Happy Valentines Day To All My Fellow Aromantics Out There!!!!
Happy valentines day to all my fellow aromantics out there!!!!
Love isn't what makes us human
Romantic attraction isn't necessary to be a complete person
And most importantly: if you can eat chocolate it's going to be on sale soon
Have a bitchin' romance-free valentines day!!
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More Posts from Chaos-from-basil
Polyamorous relationships are not for everyone. Monogamous relationships are not for everyone. Romantic relationships are not for everyone!!! We are all different people with different needs, maybe just stop trying to condense the human experience into a homogenous gray monolith!!! aaaaaaaa
I took a test online once
To see if I was the Soldier
The Poet
Or the King
It told me I was the King
I always thought I’d be the poet
I think all kings long to be poets
In the same way that all eldest daughters long to just be children
Why bury your pain for the sake of others when you can turn it into art
Why raise children you didn’t make
But just like the test said
“The sword is at your side”
“It bore your name long before you did”
I never asked it to bear my name
I want to be free of it
But we all want what we are not meant to be
“You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs.” -@atlanticsea
affirmations for the week i am allowed to hate valentines day i am allowed to hate amatonormativity i am allowed to be angry i am loveless and proud of it
Valentine’s day is NOT a day for lovers, couples, or people in relationships. Valentine’s day is exclusively for elementary school students who each buy their entire class cute little cards with cartoon characters on them, messily scrawl their classmates names there as an act of love, and give them a tiny little candy packet.
that is the height of the holiday.
Maybe the real Minecraft Tumblr sexy man is vanilla extract. Ever think of that?