cc-cobalt-1043 - CC-Cobalt-1043

201 posts



At the Rampart-Fett house Jax, Joey, Daniel and James were sitting together in Jax's room in their pajamas.

They were having a sleepover and were trying to figure out what to do.

"How about a game." Joey suggested.

"Like what?" James asked.

Joey rummaged in his backpack and pulled out a few items.

"How about we play some card games." Joey said pulling out a deck of cards

"Sounds fun." Jax nodded.

Joey nodded and arranged the cards to play a round of sabbac, getting a few stray credits from his backpack to use for the game.

"You wanna play Danny?" Joey asked Daniel who was sitting nearby working on one of his devices.

"No thanks, I'm good." Daniel said putting down the screwdriver in his hand and picking up a pair of plyers.

"What are you working on?" Jax asked.

"I'm making a few alterations to the portable movie player, basically I've not the viewing quality on it has been a bit hazy so I'm trying to improve it." Daniel said.

"You sure you can do it?" Jax said.

"Danny once took apart and reassembled our TV, I think he can this." Joey said confidently.

Daniel smiled and kept working.

Joey arranged the cards and the other three began the game.

They played a few rounds before Rampart and Fives called the group down for dinner.

The four went downstairs and were greeted to four plates stacked high with spaghetti and meatballs.

"Wow, this smells delicious dad." Jax said before tucking in.

"Thank you Jax, I'm happy I didn't let Fives cook it, not after last time." Rampart said giving Fives a look.

"It was only a small fire." Fives said defensively while the kids just laughed.

After dinner the kids began a spirited pillow fight which Rampart and Fives overhead.

They went up and gave the kids looks.

"I can't believe you kids are having a pillow fight." Fives said.

The kids looked at him.

"AND DIDN'T INVITE ME." Fives said joining in making the kids laugh.

Rampart watched the scene unfold.

"Fives, I thought we were going to watch a movie." Rampart said.

A pillow suddenly hit him in the face.

"Oh it's on." Rampart smirked, grabbing a couple of pillows and joining the fray.

After a while Rampart and Fives were worn out and Jax, Joey, Daniel and James were all panting for breath.

"Ok kids, Fives and I are going to watch a movie downstairs, you guys feel free to watch something up here, but try and get to sleep at a decent time alright." Rampart said.

"Ok dad." Jax said.

"Yes Mr Rampart." Joey, Daniel and James nodded.

Rampart and Fives smiled and left the room.

"So what do you guys want to watch?" Jax asked.

They all talked for a few minutes before managing to pick a movie.

Daniel put it in the dvd player and the kids were all surprised at how clear it was.

"Wow, the quality is so good." Jax said surprised.

"I told you Danny could do it." Joey replied giving Daniel a playful punch on the elbow.

Daniel just grinned.

Later that night Rampart and Fives found all the kids asleep and tucked them in before going to bed themselves.

  • gun-roswell
    gun-roswell liked this · 5 months ago
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    betacrfiftyseven liked this · 5 months ago

More Posts from Cc-cobalt-1043

5 months ago

Crosshair's Birthday:

Crosshair: one day we shall all grow old, our hair will go grey, our faces shall become wrinkled and one day all the air will leave our bodies, and we will die

The bad batch:

Jiag squad:

Domino squad:


Hunter: I only asked you if you wanted to cut the first slice of your birthday cake

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5 months ago

If Tom dies in Sonic 3 Paramount gonna be looking like this:

If Tom Dies In Sonic 3 Paramount Gonna Be Looking Like This:

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5 months ago

Dadpart X Fives Incorrect Quotes:

Don't know where the hell this came from but I'm addicted

Rampart: *working as a Barista* what coffee would you like

Fives: *absolutely exhausted after working 2 solid shifts at the police station* strong and black like my soul

Rampart: Fives, your soul is a latte


Rampart: pray for Fives

Echo: is he alright? What happened?

