Jesus isn't white. Homura did nothing wrong. Lady Bone Demon is a queen. Shadowpeach is weird. Black Lives Matter. Anyone who ships Stiles with Peter or Derek is sick and twisted. KyouHomu is the best Madoka Magica ship. You're beautiful. Monster High Gen 3 is hot garbage. People who talk in TikTok language do not interact. Side Eye my foot up your behind. Do not tell me I am not funny. I alone decide what is funny. These are not opinions. These are facts. You're Welcome.
26 posts
Just Joined Tumblr And My First Statement Is This.
Just Joined Tumblr and my first statement is this.
Lady Bone Demon is, effectively, the best character in Lego Monkie Kid, and, effectively, no one will ever convince me otherwise.

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More Posts from Clownqueenofprom
Macaque: Lady Bone Demon gave me a “get better soon” card.”
Azure Lion: That’s sweet of her!
Macaque: I wasn’t sick. She just thinks I can do better.
The End
No these beginnings will never have anything to do with the story. Except for this one i guess
Did you know that The Lady Bone Demon never actually lies? Well, that was a fun idea to play with for the third installment of the “Everything is exactly the same but The Lady Bone Demon destroys everyone with facts and logic”!

As Xiaotian scanned his surroundings, he also made time to wipe his forehead free of sweat.
The Spider Queen’s lair was unsurprisingly hot, as it was kind of a sewer. All he needed to do was find Pigsy his precious sign and get out of there.
The thought was all so simple- until an eerie, cold breeze brushed by his ear.
His head immediately perked up, a shiver grazing the hair on his arms and neck, searching for the source.
Lo and behold- walking by him with the grace of an ancient empress and the footsteps of a shadow was a young girl- dressed in traditional clothing, and ignoring him in full.
It took a moment for him to understand what had just happened, and as soon as he did, the time he took wiping off his sweat became useless as he stumbled after her.
“H-Hey!” He called, tripping over himself and his words as he attempted to keep up with the dark-haired girl. “Wait up!”
For a person with such short legs, she walked incredibly fast.
She cleanly ignored his request, as if she didn’t hear him at all. Instead, she continued on her merry way. She certainly seemed to be fine, but Xiaotian still didn’t feel right about leaving a kid unattended in a sewer that housed murderous spider demons.
“Kid!” He yelled after her, only to be ignored again. He scrambled to catch up to her, but only managed to do so when she suddenly stopped.
He awkwardly ran up after her, resting his hands on his knees as he painted heavily from the exhausting run. If not for the bizarre chill that seemed to follow the girl, he would have passed out from the heat by now.
“How…” he heaved, “Are you so…. FAST!?”
Again, she said nothing, stepping forward a few steps to gaze ahead of her.
He looked up, following her gaze. A gasp escaped his throat, but even he wasn’t sure what it was out of- horror? Or something as simple as surprise?
In front of him was a large golden chain tree, but carved or otherwise into the wood was a very real, very humanoid skeleton, with a ringlet hanging loosely on the skull that looked dangerously similar to the Monkey King’s cursed crown.
There were bright red Spider Lilies creeping out of the eye sockets, as if imitating blood red eyes.
He stumbled back at the sight of the enormous tree, which certainly had not been there the last several times he’d been to Spider Queen’s lair.
“W-what is this?” He asked no one in particular as he caught himself to keep from falling out of shock, the very sight of the tree haunting him.
He didn’t necessarily expect a response from the girl- only to find that for the first time, he received one.
“This is the end,” she said, tilting her head full of dark hair upwards, as if to admire the tree, before repeating the action, this time to the side. “And the beginning.”
She turned back to him, innocent dark eyes that didn’t at all fit her hardened expression observing him with intrigue. “Did he not tell you that?”
A shiver ran up his spine, making the hair on his neck stand on end at not just her words, but merely the sound of her voice.
“H-He…?” He managed to choke out. “Who… who’s he…?”
A smirk that befit a demoness of some kind graced the young girl’s delicate features. She turned back to look at the tree. “Why, him, of course.”
Xiaotian’s heart trembled in his body.
