cervenakoviny - Červenákoviny

Fan tvorba, zamyslenia, humor, súvisiaca história a mýty, aj hocičo ďalšie, čo sa zamanie...

208 posts

[Po Tom, O Barbari Odhal Pred Grfkou Plffyovou, E Ferrari Nadbiehal Verone]

[Po tom, čo Barbarič odhalí pred grófkou Pálffyovou, že Ferrari nadbiehal Verone]

Katarína Pálffyová: Možno ťa to šokuje, ale ľudia väčšinou nemajú radosť, keď im niekto klame.

Giuseppe Ferrari: Nesprávne. Ľudia nemajú radosť, keď zistia, že im niekto klamal. Pretože lož je skvelý príbeh, ktorý niekto pokazil pravdou.

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More Posts from Cervenakoviny

9 months ago


Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your

"comes back wrong", what a hot trope. incredibly sexy.

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9 months ago

Hey, what about actual research papers and monographies? They tend to be more about slavic in general or eastern area, but you can come across specifically western topics. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305440321000030?fbclid=IwAR03XfY2LE7EwlrjaD2rY1YGyhxNgfetmfFXRJb6qp_p-UzYweR2NovR79k Don't underestimate archeology. Nor linguistics and comparative methods. Also if you know slovak language... Lumyd is nice popularization web - https://lumyd.eu/

Which makes me wonder how much of local research and publishing gets translated for people abroad...

your options for trying to read anything about prechristian (western) slavic culture really are like

wikipedia (only vaguely sourced)

a website that's antivax modern "witches" at best, fascist conspiracy theorists at worst

texts from the 1800s/1900s heavily influenced by panslavism and conflating russian culture with all other slavs

source: trust me bro (ranging anywhere from baby name websites, lifestyle blogs, or chronicles by medieval monks who filled in the blanks in sources by simply making shit up)

9 months ago
Milada A Jej Sokol Pierko Zo Sre ErnokankAutor - Martin "Cuco" Luciak

Milada a jej sokol Pierko zo sére Černokňažník Autor - Martin "Cuco" Luciak

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9 months ago

Magdaléna: Usmíváš se. Co se přihodilo?

Joachim Stein: Copak se nemohu usmívat jen tak?

Bohdan Jaroš: Notář před chvíli zakopl a spadnul ze schodů.

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