Mufasa in a battle?" He questions.
"That's me." I quickly mutter as I don't like Mufasa.
" .... How would you like to stay here in the pride lands? If you help me in a plan to kill Mufasa we can rule together and combine our prides." Scar explains, noting my obvious fighting capability.
"Why should I join you, my tribe is already unbeatable since I became king, and you wanted to kill your own nephew; you are stupid, why not just make him runaway so you don't have the death of the innocent and future king on your paws?" I voice as I sit down across from Scar on the rock ledge.
"It all depends on if you join me or not, so do we have an agreement?" He questions in a slightly cynical way.
"Possibly ." I reply in a grim tone with a subtle nod.
"I must inform my tribe, I will meet you here tomorrow with my tribe's decision." I say before sprinting across the land and reaching my new home in a matter of minutes. I wait for them to wake up before telling them the offer that has been proposed. I hope they stay, they are my family but if they don't wish to stay I will go with them; I am their leader after all and I must look out for them, not myself like my selfish brother had.
Ch.3 Ch.5
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More Posts from Cannibalcoyote
Woodland Princess Ch.2: The Company

Ch.1 Ch.3
When I arrived within the dining room, one of the dwarves looked like he wanted to attack me. He'd abruptly stood up, nearly charging at me, being held back by two other dwarves.
"Everyone this is Aelsar, she was sent an invite by Gandalf in case you were thinking she was uninvited." Bilbo shakily stated, waiting for a response. He, however, had to rush out of the room when he heard a sharp knock on the door again.
I hope it's Gandalf because he will get me out of a fight with these dwarves, but if he doesn't come someone will end up hurt, and it sure isn't going to be me.
"Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Voiced the two dwarves who'd stopped the other from attacking me. I was about to answer before the dwarf who nearly attacked me pushed the two away, who I quickly noticed were the heirs to the throne of Erebor.
"While it's nice that you want to befriend her, remember she's an elf from that pixie woodland realm led by that traitor who refused to help our kingdom when we needed it most!" Grunted the dwarf at them.
I opened my mouth to say something but the dwarf I would soon know as Dwalin held up his hand as if to silence me.
"Do you really think that your almighty hand could silence me?" I say in a slightly humorous yet deadly tone that seemed to have made him angry.
He threw a fist forward but I quickly dodged it by ducking and threw a punch of my own which tagged him straight in the spot between his eyes. He stumbled back, and nearly fell in surprise to see an elf using her fists, it's an unusual fighting style for elves.
He was, however, caught by an older dwarf who looked at Dwalin as if silently saying "You had it coming."
"Aelsar!" Exclaimed a familiar voice from behind her. I turn and see Gandalf. I ran over to him, grasping him in a tight embrace. He was slightly surprised when he found all the dwarves staring at me as if I was dangerous.
"Might I ask what master Dwalin did that made you punch him?" Questioned Gandalf after noticing that Dwalin had left the dining room and returned with an ice pack in between his eyes. Before I could reply Dwalin spoke.
"She lost her pitiful little temper at a little taunting." Responded Dwalin in a venomous tone.
"That's a lie!" Kili quickly stated after hearing Dwalin's false explanation. All the while I'm just wondering why he feels the need to defend me, after all he is a dwarf like the rest of them who had heard the stories of my people's ill will towards dwarves. I was snapped out of thought as a loud pounding came upon the door.
"He is here." Gandalf spoke in a serious tone. Bilbo left the room to allow the person in while the dwarves cleared the table and cleaned the dishes. Gandalf left to talk with Thorin in another room, I hid in the shadows of their room, listening to their secret conversation.
Ch.1 Ch.3
The Elder Maximoff Ch.7: Seoul