Rampart: nothing, he's just stupid


*Rampart and Fives listening in on Jax*

Jax: god bless dad, god bless Fives, god bless Sami and Eva, and please lord kill the little kriffer who bullied Eva

*Rampart and Fives rush in*

Jax: it's him or me lord

Rampart: you can't ask God to kill someone

Fives: yeah, do your own dirty work


Rampart: This is the worst thing you've ever done

Fives: you say that so much it's lost all meaning


Echo: you think Fives is up to something

Rampart: that annoying husband of mine is always up to something


Rampart: *sees someone doing something dumb* what an idiot

*realises it's Fives*



Fives: I'm sorry, I love you, I'm an idiot

Rampart: I accept your apology

Rampart: but I agree with the idiot thing


Rampart: you piss me off so much

Fives: all I said was hello

Rampart: and here I am boiling with rage


Rampart: *Rolling down his car window* what seems to be the problem officer

Fives: you look too kriffing hot with that beard


Fives: I swear on my life

Rampart: I've seen your life, swear on something else

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5 months ago

They've never done a good job with showing us reactions to deaths we never got to see the 501st mourn Hardcase, never got to see Echo be told about Fives' death and this too, they barely even mentioned Tech at all.

It's things like this that make you wonder why they bother building up characters just to kill them

I try not to think too much about Phee in Season 3 because, simply put, it's frustrating and upsetting.

We are led to believe she's not helping Hunter and Wrecker find Omega or Tantiss, at all. Nothing. Zilch. Despite her wealth of knowledge and connections.

She is seldom if ever on Pabu despite it being the second most common narrative locale in S3 (right behind Tantiss). Except that was the best way for the Empire to find it, apparently!

Her first interaction with Omega we get to see isn't a joyous reunion it's an 'oh hi kid'.

She apparently didn't confront Cid over betraying the Batch. No one did, actually!


Yeah. I don't know what happened here but it was bad.

5 months ago

The day we found you (a bad batch modern au)

A Fateful Meeting:


Hunter: 10

Wrecker: 9 1/2

Crosshair: 9

Cobalt: 8

Tech: 6

99: 45

Trix: 11

Echo and Fives: 10

The five brothers all relaxed visibly as the train pulled out of the station.

"Man, I'm so glad we're out of there." Wrecker said.

"You're telling me." Hunter nodded.

"Ok, I can't believe it's taken me this long to realise this but what pray tell do we do when we arrive at the station." Crosshair said.

"We need to find somewhere to lay low, where she can't find us." Hunter said.

"I'm sure we'll find somewhere, but we should try and relax, we have a few hours we need to disembark." Tech said.

"He's right, we should probably eat, personally I'm starving." Hunter said.

The others nodded in agreement and pulled the food from their bags and tucked in.

After a bit they'd finished and the leftovers were packed away in their bags.

Cobalt was on his way to the bathroom when he accidentally collided with someone.

"Sorry." A boy a few years older than him apologised.

"Sorry wasn't watching where I was going." Cobalt said.

"It's alright..." The boy said holding out a hand.

"Cobalt." Cobalt said accepting the hand.

"My names' Trix, nice to meet you Cobalt." The boy said.

"Nice to meet you too." Cobalt said.

"Look after yourself." Trix smiled before walking off.

Cobalt smiled before heading to the bathroom.

Trix went over to where his adopted father 99 and his younger twin brothers Echo and Fives were sitting.

"Everything okay Trix?" 99 asked as his eldest son sat down.

"Yeah, just bumped into someone on my way back." Trix nodded.

"Who?" Fives asked looking up from the tablet he was playing on.

"No one special, just some kid, one of the five over there." Trix said.

99 couldn't help his curiosity and saw Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair and Tech sitting together.

"Where do you think their parents are?" Echo asked.

"I don't know Echo, I didn't see anyone who looked like their parents." Trix said

"Weird, they look younger than us." Fives said.

"Yeah, who'd let them ride the train by themselves, at this time of night too." Echo said.

99 was silent, thinking everything over in his head.