The first person that came to mind when he saw the insidious tree called both the end and the beginning was for certain his currently M.I.A master and teacher- but what could this child (or this tree, for that matter) possibly have to do with the Monkey King?
“So you really know nothing?” She hummed, tracing the trunk of the tree. “How unfortunate.”
Xiaotian took a cautious step back, holding his staff in front of him defensively as she turned around fully to face him, a placid, cool as ice smile on her face.
If Xiaotian didn’t know any better, he’d say that her eyes were aglow with an eerie blue.
“What…” he trailed off, before focusing on the girl intensively. Just like Monkey King taught you, he thinks. “What do you mean, the end?”
She expression changes only a little, with her eyes narrowing as she chuckles a little.
“Do you seek to ensure I cause no harm to any people, young Prince?” She said with a slight hum. “But can you save people from themselves?”
“What are you talking about it?” He knots his eyes together, before dropping low into a defensive position. “Who are you?”
“If you want to know,” Her eyes are aglow with a dangerous glint as she turns to her side, hands folded behind her back. “Come and find me.”
With her final dare, she turns away once more, walking straight through the tree. It dissipates as she walks through, revealing it to be an illusion- but once the tree is nothing but blue, glowing ashes lingering in the air, she is nowhere to be found.
The empty torches that had seemingly been untouched for years suddenly alit, blue fire illuminating a path in the darkness.
Whispers followed him as he silently creeped forward, following the blue torchlight into the totally-not-creepy-at-all tunnel.
“Dark clouds crowding heaven,” he heard, “Consume all that dares glow,” another voice trailed along the wall. “Bleed into the sky,”
“And let your shadow grow.”
It got to the point where he resorted to holding the staff in the crook of his arm as he covered his ears, not wanting to hear another word.
Finally, he was back into what he’d begun calling the “common room” of Spider Queen’s lair. He gasped momentarily, searching the room for any sign of the spider demons, but they were nowhere to be found.
Instead, there was only the same strange girl, staring up at a large… diagram, of sorts. It depicted a large mech the likes of which he’d never seen. He pointed his staff at her back.
“Well?” She asked, as if already having had sensed his presence. “Is the would-be hero going to attack me or not? I await your attempt.”
Pushing off on his right foot with an empowering yell, he heeded her request, brandishing his staff.
Before he could get any closer to hitting her, she vanished from view, teleporting it seemed, out of his way. Instead, his staff was dangerously close to hitting some sort of mirror instead.
His reflection in the mirror flipped through many different perspectives, but all told him the same thing, and all looked utterly terrified.
“Stop- don’t- RUN- What are you doing!?” They all seemed to be pulling out their hair, and Xiaotian quickly stumbled back, backing away from the mirror- or rather…?
“Hold on,” he whispered. “This is the trigram furnace! What is this doing here?”
To be fair, he did kind of forget about it in the whole spider demon… ordeal. He forced himself to focus. This was no time to fool around. “Trust you instincts,” he muttered to himself, blinking on his gold vision.
He turned to face the girl.
And what he saw was anything but.
An Unnecessary Evil
Why are girls allowed to say girlfriend to refer to a platonic friend but boys can't say "this is my boytoy Twink male wife Jason?
another part of the Au “where everything is exactly the same but Lady Bone Demon destroys everyone with facts and logic”

“You’ve been busy.”
Appearing strong when weak was, what Macaque considered a key component when in a bad spot. His “brothers” always considered him the most cowardly among them. Usually, he would roll his eyes and snark that he was rather the most intelligent- able to keep a cool head. He’d need it.
“Tell me,” The Lady’s voice was boundlessly more undone- calm, yet accompanied by a second presence that echoed her words aloud. “What madness overcame you that you would forsake your oath?” She asked, the pitch of her tone dropped.
“When did you decide to betray me?”
The answer to that question was certainly nothing that the bone witch wanted to hear- that he had not a moment of hesitation in tossing her key to the side, not ever any intention of freeing her in the first place. What was he supposed to say? That it didn’t count because he crossed his fingers?
“Listen, Lady Bone Demo-” He started, with a casual tone and a smile laced with nonexistent nonchalance, but The Lady was in no mood to hear whatever seat-of-his-pants lie he was planning to give her.