Ch.6 Ch.8
We arrive in Seoul to make Ultron his new body. I shadow travel all of us into her lab so we wouldn't be seen, and then we waited for her to arrive.
It took about 5 minutes after we arrived for her to walk through the door. Ultron quickly says,
"Scream and your entire staff dies." That shut her up real quick. After a few minutes of chatting with her he ordered one of his robots who then stood forward and pushed Loki's scepter against her chest, Her eyes went black and then electrical blue. Ultron brought in the vibranium and Helen got right to work in making an artificial body for Ultron.
Ultron then proceeds to break open the gem in the scepter to then reveal a beautiful glowing gold yellow stone which Ultron then placed in the center of its forehead. Helen then said something about it being a couple of hours for it to be done, but he could now begin the mind downloading process.
As soon as she plugged him into the machine, Wanda and I wanted to understand his mind more since we couldn't see his mind while he was a robot.
We both placed our hands on the cradle, there was nothing but black, then suddenly earth appeared, it was calm. Then an asteroid went speeding towards earth and hit it, causing everyone to be killed in the after wave from it.
I heard Wanda pull her hands away from the cradle quickly and let out a slight cry of distress, but I continued to see what else was in his mind. After the meteorite hit earth the sounds of the millions of innocent people dying could be heard, then silence.
I then saw on earth many metal beings free to take over earth instead. When I released from the cradle Wanda was telling Pietro what she saw and Ultron looked alarmed at her reaction; I looked shocked, anyone could tell.
I stepped back when Ultron tried to reach out to us. I telepathically told Wanda to free Helen of the sceptre's power, seconds later she powered down the cradle.
Ultron sighed in disappointment, but before we could do anything he shot Helen in the chest. Pietro grabbed both of us and ran out of there.
When we got out of there I explained,
"This has gone too far. How about we just forget about this, let's live normal lives. The Avengers will stop Ultron and forget about us sooner or later." Wanda and Pietro both nodded their heads and we set off and disappeared into the crowds of people.
Clint's POV:
Nick has arrived and given us one of his 'get off your asses and do something' speeches. I throw a dart and hit the bullseye spot on, when Bruce said,
"Has anyone seen Helen Cho?"
We hurried out to Seoul, Nat and I chose to stay in the quin-jet while the other went in.
"There, it's a trick from the lab." Nat points out. I relay the coordinates through my com to Cap.
I drop Natasha off on her motorcycle, and give her some quick directions on how to catch up with the truck.
Ch.6 Ch.8
The Elder Maximoff Ch.6: Safe House

Ch.5 Ch.7
"Wanda!" Pietro yelled after he ran out of the ship and saw me holding Wanda's shoulders as she tried to steady herself.
"She's fine, Pietro, but she is a little shocked. I will have to mess with Brucey boy's mind since she is a little too troubled right now." I state as I proceed to shadow travel outside the avengers ship.
I'm next to the Avengers ship in a second and Bruce opens the door after seeing Wanda and Pietro outside. He steps out onto the ramp and I move behind him so he can't go back into the plane.
"Never seen you outside before, only the other guy." I mock in a dark tone. He quickly turns around, surprised that he didn't hear me approach. Before he even has time to respond I shoot a shadow force of black mist into his head and then shadow travel him to the city, while I get to my siblings and Ultron.
Clint's POV:
'Everyone on the team took a hit, especially Natasha. I don't know what the Wanda girl did to her but she will pay for that.' I thought as I flew the quin-jet to the safe house or in other words where my family lives, I hope she doesn't mind me bringing the team home.
I don't understand why these kids would join Ultron, or HYDRA at that point. The twins are confusing but not nearly as confusing as that other girl.
We couldn't find one damn file on her and that is rare for SHIELD. She did say when I electrocuted Wanda that she was her sister but that could've just been a lie, after all you can't put anything below these kids, they're criminals.
"Hey Barton, I want to switch off. It looks like you've got a lot on your mind." Tony says as he walks over to me.
"No thanks Tony, besides we're almost there." I respond in a slightly tired voice.
"Almost where?" Tony questions.
"Safe House." Is all I say and then continue flying.
We've safely landed at a safe house, and stepped inside the house. I see my wife, Laura cleaning the dishes, but the kids are probably upstairs reading or drawing.
Laura turns around and sees me she runs over and hugs me, I can see the team is awkwardly standing with Tony trying to make it seem like she was an agent, so I turn around and introduce them to her.
After my kids came down I introduced them to the team, and my daughter got to see Natasha again, or as she calls her, auntie Nat.
I'm in my room with Laura, I'm putting on a different shirt and explaining to her about the kids we're dealing with as a threat.
"Yeah there are these twins, the male has super speed, while the girl can mess with your mind, they're more like punks really. That need to be taught a lesson."
"And I'm sure you're the one to do that but you need to be careful, in a couple of months we're going to be outnumbered."
"I know and I will be back after this mission, I promise."
Ch.5 Ch.7
Woodland Princess Ch.1: A Journey Begins