A few hours later the train pulled into the station.

99, Trix and the twins made their way through the hustle and bustle of the station and managed to get outside.

99 was checking over Trix and the twins when he notices something

Those five boys Trix had mentioned were standing together, 99 kept an eye on them for a few minutes but no one appeared to collect them, in fact no one seemed interested in them whatsoever.

Unable to bear the sight anymore 99 went over, the kids following.

He approached the five boys who looked up at him nervously.

"Are you boys alright?" 99 asked.

"umm yeah, we're just waiting for our...mother." Hunter lied.

"Is she nearby, young boys like you all shouldn't be out here by yourselves, especially at this time of night." 99 said.

"She should be close by, but we can't see her." Wrecker said eyes darting around looking for a possible escape route.

"Well how about you all come over to my house and get some rest, and I'll try and call your mother so she can collect you." 99 offered.

Hunter shook his head.

"We may be kids but we know not to go off with strangers." He said.

Echo spoke up.

"99 is a good man you guys, you can trust him." He said.

The five looked at them skeptically before huddling together and having a muttered conversation.

"Do you really think we can trust him?" Crosshair asked the others.

"I dunno, he seems okay to me." Cobalt said.

"I think we can trust him." Wrecker said.

"Wrecker, we don't know him." Hunter said.

"We don't know anyone here Hunter, but I read him, he's not like mother." Wrecker said.

"He's a stranger Wrecker." Crosshair hissed.

"Again I know, but whenever we sneak those movies when she's out I'm always the one judging the characters, seeing them for who they are, and I'm never wrong am I?" Wrecker asked.

"No." Hunter shook his head.

"This guy, we can trust him." Wrecker said.

"I'll take your word on it." Hunter nodded.

The five looked up at 99 nodding.

"Okay Mister, we trust you." Hunter said.

"Alright, my name is 99, this is Trix, Fives and Echo." 99 said introducing his kid.

"I'm Hunter, this is Wrecker, Crosshair, Cobalt and Tech." Hunter said introducing the others who each waved shyly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you boys, now come on, it's been a long day and I'm sure you must all be exhausted." 99 said.

"You got that right." Wrecker said stifling an almighty yawn behind his hand.

99 just smiled and led the boys along.

The walk was mostly silent aside from the occasional yawn from either Trix, the twins or the five boys with them.

99 was certainly curious about this kids, he had never seen them around town before and he certainly hadn't missed the muttered conversation they'd had before agreeing to follow him...he just couldn't help the feeling that they were running from something, but what.

They soon got to the house, a modest 4 bedroom house but the way the boys looked at it, it was like a mansion.

"Wow, you live here." Wrecker said in awe.

"Yes I do, it's not much, but it's home." 99 said.

"It's lovely." Wrecker said, the other four nodding in agreement.

"Thank you Wrecker." 99 said opening the door and allowing the boys to troop in.

Echo switched the lights on and even Crosshair was in awe at how cosy the house looked.

"Wow, this is cosy." Crosshair said blushing slightly in embarrassment at having saying that out loud.

"Thank you Crosshair." 99 smiled.

A very loud yawn from Cobalt made 99 chuckle.

"Ok everyone, time for bed, you five may as well get some sleep too while we wait for your mother, do you have pajamas?" 99 asked.

The boys shook their heads.

"That's alright, could you three lend them some Pj's?" 99 asked.

Trix and the twins nodded leading the other boys upstairs.

99 pulled out the phone book and looked through the names trying to find the surname Hunter had mentioned to him although for some reason he couldn't find it.

After the boys had changed into pajamas 99 set up some sleeping bags for the boys, Trix sharing his room with Cobalt and Wrecker, Fives sharing his room with Hunter and Crosshair and Echo sharing his with Tech.

99 tucked in each of the boys and changed into his own pajamas.

After searching for a while longer and finding nothing he decided to head to bed himself.

On his way he checked on each of the boys and they were all sleeping peacefully.

99 then headed to bed himself.

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