Sharply, her eyes flickered open, a blue gleam enforcing her stony glare as the winds pushed him back. He had to cover his face, anchoring his foot down to the ground so that he wouldn’t be pushed back by the sheer force.
“Have you forgotten who I am?” Her voice was louder now, and clearer, no longer accompanied by the eerie whispering. “What I am?”
He clenched his teeth at the sound of her voice splitting into many at the last sentence, each one ringing in his six ears.
“Were my instructions, perhaps, unclear to you, Liu’er?” At the mention of his traditional name, he felt similar to a child who’s parent who just called them downstairs with their full name. A fight-or-flight instinct within him begged him to inch away into the shadows, but he knew all too well how that would end.
“Did I cause you pain during your resurrection? Or perhaps, you felt yourself above a task so unbelievably simple as freeing me from my prison tomb,” She said, staring down at him, before vanishing in a blur of blue, before reappearing in front of him, mere inches away from his face just as quickly. “In exchange for something so unbelievably meager as your soul!?”
Again, her voice seemed to contort, and this time, he really did step back, trying to get as far away from her as he could. He stumbled backwards, bumping into the chest of the lady’s puppet, who sent him a wide, unnerving smile that reminded Macaque of a young child amused at a sibling or classmate getting in trouble.
He placed his hand on Macaque’s back, shoving him forward with surprising strength. The wind was knocked out of him for a moment, but he mustered a confident smirk, looking up at the bone demon, who stood before him, arms folded behind her back.
“So…” He said, a conscious effort going into keeping his voice steady, “You want something.”
“From you? No.” The lady said tersely, eyes cooling back into her host’s deep brown ones as she turned away. “There is nothing I have to gain from the presence of someone who is unable to insert a key into a keyhole.”
With her back turned, a white circle opened up beneath Macaque, chains in her signature blue color shooting out of it to entangle his limbs, dragging him inside. “Wait!” He huffed, yanking on the bindings, trying to stay afloat. “So you’re just going to kill me because I didn’t open your stupid cage!? You dragged me all the way out here so that you could get even!?”
The puppet lunged forward, grabbing Macaque by the hair and holding him down, smile wide with giddy anticipation of Macaque’s imposing death (the strange fellow didn’t seem to like him very much). The Lady turned her head, eyes narrow.
“Even?” She echoed, before her lips quirked upwards into a smile, and her brows creased before she let out a shrill laugh.
“If I wanted vengeance, my champion, then I wouldn’t grant you a painless death such as this.” She flickered out of view again, appearing in front of him as she crouched down to meet his eyes, a cold smile decorating the soft features of the child she was possessing- an eerie contrast.
“I would shrink you,” She said, holding her fingers close together to intimate being tiny.
“And find a nice jar to leave you trapped in for a few centuries. I’ll even find a nice blanket in the color of your choice to make sure you never get to look at the face of another sentient being. With that being the alternative, ask yourself,” She leaned down. “Wouldn’t you rather die?”
His lips parted in mild horror- but only for a moment as she leaned away from him. He struggled against the puppet, thrashing about, as if that would save him. “Wait, what do you want!?” He yelled. “I can find Wukong, and his brat too!”
She stood, turning away. “Goodbye, Six-Eared Macaque.” She said coolly. “Your magic will be going towards an excellent cause. You will be much happier in your next life.”
Macaque released a grunt of distress at her retreating form. Was that supposed to reassure him or something?
“Wait!” He yelled, disliking the frantic tone. Was he really about to die? “Damn it, Baigujing, listen for once!” After that, it was silent for a moment. The pull of the chains seemed to ease on his limbs, and the thrall was no longer shoving his head into the pit of doom.
“…You may speak.” She said tiredly, probably of him and his refusal to die with dignity, and baffled with the audacity he had to use her traditional name like they were old chums. “Do be quick about it. I do not have all day to listen to your pointless excuses.”
“Why do you think I didn’t free you? Probably because you never make room for reason in all your crazy ramblings about destiny,” He sneered.