My feet ferociously ate up the ground as I silently sprinted from my home under the cover of night, the letter of invitation on a dangerous journey was too good to ignore. I turn my head back slightly as I leave my home of 500 years, my father would never let me go on journey of this danger, especially when most of the company will be dwarves, and my brother would never let me either, his hatred for dwarves running as deep as his will to keep me safe.
The tattered letter gave explicit instructions that I was to be in the shire in 10 days, and knock on the marked door when nightfall occurred. As soon as I got the letter I waited until nightfall, then I silently left my family and my home.
It has been 5 days since I left my home behind me, my father would've for-surely sent guards by the morning after I left, and they must have been searching everywhere in and around our realm, so I must move quickly.
I was nearly to the shire now, my daggers out due to a recent attack by 6 orcs, 2 having wargs; but they were dead within seconds since I was one of the most skilled fighters in all of the woodland realm. The one better fighter was my father, mainly because he has been alive for a little more than 2,000 years.
I arrive at the shire around 7:50pm and look around in an attempt to find the symbol my friend explained he drew on the door. After a while of searching, I finally found the home, and walked up. There is loud, obnoxious laughter being emitted from within, I assume they are from the dwarves. I quickly knock on the door before taking a step back, I hear the lock turn and the door abruptly opens. The hobbit didn't even look up before he practically yelled,
"There are enough dwarves in here as it is!"
I was slightly taken-aback, stepping back, rethinking if he really was not dangerous like the dwarves; but when he looked up, a wave of surprise washed across his features when his view was met by a young blonde silver haired ellith instead of a tough looking dwarf. He quickly stuttered out,
"I'm so sorry, I was expecting another dwarf to barge into my home uninvited." Bilbo states quickly in a slightly humorous tone to try and make me a little less startled by the rude greeting. I smiled slightly, greeting him,
"My name is Aelsar. A pleasure to meet you, I was sent here by Mithrandir or as you know him, Gandalf." I responded.
"I knew it was Gandalf." Bilbo muttered before opening the door allowing me to step in, having to bend down slightly to avail hitting the ceiling. I was led to the kitchen, Bilbo explaining how the dwarves have eaten practically all of his food.
In my head I'm simply thinking, 'Did I get myself in over my head again? I hope this quest goes well, and I hope my father will forgive me for disobeying him.'
The Elder Maximoff Ch.4: Intimidation

Ch.3 Ch.5
"Meet you in the ship Pietro" I said to him before grabbing Wanda and getting ready to travel into the ship via shadow travel.
"You really think you're faster than me?" He questioned in a cocky tone. I simply looked at him.
"I know I'm faster than you." I reply before melting into the shadows with Wanda grasping my arm as I had become a strength for her since our powers are slightly similar.
We reappeared in the hallway outside of Klaus's office, I shrouded the inside of the ship in darkness so no one could see us. I look up to see the blue silver blur of Pietro showing up, disbelief shown on his face.
"Told you I was faster now let's get on with the interrogating." I stated as I pushed open the door, the man looked up at us, he had gun raised and just fired the shot but Pietro quickly took all the bullets out of his gun and lined them up in a neat row and was standing next to us in a split second.
Pietro had his arms crossed as he stared at Klaus with a slightly annoyed yet bored look. Wanda went through the doorway, her eyes flaring red.
"Ah, the enhanced. Strucker's prized pupils." He said smiling as he sat down holding out a bowl of candy.
"Want a candy" he said as he offered it. I shadow traveled behind him, and grabbed three pieces of candy. When he turned around I already reformed between Wanda and Pietro, handing them each a piece while I unwrapped mine and quickly placed it in my mouth. He looked at me in slight surprise. I could tell he wanted to ask who I was but he held his tongue after seeing I was an enhanced well.
"I'm sorry to hear about Strucker," Klaus continued as he put the bowl of candy back down. "but then again he knew what kind of world he was helping create. Human life, not the greatest market." I didn't understand what he was talking about and neither did the twins. Klaus seeing this voiced,
"You didn't know? Is this your first time intimidating someone?" He asked in a rather calm voice." I'm afraid, I'm not that afraid.", Wanda steps forward in front of him and says,
"Everybody's afraid of something."
I ignore the conversation until I see Ultron crash through the window and throw Klaus onto the ground,
"There is no man in charge." He said as he then leaned down, " Let's talk business."
Klaus takes us to a closet or something, and then quickly typed in a code that caused the display to slide down, revealing the vibrancy meaning storage. He gives Ultron the vibranium while rubbing the back of his neck, he's probably uncomfortable seeing as there are three enhanced in the room with a huge robot that can kill a human at any second.
"Upon this rock I will build my church. Vibranium." Ultron tosses the vibranium to Pietro for him to hold.
"You know it came at great personal cost, it's worth billions." Klaus stated as he stared at Ultron. Ultron simply chuckled to himself and paid them through his mind since he is practically every piece of technology there is.
"Now so are you. It's all under your dummy holdings, finance is so weird. But I always say ''keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which." Ultron responded.
Klaus then said "Stark."
The twins looked slightly confused while Ultron said, "What?"
"Stark used to say that to me... You're one of his." continued Klaus.
'Bad move', I thought to myself as I saw a look of rage appear on Ultron's face while he grabbed Klaus's arm and began to heat up his other hand to a dangerous temperature.
"What, I'm not one of Stark's puppets." Wanda uses her magic to hold down Klaus's guard's guns.
"I mean look at me do look like Iron Man, Stark is nothing!" Ultron yelled as he sliced off Klaus's arm. I was about to stop Ultron but was distracted by hearing Iron man's suit.
Ch.3 Ch.5