Maybe insults weren’t his best option, but in Lady Bone Demon’s actions, there was always method to her madness. Maybe he could find some way to compromise if he could just get through to her, he could at least get out of this Scott-free.
“Is that so?” She hummed, turning her head to look away. “I suppose you would feel that way. I understand why many try and fight destiny- it is oftentimes cruel. What I do not understand why they fight the only solution to that problem.”
“The only solution is destroying the world?” He snapped. His voice came out a lot less “understanding” than he intended. We’re his acting skills slipping? She chuckled.
“And I suppose you’d prefer I leave it to it’s devices?” She mused. “That I allow war, famine, and crime to endlessly continue when I have the power to stop it all?”
“So you’re a Good Samaritan now? Let me guess, taking over this city was a necessary evil?” He mocked her aristocratic manner of speaking, able to rise to his feet again, as the chains had gone limp.
“Quite correct,” The Lady said, a hint of amusement in her tone. “And you, Six-Eared Macaque? Was destroying this city to get to Sun Wukong a necessary evil?”
He stopped, eyes knitting together at the question. “How do you…”
“My servant made it a point to update me on current events worldwide upon being freed from my tomb.” She answered quickly. He couldn’t see her, but he knew she was smiling.
“Don’t tell me the cat has your tongue now, Liu’er. What happened to all your newfound self-righteousness from before?”
He grit his teeth. “So, I’m not the crème de la crème of purity and goodness.” He said, fists clenched tight enough to draw blood. “You certainly aren’t any better than me. You’re the one who brought me back to life.”
She lightly laughed, and Macaque grew angrier by the second. She was still going to kill him after this, wasn’t she? He needed to get the upper hand, but…
“You’re quite quick to blame others, I notice. I presume that is also my fault that my little host was orphaned in that attack of yours?”
Macaque’s eyes widened. What? “What…?” He repeated his thoughts aloud, no louder than a whisper, but it didn’t go unheard by The Lady.
“I wasn’t trying to…” He trailed off. “But you did.” The Lady finished for him, titling her head upwards as she sighed. “I’ve seen selfishness and hatred far more intense than yours, Six-Eared Macaque.” The wicked amusement she had garnered earlier had faded. She turned to look at him, finally.
Her eyes seemed far too tired, and filled with far too much anger to be on the face of a little girl.
Her tone was cool as she looked above him, at the night sky. “But it will all be over soon.”
For a moment, all was quiet.
“Why’d you pick me?” He asked, after a moment. The Lady, seemingly brought back down to earth, hummed in question. “Anyone could have opened your tomb. But you went out of her way to pluck my soul out of the Diyu, specifically. Why?”
The Lady’s expression morphed into one of annoyance. “You’re only wondering this now?” She asked crossly. His expression didn’t change.
“I had decided not to tell you what I had planned to happen to you in your next life, but I suppose, if it will give you closure,” She hummed. “I can answer your last question.”
She’s really set on killing me… He thought wearily.
“There is one person who exists in this world who, with certainty, will not exist in the new one. Do you know to whom I am referring?”
“Wukong. Right,” Macaque answered. “Yes,” The Bone Lady sighed, closing her eyes. “But in the absence of the Great Sage, there will be a void that will need to be filled.” She spat the words “Great Sage” out as if a worm she’d found in an apple. (He understood finding the title obnoxious. Great Sage, Equal to Heaven? Give me a break.)
A void? Macaque thought for a moment. As in, an empty space that would need to be filled- someone to replace Wukong as the monkey king. MK? But…
Macaque’s head shot up. “You mean-!?” The Lady cut him off with a smile. “Interested now, are we?”
The next thing he knew, the chains were gone.
Azure Lion: Honestly, why are the people of today are so obsessed with this “top” or “bottom” thing? Why can’t they just be appreciative of the fact that they have a bunk bed?
Lady Bone Demon:
Macaque: I’m gonna tell him.
Lady Bone Demon: Don’t you dare.
Azure Lion: It’s impossible to make a sentence without the letter “a”.
Lady Bone Demon: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form sentences without the use of the first letter of the English lexicon. Here is one more to further disprove your theory.
Macaque: F**k you.